Calling UI action from store - flux

Short version of the question:
Can I fire UI actions from the store?
Long version of the question:
I'm writing food delivery app with reflux. It's seems like I'm not quite
understand how actions should go in my applications.
I have BasketStore, StatusOverlay (component) and actions:
// BasketStore actions
// StatusOverlay actions
The application works the following way:
I press button and send basketSync action. Once it happened the overlay is starting to be shown and BasketStore sends request for the data to the server.
Then accordingly to server response I fire basketSync.completed, basketSync.failed, basketSync.invalid. When it invalid or completed I close overlay, otherwise I show another overlay.
The question is how should I manage actions? Should I listen to basketSync inside of StatusOverlay to open it and close it on basketSync.completed, basketSync.invalid or it will be better to listen to just statusOverlayOpen, statusOverlayClose and fire these actions somewhere inside of BasketStore.

Short answer: In the standard Flux architecture, Flux stores should only emit a simple CHANGE event, so, no, you can't fire UI actions from the store.

I've seen stores triggering actions in many Flux applications. Some people like to put their async work inside the action creators and trigger "completed" and "failed" "sub-actions" inside the callbacks of the async work, others put the async work within the store itself and in that case trigger the sub-actions from there. They key point, as I've seen it pointed out, is that in the callbacks you should trigger a new action, rather than update state directly, so that data mutations only ever happens as an effect of actions, not async callbacks.
But with that said, components should not typically listen to actions at all. They should only listen to updates to the store and reflect that update any way necessary. So with the points mentioned above, stores could listen to the "completed" or "failed" actions, and appropriately update their state to reflect the "completed" or "failed" actions. The components then render any "error" indications based on the store's state, not on actions directly.


NGXS multiple sub states update from same async action

I have a parent-child states that manage reports and documents respectively.
When a report is submitted, I need to store the user posted data for the report and the async action returned id in the parent state, and the async action returned document in the document state.
Since I need the async action returned data in two different state actions, is there anyway to acomplish this without dispatching another action from the parent?
In React apps with redux toolkit different state slices can listen to pending/fulfilled/rejected states for the same async thunk so I was wondering if there is something similar for NGXS.
I know I can dispatch actions from another action providing different payloads so other sub states can listen to them and update accordingly, but I was hoping to accomplish that in one action.
I've also thought about calling the http async action first and after getting the result dispatch the store action but not sure if this is an anti-pattern.

Difference between Laravel queued event listeners vs jobs

I'm trying to wrap my head around Laravel's queued event listener vs jobs.
To me, it seems like that both are very similar:
Both implement the ShouldQueue interface (in the case of event listener, this is an option)
Both implement the handle() and failed() (optional) methods to perform their respective tasks.
Essentially, to me, both are queued items that can be run asynchronously.
What I am able to distinguish so far is that jobs have more "advanced" features/configurations like $timeout, $tries properties and you may also delay the 'trigger' of a job (courtesy of the Illuminate\Bus\Queueable trait).
There are more I'm sure, but I'm pointing out the one that pops out to me.
So, the question is, what's the actual difference between the two and more importantly, when do you favor one over the other?
Good question, I will begin by how laravel docs explains it
Events : Laravel's events provides a simple observer implementation, allowing you to subscribe and listen for various events that occur in your application. Events serve as a great way to decouple various aspects of your application, since a single event can have multiple listeners that do not depend on each other.
Where as
Jobs : Job classes are very simple, normally containing only a handle method which is called when the job is processed by the queue.
Essentially both are pushing jobs on to queues and/or do some processing its asked to do, the main difference I would say is how they are called.
Events are on the lookout to be called where as Jobs are always explicitly called.
Power of Events is that we can register multiple listeners for a single event and the event helper will dispatch the event to all of its registered listeners without us calling them explicitly. where in case of Jobs we would have to call them each one explicitly.
In short if you have a scenario where an event would trigger multiple method calls event would help. If its a single method call Jobs are good.
Events Scenario: user signs up -> Send email, Dispatch complimentary swag, Create a subdomain for a user profile etc etc
Jobs Scenario: user signs up -> Send email.
In the exact context of the question: "Event" is a "Queued Event Listener". Every Laravel Event has a Listener bound to it (the event listener), then, when we queue that event (in the listener) it is magically a "Queued Event Listener"
Well, they are very similar, the eventlistener takes an event as a parameter in the handle method, jobs don't.
Events are good in situations where you want to decouple the triggering part from the action part. For instance when you have several modules in the project and you want one module to react on an event in another.
One limitation of events compared to jobs are job chaining. If you for instance trigger several events from a controller you can't be sure that the worker dispatches them in sequence and that the first is completed before the other is started.
In these (rare) situations I sometimes end up with (non queued) listeners that in turn dispatches (queued) jobs that do the actual work (chained or unchained).

