Sbt do not update snapshot in Local maven repo - maven

I have a project that is based on maven, and in which I am integrating some libraries that I am developing in Scala using SBT.
Currently the SBT project (in which I am developing the Lib) has a snapshot version.
While the snapshot jar is well updated in Ivy correctly it is not the case in Maven when I use PublishM2. I have to delete the previous one to get to have the new version that I would publish with PublishM2.
Is there a way to ensure that my PublishM2 update the local Maven repository properly (meaning with a new snapshot)?

Try the following sbt command:
sbt publishLocal publishM2
It should publish artifact into local Maven repository.


How to update maven package after commit/pull-request

I am using a package, resently there was a commit in their repo, but the version had not been changed in Readme(description) of package in git hub, how can I update the package using maven?
I tried to run mvn release:update-versions, but I get this error
Then I run mvn release:update-versions -X
This is my pom.xml
The git repo is not equal the maven lib. You download maven libraries from the offical maven repository. The maintainer of the library needs to upload his artifact to the central repository when he builds a new release after that you can use this.
To see which version is usable you can use a maven search website like
The dependency org.dhatim:fastexcel has a version 0.9.4 (same as the github release).
So it seems the developer already uploaded it but did not correct his Readme in the repository. So you can just use 0.9.4 in your pom.xml.
So always check the maven search site and if something is missing you can always add an issue to github to ask the developer uploading it.
There are also this more or less recommended possibilites to get library as a workaround:
Checkout and build the project by your self and add the jar file to:
something like nexus as own repository hosting (a organization normally has a maven proxy which could be used)
add it to the pom.xml as system scope dependency where the jar must be located on your system
use mvn install on the fastexcel project and change the version in your pom.xml to 0-SNAPSHOT

Maven - Why Does it Keep Redownloading Dependencies?

When I add a new Maven dependency that I've never used before, I will do Maven build and see the dependencies being downloaded into my local machine from Nexus. All is good.
I will then create another project, specify the same dependency with the same version, do a Maven build, and I will again see the dependencies being downloaded from Nexus into my local machine.
Why are my dependencies re-downloaded every time? Aren't these dependencies already installed in my local repository?
Maven will NOT download artifacts repeatedly. The only exceptions are if you are deleting your local repository (in ~/.m2/repository by default), you are configuring usage of a different local repository and if a new SNAPSHOT version is available.

Importing a snapshot version of a dependency into Maven repository

I am having trouble importing dependencies for my Grails project into the company Nexus repository. The Grails plugin I would like to use is events-push ( The latest released version of the plugin is 1.0.M7. It uses a very old version of Atmosphere library. The GutHub repository contains a more up-to-date version of events-push plugin, 1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. I built the Grails plugin from the local clone of the repository and got it to work in my dev environment.
To deploy it on the intranet (in the production environment) I need to import all the plugin dependencies into the company Nexus repository. This is where I run into trouble. The project depends on a SNAPSHOT version of events-push plugin, which in turn depends on SNAPSHOT version of other Grails plugins and Java libraries (according to dependency report).
Nexus supports two types of repositories, Release and Snapshot. I can add artifacts to a Release repository (through the browser UI or in a batch mode using curl), but the artifact must not be a snapshot. I can change the repository to be a Snapshot repository, but then I lose the ability to add artifact to it through the browser or curl command.
How do I make these SNAPSHOT artifacts available to the Grails project through Maven?
Change them to a release version and deploy them to the release repository.

How to install a Maven/Gradle project along with all its dependencies to a local repository?

I have a Gradle project that depends on several open-source projects up on Maven Central. I'd like to install the project – along with all its direct and transitive dependencies – to my local maven repository, so that I could later zip it all up and put it on offline machines.
How do I do it with Gradle/Maven?
mvn dependency:get plugin will fetch the artifact with all dependencies to the local repository.
I had also developed a plugin to install remote artifacts to a local machine.
If you want to later ZIP up your project w/ dependencies and move them to a different machine, you could try Maven's appassembler plugin. It collects all dependencies and creates a launcher, all in the target folder, ready for deployment.
But note, this, by default, creates a flat directory structure with all dependencies, it doesn't preserve the Maven format. It also has the option to create a repository.

How to deploy JAR to Maven remote repository

Is there any way to put my JAR file in remote repository, so my maven project can get this JAR file from any place via Internet?
I have downloaded and did some fixes in the ReportNG project: .
Using ANT I have compiled this project into JAR, now I want to put it into remote Maven repository, but don't know how I can do that.
Could somebody please suggest me the way, how I can perform that?
If it is a released version you want to make available in maven central follow this guide:
I'm no github professional but since a maven repo is just a file structure with some meta-data you can put it anywhere maven can read it (ftp, http, ...). so you could create a git repo to host your maven artifacts. see for an example. (it may be outdated - github may have something like maven repo hosting, I just dont know)
A lightweight way to create your own maven repository is to store it on github. See Hosting a Maven repository on github for more details
I followed sonatype open source project maven deployment guide and successfully deployed the latest version of reportNG into maven central repository. Now maven have both 1.1.3 and 1.1.4
You should do a pull request to the github project. If the maintainer likes your fix he will put it in the next version.
If you need your fix in a remote repo NOW then you'll have to setup your own maven repository.
