Why maven uses difference plugin version to build different project - maven

I have project A and B, use Maven 2.2.1
use it to build A, the result is positive, while user it to build B, it failed.
And I found that it use plugin with different version for the two project.
I don't know why ?? The pom.xml in both A and B does not specify the version of plugin.
I just want it will use the same version of plugin to build B project as A's.
Do you have any idea about it ? Many Thanks in advance.

The first issue is that you didn't defined the version of your plugins.
Usually you should have a kind of corporate/company pom which defines all used plugins with their particular version number. By using such approach you prevent exactly such situations.
The best you can do is to define the used plugins in your pom file via pluginManagement:
If you do this you will get reproducible build results.
Furthermore you shouldn't use Maven 2.X anymore cause it's defined EoL.


Old version of checkstyle detected. Consider updating to >= v8.30

Small question regarding a SonarQube + Checkstyle warning please.
Currently, in my app, in my pom, I use the following Checkstyle plugin:
This plugin is doing its job, no worries there.
When I run SonarQube though, I get this warning
Old version of checkstyle detected. Consider updating to >= v8.30
For more information see: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-checkstyle-plugin/examples/upgrading-checkstyle.html
I obviously went to read the website, but I am still having hard time understanding.
The Checkstyle plugin I have is the latest known, version 3.1.2, checked on Maven central etc.
In SonarQube, I am running on the latest version, 8.9 LTS, with the latest version of Checkstyle plugin as well.
What am I missing please? Am I using some kind of wrong plugin?
It is a SonarQube plugin named sonar-checkstyle which needs to be installed or upgraded at the SonarQube server instance. The current version is 8.40.
Note: Refer to
Edit 1
Step 1
Firstly, there is a cache directory at <user_home>/.sonar/cache (for me on the Windows 10 is C:\Users\<myuser>\.sonar\cache), please delete all sub directories under this cache directory with purpose to let the org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin latest version download it from our SonarQube server instance and ensure that all related plugins are new and fresh after upgrading/installing at the SonarQube server instance. (Do not forget to restart it after finishing upgrading/installing to ensure all new are re-loaded)
Step 2
Secondly, make sure that we do not specify the org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin in our project pom.xml neither at the parent nor anywhere else with purpose to ensure that during executing, it will be a latest version which matches to our SonarQube server instance version.
Anyhow the formal document (https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/scan/sonarscanner-for-maven/) also mentions about How to Fix Version of Maven Plugin as the following: -
How to Fix Version of Maven Plugin
It is recommended to lock down versions of Maven plugins:
<!--Version that matched with our Sonar server instance version -->
The latest version is able to be browsed at https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.codehaus.mojo/sonar-maven-plugin or https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.sonarsource.scanner.maven/sonar-maven-plugin The latest is version (Note: the version ?.y.z is matched with our Sonar server instance version)
Step 3
Last but not least, if our project is a multi-module projects there is a mentioned at the formal document (https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/scan/sonarscanner-for-maven/) as the following: -
In some situations you may want to run the sonar:sonar goal as a
dedicated step. Be sure to use install as first step for multi-module
mvn clean install
mvn sonar:sonar ...
Then there will be 2 steps here, mvn clean install first so that it is completed and then mvn sonar:sonar ... later on.
Edit 2
The maven-checkstyle-plugin is also able to specify the checkstyle version as mentioned at https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-checkstyle-plugin/examples/upgrading-checkstyle.html with the significant sentence as
Maven Checkstyle plugin comes with a default Checkstyle version: for
maven-checkstyle-plugin 3.1.2, Checkstyle 8.29 is used by default.
Then the configuration for the maven-checkstyle-plugin will be like the following: -
<version>...choose your version...</version>
The latest version is able to be browsed at https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.puppycrawl.tools/checkstyle The latest is version 8.42.

Java 11 Eclipse finds automatic module, Maven does not

I'm attempting to upgrade a 15 year old Maven multimodule project to Java 11, and the module system that was introduced in Java 9. Since the project is built using Maven, all dependencies are pretty clear. First I want to do this using the automatic module names, in order not to also introduce upgraded artifacts (if not absolutely required).
Eclipse is pretty helpful in this process, autocompleting the automatic module names in the module-info.java. For example:
requires dom4j;
But if I compile with Maven, I get errors about that it cannot find the modules Eclipse just autocompleted in there.
module-info.java:[29,18] module not found: dom4j
I am using Maven's compiler plugin 3.7.0 (3.8.0 gives a NullPointerException as per https://jira.apache.org/jira/browse/MCOMPILER-355) I suspect Maven is setting the jars up on the classpath instead of on the modulepath, but the compiler's plugin debug output does not log that.
How can I make Maven correctly handle those modules?
I was running into the same issue. Adding
to my pom solved the problem for me...
Maven version 3.9.0 seems to be buggy and will not find the module although the dependency is using an Automatic-Module-Name. Downgrading to version 3.8.1 helps.

About maven plugin version tag

We all know, when we use plugin or dependency in maven pom.xml, we must give the GAV(groupId, artifactId, version).That maven can know what plugin or dependency you want.
<!-- generate source plugin -->
<!-- ...others config -->
but, if i write like that:
<!-- generate source plugin -->
<!-- ...others config -->
that is right!why?Maven says we must give GAV?Why that is right when i only give A?
So I want know if I don't give G and V,that maven will use what G or V?
The reason you don't have to specify the version is because it gets inherited from the Maven super POM (http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-pom.html). This super POM has a definition for the maven-source-plugin that specifies the version to be used.
If you declare other dependencies or plugins that are not declared in the super POM, then the version is required. Note however, that it is a good practise to explicitly declare the versions of the plugins you want to use in your own pom.xml to make your build more reproducible.
You can leave out the group id in this case, because maven will seach for org.apache.maven.plugins as groupId if no groupId was specified. So this will only work for the official Maven plugins that use this group id.

Using multiple JDK on the same machine for maven

I have to build java projects for different java versions. I'm using maven. I would like to specify all JDK locations in one configuration file (probably settings.xml) and then maven should choose correct one based on maven-compiler-plugin configuration specified in the pom and use compiler and standard library from this JDK to build project. Is it possible? I understand that I can use something like
JAVA_HOME=jdk6path mvn package
but it's not convenient.
Yes its possible. In settings.xml define properties like this:
<java.home.1.4>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.4</java.home.1.4>
<java.home.5>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5</java.home.5>
<java.home.6>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6</java.home.6>
Then in your POM file specify the properties
Then int he Maven compiler plugin pass in the executable:
You then control which is used by the properties. You can also set up different profiles in the POM with different property values to allow you to run the build with different versions without any change required to the pom.

Maven: No marketplace entries found to handle castor, antrun, and ear plugins

I am importing a maven project into Eclipse. I have the m2e plugin installed and it is pointing to maven 2.2.1 on my machine.
I am getting these three errors:
No marketplace entries found to handle castor-maven-plugin:1.0:generate in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-antrun-plugin:1.1:run in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-ear-plugin:2.3.1:generate-application-xml in Eclipse
Any resources provided would be greatly appreciated.
You can define custom build life cycle mapping for those plugins and make m2eclipse execute certain goals during Eclipse build.
This thread, https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=350414, contains a discussion and ultimately a patch to make eclipse capable of ignoring the connectors it can't find.
Most people on the thread find the m2e's demand for custom build life cycle mapping problematic.
I faced this issue and I resolved this by enclosing the within the . Here is the example.
Reference: Link
