How to print contents of channel without changing it - go

I'm writing a program in the Go language, and I have a simple problem:
I have some goroutines in my program and channels with which goroutines use to communicate. From time to time I would like to check what is inside the channels. How could I achieve that without interrupting the goroutines' work? Do channels have any function to print their contents? Or should I somehow copy them?
var shelf chan int = make(chan int, 5)
go Depot(shelf)
go Shop(shelf)
var input string
if (input == "print") {
//here print what on shelf

How could I achieve that without interrupting the goroutines' work?
The simple answer is that you can't, without interrupting. Channels are a synchronization primitive, meaning that they are what enables concurrent programs to communicate safely. If you take something out of a channel, that "taking out" happens atomically, nobody else can take the same item out of the same channel. And that's intended.
What you can do is take items out and put them back after printing them. The problem with this approach is that some elements might never be printed while others may be printed more than once as all goroutines involved race to grab items from the channel.
It sounds like you need something else than a channel.


Clarification on Go channels tutorial from some missing word or words

This page on a Go Tutorial about channels seems to be missing a word(s) or was just not edited. I can't tell what it is supposed to say about sending and receiving through channels.
By default, sends and receives block until the other side is ready.
Is a block something within Go? I haven't seen it before. Is block being used as a noun?
I tried searching for clarification. The only other page that has similar wording is
Moreover, by default, channels send and receive until the other side is ready
But it doesn't make sense. Do they mean:
Channels send and receive regardless of whether or not the other side is ready? Doesn't this seem wasteful?
Or is "don't" missing in the statement above?
"Block" means that the goroutine will wait. You could write it this way:
By default, sends and receives wait until the other side is ready.
"Block" is just the normal term for this. It is not specific to Go. It is possible to use a channel in Go in a non-blocking manner:
You can create a channel with a buffer. As long as there is space in the buffer, a write is non-blocking (but it will block if the buffer is full). As long as there is data in the buffer, a read is non-blocking (but it will block if the buffer is empty).
You can use a select statement with a default branch.
var readch chan int
var writech chan int
var value int
select {
case n := <- readch:
// Received data.
case writech <- value:
// Sent data.
// Didn't send or receive data.
In this code, instead of blocking (waiting), the goroutine will go to the default branch.

