Why we use general interface(GI)? - tibco

I am newer to the topic of GI.I just what to know why we are using GI,what is GI.

General interface is a proprietary UI framework developed by TIBCO. It features AJAX and rich client experience. They used it for one of AMX BPM interfaces : Workspace, and made it available via licensing for implementation.
This was another time... back then multiple companies tried to suggest a (often proprietary) approach to rich client based + back-end calling web UI. Ajax was the rage... and everybody tried to impose a framework.
A lot of that changed in the following years, when some new tools emerged, like Google Web Toolkit (GWT), JSF, Wicket, etc.
Eventually, TIBCO itself would use GWT in a second BPM UI : Openspace.
Arguably, most of these framework looks complex and outdated when compared to the lighter,current web frameworks, such as : JQuery, Webix, etc. These are mostly done with Javascript.


How can I document existing API services with RAML?

We have a project that is pretty nearly done now and has hundreds of existing WEB API Services.
We have documented everything as far as design and example URLs on a wiki as we went.
Now that we are near the end, I have been tasked with finding a product that that is more truly meant to document WEB API services like API Blueprint or Swagger.
I migrated a few API services from our wiki to API Blueprint and Apiary.
But that editor is kind of clunky and now I have stumbled onto RAML and like the human readable syntax much more as well as it's reusability features.
Our second goal however is to be able to use that same API documentation to perform integration testing.
Does anyone know of any tools that could auto document our services without me having to manually move everything over? I need a kind of an environment that would also support Integration testing.
It depends on the language.
For ASP.NET 5 / WebApi you have the RAML .NET Tools
You can check all the available tools here and filter by language and type.

html5 and webservices versus mvc3

At my company we have a discussion as to in what way our future web applications should be build. We currently have 2 groups of developers who agree on several things. We all want to use html5 and css3 and jQuery. We mostly agree that web services will be very important.
However, one group advocates the use of mvc because it would add more structure? to the project. The other half (to which I admit I belong to), sees no reason not to consume the webservices directly from the client, forgoing mvc controller views etc.
To me adding mvc will only add another performance burden on the server that could be shifted to the client and structure could also be added to non mvc projects, though it might ask a little more effort from the developers.
At the risk of starting a flamewar. I would like to hear some arguments for either side from outside the company.
You are having the wrong discussion. HTML5, CSS and Javascript (and JQuery) are client side technologies. ASP.NET MVC is a server side technology. You still need code on the server that sends and retrieves data from the database. The next version of MVC (4, beta) will have Web API which is an excellent solution to create those webservices with.

ASP.NET MVC REST frameworks

There are number of REST frameworks around for ASP.NET MVC. Which one is the most mature in your opinion? Following are few I briefly looked at, but I couldn't decide.
Restful Service with WCF
REST support build in ASP.Net MVC SDK
.... there are few more.
Personally I would go with the default ASP.NET routing engine which is built and supported by Microsoft. This will ensure that you won't find yourself one day into the position of having to migrate some code which has become obsolete because the authors simply decided to abandon the project. Of course if there is something specific that you want to implement which isn't supported out of the box you could search for alternatives. But as far as exposing a RESTful API is concerned the routing engine should work just fine.
I completely agree with Darin.
But if you're looking for something closer to what WCF offers (Web service, versus a typical Web site), I've been extremely happy with WCF REST.
There's a WCF REST Service Template available via Visual Studio's Extension Manager that will get you up and running fairly quickly.
Have been implementing RESTFul service using OR, only one word to describe it => "Pure Awesomeness" ....actually it's 2 words.
For me the simplicity is a plus, the framework is easy to use and adopt to. Some of it's conventions in my opinion really help me to understand Resful. Many integration points in the framework, very easy to extend its functionalists.
watching video recordings of seb's talk is very entertaining as well :) very opinionated (in a good way IMO)
I agree with Darin. Personally, I think Apache Thrift is also an option for doing client and server communication.

Implementing Real-Time Collaboration On A Page?

I would like to create a web page which would allow multiple users to work together on a page, Imagine a web based editor that allowed to users to change the documents as an example of this type of feature.
How would more experienced programmers go about implementing this as i really cant seem to formulate any way to even begin going about this task. Would there be any programming librarys that make implementing this feature easier or is it just too complex to even think about?
I am creating this webapp primarily using GWT and SmartGWT if that helps.
Thanks for any input you may have.
There is indeed a cometd-like library for gwt - http://code.google.com/p/gwteventservice/
In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term for multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins.
In practice:
In normal way client can receive resources by request->responce. It is no possible to send data directly to client without request. With comet you can hold realtime connection between client and server and exchange data in realtime.
Check out: docs.google.com. They are using comet.
Etherpad.com is a service that used to do this. It has been since bought by Google, and the code released as open-source. You can see several links on the etherpad.com page for the source download and related information.

Moving to a New Stack - AJAX, REST & NoSQL

I'm beginning to explore what frameworks (open source) and tools for building web applications. What should I select and learn for the following layers,
Layer 1
Client side JavaScript / AJAX library or framework that will invoke REST style services provided by layer-
Layer 2
Provides a framework to rapidly create REST style services out of existing applications and out of a NoSQL document oriented database provided by layer-3. I need this layer in cases where I need to expose REST style services out of my traditional apps and RDBMS.
Layer 3
Which NoSQL to use - CouchDB or MongoDB that would work well with layer-2?
Will I need a MVC framework like RoR or a web/component framework like Wicket? Am I missing anything?
I also need recommendations for which tooling/IDE (and associated plugins) for the development environment. Thanks in advance for your answers/thoughts.
We've had pretty decent luck using a Java stack:
For the presentation, we use jQuery and jQueryUI, with Freemarker for XHTML/CSS templating, including to invoke REST web services through various UIs.
Restlet (www.restlet.org) is a wonderfully rich framework for crafting REST web services in Java. We decided to use it on a major product after it was strongly recommended to us by the engineering director of a top 10 e-commerce site in the US. And everything he said about it was true.
Unless you know you're going to face a really large amount of write volume, you're probably best off using one of the tried and true SQL databases supporting ACID transactional guarantees. We used Oracle, then switched to PostgreSQL, using the MyBatis (formerly iBatis) SQL Mapper to shield our code from the details of the database. With the advent of 64-bit addresses and scads of inexpensive DRAM, plus SSDs, these old workhorses do scale quite high.
If you are anticipating very large amounts of writes, by all means consider a so-called "NoSQL" database. I heard very good things about Vertica from the top network ops folks at a major technology company last week. MongoDB and CouchDB both look interesting. Or you may be able to leverage persistent distributed cache technology like Redis or EhCache to offload a traditional database.
The task you're trying to accomplish determines the technology you use.
If you're interested in the .NET platform, consider:
RavenDB for the data layer.
WCF Data Services for your REST services layer. Here's a guide to WCF Data Services with some great video tutorials.
If you need a web front-end, consider ASP.NET MVC or plain HTML as you see fit. jQuery and AJAX modules are well suited in both.
Arguably, ASP.NET MVC IS a REST endpoint of sorts, so you could skip the WCF services.
All the above can be leveraged with free tools, including:
Visual Studio Express
Raven DB's HTML interface at http://localhost:8080/

