Spring Environment to System Properties for logback.xml - spring

Spring boot currently support the following Spring Environment to System properties for logging:
Spring Environment System Property
logging.file <-----> LOG_FILE
logging.path <----> LOG_PATH
PID <-----> PID
I want to add additional custom Spring Environment properties , to be read in logback.xml, to be specific i want to add LOG_KAFKA_BROKERS <------> LOG_KAFKA_BROKERS to the KAFKA log appender
and in logback.xml has the following
<producerConfig>bootstrap.servers= ${LOG_KAFKA_BROKERS}</producerConfig>
What should I do to achieve this?

It's currently not supported by spring boot but there is an open request to have it in the next release (see https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/1788).
To get around it, I created a small library (https://github.com/lukashinsch/spring-boot-extended-logging-properties) that allows you to add arbitrary configuration properties to logback.xml via application.properties/yml.


logging.path to ${LOG_PATH}

I am setup to use logback with my SpringBoot application and everything is running fine and dandy.
I noticed a property called logging.path in the application.properties file which sets the value for ${LOG_PATH} in logback.xml. How does it do it?
I went through the SpringBoot logging documentation.
Any documentation I could find on property placeholder configurer
Yet I don't understand how logging.path could pass the value for ${LOG_PATH}. Though not a killer issue, I would like to know how this mapping is made.
The magic is spring will transfter logging.path into System propeties LOG_PATH.
Description from spring doc:
To help with the customization some other properties are transferred from the Spring Environment to System properties:
And it also says:
All the logging systems supported can consult System properties when parsing their configuration files. See the default configurations in spring-boot.jar for examples.
For more recent versions of Spring Boot, such as 2.5.x, the logging.file.path maps to LOG_PATH.

How to change logback log level dynamically in spring boot application

I have a Spring boot application which use logback.xml for logging configurations.I am looking for options to dynamically change log level.
For instance if I have deployed an app with loglevel as ERROR,Let say I want to change this to INFO but I don't want to redeploy/restart my JVM.
Is there any possibility we can configure logback.xml like config server to achieve this
You can configure Logback to Automatically reloading configuration file upon modification
Yes, this is quite possible. Expose a rest endpoint where you supply the className and log level. With slf4j you can get the LoggerContext and change the level.
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
Apache Commons logging and others have similar features.
If you are using spring cloud then you can have this in your yml file
root: INFO
Then you can change it and refresh the configuration using actuator refresh to fetch new configuration changes no need to restart the service.
Also if you need some sort of UI to do this stuff you can explore the Spring-cloud-dashboard It is pretty cool and uses the features from the actuator to do and show you a lot of stuff not only changing log levels.

Actuator - custom logfile endpoint possible?

I have set up my log configuration using logback.
The configuration sets up my logs in a rolling manner in a custom location. This means that I'm not using either:
"logging.file" or "logging.path" in my application.yml configuration, and as a consequence, the logfile endpoint no longer works.
Does anybody know of a way to customize this endpoint, so that I can point to the location/file specified in my logback.xml configuration?
Reading the two sections on Logging 26 & 74. It looks like it recommends using the logback-spring.xml config file with the base.xml configuration. With that you can still use the logging.file or logging.path application properties within the configuration. That way the /logfile endpoint is still valid for the current log file (probably won't look into the rolling files if that is what you setup).
You can specify the log file source from which the actuator will read.
To do that, try to use this property in your application.properties
or (based on your springboot version):

Spring Boot application log level

I want to change the log level of a Spring Boot application that is running.
Is it possible to change the log level at runtime? Right now I have the logger configuration in my jar itself.
Changing the log level while the application is running is part of the underlying logger implementation.
You did not specify the logger implementation you are using so I will assume you are using the default logback provided via the spring-boot-starter-logging or spring-boot-starter-web dependencies.
Comment out any logger related configurations from application.properties
#logging.level.org.springframework.web= INFO
Add logback.xml in the root of your classpath with tag
See http://logback.qos.ch/manual/jmxConfig.html
Start the application and open JConsole and go to MBeans tab.
Select the package ch.qos.logback.classic.JMxConfigurator.Under default locate the setLoggerLevel operation
e.g. org.springframework.web, DEBUG
The change will be effective immediately.
For other logger libraries see the spring boot user guide
And library specific information e.g. for log4j
A different approach is to repeat the about steps without JMX and use configuration watcher
Logback Automatically reloading configuration file upon modification
Log4j configureAndWatch(java.lang.String, long)
If you want to change the logging level of an already running Spring Boot application you can take a look at spring-cloud-config. Refer to:
Spring Cloud Config provides server and client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. With the Config Server you have a central place to manage external properties for applications across all environments.
You can centrally manage the properties in config server and in your current application - applications.properties file (check bootstrap.properties) create an entry for
spring.application.name=application name
Using #RefreshScope annotation in your client application you will be able to refresh your application runtime and see the updated logging level property.
With the release of Spring Boot 1.5, if you have actuator in your Boot application you can do this through an out of the box REST API.
1.5 actuator provides an endpoint called 'loggers' which you can GET to view the configuration, and POST to make runtime changes.
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"configuredLevel": "DEBUG"}' http://localhost:8080/loggers/org.springframwork

can logback use property defined in spring?

we put properties in a specific place(kept by zooKeeper, and already parsed into spring), not in classpath. Now in logback.xml, I need a DBAppender to log messages into mysql, I don't want to copy a properties into classpath, and I try to use placeholder ${url} directly without importing properties in logback.xml, it does not work.
So is there a way to use configuration in spring for logback?
No logback can only access system properties. And also logback tends to be intialised before spring, although you can cause it to be reconfigured.
Have a look at how spring-boot does it. It copies some (about 3 or 4) properties from spring config into system properties before re-initialising logback. In this way the log file path can be interpolated via spring properties and variable replacement.
