How to call a C++ method from within an lldb summary format in XCode? - xcode

XCode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105)
The variable I'm attempting to display is of type boost::posix_time::ptime but my question applies to any C/C++ type. The documentation for boost::posix_time::ptime specifies that the date part of the time (year, month, day) is retrieved by the date() method, and the fractional part of the time (hours, minutes, seconds) is returned by the time_of_day() method. So right-clicking on the variable in the list while the debugger is active allows me to set the summary format, and to just display the year part of the date should be something like {$}. Ideally I would like to print 2015/6/11 3:20:29 in the summary next to the variable in the debugger view, but for now I'm just trying to display the year part.
However, 'Summary Unavailable' is displayed, and the output window prints:
error: call to a function 'boost::date_time::date<boost::gregorian::date, boost::gregorian::gregorian_calendar, boost::gregorian::date_duration>::year() const' ('_ZNK5boost9date_time4dateINS_9gregorian4dateENS2_18gregorian_calendarENS2_13date_durationEE4yearEv') that is not present in the target
The documentation (PDF format) states that summary format expressions can contain function and method calls, but the example given is for Objective C, not C++. This is in the main section Writing Data Formatters and sub-section Expressions, including function or method calls

The error you are getting indicates that you are trying to call a function that doesn't exist in the program you are running. With C++ that can happen if the function was only ever present inlined. The debugger doesn't currently know how to construct callable versions of functions from headers, and we certainly can't call an inlined version of it. You can verify this by running nm on your binary and see if there really is a symbol like that around.
The other possibility is there is such a function, but it differs by const or that the type of one of the arguments is slightly different from the one the expression parser guessed it would be, so we are looking for a slightly different mangled name, and not finding it. If a plausible looking candidate does indeed show up when you do nm on the binary and we aren't calling it, please file a bug with the bug reporter at:
so somebody can take a look at it.


When I use Conditional Compilation Arguments to Exclude Code, why doesn't VB6 EXE file size change?

Basically, when declaring Windows API functions in my VB6 code, there comes with these many constants that need to be declared or used with this function, in fact, usually most of these constants are not used and you only end up using one of them or so when making your API calls, so I am using Conditional Compilation Arguments to exclude these (and other things) using something like this:
IncludeUnused = 0 : Testing = 1
(this is how I set two conditional compilation arguments (they are of Boolean type by default).
So, many unused things are excluded like this:
#If IncludeUnused Then
' Some constant declarations and API declarations go here, sometimes functions
' and function calls go here as well, so it's not just declarations and constants
#End If
I also use a similar wrapper using the Testing Boolean declared in the Conditional Compilation Argument input field in the VB6 Properties windows "Make" tab. The Testing Boolean is used to display message boxes and things like that when I am in testing mode, and of course, these message boxed are removed (not displayed) if I have Testing set to 0 (and it is obviously 1 when I am Testing).
The problem is, I tried setting IncludeUnused and Testing to 0 and 1 and visa versa, a total of four (4) combinations, and no matter what combination I set these values to, the output EXE file size for my VB6 EXE does not change! It is always 49,152 when compiled to Native Code using Fast Code, and when using Small Code.
Additionally, if I compile to p-code under the four (4) combinations of Testing and IncludeUnused, i always end up with the file size 32,768 no matter what.
This is driving me crazy, since it is leading me to believe that no change is actually occuring, even though it is. Why is it that when segments of code are excluded from compilation, the file size is still the same? What am I missing or doing wrong, or what have I miscalculated?
I have considered the option that perhaps VB6 automatically does not compile code which is not used into the final output EXE, but I have read from a few sources that this is not true, in that, if it's included, it is compiled (correct me if I am wrong), and if this is right, then there is no need to use the IncludeUnused Boolean to remove unused code...?
If anyone can shed some light on these thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it.
It could well be that the size difference is very small and that the exe size is padded to the next 512 or 1024 byte alignment. Try compressing the exe's with zip and see if the zip-file sizes differ.
You misunderstand what a compiler does. The output of the VB6 compiler is code. Constants are merely place holders for values, they are not code. The compiler adds them to its symbol table. And when it later encounters a statement in your code that uses the constant then it replaces the constant by its value. That statement produces the exact same code whether you use a constant or hard-code the value in the statement.
So this automatically implies that if you never actually use the constant anywhere then there is no difference at all in the generated code. All that you accomplished by using the #If is to keep the compiler's symbol table smaller. Which is something that makes very little sense to do, the actual gain from compilation speed you get is not measurable. Symbol tables are implemented as hash tables, they have O(1) amortized complexity.
You use constants only to make your code more readable. And to make it easy to change a constant value if the need ever arises. By using #If, you actually made your code less readable.
You can't test runtime data in conditional compilation directives.
These directives use expressions made up of literal values, operators, and CC constants. One way to set constant values is:
#Const IncludeUnused = 0
#Const Testing = 1
You can also define them via Project Properties for IDE testing. Go to the Make tab in that dialog and click the Help button for details.
Perhaps this is where you are setting the values? If so, consider this just additional info for later readers rather than an answer.
See #If...Then...#Else Directive
VB6 executable sizes are padded to 4KB blocks, so if the code difference is small it will make no difference to the executable.

