My question is about an apparent failure of Mathematica's function "FullSimplify" to simplify an easy algebraic expression.
This is the expression that I ask Mathematica to evaluate:
FullSimplify[Re[a^(I*b)] - Re[a^(-I*b)], Element[a, Reals] && a > 0 && Element[b, Reals]]
This should give the result 0. Instead Mathematica only restates my expression:
Re[a^(-I b) (-1 + a^(2 I b))]
Replacing a and b by actual numbers solves the problem.
What could be the cause of it? How to effectively use FullSimplify (and Simplify, Expand, Integrate and so...)?
I read that the order of variables could play a role here, but I couldn't wrap my head around it.
I tried to check for similar problems on the website as well, but I couldn't find any answer that could explain this phenomenon.
Thanks in advance for your support.
The question seems too easy to answer, however it is not, since I have to deal with functions that do not have closed forms (or I don't know how to find them). For example, I would like to find inverse functions for:
y == x Tan[x]
y == a x + b Tan[x].
Thus far, I used Newton-Rhapson's method for the inverse transformations. It works fine, but requires iterations. I just wonder whether there is a method to prove that there is a better solution or not. I've tried Wolfram Mathematica to find a solution, but since I'm a beginner. I have had no luck to get anything meaningful.
Seems it can't be done.
Solve[y == x Tan[x], x]
Solve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve.
InverseFunction[# Tan[#] &]
I'm running some Lattice proofs through Prover9/Mace4. I'm using a non-standard axiomatization of the lattice join operation, from which it is not immediately obvious that the join is commutative, associative and idempotent. (I can get Prover9 to prove that it is -- eventually.)
I know that Prover9 looks for those properties to help it search faster. I've tried putting those properties in the Additional Input section (I'm running the GUI version 0.5), with
x v y = y v x.
% etc
Q1: Is this the way to get it to look at hints?
Q2: Is there a good place to look for help on speeding up proofs/tips and tricks?
(If I can get this to work, there are further operators I'd like to give hints for.)
For ref, my axioms are (bi-lattice with only one primitive operation):
x ^ y = y ^ x. % lattice meet
x ^ x = x.
(x ^ y) ^ z = x ^ (y ^ z).
x ^ (x v y) = x. % standard absorption for join
x ^ z = x & y ^ z = y <-> z ^ (x v y) = (x v y).
% non-standard absorption
(EDIT after DougS's answer posted.)
Wow! Thank you. Orders-of-magnitude speed-up.
Some follow-on q's if I might ...
Q3: The generated hints seem to include all of the initial axioms plus the goal -- is that what I should expect? (Presumably hence your comment about not needing all of the hints. I've certainly experienced that removing axioms makes a proof go faster.)
Q4: What if I add hints that (as it turns out) aren't justified by the axioms? Are they ignored?
Q5: What if I add hints that contradict the axioms? (From a few trials, this doesn't make Prover9 mis-infer.)
Q6: For a proof (attempt) that times out, is there any way to retrieve the formulas inferred so far and recycle them for hints to speed up the next attempt? (I have a feeling in my waters that this would drag in some sort of fallacy, despite what I've seen re Q3 and Q4.)
Q3: Yes, you should expect the axiom(s) and the goal(s) included as hints. Both of them can serve as useful. I more meant that you might see something like "$F" as a hint doesn't seem to add much to me, and that hints also lead you down a particular path first which can make it more difficult or easier to find shorter proofs. However, if you just want a faster proof, then using all of the suggested hints probably comes as the way to go.
Q4: Hints do NOT need to come as deducible from the axioms.
Q5: Hints can contradict the axioms, sure.
The manual says "A derived clause matches a hint if it subsumes the hint.
In short, the default value of the hints_part parameter says to select clauses that match hints (lightest first) whenever any are available."
"Clause C subsumes clause D if the variables of C can be instantiated in such a way that it becomes a subclause of D. If C subsumes D, then D can be discarded, because it is weaker than or equivalent to C. (There are some proof procedures that require retention of subsumed clauses.)"
So let's say that you put
1. x ^((y^z) V v)=x V y as a hint.
Then if Prover9 generates
2. x ^ ((x^x) V v)=x V x
x ^ ((x^x) V v)=x V x will get selected whenever it's available, since it matches the hint.
This explanation isn't complete, because I'm not exactly sure how "subclause" gets defined.
