bash script "ignores" .vimrc - bash

I have a problem as follows:
I have a script which copies a log file from remote machine, does some modification on it and then opens it in vim, problem is vim doesn't auto recognize the file type (which outside of the script id does) – I need this for coloring the log.
Script as follows:
/usr/bin/rcp$node:/output/LocalLog_IPNode$node.log /export/home/fpd/tmp/tmp_local_log
chmod 777 /export/home/fpd/tmp/tmp_local_log/*
sed -i 's/[A-Z]\{4,8\}.*[oigus][kbdct][sel]\//---/g' /export/home/fpd/tmp/tmp_local_log/LocalLog_IPNode$node.log
vi /export/home/fpd/tmp/tmp_local_log/LocalLog_IPNode$node.log
My .vimrc:
au BufNewFile,BufReadPost LocalLog* set filetype=local_log
Note that the files opens in vim (if it helps the manual command ":set syntax=local_log" doesn't work either).
After exiting the script and manually opening the log everything works fine =(

Your problem is that the autocommand option is only availaible in vim and not vi.
So if this is available on your system, you should replace the last command line by :
vim /export/home/fpd/tmp/tmp_local_log/LocalLog_IPNode$node.log
Vim stands for "Vi Improved" and many options are only available in the latter.
To be sure you can do:
:help autocommand
It is always mentioned if the feature is vi or vim compatible.


Vi syntax-highlighting after executing vi within bash script

I created this Stackoverflow account only for asking this question:
Is there a way to tell Vi to do syntax-highlighting when executing it from within a script like this:
vi /path/to/
I was trying things like this and other stuff like sudo su - in order to reset the environment, but nothing worked..
Any chance a to make it work(preferably without editing the .vimrc)?
Thanks :)
You can run a command when you launch vi after the file is loaded:
vi -c "syntax on" /path/to/
That should turn on syntax highlighting
On most Unix systems, vi is not vi itself, but a symlink to /etc/alternatives/vi, which itself is a symlink to a vi-alike editor. You can find out which editor that is with the command
ls -l /etc/alternatives/vi.
Fabio Almeida clearly has vim, which has syntax highlighting, but you might have an editor like nvi, which doesn't. To use it, you would have to install a different editor (like vim).

How to start emacs from the terminal with an emacs command that runs soon after emacs is opened

Is there a way to launch Emacs from terminal and execute some Emacs command automatically soon after Emacs is launched (the command to be executed inside of emacs is provided along with the Emacs-launching command executed from the shell.)
What I want to do exactly is to have a command to launch Emacs and then open a new empty buffer and activate org mode inside of this buffer.
I want something that might look like this
emacs -fs --command="evil-buffer-new && org-mode"
I want the -fs flag because I want Emacs to open in full-screen in this case.
--eval flag didn't work. Forget about evil-buffer-new, I have tried something as simple as:
emacs --eval="(org-mode)" txt.txt
txt.txt is an empty text file created before executing the above command (and please don't ask me why I didn't use .org file extension).
after Emacs opened, org-mode wasn't active. I had to run pp-eval-expression then (org-mode) to activate it, and then it worked.
Am I missing something here? How about rephrasing the question like this:
How to open an empty text file (having .txt file extension) with Emacs from the terminal and have org-mode activated in that buffer automatically?
See C-hig (emacs)Action Arguments or even just run emacs --help -- there are several options for loading and evaluating arbitrary code.
--command="evil-buffer-new && org-mode"
More like:
--eval="(progn (evil-buffer-new) (org-mode))"
But you'll have to figure it out for yourself, because I don't know what evil-buffer-new is specifically.
You told an empty file is created before emacs is started. But instead of an empty file could you create a file with file-local mode variable specifying the org mode ? For example with bash:
cat <<EOF >> "$1"
; -*- mode: Org;-*-
emacs "$1" &
Now the mode is always resolved correctly with normal major mode selection procedure.

How to open a file in linux without specifiying editor?

I have emacs as my defualt editor in linux, and I also have alias in my .cshrc file.
alias e "emacs -mm"
Sometime I just want to hit the file name in the command line and open it in emacs directly with out the editor beign metioned.
Example instead of
$ e
What I want is to open
May be this is lazy to do but it saves a lot time if you have so many files to handle. Thanks for the help.
You probably cannot open a file with $ (and that would be ambiguous for a shell script would means "edit the file" or "run the shell script" ?). However,
You might want to use xdg-open, or the $EDITOR variable (see environ(7)). If you always have a single emacs running, you might set EDITOR to emacsclient in your ~/.bashrc (if using /bin/bash) or your ~/.zshrc (if using /bin/zsh)
BTW many editors (including emacs, gedit, vim) are able to edit several files, i.e. $EDITOR *.c
And depending upon your login shell (zsh, fish, or bash) you could set up a shell function or alias to simply type e foo.c; I feel that it is not worth the effort, since with autocompletion I just have to type 3 keys e m tab to get emacs (and often the up arrows are enough)
Actually I start only once every day emacs then open many files inside it (and also I compile inside emacs)
BTW, you should avoid csh since it is considered harmful. Install a good interactive shell (e.g. with sudo aptitude install zsh zsh-doc) and use once chsh(1) to make it your login shell.

