Go passing parameters of pointers or copies to functions - go

I am contemplating on the Go pointers, passing variables as parameters to functions by value or by reference. In a book I have encountered a good example, which is the first code snippet below, on passing a pointer.
The first version is working as expected, in function that takes parameter of a pointer makes changes to the variable itself, not on a copy of it. But the second example below I am tinkering with works on a copy of it. I have thought they should behave equivalently, and second one to work on the variable passed as parameter, not on copy of it.
Essentially, what these two versions of the function is behaving different?
version in the book, passing parameters by reference:
package main
import (
// simple function to add 1 to a
func add1(a *int) int {
*a = *a+1 // we changed value of a
return *a // return new value of a
func main() {
x := 3
fmt.Println("x = ", x) // should print "x = 3"
x1 := add1(&x) // call add1(&x) pass memory address of x
fmt.Println("x+1 = ", x1) // should print "x+1 = 4"
fmt.Println("x = ", x) // should print "x = 4"
my alternative tinkering version, passing pointer parameter:
package main
import (
// simple function to add 1 to a
func add1(a int) int {
p := &a
*p = *p+1 // we changed value of a
return *p // return new value of a
func main(){
fmt.Println("this is my go playground.")
x := 3
fmt.Println("x = ", x) // should print "x = 3"
x1 := add1(x) // call add1(&x) pass memory address of x
fmt.Println("x+1 = ", x1) // should print "x+1 = 4"
fmt.Println("x = ", x) // should print "x = 4"

Why should they behave equivalently? In the first example you pass a pointer (to int), in the second example you pass an int value.
What happens in the 2nd example is that you pass an int value. Parameters in functions work like local variables. A local variable called a of type int will be created, and will be initialized with the value you passed (3 which is the value of x). This local variable is addressable like any other variables.
You take its address (p := &a) and you increment the value pointed by this pointer (which is variable a itself). And you return the value pointed by it which is the incremented value of a.
Outside from where you called this add1() function, the value of x is not modified because only the local copy a was modified.

Everything in golang is pass by value, which means the function always gets a copy of the thing being passed.
In your second example, the value of x is actually sent to the function add, so any modification you made to the copy wont affect the original x.
See pass by value


Go - The difference between var and func to define a function

I'm coming from an Scala background, and in Scala, you could define functions both as a single value, or an actual function, for instance:
val inc1: Int => Int = _ + 1 // single FUNCTION value
def inc2(x: Int): Int = x + 1 // normal function definition
// in this case "inc1 eq inc1" is true, since this is a single instance
// but "inc2 eq inc2" is false
And these 2 have some differences (i.e., size allocation, first one is a single instance, while the other one returns an instance each time it is invoked, ...), so based on the use case, we could kind of reason which one to use. Now I'm new to golang, and wanted to know if the below 2 function definitions (correct me if I'm wrong with the phrase) differ in Golang, and if so, what are differences?
var inc1 = func(x int) int { return x + 1 }
func inc2(x int) int { return x + 1 }
Thanks in advance!
Scala borrows a lot from functional programming. Go does not.
(If you've used multiple other programming languages, you should definitely read the Go specification. It's not very long as Go is not a very large language, although the new generics definitely complicate things a bit.)
In Go, the func keyword introduces a function definition or function type, with the details being context-dependent. The var keyword introduces a variable declaration.1 So:
func inc2(x int) int { return x + 1 }
defines a function, inc2, whose code is as shown. But:
var inc1 = // ...
declares and then initializes a variable, inc1. The type and initial value of the variable are determined by the commented-out section, so:
var inc1 = func(x int) int { return x + 1 }
defines a function (with no name) whose code is as shown. That function is then assigned to the variable as its initial value, so that the implied type of the variable is func (int) int or function taking one argument of type int and returning one value of type int.
Having created a variable, you can now either call the function currently stored in that variable:
func callit(arg int) {
result := inc1(arg)
// ... do something with the result ...
Or you can assign a new value into the variable, e.g.:
func overwrite() {
inc1 = func(a int) int { return a * 2 } // name `inc1` is now misleading
Because inc2 is a function, you can't re-assign a new value to it: it's just a function, not a variable.
1Note that a variable declaration with an initialization can use the "short declaration" form:
func f() {
v := 3
// ...
where we leave out the type and just say "use the type of the expression to figure out the type of the declaration". This declares and initializes the variable. Short declarations can only appear in block scope, so these must be inside some function. Other than omitting the var keyword they do nothing that you couldn't do by including the var keyword, or sometimes multiple var keywords:
result, err := doit()
might require:
var result someType
var err error
result, err = doit()
when written without using the short-declaration form.

