I have this UV map, it shows a black and white surface. Other Normal maps work fine. What is wrong with this one?
This one works as requested:
Where is the problem, are the colors incorrect?
The difference is between object space normal mapping (1st image) and tangent space normal mapping (2nd image).
You can read more about it at http://www.surlybird.com/tutorials/TangentSpace/ and http://docs.cryengine.com/display/SDKDOC4/Tangent+Space+Normal+Mapping
I would to make a part of an image black before applying the distance transform algorithm
I have tried to create a black image and use the Logic Gate functions in opencv but to no avail.
I would like to change the white region(marked with arrow) to black and then apply the distance transform algorithm :
is it possible to pass a kernel of a particular size but only with zeros? And wherever the kernel matches, replace it with a mask of a particular size but only with ones?
Im' not entirely sure by what criterion you define which part is to be made black.
If the black area is known in advance you can just use use an image of the black mask and combine them using cv::Multiply(mask, image)
If you want to automatically black out a connected white area starting from a given point you can use cv::floodFill. Details can be found here
My problem is the following. I have a canvas in which I am drawing a piece using WebGL.
When it renders, it is fine.
But then, two seconds later or so, without moving the camera or anything, some of the triangles disappear.
And after moving the camera or something, the triangles that are gone stays the same (I have read that in some cases is due to the buffer and the distance to the object so by zooming in or out the triangles that are gone can change).
What could be the problem?
I am applying both color and texture to each element in order to print black lines around each "square" (my texture is a square with black border and white inside). That means that the final color is computed in the fragment shader by multiplying the color times the texture. That also means that some of the nodes are duplicated or even more (in order to give the TextureVertex attribute to a node I need a different node as it belongs to each element) It is important to notice that, when I create a mesh with less number of nodes, they do not disappear. Anyway, I have seen WebGL examples on the net very complex, and I may have just 1000 nodes so I don't think it could be a problem of my graphic hardware.
What do you think could be the problem? How would you solve it? If you require more info just let me know. I didn't include code because it seems to be rendered OK at the beginning, and furthermore I only have this problem with "big" meshes.
Thanks for the comment. please find here both images:
First draw
A few seconds later.
EDITED: Im gonna give some more details in case this helps to find the problem. I will give you the information regarding one of the squares (the rest of the squares would follow same scheme). Notice that they are defined in the code behind as public variables and then I pass them to the html script:
Nodes for vertex buffer:
serverSideInitialCoordinates = {
Connectivity to form triangles:
serverSideConnectivity = {
Colors:not relevant.
As I mentioned I have an image which is white with just few pixels black around the borders. So in the fragment shader I have something similar to this:
gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_texcoord) * vColor;
Then I have a function that loads the image and gets the texture.
In the function InitBuffers I create the buffers and assign to them the vertexPosition, The colors and the connectivity of the triangles.
Finally in the Draw function I bind the buffers again : vertexPosition, color (bind it as colorattribute), texture (bind it as textureVertex), and connectivity, and then set Matrix Uniform and draw. I don think the problem is here because it works fine for smaller meshes, but I still dont know why it doesn't for larger ones. I thought maybe performance of firefox is worse than other browsers' but then I ran on firefox difficult WebGL models I found on the web and they work fine, no triangles missing. If I print same objects without the texture (just colors) it works fine and no triangles are missing. Do you think that maybe it takes a lot of effort for the shader to get the color everytime by multiplying both things? Can you think of another way?
My idea was just to draw black lines between some nodes instead of using a complete texture, but I cant get it working, either I draw the triangles or I draw the lines but it doesn't allow me to draw both at same time. If I put code for both, only the last "elements" are drawn.
I got a png image like this:
The blue color is represent transparent. And all the circle is a pixel group. So, I would like to find the biggest one, and remove all the small pixel, which is not group with the biggest one. In this example, the biggest one is red colour circle, and I will retain it. But the green and yellow are to small, so I will remove them. After that, I will have something like this:
Any ideas? Thanks.
If you consider only the size of objects, use the following algorithm: labellize the connex components of the mask image of the objects (all object pixels are white, transparent ones are black). Then compute the areas of the connex components, and filter them. At this step, you have a label map and a list of authorized labels. You can read the label map and overwrite the mask image with setting every pixel to white if it has an authorized label.
OpenCV does not seem to have a labelling function, but cvFloodFill can do the same thing with several calls: for each unlabeled white pixel, call FloodFill with this pixel as marker. Then you can store the result of this step in an array (of the size of the image) by assigning each newly assigned pixel with its label. Repeat this as long as you have unlabellized pixels.
Else you can recode the connex component function for binary images, this algorithm is well known and easy to implement (maybe start with Matlab's bwlabel).
The handiest way to filter objects if you have an a priori knowledge of their size is to use morphological operators. In your case, with opencv, once you've loaded your image (OpenCV supports PNG), you have to do an "openning", that is an erosion followed by a dilation.
The small objects (smaller than the size of the structuring element you chose) will disappear with erosion, while the bigger will remain and be restored with the dilation.
(reference here, cv::morphologyEx).
The shape of the big object might be altered. If you're only doing detection, it is harmless, but if you want your object to avoid transformation you'll need to apply a "top hat" transform.
I have more then 1 week reading about selective color change of an image. It meand selcting a color from a color picker and then select a part of image in which I want to change the color and apply the changing of color form original color to color of color picker.
