Patterns for developing and merging teamcity build configurations - teamcity

During normal development of any coded or configured project usually involves merging changes of some sort.
The same holds true for TeamCity build configurations themselves. Currently I'm failing to see a good way to do this in TeamCity. So far I've found a couple of primary ways to move a developed build configuration to a production usage.
These assume you already have a build configuration in use for production... i.e. it's not being actively modified or configured.
Make a copy of the build configuration A. We'll call the copy build configuration B.
Make your changes to configuration B and test them.
Now, there are two ways to get this back to the configuration A.
A. Delete build configuration A and move configuration B in.
doing this would remove any history of configuration A.
B. Manually, by hand, make the changed needed to configuration A.
This seems very error prone and lends itself to a great deal of human error.
If there is a better way to do this, or anybody has any thoughts, please let me know.

It is difficult to test your changes in isolation, especially when you use templates a lot and changing a template could affect a number of builds. In this scenario I normally detach the configuration from the template, make and test the changes. Then I reattach the configuration to the template and apply the changes at the template level. This then means I can then apply tested changes to DEV / TEST / UAT / etc configurations as they are all working off the same template.
TeamCity also has a really nice feature where you can sync your changes to your VCS - This mean that you can make changes in the UI or in code, and you have a history of your changes so you rollback edits to configurations quite easily.
I don't know if there's an optimum strategy, but the first option works for me, although I always have TeamCity write it's settings back to VCS where possible
Hope this may be of some help.


Can I have a template for a Gitlab pipeline in my organization?

In my organization, we are in a transition phase. Big projects get split up into micro services. While this is nice to bring complexity down, the downside is that some parts which should be the same everywhere are more work.
For example, I would like every project to have some tools in the CI pipeline:
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Unit Tests
What the tools are might differ from project to project (essentially by programming language). It might also be that this changes - for example, one might want to add the type checker later. Once the type checker is there, one might enforce some of the values (while keeping others flexible, to be changed by the microservices).
Is it possible to have a shared template for a CI pipeline in GitLab? I'm not looking something people can copy-and-paste. I'm looking for a solution that allows me to adjust the CI pipeline of multiple projects at once, without causing more work for me when more microservices are added (the changes don't have to be applied instantly)
Yes you can.
You may develop one or several templates (let's say for e.g.: a Java template (build&test), a Python one (build&test), a SonarQube (SAST), a Kubernetes (deploy), an AWS (deploy)) and then let developers/projects include the ones they need to assemble their pipeline.

Single package in continuous delivery pipeline when building in parallel

My company is using Jenkins for continuous integration and I'm trying to move towards CD. I'm using git hub as a code repository. Right now we are merging feature branches into a uat environment and when a particular feature has been accepted the feature branch will be merged to our production branch.
This is obviously dangerous because two changes could be tested together and deployed separately.
Ideally we would have a package tested and deployed without rebuilding but I'm having trouble seeing how this is possible. If two people work on two different features, the first is finished, packaged and goes into testing, the second is then finished and packaged without the first? But then how can I deploy the package without invalidating the testing of the other feature?
I'm not sure on the correct way to integrate features with a single deployable package.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you look at
my concern is that check-in 1 can be deployed when it passes acceptance testing and that package will be deployed, but what if acceptance testing failed? Check-in 5 contains the same problem as check-in 1 so no deployment to production can be done until check-in 1 is fixed or removed. Removing the change would be annoying as there could be multiple commits to be removed, and a fix + testing could take a long time.
Continuous Delivery is an extension of Continuous Integration. CI is all about evaluating your changes in the context of everyone else's on a frequent basis (if you commit less than once per day it can't count as CI)
Branching, of any kind, is all about isolating change and so is fundamentally at odds with CI. Feature branching and CI are opposed.
What most organisations do is merge branches before testing. This compromises the value of the feature branch, but retains the value of CI. If you don't do this then the CI has little real value for the reasons that you describe - you are not evaluating changes in a realistic context.
Sorry but you can't have both, they are opposites!
Regarding the difference in cycle time of hotfixes vs less critical things have you looked into feature toggles?
If you want to do Continuous Delivery then branching is a no-no. Well, mostly. Releases should be tagged in SCM, the fix applied to release and merged back into HEAD.
You should also have automated tests to prove the fix actually fixes the problem. This might be hard in some circumstances. In that case the minimum you should do is verify the fix doesn't break existing behaviour (if that's the intention of the fix).
Feature toggles are good, so is branching by abstraction, however in practice this is adopted only by the most mature and experienced teams who have adopted CD. I suspect you're not at that point yet, so this will help you overcome your bump until you're more comfortable with CD.
If two features are supposed to be deployed at the same time, then I guess you should use the TDD principle of creating a FAILING test first, then implementing code to make it go green. Check that test in, so no build can move forward until you've got it implemented. This will make it absolutely clear this build isn't destined for production, as the feature isn't complete. Not a good idea for this test to be a CI, but at a latest phase of testing... providing you have multiple test phases that is!