Pointing map to a new map inside a method looses effect after leaving method

This code, visible on the Go PlayGround:
package main
import "fmt"
type MyType map[int]int
func (x MyType) updateIt() {
newItem := make(MyType)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
newItem[i] = i
x = newItem
func main() {
x := make(MyType)
map[0:0 1:1 2:2]
While I expect:
map[0:0 1:1 2:2]
map[0:0 1:1 2:2]
My understanding is that: x.updateIt() takes x as an argument, then creates newItem and changes the pointer of x so that it points to newItem. So x points to the data of newItem. This seems to be indeed the case inside updateIt, as visible from the first print line. But when x is print after the method, the change is lost.
I'm new to Go and this is unexpected behaviour for me, could you please explain?
You should be using a pointer receiver:
func (x *MyType) updateIt() {
newItem := make(MyType)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
newItem[i] = i
*x = newItem
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/K82TTjHdDgg
Arguments "in front" of a function (so-called receivers) behave more or less like ordinary arguments.
Imagine a function like this:
func updateIt(x MyType) {
newItem := make(MyType)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
newItem[i] = i
x = newItem
Here, you pass x by value, not by reference (or as a pointer).
What happens is that x gets replaced inside the function, but keeps its original value outside of it. By passing a pointer you can replace the value to which x is pointing, thereby changing the value of x outside of the function.
See also "A Tour of Go, Pointers": https://tour.golang.org/moretypes/1
Inside the main function you create a new map and assign the pointer of that new map to x.
Then the value of that pointer is passed to the updateIt function.
Then inside updateIt you replace it with pointer to another map you create inside updateIt. Then it updates this new map instead of updating the original map created inside main
The most important thing to understand here is that your program creates two different maps.
So avoid creating two maps and update the same map passed to your updateIt function.
func (x MyType) updateIt() {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
x[i] = i

Why Value To Variable X Increasing In Function?

I am unable to understand to why value of x increase even after scope end for varaiable ‘x’ in function foo(). It’s must reset to zero everytime I called a function. This this not happening why?
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := foo()
fmt.Printf("%d\n", a())
fmt.Printf("%d\n", a())
fmt.Printf("%d\n", a())
func foo() func() int {
var x int // value should reset to zero
return func() int {
return x
Go Playground
Your function foo returns a new function each time it's called. foo doesn't just create that function though, it also allocates memory for a variable called x of type int. That variable is declared in the scope of foo, and as such, the function foo returns has access to that variable.
In essence, you're returning what is often referred to as a closure. A function that has access to a scope (variables) that are invisible to any other code. To visually represent this, maybe thing of it like this:
The function is what you return, the "environment record" it holds on to is the function body of foo, and all of the variables declared there (in your case x). The next environment record would be the package (variables declared outside functions with var).
So what happens exactly:
a := foo()
Here, foo allocates variable x, and returns a function that holds on to this new variable.
a() // returns 1
a() // returns 2
The x variable created by foo is incremented, and its new value is returned each time.
Now that you know this, you should be able to work out what the output here will be:
a, b := foo(), foo() // creates 2 functions, 2 variables called x
_ = a()
_ = a()
fmt.Printf("a call returned %d\nb call returned %d\n", a(), b())
The output should be "a call returned 3 b call returned 1"

