updata download sizes at mikrotik - mikrotik

I have a PC as a mikrotik router at home, and also i have many power failures because the electricity network is undergoing maintenance ant this may last for months, and I noticed that what it's shown at the user profile is not updated instantly by the downloads(mega Bytes) at the active users, and after an electricity cut off, everything at the active user just resetted (I mean downloaded megabytes), and nothing is recorded.
How can I update it instantly or at least every hour, any ideas?

Several solutions to keep track of volatile data after a reboot:
Use a Radius server with accounting (data use will be automatically sent to the radius server and logged in database)
Use mikrotik API to query the "Mb used" from an external device and log it on a file.
Write a mikrotik script to query the data you need and log it into a file or on a non-volatile area (for example, comment on user)


How can I automatically shut down an Azure VM?

I want to create an Azure Virtual Machine that I only need to run approximately for 1 or 2 hours once or twice per day. I don't want to pay for the server when I'm not using it.
I know I can just go to the dashboard and shut it off, but I often forget to do so, I'm getting senile! I would like for a timer to start when the system (Windows 10) is started, and when the timer reaches zero, the image is made inactive (no charges incurred) unless I request more time.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
The dashboard has an automatic shutdown feature. This can also be configured to send a webhook notification with a link which will delay the shutdown. Currently in-machine notifications are not supported.
Although there are many tools like PowerShell scripts and apps that you could use from within the VM to trigger automatic shutdown, there are some billing gotchas to be aware of.
With an Azure VM, you pay per second and cease paying only when the machine is completely deallocated and no longer reserving memory and cores on the platform. (There is still a nominal storage charge associated with storage of the VM image). You cannot deallocate the VM from within itself.
To ensure the VM isn't incurring charges, check that the status is 'Stopped (deallocated').

Running freeradius to handle WiFi access

I’m a computer science teacher in a secondary school. The school has a simple network composed of 8 Unifi WiFi AP + 1 controller that supports radius authentication and accounting . Everything is directly connected to a single router (there are also 30 PC connected via eth cable) .
The WiFi network “should be” used exclusively by teachers (around 70) but systematically, some “clever” students, using some sort of social engineering attack, are always able to retrieve the WPA2 WiFi passphrase and access the network. Hence after a couple of week the network is saturated (there are 700 students in school!). For that reason I would like to move to WPA2 enterprise auth.
I’ve installed on an old machine a lubuntu distro with freeradius + MySQL + DaloRadius and everything seems to work properly, at least locally!.
In freeradius I created a group called “teacher” and I associated all the teachers to that group. That group has also the attribute “Simultaneous-Use := 1 “ in the radgroupcheck table , obviously every user/teacher has its own “Cleartext-Password” in the radcheck table.
DESIRED REQUIREMENT: I do not want a bullet proof wifi network but a reliable solution at least for teachers. I can accept the fact that, after an account violation, some students can by able to use the network (eg. 3-4 contemporary sessions), but massive usage of the WiFi network shall be avoided.
Here are my dubts:
I’ve heard that ubiqui unifi hotspot are not so reliable in terms of accounting (sometime the session is not properly closed) so I could face some authentication problem also for the trusted user. According to the REQUIREMENT above, can I tune the freeradius attribute (Simultaneous-Use, Session Timeout, etc.) in order to avoid massive problem for teachers.
Other suggestions? Eg. A schell script in cron to unlock the leftopen session after some time. Lease time tuning on DHCP.

How to calculate total network traffic for a period of time for a specific application?

I'm doing performance testing of a native application on Windows and I need to calculate how much more internet traffic new application version produce compared to previous version. Because application is meant to be working in environment with limited internet connection.
Fiddler displays only HTTP and FTP requests and only those that were sent through proxy. In theory application can ignore proxy and use other protocols or sockets.
Resource Monitor seems to contains only average network activity for last minute (Total B/sec). It is not enough for me because network traffic produced by application is not constant.
Network-related performance counters doesn't contain no relevant counters to look at.
TCPView for some reason do not show information for some processes. It display traffic for specific connection rather than application and when connection is closed information is lost.
After more detailed research I found that Sysinternals Process Explorer looks like appropriate tool for internet traffic estimation. You can add Network Send Bytes and Network Recieve Bytes columns to processes table and manually calculate their values difference at the time range boundaries that you are interested in. In order to this to work you need to start Process Explorer as administrator.

Windows Phone Background Application Service

In my windows phone 8 application, I would like to refresh/load some data periodically (less than 10 minutes) from server, while application running in background (ie, in dormant and tombstoned). I tried scheduled task agent and resource intensive task agent, but they are called at rate of 30 minutes gap. Please let me know is there any other solution for implementing the above said requirement.
Thanks and Regards
If you need to get data more frequently than the default available in Windows Phone, you should think about using push notifications. This won't be suitable for a full data push, but if you use it correctly, you can get a user experience that you can live with.
One common approach to this is to set up your server to send a notification to the device when there is something new to report instead of pushing a "nothing has changed" message every 10 minutes or so. If you push out a tile update notification to say, for example, "You have x unread items", the user may then click on the tile for your app and you can poll the server for new items on launch/resume. If you want a more intrusive option, you can send a toast notification as well, but in most cases the tile update will be sufficient.
This method has a few advantages.
You won't be burning through battery power polling every 10 minutes while the user is asleep
Your server will have significantly less load since it is not having to process full data requests every 10 minutes per client.
This fits in with the design philosophy of Phone apps - you are surfacing the required data to the user, while at the same time preserving battery life.
Do I understand correctly that your primary goal is to keep some host session alive by having the phone make a query periodically? If so...
I would not recommend this approach: 1) you cannot count on the phone having network connectivity when it tries to send its query. If the user puts the phone away in a pocket or purse, the odds worsen. 2) it's probably bad from a security perspective, and wasteful from a host resources perspective.
You might instead add logic to your app to resume a timed-out host session as seamlessly as possible. This would add real utility value to the mobile app value proposition over raw HTTP access to the same host.

Site is slow due to processing-intensive scripts

I have a site that has to crawl different sites to aggregate information. When the crawling scripts are running, the site's speed slows down. I have done as much as possible to optimize the crawling, but it's really CPU- and RAM- intensive. These crawls have to occur based on some user action (e.g. search). It is not an option to "pre-crawl" the information as the information is time-sensitive.
What are the general strategies I can use to solve this? Here are 2 of my ideas:
Get more CPU and RAM on current server
Offload these processing intensive scripts on a separate physical server
I'm wondering about cloud computing, but don't have any experience in it. Suggestions?
You've already identified the options. "Cloud computing" doesn't mean anything but being able to quickly allocate a VPS with hourly pricing. It's the same as buying another physical server, except without waiting for the host to put it online and e-mail you access info, and without a monthly commitment. You still have to write your application to make use of multiple servers, you have to write code to "scale up" or "scale down" as needed (purchase or terminate virtual servers, and write code to automatically start whatever programs you need on them), you still have to properly manage the servers (install and maintain an OS, keep packages updated with security fixes) etc.
You could try to make the action to be asynchronous:-
User submits a search.
System displays "The system is currently searching the information based on your criteria and you will be notified shortly". System handles the user request at the mean time.
Since the user isn't waiting for the result page, the user is free to browse around or do other thing in your website instead of locking up their screens.
When the result is generated, system notifies the user that the search is done and provides the link for the user to view the result. This can be done by either sending an email notification to the user, or merely popping a dialog box or sliding down a notification message on the menu bar (basically something to catch the user attention).
It is wise to have a separate machine to run these processing intensive scripts so that it will not slow down the entire application server especially when you have tons of users submitting the search.