Same build definition for different branches

Lets say I have the following branches for my application in TFS2012.
May2013 and June2013.
For deploying these applications I am using TWO different build definitions. One that points to the May20123.sln and one June2013.sln. The builds are doing the exact same thing, only difference pointing to different source code.
I would like to only have one build definition which starts with popup where I can choose which branch to deploy. Is this possible?
(This is just a simple example, the actual scenario is much more complex). I am aware that could change branching strategy...
I do not believe this is possible out of the box, but the Clone build definition feature if TFS 2012 should make your life a lot easier. Simply, create a new branch and then clone an existing build.

Automated Software Versioning integrated with Issue Control System

I decided to use the following pattern after reading semantic versioning at However, I have some unsolved issues in my mind in terms of automaticng and integrating SDLC tools.
Version Pattern:
Such that;
Major: major changes, should be increamented manually.
Minor: minor changes, should be increamented automatically, whenever a new feature or an enhancement to existing feature is solved in issue tracking system.
Revision: changes not affecting the minor changes, should be increamented automatically, whenever a bug is solved in issue tracking system.
Assume that developers never commit the source unless an issue has been solved in issue tracking system, and the issue tracking system is JIRA in this configuration. This means that there are bugs, improvements, and new features as issue types by default, apart from the tasks.
Furthermore, I am adding a continous integration tool in this configuration, and assume that it is bamboo (by the way, I never used bamboo before, I used Hudson), and I am using Eclipse IDE with mylyn plugin and plus the project is a Maven project (web).
Now, I want to elucidate what I want to do by illustrating following scenario. Analyst (A) opens an issue (I), which is a new feature, related to Maven project (P). As a developer (D), I receive an email about the issue, and I open the task via Mylyn interface in Eclipse. I understand and develop the new feature related to issue (I). Consider, I am a Test Driven Development oriented developer, thus I wrote the Unit, DBUnit, and User-Acceptance (for example using Selenium) tests correspondingly. Finally, I commit the changes to the source control. I think the rest should be cycled automatically but I don't know how can I achieve this? The auto-cycled part is the following:
The Source Control System should have a post-hook script that triggers the Continous integration tool to build the project (P). While building, in the proper phase the test code should be run, and their reports generated. The user-acceptance test should be performed in a dedicated server (For example, jboss, or Tomcat). The order of this acceptance test should be, up the server, run the UA test, then generate the UA test reports and down the server. If all these steps have been successfuly completed, the versioning should be performed. In versioning part, the Maven plugin, or what so ever, should take the number of issues solved from the Issue Tracking System, and increment the related version fragments (minor and revision), at last appends the build number. The fragments of the version may be saved in manifest file in order to show it in User Interface. Last but not the least, the CI tool should deploy it in Test environment. That's all auto-cycled processes I want.
The deployment of the artifact to the production environment should be done automatically or manually?
Let's start with the side question: On the automatic deployment to production, this requires the sign off of "the business" whomever that is. How good do your tests need to be to automatically push to production? Are they good enough that you trust things to just go live? What's your downtime? Is that acceptable? If your tests miss something, can you rollback? Are you monitoring production so you know if you've introduced problems? Generally, the answers to enough of these questions is negative enough that you can't auto-deploy there as the result of a build / autotest event.
As for the tracking, you'll need a few things. You'll need all your assumptions to be true (which I doubt they are, but if you get there that's awesome). You'll also need a build number that can be incremented after build time based on test results. You'll need source changes to be annotated with bug ids. You'll need the build system to parse the source changes and make associations with issues. You'll need an API into the build system so you can get the count of issues associated with the build. Finally you'll need your own bit of scripting to do the query and update the build number accordingly.
That's totally doable, but is it really worth having? What's the value you attach to the numbering scheme?