Reassigning in pointer method receiver

What I understand about pointer method receiver and non-pointer method receiver is first one can be modified in the method and next one isn't.
So, following worked exactly as I expected.
type student struct {
name string
age int
func (s *student) update() {
s.name = "unknown"
s.age = 0
func main() {
s := student{"hongseok", 13}
It prints hongseok/13 and unknown/0.
But, I want to replace whole s in update method at once with reassigning. So, I've just altered update method as bellow.
func (s *student) update() {
s = &student{"unknown", 0}
And it doesn't change s in main method and prints double hongseok/13.
func (s *student) update() {
*s = student{"unknown", 0}
Above change fix the problem.
I think there's no semantic difference. What am I missing?
In the first example:
func (s *student) update() {
s = &student{"unknown", 0}
You are assigning an entirely new "pointer value" to s, and the new *s points at a new student value. The variable s is scoped only to the method body, so there are no side effects after this returns.
In the second example
func (s *student) update() {
*s = student{"unknown", 0}
You are dereferencing s, and changing the value of *s to point to a new student value, or to put it differently, you are putting a new student value at the address where s points.
In this example you're changing the address that is stored in s to a different value;
func (s *student) update() {
s = &student{"unknown", 0}
While using a pointer is regarded as 'passing by reference' the reference itself is a value like any other that is pushed onto the call stack. When you return to main, the value of s is whatever it was in that scope. So to give something more concrete, you called main with s = 1 (calling the addresses 1 and 2 for simplicity), in the method you allocate a new student located at address 2 and you set s = 2, when you return that version of s is popped from the stack and the s in main points to 1 which is unchanged.
In this latter example;
func (s *student) update() {
*s = student{"unknown", 0}
You're dereferencing s and assigning a new object to that location, overwriting the existing memory. When you return the pointer in main is still pointing to the same location but you have different data at that location in memory. So in this example you're writing a new student instance to address 1 so when you return you see the new value in the calling scope.
I think, your main problem is that you don't understand well neither one of two concepts that appear in your question.
Let start with pointers. When you don't use pointers, assigning of value means create a simple copy of previous value. The new value is not bound any way with previous one. That means if you change the old value or new, it does not influence the second one. This is normal for primitive types (like ints, bool, string) and structures.
a := 1
b := a
a++ // a was changed, but value of b does not change at all
And now the pointers - it is something that points to some space into memory. For simplicity we create two pointers and both will point to same place.
package main
import (
func main() {
type student struct {
name string
age int
p1 := &student{"hongseok", 13} // this mean create a new student, but we want only address of student, not value
p2 := p1
(*p1).age = 15 // because p1 and p2 point to same memory (*p2).age also changed
fmt.Println("1.", p2.age) // 15
p2.age = 32 // in golang I could write (*p2).ago or p2.ago this is the same
fmt.Println("2.", p1.age) // 32
fmt.Println("3.",p1, "==", p2)
fmt.Printf("4. %p == %p\n", p1, p2)
// But now I force point p2 to new place
p2 = &student{"another student", 12}
fmt.Println("5.", p1, "!=", p2)
fmt.Printf("6. %p == %p\n", p1, p2)
p1.age = 14 // does it influce p2.age? no! Why? Because it is in different address
fmt.Println("7.", p1, "!=", p2)
// but could is somehow force that point to same address ? Of course
p2 = p1 // p2 will point to same place as p1 and old value of p2 will be freed by garbage collector
And don't be confused - pointer can also points named value.
a := 42 // means allocate memory for integer, and we give that memory name "a"
p := &a
*p++ // it change value of a
a = 5 // and of course this change value of *p
And now back to methods, that receiver is/is not a pointer. If receiver of method is pointer, that means you can change it value - the same way as I did few lines ago.
If method receiver is not a pointer, that means - before calling a method, it will be created a copy of struct and method will be called on that copy. You of course can change value of copy, but it does not influence original value.

What is the meaning of '*' and '&'?