Golang Concurrency Code Review of Codewalk

I'm trying to understand best practices for Golang concurrency. I read O'Reilly's book on Go's concurrency and then came back to the Golang Codewalks, specifically this example:
This is the code I was hoping to review with you in order to learn a little bit more about Go. My first impression is that this code is breaking some best practices. This is of course my (very) unexperienced opinion and I wanted to discuss and gain some insight on the process. This isn't about who's right or wrong, please be nice, I just want to share my views and get some feedback on them. Maybe this discussion will help other people see why I'm wrong and teach them something.
I'm fully aware that the purpose of this code is to teach beginners, not to be perfect code.
Issue 1 - No Goroutine cleanup logic
func main() {
// Create our input and output channels.
pending, complete := make(chan *Resource), make(chan *Resource)
// Launch the StateMonitor.
status := StateMonitor(statusInterval)
// Launch some Poller goroutines.
for i := 0; i < numPollers; i++ {
go Poller(pending, complete, status)
// Send some Resources to the pending queue.
go func() {
for _, url := range urls {
pending <- &Resource{url: url}
for r := range complete {
go r.Sleep(pending)
The main method has no way to cleanup the Goroutines, which means if this was part of a library, they would be leaked.
Issue 2 - Writers aren't spawning the channels
I read that as a best practice, the logic to create, write and cleanup a channel should be controlled by a single entity (or group of entities). The reason behind this is that writers will panic when writing to a closed channel. So, it is best for the writer(s) to create the channel, write to it and control when it should be closed. If there are multiple writers, they can be synced with a WaitGroup.
func StateMonitor(updateInterval time.Duration) chan<- State {
updates := make(chan State)
urlStatus := make(map[string]string)
ticker := time.NewTicker(updateInterval)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case s := <-updates:
urlStatus[s.url] = s.status
return updates
This function shouldn't be in charge of creating the updates channel because it is the reader of the channel, not the writer. The writer of this channel should create it and pass it to this function. Basically saying to the function "I will pass updates to you via this channel". But instead, this function is creating a channel and it isn't clear who is responsible of cleaning it up.
Issue 3 - Writing to a channel asynchronously
This function:
func (r *Resource) Sleep(done chan<- *Resource) {
time.Sleep(pollInterval + errTimeout*time.Duration(r.errCount))
done <- r
Is being referenced here:
for r := range complete {
go r.Sleep(pending)
And it seems like an awful idea. When this channel is closed, we'll have a goroutine sleeping somewhere out of our reach waiting to write to that channel. Let's say this goroutine sleeps for 1h, when it wakes up, it will try to write to a channel that was closed in the cleanup process. This is another example of why the writters of the channels should be in charge of the cleanup process. Here we have a writer who's completely free and unaware of when the channel was closed.
If I missed any issues from that code (related to concurrency), please list them. It doesn't have to be an objective issue, if you'd have designed the code in a different way for any reason, I'm also interested in learning about it.
Biggest lesson from this code
For me the biggest lesson I take from reviewing this code is that the cleanup of channels and the writing to them has to be synchronized. They have to be in the same for{} or at least communicate somehow (maybe via other channels or primitives) to avoid writing to a closed channel.
It is the main method, so there is no need to cleanup. When main returns, the program exits. If this wasn't the main, then you would be correct.
There is no best practice that fits all use cases. The code you show here is a very common pattern. The function creates a goroutine, and returns a channel so that others can communicate with that goroutine. There is no rule that governs how channels must be created. There is no way to terminate that goroutine though. One use case this pattern fits well is reading a large resultset from a
database. The channel allows streaming data as it is read from the
database. In that case usually there are other means of terminating the
goroutine though, like passing a context.
Again, there are no hard rules on how channels should be created/closed. A channel can be left open, and it will be garbage collected when it is no longer used. If the use case demands so, the channel can be left open indefinitely, and the scenario you worry about will never happen.
As you are asking about if this code was part of a library, yes it would be poor practice to spawn goroutines with no cleanup inside a library function. If those goroutines carry out documented behaviour of the library, it's problematic that the caller doesn't know when that behaviour is going to happen. If you have any behaviour that is typically "fire and forget", it should be the caller who chooses when to forget about it. For example:
func doAfter5Minutes(f func()) {
go func() {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
Makes sense, right? When you call the function, it does something 5 minutes later. The problem is that it's easy to misuse this function like this:
// do the important task every 5 minutes
for {
At first glance, this might seem fine. We're doing the important task every 5 minutes, right? In reality, we're spawning many goroutines very quickly, probably consuming all available memory before they start dropping off.
We could implement some kind of callback or channel to signal when the task is done, but really, the function should be simplified like so:
func doAfter5Minutes(f func()) {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
Now the caller has the choice of how to use it:
// call synchronously
// fire and forget
go doAfter5Minutes(importantTaskFunction)
This function arguably should also be changed. As you say, the writer should effectively own the channel, as they should be the one closing it. The fact that this channel-reading function insists on creating the channel it reads from actually coerces itself into this poor "fire and forget" pattern mentioned above. Notice how the function needs to read from the channel, but it also needs to return the channel before reading. It therefore had to put the reading behaviour in a new, un-managed goroutine to allow itself to return the channel right away.
func StateMonitor(updates chan State, updateInterval time.Duration) {
urlStatus := make(map[string]string)
ticker := time.NewTicker(updateInterval)
defer ticker.Stop() // not stopping the ticker is also a resource leak
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case s := <-updates:
urlStatus[s.url] = s.status
Notice that the function is now simpler, more flexible and synchronous. The only thing that the previous version really accomplishes, is that it (mostly) guarantees that each instance of StateMonitor will have a channel all to itself, and you won't have a situation where multiple monitors are competing for reads on the same channel. While this may help you avoid a certain class of bugs, it also makes the function a lot less flexible and more likely to have resource leaks.
I'm not sure I really understand this example, but the golden rule for channel closing is that the writer should always be responsible for closing the channel. Keep this rule in mind, and notice a few points about this code:
The Sleep method writes to r
The Sleep method is executed concurrently, with no method of tracking how many instances are running, what state they are in, etc.
Based on these points alone, we can say that there probably isn't anywhere in the program where it would be safe to close r, because there's seemingly no way of knowing if it will be used again.

