Wildcard route in Grape - ruby

I'm having issues getting Grape to respond to a purely wild card route.
By that I mean that if I have a simple route defined as
get do
I need to respond to all potential requests made to the API. The situation being I need to parse the path and params and then work through a decision tree based on those values.
I've tried a few variations on the route definition, such as:
get '/*' do
get '/(*)' do
But to no avail.
I know that there is some support for regular expressions and route anchoring in Grape, but I've had no luck figuring it out.

You were close with the guess at the syntax, you just need to name the matching param:
get '*thing' do
{ :thing => params[:thing] }
Using the * will make the param capture the rest of the URI path, ignoring / separators. But otherwise it behaves just like any other param.
Note this will only pickup within the Rack mount point at best, so if you have
prefix 'api'
version 'v2'
then it will respond to paths like /api/v2/hkfhqk/fwggw/ewfewg
If you are using this for custom 404 or other catch-all routes, then you need to add it at the end, otherwise it will mask more specific routes.


Laravel - How do I navigate to a url with a parameter to left of subdirectory

I have to test this Route, but I am not sure how to navigate to it.
Route::get('/{type}/Foo/{page}/{date}', 'FooController#index');
I understand that URLs usually have subdirectories defined before the parameters in the URL.
I have worked with URLs like this example
Route::get('/Foo/{type}', 'FooController#index');
which would have an endpoint that looks like
Does anybody know how to test a route such as the one above?
Well i think that you need to clear out a bit the difference between route and query parameters.
In your case you are trying to use route parameters which will actually look something like:
/{type}/Foo/{page}/{date} => /myType/Foo/15/12-11-2021
Laravel considers the words inside {} as variables that you can retrieve via request so you can do something like:
and laravel will return you the string myType as output.
In your second case that you have tried in the past you are referring to query parameters which are also a part of the $request. Consider it as the "body" of a GET request but i don't mean in any way to convert your post routes to GET :)
The thing with your second url is that:
/Foo/{type} is not similar to /Foo?type=bar
instead it should be like: /Foo/bar
In general query parameters are when you want to send an optional field most of the times in your GET endpoint (for filtering, pagination etc etc) and the route parameters are for mandatory fields that lead to sub-directories for example /Foo/{FooId}/Bar/{BarId}
The thing to remember is that you must be careful about your routes because variables can conflict with other routes.
For example a route looking like this:
Route::get('/foo/{fooId}', [FooController::class, 'getFoo']);
Route::get('/foo/bar', [BarController::class, 'getBar']);
will conflict because laravel will consider bar as the variable of the fooId so your second route can never be accessed.
The solution to this is to order your routes properly like:
Route::get('/foo/bar', [BarController::class, 'getBar']);
Route::get('/foo/{fooId}', [FooController::class, 'getFoo']);
So when you give as a route parameter anything else than bar your will go to your second route and have it working as expected.

How to remove '/' from end of Sinatra routes

I'm using Sinatra and the shotgun server.
When I type in http://localhost:9393/tickets, my page loads as expected. But, with an extra "/" on the end, Sinatra suggests that I add
get '/tickets/' do
How do I get the server to accept the extra "/" without creating the extra route?
The information in Sinatra's "How do I make the trailing slash optional?" section looks useful, but this means I would need to add this code to every single route.
Is there an easier or more standard way to do that?
My route is set up as
get '/tickets' do
It looks like the FAQ doesn't mention an option that was added in 2017 (https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/pull/1273/commits/2445a4994468aabe627f106341af79bfff24451e)
Put this in the same scope where you are defining your routes:
set :strict_paths, false
With this, Sinatra will treat /tickets/ as if it were /tickets so you don't need to add /? to all your paths
This question is actually bigger than it appears at first glance. Following the advice in "How do I make the trailing slash optional?" does solve the problem, but:
it requires you to modify all existing routes, and
it creates a "duplicate content" problem, where identical content is served from multiple URLs.
Both of these issues are solvable but I believe a cleaner solution is to create a redirect for all non-root URLs that end with a /. This can easily be done by adding Sinatra's before filter into the existing application controller:
before '/*/' do
redirect request.path_info.chomp('/')
get '/tickets' do
After that, your existing /tickets route will work as it did before, but now all requests to /tickets/ will be redirected to /tickets before being processed as normal.
Thus, the application will respond on both /ticket and /tickets/ endpoints without you having to change any of the existing routes.
PS: Redirecting the root URL (eg: http://localhost:9393/ → http://localhost:9393) will create an infinite loop, so you definitely don't want to do that.

