Apache storm-jdbc maven integration - maven

How to import the dependency for storm-jdbc in maven pom.xml

Currently there is no way i got the git and compiled the jar files and installed them in my maven repo using maven install:install-file goal in my eclipse and this worked for me.


How to publish primefaces jar to maven local?

build jar from primefaces source
mvn clean install
How to publish the primefaces jar to maven local?
what is mvn command for publish?
The command install "publishes" the JAR to the local Maven repository.

Suppress maven dependency version suffix in local repository

I have a Spring Boot project that uses SAP Crystal Reports. CR is not published in Maven Central. I imported all of the CR jar files into my Maven local repository. In my projects the jars have the version appended to the jar file name. For one jar file, this causes a runtime error. How can I have that jar not have the appended Maven version?
if you build from source using Maven then you can override the artifact final name in the POM of this project
If you run the mvn install manually then you have control of what you store into the Maven repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> \
-DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>
This is my workaround hack.
The Jar is question is never directly referenced by my project code, it is a runtime library of the Crystal Reports java runtime. I do not need it in the classpath at build time, just in the deployed file built by maven.
My Spring Boot project is deployed as a WAR file so I need to structure my Eclipse Maven project so that the Jar is placed in WEB-INF/lib as a plain web app resource. I do not specify the jar as a maven dependency.
It's a hack because the jar file IS a dependency and SHOULD be specified as a maven project dependency in the pom.xml.
This solves my immediate problem.
I blame SAP for not considering Maven for their Crystal Reports Java runtime.

Maven not downloading the dependencies of jar which is mentioned as a dependency

I have one maven dependency and which i mentioned in POM.xml of the project. The dependency jar dependent on few other jars. How can we make Maven download the chain of dependencies?
Where are Gradle downloads all the dependents for the jar.
Help will be greatly appriciated.
In order to download the dependencies, you can execute
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
After running it you will get all downloaded dependencies located under target/dependency folder

Adding Jar files to Maven

I have started to work on maven project recently.
The piece of code I am writing needs JAR files that are not a part of the project.
When I add the JARS TO THE build path and use a mvn clean install, the build is failing with errors saying that the classes that were supposed to be in the jar were not found.
Is there anything that i am missing?
Is there a different way to add the JAR's in maven projects?
If the JARs are already hoisted in some public Maven repositories, add them to the <dependency> section in the pom.xml . You may have to configure the address of these public Maven repositories in the <repositories> section in the pom.xml in order to cause Maven can connect them.
Otherwise , you have to use the install command to include these JARs into the your local repository and then add their <dependency> section in the pom.xml
The command to install the JARs into your local repository:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.abc -DartifactId=XXXXX
-Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/jars
It sounds like you don't understand how Maven works. You don't add jars to the build path, you declare them in the pom, and let Maven download to the local drive, and it adds it to the build path for you. I would recommend you read this 5 minute intro, and understand how the dependency management works.

Using maven jetty plugin in multi-module project under Eclipse

I am working on a simple multi module maven project under Eclipse using m2eclipse with maven 3 and jetty plugin version 7. One of my module is a jar and the other module is a war which has a dependency on the jar.
Even though the workspace dependency resolution is enabled, the call to mvn jetty:run fails if I don't run mvn install before.
Having read about workspace dependency, I am not sure why a call to mvn install is required. I would like to be able to run the jetty plugin without installing the artifacts to my local repository. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
There is an integration module between m2eclipse and the WTP (Web Tool Platform).
WTP allow starting Jetty/Tomcat/... from Eclipse, debugging inside Eclipse, redeploy on change,...
Here is it: m2eclipse Extras