Still, instead of generating formulas with the original axioms and whatever procedure Prover9 uses to generate formulas, formulas that match hints will get put to the front of the list for generating formulas. This can pick up the speed of the program, but from what I've read about some other problems it seems that many difficult problems basically wouldn't have gotten proved automatically if it weren't for things like hints, weighting, and other strategies.
Q6: I'm not sure which formulas you're referring to. In Prover9, of course, you can click on "show output" and look through the dozens of formulas it has generated. You could also set lemmas you think of as useful as additional goals, and then use Prooftrans to generate hints from those lemmas to use as hints on the next run. Or you could use the steps of the proofs of those lemmas as hints for the next run. There's no fallacy in terms of reasoning if you use steps of those proofs as hints, or the hints suggested by Prooftrans, because hints don't actually add any assumptions to the initial set. The hint mechanism works, at least according to my somewhat rough understanding, by changing the search procedure to use a clause that matches a hint once we have something which matches a hint (that is, the program has to deduce something that matches a hint, and only then can what matches the hint get used).
Q1: Yes, that should work for hints. But, to better test it, take the proof you have, and then use the "reformat" option and check the "hints" part. Then copy and paste all of those hints into your "formulas(hints)." list. (well you don't necessarily need them all... and using only some of them might lead to a shorter proof if it exists, but I digress). Then run the proof again, and if it runs like my proofs in propositional calculi with hints do, you'll get the proof "in an instant".
Just in case... you'll need to click on the "additional input" tab, and put your hint list there.
Q2: For strategies, the Prover9 manual has useful information on weighting, hints, and semantic guidance (I haven't tried semantic guidance). You might also want to see Bob Veroff's page (some of his work got done in OTTER, but the programs are similar). There also exists useful information Larry Wos's notebooks, as well as Dr. Wos's published work, though all of Wos's recent work has gotten done using OTTER (again, the programs are similar).
I have the following problem. Defining two simple functions in Mathematica, say, foo[x_]:= x, and bar[y_]:=y, I would expect that the expression foo[x]^(-bar[y])-(1/foo[x])^(bar[y]) will be evaluated to zero. However, I find (oddly) that Mathematica insists rather on keeping this thing "in a symbolic fashion", not willing to simplify at all. Tried many things to overcome this behaviour but they all failed. Any help much appreciated :)
You have to tell Mathematica that x>0:
Simplify[foo[x]^(-bar[y]) - (1/foo[x])^(bar[y]), x > 0]
I recently rediscovered a small package by Roman Maeder that tells Mathematica to automatically thread arithmetic and similar functions over expressions such as x == y. Link to Maeder's package.
First, to demonstrate, here's an example given by Maeder:
In[1]:= Needs["EqualThread`"]
Now proceed to use the threading behavior to solve the following equation for x 'by hand':
In[7]:= a == b Log[2 x]
In[8]:= %/b
Out[8]:= a/b == Log[2 x]
Now exponentiate:
In[9]:= Exp[%]
Out[9]= E^(a/b) == 2 x
And divide through by 2:
In[10]:= %/2
Out[10]= (E^(a/b))/2 == x
Q: From a design perspective, can someone explain why Mathematica is set to behave this way by default? Automatically threading seems like the type of behavior a Mathematica beginner would expect---to me, at least---perhaps someone can offer an example or two that would cause problems with the system as a whole. (And feel free to point out any mathematica ignorance...)
Seems natural when thinking of arithmetic operations. But that is not always the case.
When I write
I don't want
Boole[a] == Boole[b]
And that is what Maeder's package does.
Answering your comment below:
I noticed that Boole[] was added in v.5.2, whereas Maeder's package was authored for v.3. I guess the core of my question still revolves around the 'design' issue. I mean, how would one get around the issue you pointed out? To me, the clearest path would be declaring something about variables you're working with, no? -- What puzzles me is the way you can generally only do this with Assumptions (globally or as an option to Simplify, etc). Anyone else think it would be more natural to have a full set of numerical Attributes? (in this regard, the Constant Attribute is a tease)
My answer is by no means a critic to Maeder's package, which is nice, but a statement that it should not be the mainstream way to treat Equal[ ] in Mma.
Equal[ ] is a function, and not particularly easy to grasp at first:
returns True if lhs and rhs are identical
returns False if lhs and rhs are determined to be unequal by comparisons between numbers or other raw data, such as strings.
remains unevaluated when lhs or rhs contains objects such as Indeterminate and Overflow.
is used to represent a symbolic equation, to be manipulated using functions like Solve.