How can I have a parameter with slashes in gin url

I want to have a parameter with slashes in the router in gin.
From what I gathered I can do this by adding a wildcard to the URL. For example: /api/v0/files/*addr
But this approach doesn't work if I want to have the addr in the middle of the URL like /api/v0/*addr/files, and it returns this error:
catch-all routes are only allowed at the end of the path.
I was wondering whether there is another way of having it?
Seems that is a limitation of the Gin framework, as seen # https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/blob/master/tree.go#L322
You could always invert the order and do a rewrite using a proxy and a regexp (i.e. /api/v0/*addr/files to /api/v0/files/*addr) or only accept methods ending with /files inside your handling function, but I'm afraid that is a hardcoded limitation of the Gin framework.

Ruby on Sinatra: Imitate a request based on a parameter

I am currently developing a Ruby API based on Sinatra. This API mostly receives GET requests from an existing social platform which supports external API integration.
The social platform fires off GET requests in the following format (only relevant parameters shown):
GET /{command}
Parameters: command and text
Where text is a string that the user has entered.
In my case, params[:text] is in fact a series of commands, delimited by a space. What I want to achieve is, for example: If params[:text]="corporate finance"
Then I want my API to interpret the request as a GET request to
instead of requesting /{command} with a string as a parameter containing the rest of the request.
Can this be achieved on my side? Nothing can be changed in terms of the initial request from the social platform.
EDIT: I think a better way of explaining what I am trying to achieve is the following:
GET /list?text=corporate finance
Should hit the same endpoint/route as
GET /list/corporate/finance
This must not affect the initial GET request from the social platform as it expects a response containing text to display to the user. Is there a neat, best practice way of doing this?
get "/" do {
text = params[:text].split.join "/"
redirect "#{params[:command]}/#{text}"
might do the trick. Didn't check though.
EDIT: ok, the before filter was stupid. Basically you could also route to "/" and then redirect. Or, even better:
get "/:command" do {
text = params[:text].split.join "/"
redirect "#{params[:command]}/#{text}"
There a many possible ways of achieving this. You should check the routes section of the sinatra docs (https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra)
The answer by three should do the trick, and to get around the fact that the filter will be invoked with every request, a conditional like this should do:
before do
if params[:text]
sub_commands = params[:text].split.join "/"
redirect "#{params[:command]}/#{sub_commands}"
I have tested it in a demo application and it seems to work fine.
The solution was to use the call! method.
I used a regular expression to intercept calls which match /something with no further parameters (i.e. /something/something else). I think this step can be done more elegantly.
From there, I split up my commands:
get %r{^\/\w+$} do
params[:text] ? sub_commands="/"+params[:text].split.join("/") : sub_commands=""
status, headers, body = call! env.merge("PATH_INFO" => "/#{params[:command]}#{sub_commands}")
[status, headers, body]
This achieves exactly what I needed, as it activates the correct endpoint, as if the URL was typed it the usual format i.e. /command/subcommand1/subcommand2 etc.
Sorry, I completely misunderstood your question, so I replace my answer with this:
require 'sinatra'
get '/list/?*' do
like this, the following routes all lead to the same
You need to add a routine for each command or replace the command with a * and depend your output based on a case when.
The params entered by the user can be referred by the params hash.

Sinatra Url '/' interpretations

I am a ruby newbie and have been trying Sinatra for quite some time now, one thing that Iam not able to figure out is why does a '/' in the url make such a big difference.
I mean isnt:
get 'some_url' do
get 'some_url/' do
Supposed to point to the same route? why is that Sinatra considers it as different routes? I spent a good one hour trying to figure that out.
According to RFC 2616 and RFC 2396 (RFCs defining resource identity) those URLs do not define the same resource. Therefore Sinatra treats them differently. This is esp. important if you imagine the route returning a page with relative links. This link
click me
Would point to /bar if you're coming from /foo, to /foo/bar if you're coming from /foo/.
You can use the following syntax to define a route matching both:
get '/foo/?' do
# ...
Or the Regexp version mentioned in the comments above.
They are different routes. The second is a URL with a directory extension ('/'); the first is a URL with no extension. A lot of frameworks (like Rails) will interpret both as the same route, or append the `/' (e.g., Django, and Apache can be configured to do that as well), but technically they are different URLs.