Handling multiple branches in continuous integration

I've been dealing with the problem of scaling CI at my company and at the same time trying to figure out which approach to take when it comes to CI and multiple branches. There is a similar question at stackoverflow, Multiple feature branches and continuous integration. I've started a new one because I'd like to get more of discussion and provide some analysis in the question.
So far I've found that there are 2 main approaches that I can take (or maybe some others???).
Multiple set of jobs (talking about Jenkins/Hudson here) per branch
Write tooling to manage the extra jobs
Create/modify/delete Jobs in bulk
Custom settings for each job per branch (SCM url, dep management repos duplications)
Some examples of people tackling this problem with shell tools, ant scripts and Jenkins CLI. See:
Configure or Create hudson job automatically
Will cause more load on your CI cluster
Feedback cycle for devs slows down (if the infrastructure cannot handle the new load)
Multiple set of jobs per 2 branches (dev & stable)
Manage the two sets manually (if you change the conf of a job then be sure to change in the other branch)
PITA but at least so few to manage
Other extra branches won't get a full test suite before they get pushed to dev
Unsatisfied devs. Why should a dev care about CI scaling problems. He has a simple request, when I branch I would like to test my code. Simple.
So it seems if I want to provide devs with CI for their own custom branches I need special tooling for Jenkins (API or shellscripts or something?) and handle scaling. Or I can tell them to merge more often to DEV and live without CI on custom branches. Which one would you take or are there other options?
When you talk about scaling CI you're really talking about scaling the use of your CI server to handle all your feature branches along with your mainline. Initially this looks like a good approach as the developers in a branch get all the advantages of the automated testing that the CI jobs include. However, you run into problems managing the CI server jobs (like you have discovered) and more importantly, you aren't really doing CI. Yes, you are using a CI server, but you aren't continuously integrating the code from all of your developers.
Performing real CI means that all of your developers are committing regularly to the mainline. Easy to say, but the hard part is doing it without breaking your application. I highly recommend you look at Continuous Delivery, especially the Keeping Your Application Releasable section in Chapter 13: Managing Components and Dependencies. The main points are:
Hide new functionality until it's finished (A.K.A Feature Toggles).
Make all changes incrementally as a series of small changes, each of which is releasable.
Use branch by abstraction to make large-scale changes to the codebase.
Use components to decouple parts of your application that change at different rates.
They are pretty self explanatory except branch by abstraction. This is just a fancy term for:
Create an abstraction over the part of the system that you need to change.
Refactor the rest of the system to use the abstraction layer.
Create a new implementation, which is not part of the production code path until complete.
Update your abstraction layer to delegate to your new implementation.
Remove the old implementation.
Remove the abstraction layer if it is no longer appropriate.
The following paragraph from the Branches, Streams, and Continuous Integration section in Chapter 14: Advanced Version Control summarises the impacts.
The incremental approach certainly requires more discipline and care - and indeed more creativity - than creating a branch and diving gung-ho into re-architecting and developing new functionality. But it significantly reduces the risk of your changes breaking the application, and will save your and your team a great deal of time merging, fixing breakages, and getting your application into a deployable state.
It takes quite a mind shift to give up feature branches and you will always get resistance. In my experience this resistance is based on developers not feeling safe committing code the the mainline and this is a reasonable concern. This in turn usually stems from a lack of knowledge, confidence or experience with the techniques listed above and possibly with the lack of confidence with your automated tests. The former can be solved with training and developer support. The latter is a far more difficult problem to deal with, however branching doesn't provide any extra real safety, it just defers the problem until the developers feel confident enough with their code.
I would set up separate jobs for each branch. I've done this before and it isn't hard to manage and set up if you've set up Hudson/Jenkins correctly. A quick way to create multiple jobs is to copy from an existing job that has similar requirements and modify them as needed. I'm not sure if you want to allow each developer to setup their own jobs for their own branches, but it isn't much work for one person (i.e. a build manager) to manage. Once the custom branches have been merged into stable branches, corresponding jobs can be removed when they are no longer necessary.
If you're worried about the load on the CI server, you could set up separate instances of the CI or even separate slaves to help balance the load across multiple servers. Make sure that the server you are running Hudson/Jenkins on is adequate. I've used Apache Tomcat and just had to ensure that it had enough memory and processing power to process the build queue.
It's important to be clear on what you want to achieve using CI and then figure out a way to implement it without much manual effort or duplication. There's nothing wrong with using other external tools or scripts that are executed by your CI server that help simplify your overall build management process.
I would choose dev+stable branches. And if you still want custom branches and afraid of the load, then why not move these custom ones to the cloud and let developers manage it themselves, e.g.
This is the company where Kohsuke is now.
There is an Eclipse Tooling also, so if you are on Eclipse, you will have it tightly integrated right into dev env.
Actually what is really problematic is build isolation with feature branches. In our company we have a set of separate maven projects all be part of a larger distribution. These projects are maintained by different teams but for each distribution all projects need to be released. A featurebranch may now overlap from one project to another and thats when build isolation gets painfully. There are several solutions we've tried:
create separate snapshot repositories in nexus for each feature branch
share local repositories on dedicated slaves
use the repository-server-plugin with upstream repositories
build all within one job with one private repository
As a matter of fact, the last solution is the most promising. All other solutions lack in one or another way. Together with the job-dsl plugin it is easy to setup a new feature branch. simply copy and paste the groovy script, adapt branches and let the seed job create the new jobs. Make sure that the seed job removes nonmanaged jobs. Then you can easily scale with feature branches over different maven projects.
But as tom said well above, it would be nicer to overcome the necessity of feature branches and teach devs to integrate cleanly, but that is a longer process and the outcome is not clear with many legacy system parts you won't touch any more.
my 2 cents