E.g. if I select a blue color in color picker and I also select a red part in the image I should be able to change red color to blue color in all the image.
Another example. If I have an image with red apples and oranges and if I select an apple on the image and a blue color in the color picket, then all apples should be changing the color from red to blue.
I have some ideas but of course I need something more concrete on how to do this
Thank you for reading
As a starting point, consider clustering the colors of your image. If you don't know how many clusters you want, then you will need methods to determine whether to merge or not two given clusters. For the moment, let us suppose that we know that number. For example, given the following image at left, I mapped its colors to 3 clusters, which have the mean colors as shown in the middle, and representing each cluster by its mean color gives the figure at right.
With the output at right, now what you need is a method to replace colors. Suppose the user clicks (a single point) somewhere in your image, then you know the positions in the original image that you will need to modify. For the next image, the user (me) clicked on a point that is contained by the "orange" cluster. Then he clicked on some blue hue. From that, you make a mask representing the points in the "orange" cluster and play with that. I considered a simple gaussian filter followed by a flat dilation 3x5. Then you replace the hues in the original image according to the produced mask (after the low pass filtering, the values on it are also considered as a alpha value for compositing the images).
Not perfect at all, but you could have a better clustering than me and also a much-less-primitive color replacement method. I intentionally skipped the details about clustering method, color space, and others, because I used only basic k-means on RGB without any pre-processing of the input. So you can consider the results above as a baseline for anything else you can do.
Given the image, a selected color, and a target new color - you can't do much that isn't ugly. You also need a range, some amount of variation in color, so you can say one pixel's color is "close enough" while another is clearly "different".
First step of processing: You create a mask image, which is grayscale and varying from 0.0 to 1.0 (or from zero to some maximum value we'll treat as 1.0), and the same size as the input image. For each input pixel, test if its color is sufficiently near the selected color. If it's "the same" or "close enough" put 1.0 in the mask. If it's different, put 0.0. If is sorta borderline, put an in-between value. Exactly how to do this depends on the details of the image.
This might work best in LAB space, and testing for sameness according to the angle of the A,B coordinates relative to their origin.
Once you have the mask, put it aside. Now color-transform the whole image. This might be best done in HSV space. Don't touch the V channel. Add a constant to S, modulo 360deg (or mod 256, if S is stored as bytes) and multiply S by a constant chosen so that the coordinates in HSV corresponding to the selected color is moved to the HSV coordinates for the target color. Convert the transformed S and H, with the unchanged L, back to RGB.
Finally, use the mask to blend the original image with the color-transformed one. Apply this to each channel - red, green, blue:
output = (1-mask)*original + mask*transformed
If you're doing it all in byte arrays, 0 is 0.0 and 255 is 1.0, and be careful of overflow and signed/unsigned problems.
I'm successfully drawing the convex polys which make up the following white concave shape.
The orange color is my attempt to add a uniform outline around the white shape. As you can see it's not so uniform. On some edges the orange doesn't show at all.
Evidently using...
glScalef(1.1, 1.1, 0.0);
... to draw a slightly larger orange shape before I drew the white shape wasn't the way to go.
I just have a nagging feeling I'm missing a more simple way to do this.
Note that the white part is going to be mapped with a texture which has areas of transparency, so the orange part needs to be behind the white shapes too, not just surrounding them.
Also, I'm using a parallel projection matrix, that's why glScalef's z is set to 0.0 - reminds me there is no perspective scaling.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Nope, you wont be going anywhere with glScale in this case. Possible options are
a) construct an extruded polygon from the original one (possibly rounding sharp corners)
b) draw the polygon with GL_LINES and set glLineWidth to your desired outline width (in fact you might want to draw the outline with 2x width first)
The first approach will generate CPU load, the second one might slow down rendering significantly AFAIK.
You can displace your polygon in the 8 directions of the compass.
You can have a look at this link: http://simonschreibt.de/gat/cell-shading/
It's a nice trick, and might do the job
Unfortunately there is no simple way to get an outline of consistent width - you just have to do the maths:
For each edge: calculate the normal, scale to the desired width, and add to the edge vertices to get a line segment on the new expanded edge
Calculate the intersection of the lines through two adjacent segments to find the expanded vertex positions
A distinct answer from those offered to date, posted just for interest; if you're in GLES 2.0 have access to shaders then you could render the source polygon to a framebuffer with a texture bound as the colour renderbuffer, then do a second parse to write to the screen (so you're using the image of the white polygon as the input texture and running a post-processing pixel shader to every pixel on the screen) with a shader that obeys the following logic for an outline of thickness q:
if the input is white then output a white pixel
if the input pixel is black then sample every pixel within a radius of q from the current pixel; if any one of them is white then output an orange pixel, otherwise output a black pixel
In practise you'd spend an awful lot on texture sampling and probably turn that into the bottleneck. And they'd be mostly dependent reads, which are bad for the pipeline on lots of GPUs — including the PowerVR SGX that powers the overwhelming majority of OpenGL ES 2.0 devices.
EDIT: actually, you could speed this up substantially; if your radius is q then have the hardware generate mip maps for your framebuffer object, take the first one for which the output pixels are at least q by q in the source image. You've then essentially got a set of bins that'll be pure black if there were no bits of the polygon in that region and pure white if that area was entirely internal to the polygon. For each output fragment that you're considering might be on the border you can quite possibly just straight to a conclusion of definitely in or definitely out and beyond the border based on four samples of the mipmap.