I am doing the http://tour.golang.org/. Could anyone explain this function to me lines 1,3,5 and 7, especially what '*' and '&' do? By mentioning them in a function declaration, what are they supposed/expected to do? A toy example:
1: func intial1(var1 int, var2 int, func1.newfunc[]) *callproperfunction {
3: addition:= make ([] add1, var1)
4: for i:=1;i<var2;i++ {
5: var2 [i] = *addtother (randomstring(lengthofcurrent))
6: }
7: return &callproperfunction {var1 int, var2 int, func1.newfunc[], jackpot}
8: }
It seems that they are pointers like what we have in C++. But I cannot connect those concepts to what we have here. In other words, what '*' an '&' do when I use them in function declaration in Go.
I know what reference and dereference mean. I cannot understand how we can use a pointer to a function in Go? For example lines 1 and 7, what do these two lines do? The function named intial1 is declared that returns a pointer? And in line 7, we call it with arguments using the return function.
This is possibly one of the most confusing things in Go. There are basically 3 cases you need to understand:
The & Operator
& goes in front of a variable when you want to get that variable's memory address.
The * Operator
* goes in front of a variable that holds a memory address and resolves it (it is therefore the counterpart to the & operator). It goes and gets the thing that the pointer was pointing at, e.g. *myString.
myString := "Hi"
fmt.Println(*&myString) // prints "Hi"
or more usefully, something like
myStructPointer = &myStruct
// ...
(*myStructPointer).someAttribute = "New Value"
* in front of a Type
When * is put in front of a type, e.g. *string, it becomes part of the type declaration, so you can say "this variable holds a pointer to a string". For example:
var str_pointer *string
So the confusing thing is that the * really gets used for 2 separate (albeit related) things. The star can be an operator or part of a type.
Your question doesn't match very well the example given but I'll try to be straightforward.
Let's suppose we have a variable named a which holds the integer 5 and another variable named p which is going to be a pointer.
This is where the * and & come into the game.
Printing variables with them can generate different output, so it all depends on the situation and how well you use.
The use of * and & can save you lines of code (that doesn't really matter in small projects) and make your code more beautiful/readable.
& returns the memory address of the following variable.
* returns the value of the following variable (which should hold the memory address of a variable, unless you want to get weird output and possibly problems because you're accessing your computer's RAM)
var a = 5
var p = &a // p holds variable a's memory address
fmt.Printf("Address of var a: %p\n", p)
fmt.Printf("Value of var a: %v\n", *p)
// Let's change a value (using the initial variable or the pointer)
*p = 3 // using pointer
a = 3 // using initial var
fmt.Printf("Address of var a: %p\n", p)
fmt.Printf("Value of var a: %v\n", *p)
All in all, when using * and & in remember that * is for setting the value of the variable you're pointing to and & is the address of the variable you're pointing to/want to point to.
Hope this answer helps.
Those are pointers like we have in C++.
The differences are:
Instead of -> to call a method on a pointer, you always use ., i.e. pointer.method().
There are no dangling pointers. It is perfectly valid to return a pointer to a local variable. Golang will ensure the lifetime of the object and garbage-collect it when it's no longer needed.
Pointers can be created with new() or by creating a object object{} and taking the address of it with &.
Golang does not allow pointer-arithmetic (arrays do not decay to pointers) and insecure casting. All downcasts will be checked using the runtime-type of the variable and either panic or return false as second return-value when the instance is of the wrong type, depending on whether you actually take the second return type or not.
This is by far the easiest way to understand all the three cases as explained in the #Everett answer
func zero(x int) {
x = 0
func main() {
x := 5
fmt.Println(x) // x is still 5
If you need a variable to be changed inside a function then pass the memory address as a parmeter and use the pointer of this memory address to change the variable permanently.
Observe the use of * in front of int in the example. Here it just represents the variable that is passed as a parameter is the address of type int.
func zero(xPtr *int) {
*xPtr = 0
func main() {
x := 5
fmt.Println(x) // x is 0
Simple explanation.. its just like, you want to mutate the original value
func zero(num *int){ // add * to datatype
*num = 0 // can mutate the original number
i := 5
zero(&i) // passing variable with & will allows other function to mutate the current value of variable```
& Operator gets the memory address where as * Opeartor holds the memory address of particular variable.
