503 RNFR command not understood - ftp

I'm using a (cheap branded) local media station as an FTP server and I'm using FIleZilla to transfer files to it.
When I try to move or rename a file located on the media station, I'm getting
Command: RNFR [filename]
Response: 503 Command not understood.
I don't know whether this is because of an old or corrupted FTP version (it's a device older than 5 years and I think there are no updates available).
Is there an alternative to perform FTP rename or move commands?

Is there an alternative to perform FTP rename or move commands?
If you have telnet or SSH access to the machine you could do the renaming their. If not you might try to use the FTP SITE command with "mv from-name to-name". But I doubt that the server will support this if it does not even support the standard way of FTP to rename files.
Apart from that the only alternative is probably to download the file, remove it on the server and upload it again with a different name.


FTP - automatically rename/move file on FTP server when it's downloaded

I need to make a script for an FTP server that will detect when a file is downloaded and then either rename or move or delete that file to prevent it from being re-downloaded. Is there a way to do this by storing a file on the FTP server that will always be looking for when a file is downloaded, and then executing that process? I assume it could be done with a bash script, but I dont know enough about them to know if it can be constantly running/checking for if a file is downloaded.

Transfer file in Secure Shell

I use Secure Shell as a Chrome extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/secure-shell/pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo?hl=da)
Now I have finished some programming and I need the file on my computer.
How can I transfer the file to my computer? Can I send it by email or something?
I have tried yanking all the lines in vim, but I still don't get it copied to my windows clipboard.
One entertaining (and moderately ridiculous) approach would be sprunge.
Run this on the remote machine:
cat myFile | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us
And then visit the URL it prints on your local machine. :D
I presume that you are using Windows OS and trying to download your file from a Linux like OS.
You use MobaXterm and it comes with a file transfer features.
On a CLI you can use "scp" to download and upload.
Another one is you can also use FileZilla using SFTP protocol

FTP backup script with hard links using

Usually I use rsync based backup.
But now I have to make backup script from Windows server to linux.
So, there is no rsync - only FTP.
I like ideas of hard links using to save disk space and incremental backup to minimize traffic.
Is there any similar backup script for ftp instead of rsync?
I need to backup Windows server through FTP. Backup script executes at Linux backup server.
I found this useful script to backup through FTP with hard links and incremental feature.
Note for Ubuntu users: there is no md5 command in Ubuntu. Use md5sum instead.
# filehash1="$(md5 -q "$curfile"".gz")"
# filehash2="$(md5 -q "$mysqltmpfile")"
filehash1="$(md5sum "$curfile"".gz" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
filehash2="$(md5sum "$mysqltmpfile" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
Edit, since the setup was not clear enough for me from the original question.
Based on the update of the question the situation is, that you need to pull the data on the backup server from the windows system via ftp. In this case you could adapt the script you find yourself (see comment) or use a similar idea like:
Use cp -lr to clone the previous backup with hard links.
Use lftp --mirror to overwrite this copy with anything which got updated on the remote system.
But I assumed initially that you need to push the data from the windows system to the backup server, that is the FTP server is on the backup system. This case can not handled this way (original answer follows):
Since FTP has no idea of links at all any transfers will only result in new or overwritten files. The only way would be to using the SITE command to issue site specific commands and deal this way with hard links. But site specific commands are usually restricted heavily so that you can do something like change permissions but not do anything with hard links.
And even if you could support hard links with SITE you have to implement the logic which decides when to use such links. With rsync this logic is built into the rsync server and executed on the server site. With FTP you have to built all the logic at the client site, which means that you would have to download a file to compare it with a local file and then decide if you would need to upload the new file or if a hard link to an existing file could be used.

In FTP, how do I copy a remote file to other directories

Using FTP commands I want to upload a large file once and then copy that file to many directories on the remote FTP server. All the copy commands seems to relate to copying from local to remote or the other way around.
Is there an FTP command to copy remote to remote?
are you trying to move the file? if yes, you can do it using rename command to move the file, as for copy i guess you still have to do the the get,send from local-remote way.
as for move command should be something like this
rename /oldpath/file2move.txt /newpath/file2move.txt
Basically just rename your file path that is infront of the file that you wish to move.
As far as I know, there is no such command available in FTP protocol. There are some extensions to SFTP protocol to do this (and, having SSH access, you can issue cp commands), but SFTP is not an FTP.

How to use GREP in FTP client where Destination Machine is Unix based

How to use GREP in FTP client where Destination Machine is Unix based?
I want to find files containing specific string amoung all files but i can not initiate telnet session. I can only initiate FTP session and needed to find files/string in various folders & subfolders. Kindly help.
grep is not part of the standard ftp commands. I'm afraid you'll have to make do with ls. As far as I know it doesn't support searching through subfolders though. See this thread for another client.