The Behaviour Of Goroutines with Channels

The output of the code given bellow and is somewhat confusing, Please help me understand the behaviour of the channels and goroutines and how
does the execution actually takes place.
I have tried to understand the flow of the program but the statement after the "call of goroutine" gets executed, even though the goroutine is called,
later on the statements in goroutines are executed,
on second "call of goroutine" the behaviour is different and the sequence of printing/flow of program changes.
Following is the code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
done := make(chan string)
go test(done)
func test(done chan string) {
done <- "3"
done <- "10"
done <- "5"
The result of the above code:
Please help me understand why and how this result comes out.
Concept 1: Channels
Visualize a channel as a tube where data goes in one end and out the other. The first data in is the first data that comes out the other side. There are buffered channels and non-buffered channels but for your example you only need to understand the default channel, which is unbuffered. Unbuffered channels only allow one value in the channel at a time.
Writing to an Unbuffered Channel
Code that looks like this writes data into one end of the channel.
ch <- value
Now, this code actually waits to be done executing until something reads the value out of the channel. An unbuffered channel only allows for one value at a time to be within it, and doesn't continue executing until it is read. We'll see later how this affects the ordering of how your code is executed.
Reading from an Unbuffered Channel
To read from an unbuffered channel (visualize taking a value out of the channel), the code to do this looks like
[value :=] <-ch
when you read code documentation [things in] square brackets indicate that what's within them is optional. Above, without the [value :=] you'll just take a value out of the channel and don't use it for anything.
Now when there's a value in the channel, this code has two side effects. One, it reads the value out of a channel in whatever routine we are in now, and proceeds with the value. The other effect it has is to allow the goroutine which put the value into the channel to continue. This is the critical bit that's necessary to understand your example program.
In the event there is NO value in the channel yet, it will wait for a value to be written into the channel before continuing. In other words, the thread blocks until the channel has a value to read.
Concept 2: Goroutines
A goroutine allows your code to continue executing two pieces of code concurrently. This can be used to allow your code to execute faster, or attend to multiple problems at the same time (think of a server where multiple users are loading pages from it at the same time).
Your question arises when you try to figure out the ordering that code is executed when you have multiple routines executing concurrently. This is a good question and others have correctly stated that it depends. When you spawn two goroutines, the ordering of which lines of code are executed is arbitrary.
The code below with a goroutine may print executing a() or end main() first. This is due to the fact that spawning a gorouting means there are two concurrent streams (threads) of execution happening at the same time. In this case, one thread stays in main() and the other starts executing the first line in a(). How the runtime decides to choose which to run first is arbitrary.
func main() {
fmt.Println("start main()")
go a()
fmt.Println("end main()")
func a() {
fmt.Println("executing a()")
Goroutines + Channels
Now let's use a channel to control the ordering of what get's executed, when.
The only difference now is we create a channel, pass it into the goroutine, and wait for it's value to be written before continuing in main. From earlier, we discussed how the routine reading the value from a channel needs to wait until there's a value in the channel before continuing. Since executing a() is always printed before the channel is written to, we will always wait to read the value put into the channel until executing a() has printed. Since we read from the channel (which happens after the channel is written) before printing end main(), executing a() will always print before end main(). I made this playground so you can run it for yourself.
func main() {
fmt.Println("start main()")
ch := make(chan int)
go a(ch)
fmt.Println("end main()")
func a(ch chan int) {
fmt.Println("executing a()")
ch <- 0
Your Example
I think at this point you could figure out what happens when, and what might happen in a different order. My own first attempt was wrong when I went through it in my head (see edit history). You have to be careful! I'll not give the right answer, upon editing, since I realized this may be a homework assignment.
EDIT: more semantics about <-done
On my first go through, I forgot to mention that fmt.Println(<-done) is conceptually the same as the following.
value := <-done
This is important because it helps you see that when the main() thread reads from the done channel, it doesn't print it at the same time. These are two separate steps to the runtime.

Convention when using Reader interface inside select statement

I've wrapped a queue to implement the Writer and Reader interfaces (for pushing and popping, respectively).
I need to continuously listen to the queue, and handle every message that comes through. This is simple when the queue is represented as a channel, but more difficult otherwise:
for {
var data []byte
select {
case <-done:
break loop
case _, err := queue.Read(data):
What's the proper way to do this? Read here is blocking - it waits until the queue has a message.
Is there a better, more idiomatic way to achieve this?
It’s harder to take a synchronous API (like queue.Read as you described above) and make it asynchronous than it is to do the opposite.
The idea would be to create a new goroutine (using, for example go func() {...}) and have that goroutine execute the read and write the output to a channel.
Then the first goroutine would block on that channel and the one it’s already blocking on.
This has the potentially to leave orphaned resources for a little while if the read takes to long but if you have a synchronous API, it’s the best you can do.

list all elements in a buffered channel

Is there a (non destructive) way to list all the element in a buffered channel?
The only thing I can think about is to cycle all of them, reinserting them at the end. This doesn't seem the smartest approach.
Link to playground
c := make(chan int, 100)
c <- 111
c <- 222
for i:=0;i<2;i++ {
element := <- c
c <- element
No you can't, you can write your own blocking queue based on a list if you want to do that.
This thread from 2011 offered some wrapper around a channel in order to enable a Peek() function, but that was more a workaround than anything else.
type PeekChanInt struct {
in <-chan int
out chan int
The general conclusion was:
A synchronous channel has no head (it's like a zero-length slice)
You can't do that because
a) it gets put back at the tail of the queue rather than the end and
b) a writer may have got there first, so the put may block.
I have wanted a feature like this in the past. It can make sense when there is only one consumer of the channel (I wanted it to peek at the first mouse event to do hit testing before deciding whether to consume it)
You can simulate it with a process acting as intermediary, but you'd have to do it for each channel type or lose type safety.
Remember there is no buffering, so if you peek at a value, you'd have to get the value from the other side, which would be equivalent to reading it - but that's wrong because peeking should have no side effects.
You can't really. What you have is the only way, but don't do that if there's any concurrent access to the chan (and then why are you using a chan?).
Items could be inserted or removed after you check len, and during your for loop.