GCC syntax check ensure NULL passed as last parameter in function call with variable arguments

I want to do something similar to how, in GCC, you can do syntax checking on printf-style calls (to make sure that the argument list is actually correct for the call).
I have some functions that take a variable number of parameters. Rather than enforce what parameters are sent, I need to ensure that the last parameter passed is a NULL, regardless of how many parameters are passed-in.
Is there a way to get GCC to do this type of syntax check during compile time?
You probably want the sentinel function attribute, so declare your function like
void foo(int,double,...) __attribute__((sentinel));
You might consider customizing your GCC with a plugin or a MELT extension to typecheck more precisely your variadic functions. That is, you could extend GCC with your own attributes which would do more precise checks (or simply make additional checks based on the names of your functions).
The ex06/ example of melt-examples is doing a similar check for the jansson library; unfortunately that example is incomplete today October 18th 2012, I am still working on it.
In addition, you could define a variadic macro to call such a function by always adding a NULL e.g. something like:
#define FOO(N,D,...) foo((N),(D),##__V_ARGS__,NULL)
Then by coding FOO(i+3,3.14,"a") you'll get foo((i+3),(3.14),"a",NULL) so you are sure that a NULL is appended.
Basile Starynkevitch is right, go with a function attribute. There are a ton of other useful function attributes, like being able to tell the compiler "If the caller doesn't check the return value of this function, it's an error."
You may also want to see if splint can check for you, but I don't think so. I think it would have stuck in my memory.
If you haven't read over this page of GCC compiler flags, do that, too. There are a ton of handy checks in there.

How to use a dll without knowing parameters?

I have a dll that I need to make use of. I also have a program that makes calls to this dll to use it. I need to be able to use this dll in another program, however previous programmer did not leave any documentation or source code. Is there a way I can monitor what calls are made to this dll and what is passed?
You can't, in general. This is from the Dependency Walker FAQ:
Q: How do I view the parameter and
return types of a function?
A: For most functions, this
information is simply not present in
the module. The Windows' module file
format only provides a single text
string to identify each function.
There is no structured way to list the
number of parameters, the parameter
types, or the return type. However,
some languages do something called
function "decoration" or "mangling",
which is the process of encoding
information into the text string. For
example, a function like int Foo(int,
int) encoded with simple decoration
might be exported as _Foo#8. The 8
refers to the number of bytes used by
the parameters. If C++ decoration is
used, the function would be exported
as ?Foo##YGHHH#Z, which can be
directly decoded back to the
function's original prototype: int
Foo(int, int). Dependency Walker
supports C++ undecoration by using the
Undecorate C++ Functions Command.
Edit: One thing you could do, I think, is to get a disassembler and disassemble the DLL and/or the calling code, and work out from that the number and types of the arguments, and the return types. You wouldn't be able to find out the names of the arguments though.
You can hook the functions in the DLL you wish to monitor (if you know how many arguments they take)
You can use dumpbin (Which is part of the Visual Studio Professional or VC++ Express, or download the platform kit, or even use OpenWatcom C++) on the DLL to look for the 'exports' section, as an example:
dumpbin /all SimpleLib.dll | more
Output would be:
Section contains the following exports for SimpleLib.dll
00000000 characteristics
4A15B11F time date stamp Thu May 21 20:53:03 2009
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
2 number of functions
2 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00001010 fnSimpleLib
2 1 00001030 fnSimpleLib2
Look at the ordinals, there are the two functions exported...the only thing is to work out what parameters are used...
You can also use the PE Explorer to find this out for you. Working out the parameters is a bit tricky, you would need to disassemble the binary, and look for the function call at the offset in the file, then work out the parameters by looking at the 'SP', 'BP' registers.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,

How can I get the name of a calling function within a module in Mathematica?

If I write a function or module that calls another module, how can I get the name of the calling function/module? This would be helpful for debugging purposes.
The Stack function will do almost exactly what you want, giving a list of the "tags" (for your purposes, read "functions") that are in the call stack. It's not bullet-proof, because of the existence of other functions like StackBegin and StackInhibit, but those are very exotic to begin with.
In most instances, Stack will return the symbols that name the functions being evaluated. To figure out what context those symbols are from, you can use the Context function, which is aboput as close as you can come to figuring out what package they're a part of. This requires some care, though, as symbols can be added to packages dynamically (via Get, Import, ToExpression or Symbol) and they can be redefined or modified (with new evaluation rules, for instance) in other packages as well.

How to read a call stack?