Why do I need to source bash_profile every time

I have installed Hadoop and every time I want to run it, first I have to do this:
source ~/.bash_profile
or it won't recognize the command hadoop
Why is that?
I am on OSX 10.8
Now that we've narrowed down the problem:
Run ps -p $$ at the command line to check if you are, in fact, using a bash shell.
Realize that you are in zsh, which means you should be editing your profile in .zshrc.
Copy the offending lines from .bash_profile to .zshrc, OR
Modify your .zshrc to directly source your .bash_profile.
UPDATE: Do what #TC1 mentions in the comments and keep the shell-specific code in each shell's own profile, and from those profiles, only source shell-agnostic code.
On Mac Catalina, I just had to open "preferences" on terminal and change the "shells open with" from "default" to "Command(complete path)", which the default path was "/bin/zsh". touch ~/.zshrc, if that file doesn't exist already, and copy/paste your stuff from ".bash_profile" into the ".zshrc" file.
To elaborate, with terminal running, I opened "settings" from the Terminal menu on the Mac navbar. On the "General" tab, look for "Shells open with" select "Command (complete path)", and type in /bin/zsh. is applicable for bash shell.
if your default shell is not bash and if your default shell is someother shell for example zsh then you have to manually load the .bash_profile using source ~/.bash_profile.
You can always change the default shell to bash shell so that the .bash_profile file will be automatically loaded.
Inorder to automatically load .bash_profile, you can update your default shell to bash using the command chsh -s /bin/bash
cat /etc/shells will list the default shells available in the
echo $SHELL will display the currently active shell in your machine
To change active shell to a different shell, use chsh -s /bin/bash.
Then echo $SHELL to verify if the shell has changed.
Terminal -> Preference -> profile -> Shell -> Run command : source ~/.bash_profile
Tick on run inside shell.
After doing all those , just logout and check weather everything works fine or not
I tried the approved answer. Changing the .zshrc file works for one of my machines. But for the other one, when I run ps -p $$, it is -sh under the command. And I changed both bash and zsh files, neither of them works for me this time.
So I found this
it mentioned
"When Bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. "
so I went to that file /etc/profile and add "source ~/.bashrc" in that file. Then it works since every time a terminal is opened, it runs the command in that /etc/profile file.
Not sure if this is the best solution but it works.
sudo nano /etc/bashrc and change that, restarted the terminal and it finally remembered with command. Tried ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc without success, just wasn't sourcing it.
Go to “Preferences/Profiles then look in the right window and find “shell”.
Once in that if your “Startup Run Command” hasn’t been turned on. Click the box to turn it on and in the command section type:
(If you made a .zsh file)
source .zsh ; clear
(If you made a .bash_profile)
source .bash_profile ; clear
Doing this ; clear
Will clear your terminal to a new page so that you don’t see your terminal display:
“Last login: etc
User#user-Mac ~ % source .zsh
If you typed the commands as I said you should just get this:
User#user-Mac ~ %
That way you will be greeted with a clear page with no extra jumbo. Also to make sure that your .zsh or .bash_profile aliases work type the following command to see a list of your custom aliases:
One alias I like to do is
alias LL=“ls -la”
This will display a tree or the directory you are in as well as hidden files.

.exrc not working

i am new to unix. I have created a .exrc file in my home folder. I just entered set nu and set ai in the .exrc to check. But whenever I'm opening vi editor, this doesn't work.
Further, I entered as superuser, by typing su and password, and now opened a new file in vi editor, now it is working.
Do we need to have superuser privilege to have this? Please help me on this.
Here's what I think is happening:
vi is actually a link or alias to vim, a modern version of vi.
You have a .vimrc file, which vim will read if present instead of .exrc.
As superuser, vi is not a link to vim, and ignores .vimrc and reads .exrc.
Check the output of
$ which vi
$ ls -l `which vi`
$ ls ~/.vimrc
The solution would be to use .vimrc instead of .exrc.
First, ensure that your ~/.exrc is readable and that it actually works by running :source $HOME/.exrc in vi.
If you are using a more "traditional" vi (not Vim), it may be due to addtional permission issues. The POSIX document about ex says:
Historically, the 4 BSD ex and vi read the $HOME and local .exrc files if they were owned by the real ID of the user, or the sourceany option was set, regardless of other considerations. This was a security problem because it is possible to put normal UNIX system commands inside a .exrc file. POSIX.1-2017 does not specify the sourceany option, and historical implementations are encouraged to delete it.
Make sure you are the owner of ~/.exrc: chown <your-username> ~/.exrc
In addition, if you happen to be using ex-vi ("Traditional vi"), ~/.exrc must not be group- or world-writable. Run chmod go-w ~/.exrc to ensure this. Reference from the changelog of the 09/23/00 release:
POSIX.2: If .exrc files are world or group writeable, they are ignored
unless "sourceany" is set.