Is it a good practice to call action within another action (in flux)

I have an action as follows:
//..dispatch event "started"...
// some process....
FewActions.doAnotherAction(); //CAN WE DO THIS
// something more....
//..dispatch event "completed"..
While the above works with no problems, just wondering, if it is valid according to flux pattern/standard or is there a better way.
Also, I guess calling Actions from Stores are a bad idea. Correct me if I am wrong.
Yes, calling an Action within another Action is a bad practice. Actions should be atomic; all changes in the Stores should be in response to a single action. They should describe one thing that happened in the real world: the user clicked on a button, the server responded with data, the screen refreshed, etc.
Most people get confused by Actions when they are thinking about them as imperative instructions (first do A, then do B) instead of descriptions of what happened and the starting point for reactive processes.
This is why I recommend to people that they name their Action types in the past tense: BUTTON_CLICKED. This reminds the programmer of the fundamentally externally-driven, descriptive nature of Actions.
Actions are like a newspaper that gets delivered to all the stores, describing what happened.
Calling Actions from Stores is almost always the wrong thing to do. I can only think of one exception: when the Store responds to the first Action by starting up an asynchronous process. When the async process completes, you want to fire off a second Action. This is the case with a XHR call to the server. But the better way is to put the XHR handling code into a Utils module. The store can then respond to the first Action by calling a method in the Utils module, and then the Utils module has the code to call the second Action when the server response comes back.

How to avoid action chains

I'm trying to understand Flux pattern.
I believe that in any good design the app should consist of relatively independent and universal (and thus reusable) components glued together by specific application logic.
In Flux there are domain-specific Stores encapsulating data and domain logic. These could be possibly reused in another application for the same domain.
I assume there should also be application-specific Store(s) holding app state and logic. This is the glue.
Now, I try to apply this to imaginary "GPS Tracker" app:
When a user clicks [Stop Tracking] button, corresponding ViewController raises STOP_CLICK.
stopGPS(); this.on = false; emit('change')
saveTrack(); calcStatistics(); this.tracking = false; emit('change')
So, I've got an event snowball.
It is said that in Flux one Action should not raise another.
But I do not understand how this could be done.
I think user actions can't go directly to domain Stores as these should be UI-agnostic.
Rather, AppState (or wherever the app logic lives) should translate user actions into domain actions.
How to redesign this the Flux way?
Where should application logic go?
Is that correct to try to keep domain Stores independent of the app logic?
Where is the place for "services"?
Thank you.
All of the application logic should live in the stores. They decide how they should respond to a particular action, if at all.
Stores have no setters. The only way into the stores is via a dispatched action, through the callback the store registered with the dispatcher.
Actions are not setters. Try not to think of them as such. Actions should simply report on something that happened in the real world: the user interacted with the UI in a certain way, the server responded in a certain way, etc.
This looks a lot like setter-thinking to me:
Instead, dispatch the thing that actually happened: STOP_TRACKING_BUTTON_CLICKED (or TRACKING_STOPPED, if you want to be UI-agnostic). And then let the stores figure out what to do about it. All the stores will receive that action, and they can all respond to it, if needed. The code you have responding to two different actions should be responding to the same action.
Often, when we find that we want dispatch within a dispatch, we simply need to back up to the original thing that happened and make the entire application respond to that.

Flux Dispatch.dispatch(...): Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch

My code
So when I get sign-in success callback I want to make redirect,
redirect works through dispatcher too.
And I am getting Dispatch.dispatch(...): Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch.
Is there any hack to call action in the middle ?
I don't see where in the gist that you posted you are doing the redirect. I only see the AUTH_SIGNIN and AUTH_SIGNIN_SUCCESS actions, and they look pretty straightforward.
But no, there is no hack to create an action in the middle of a dispatch, and this is by design. Actions are not supposed to be things that cause a change. They are supposed to be like a newspaper that informs the application of a change in the outside world, and then the application responds to that news. The stores cause changes in themselves. Actions just inform them.
If you have this error, then you need to back up and look at how you're handling the original action. Most often, you can set up your application to respond to the original action, accomplish everything you need to do, and avoid trying to create a second action.
You can make it work by "scheduling" the next action instead of calling it directly, here is an example code:
// instead of doing this
// go like this
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
This will cause your next dispatch to be called later out of the current dispatch process, and no error will happen.
If your dispatch code is on a callback any kind of other async operation that will work as well (for example in a response for an Ajax request).
I'm using this style to make some forms respond to generic data here and I'm facing no issue, at least the way I'm using it.
you can user the "defer" option in the dispatcher.
In your case it would be like:
You can check if the dispatcher is dispatching, such as:
if(!MyDispatcher.isDispatching()) {