We have a native C++ application running via COM+ on a windows 2003 server. I've recently noticed from the event viewer that its throwing exceptions, specifically the C0000005 exception, which, according to means that the process is trying to write to memory not within its address space, aka access violation.
The entry in event viewer provides a call stack:
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0xa26c
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0x8af4
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0x13a1
LibFmwk!utilCLogController::GetFLFInfoLevel(void)const + 0x1070
LibFmwk!utilCLogController::GetFLFInfoLevel(void)const + 0x186
Now, I understand that its giving me method names to go look at but I get a feeling that the address at the end of each line (e.g. + 0xa26c) is trying to point me to a specific line or instruction within that method.
So my questions are:
Does anyone know how I might use this address or any other information in a call stack to determine which line within the code its falling over on?
Are there any resources out there that I could read to better understand call stacks,
Are there any freeware/opensource tools that could help in analysing a call stack, perhaps by attaching to a debug symbol file and/or binaries?
As requested, here is the method that appears to be causing the problem:
BOOL UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(LPCSTR pszDir, utilCDate& oDate)
if ((pszDir[0] == '%') &&
::isdigit(pszDir[1]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[2]) &&
::isdigit(pszDir[3]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[4]) &&
::isdigit(pszDir[5]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[6]) &&
::isdigit(pszDir[7]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[8]) &&
char acCopy[9];
::memcpy(acCopy, pszDir + 1, 8);
acCopy[8] = '\0';
int iDay = ::atoi(&acCopy[6]);
acCopy[6] = '\0';
int iMonth = ::atoi(&acCopy[4]);
acCopy[4] = '\0';
int iYear = ::atoi(&acCopy[0]);
oDate.Set(iDay, iMonth, iYear);
bRet = TRUE;
return (bRet);
This is code written over 10 years ago by a member of our company who has long since gone, so I don't presume to know exactly what this is doing but I do know its involved in the process of renaming a log directory from 'Today' to the specific date, e.g. %20090329. The array indexing, memcpy and address of operators do make it look rather suspicious.
Another problem we seem to have is that this only happens on the production system, we've never been able to reproduce it on our test systems or development systems here, which would allow us to attach a debugger.
Much appreciated!
Others have said this in-between the lines, but not explicitly. look at:
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0xa26c
The 0xa26c offset is huge, way past the end of the function. the debugger obviously doesn't have the proper symbols for LibFmwk so instead it's relying on the DLL exports and showing the offset relative to the closest one it can find.
So, yeah, get proper symbols and then it should be a breeze. UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory is not at fault here.
if you really need to map those addresses to your functions - you'll need to work with .MAP file and see where those addresses really point to.
But being in your situation I would rather investigate this problem under debugger (e.g. MSVS debugger or windbg); as alternative (if crash happens at customer's site) you can generate crash dump and study it locally - it can be done via Windows MiniDumpWriteDump API or SysInternals ProcDump utility (
Make sure that all required symbol files are generated and available (also setup microsoft symbol server path so that windows DLLs' entry points get resolved also).
IMHO this is just the web site you need: - which is the best resource to cover all your questions.
Consider also taking a look at this PDF -
Point 2 and 3 are easily answered:
3rd Point. Any debugger. That's what they are made for. Set your debugger to break on this special exception. You should be able to click yourself through the callstack and find the different calls on the stack (at least delphi can do this, so visual studio should be able as well). Compile without optimisations if possible. OllyDBG might work as well - perhaps in combination with its trace functionality.
2nd Point. Any information about x86 Assembler, Reverseengineering ... Try: OpenRCE, NASM Documentation, ASM Community.
1st Point. The callstack tells you the functions. I don't know if it is written in order or in opposite order - so it might be that the first line is the last called function or the first called function. Follow the calls with the help of the debugger. Sometimes you can change between asm and code (depending on the debugger, map files ...). If you don't have the source - learn assembler, read about reverse engineering. Read the documentation of the functions you call in third party components. Perhaps you do not satisfy a precondition.
If you can tell a bit more about the programm (which parts of the source code do you have, is a library call involved?, ...)
Now some code-reading:
The function accepts a pointer to a zero terminated string and a reference to a date object. The pointer is assumed to be valid!
The function checks wether the string is in a specific format (% followed by 8 digits followed by a \0). If this is not the case, it returns false. This check (the big if) accesses the pointer without any validity checks. The length is not checked and if the pointer is pointing somewhere in the wild, this space is accessed. I don't know if a shorter string will cause problems. It shouldn't because of the way && is evaluated.
Then some memory is allocated on the stack. The number-part of the string is copied into it (which is ok) and the buffer gets its \0 termination. The atois extract the numbers. This will work because of the different start-locations used and the \0-termination after each part. Somehow tricky but nice. Some comments would have made everything clear.
These numbers are then inserted into the object. It should be valid since it is passed into the function by reference. I don't know if you can pass a reference to a deleted object but if this is the case, this might be your problem as well.
Anyway - except the missing check for the string-pointer, this function is sound and not the cause of your problem. It's only the place that throws the exception. Search for arguments that are passed into this function. Are they always valid? Do some logging.
I hope I didn't do any major mistakes as I am a Delphi programmer. If I did - feel free to comment.