The intent of Maeder's package, which I understand is well aligned with yours, is to give to the expression lhs == rhs the same meaning and manipulation rules humans use when doing math.
In math, equality is an equivalence relation, imposing a partial order in a set, and an equation is an assertion that the expressions are related by this particular relation.
Compare these differences with other Mma "functions". Sin[x] is in Mma, and in usual math the same thing (well, almost), and the same can be said of most Mma beasts. There are a few Mma constructs, however, that do not hold that exact isomorphism to math concepts: Equal, SameQ, Equivalent, etc. They are the bridge from the math world to the programming world. They are not strict math concepts, but modified programming concepts to hold them.
Sorry if I got a little on the philosophical side.
I guess it is partly because the behavior can not be extended over to inequalities. And also because the behavior should make sense both when equalities become evaluated:
Would be nice:
In[85]:= Thread[Power[a == b, 2], Equal]
Out[85]= a^2 == b^2
In[86]:= Thread[Power[a == b, c == d], Equal]
Out[86]= a^c == b^d
In[87]:= Thread[Power[a == b, c == d] /. {c -> 2, d -> 2}, Equal]
Out[87]= a^True == b^True
When I write out a proof or derivation on paper I frequently make sign errors or drop terms as I move from one step to the next. I'd like to use Mathematica to save myself from these silly mistakes. I don't want Mathematica to solve the expression, I just want to use it carry out and display a series of algebraic manipulations. For a (trivial) example
In[111]:= MultBothSides[Equal[a_, b_], c_] := Equal[c a, c b];
In[112]:= expression = 2 a == a b
Out[112]= 2 a == a b
In[113]:= MultBothSides[expression, 1/a]
Out[113]= 2 == b
Can anyone point me to a package that would support this kind of manipulation?
Thanks for the input, not quite what I'm looking for though. The symbol manipulation isn't really the problem. I'm really looking for something that will make explicit the algebraic or mathematical justification of each step of a derivation. My goal here is really pedagogical.
Mathematica also provides a number of high-level functions for manipulating algebraic. Among these are Expand, Apart and Together, and Cancel, though there are quite a few more.
Also, for your specific example of applying the same transformation to both sides of an equation (that is, and expression with the head Equal), you can use the Thread function, which works just like your MultBothSides function, but with a great deal more generality.
In[1]:= expression = 2 a == a b
Out[1]:= 2 a == a b
In[2]:= Thread[expression /a, Equal]
Out[2]:= 2 == b
In[3]:= Thread[expression - c, Equal]
Out[3]:= 2 a - c == a b - c
In either of the presented solutions, it should be relatively easy to see what the step entailed. If you want something a little more explicit, you can write your own function like so:
In[4]:= ApplyToBothSides[f_, eq_Equal] := Map[f, eq]
In[5]:= ApplyToBothSides[4 * #&, expression]
Out[5]:= 8 a == 4 a b
It's a generalization of your MultBothSides function that takes advantage of the fact that Map works on expressions with any head, not just head List. If you're trying to communicate with an audience that is unfamiliar with Mathematica, using these sorts of names can help you communicate more clearly. In a related vein, if you want to use replacement rules as suggested by Ira Baxter, it may be helpful to write out Replace or ReplaceAll instead of using the /. syntactic sugar.
In[6]:= ReplaceAll[expression, a -> (x + y)]
Out[6]:= 2 (x + y) == b (x + y)
If you think it would be clearer to have the actual equation, instead of the variable name expression, in your input, and you're using the notebook interface, highlight the word expression with your mouse, call up the contextual menu, and select "Evaluate in Place".
The notebook interface is also a very pleasant environment for doing "literate programming", so you can also explain any steps that are not immediately obvious in words. I believe this is a good practice when writing mathematical proofs regardless of the medium.
I don't think you need a package. What you want to do is to manipulate each formula according to an inference rule. In MMa, you can model inference rules on a formula using transformations. So, if you have a formula f, you can apply an inference rule I by executing (my MMa syntax is 15 years rusty)
f ./ I
to produce the next formula in your sequence.
MMa will of course try to simplify your formulas if they contain standard algebraic operators and terms, such as constant numbers and arithmetic operators. You can prevent MMa from applying its own "inference" rules by enclosing your formula in a Hold[...] form.