impdp in Oracle. Why it does not create users? - oracle

I am newbie in oracle and I am facing troubles with impdp. I have a production server and I have created a new server for testing purposes, so I installed centos, oracle and created the database "sire". Now I make a dump from the production server with the following command:
expdp system/password#sire full=Y
directory=pump_dir dumpfile=sire_dump.dmp logfile=sire.log
The I come to the new server, and I execute impdp:
impdp system/password#sire full=Y
directory=pump_directorio dumpfile=sire_dump.dmp logfile=sire_imp.log
It starts to do the import but then I receive errors such as:
"the user vberrios does not exist". And also error beause it cannot
found some schemas and tablespaces.
My question is: It is not supposed that impdp full=Y must import all users and schemas? I have read that I have to create the users in the destination server but I have about 300 users in the database. How can I do a full import in a empty server. I just want to import the full database and user and all objects.

The documentation states, that impdp will create uses, when the dump file contains the create user statements:
If the schema you are remapping to does not already exist, the import
operation creates it, provided the dump file set contains the
necessary CREATE USER metadata and you are importing with enough
So either your dump file is incomplete (for example due to missing privileges) or you are lacking privileges on the target database.
So please check your privileges on both, the source database and the target database. Please update your question with then according information. For the export to include the schema definitions, you must have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE privilege.


How to export/import full OracleDB data dump?

I am new to Oracledb. please help me to export whole data Dump and import same to another db to create another copy of database.
You need an administrative account (for example SYSTEM). Assuming you have this, the steps are:
create a directory object inside the database to map to a physical directory on both source and target
export the source database
import into the target database
For example
SQL> create directory X as '/u01/big_directory';
expdp system/mypassword#source full=Y directory=X dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=fullexp.log
impdp system/mypassword#target full=Y directory=X dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=fullimp.log
Also, check the "Database Utilities" guide in the standard Oracle documentation set for your release at

Oracle Import dump files to another user(schema)

I am very new to DBA works. I have already exported (expdp) table and saved the dump files in a directory. I don't know the password of SCOTT user (default & example user). I want to import my tables to scott, but how can I? I am able to import (impdp) the table to system schema because I can do impdp system/password ..... because I know it's password.
First, run impdp help=y and go over the options.
Second, if you have privs for the sys schema you can access every other schema using it's name. e.g scott.emp. If you want to log into it directly you can just change the password.
Lastly, To import one schema into another you can use REMAP_SCHEMA option.

How to create a dump?

I'm one of the junior DBA working in IT company.In my company there are so many schemas is there.Now my question is How to create a dump file(some times i'm working at home.That time how to use that dump file ).Please suggest me
NOTE:I am using Oracle SQL Developer.
Expdp helps in exporting the database and impdp helps in importing the database. you can directly export one schema to another (in different database also) by using network link concept.
If network link concept is used then the creation of separate expdp file is not required.
For example If you have to export a schema called schema1 with password pwd1 from source database to target database then
first you need admin privileges of your target and source schema.
You can create a network link between source and target schema
USING 'server_name:port/service_name';--(put source database server_name,port and service name)
then create a directory in your target server :-
grant read,write on directory exp_dir to schema1;
After this login to your target server and from command line use the below command:
impdp dba_username/dba_pwd network_link=example_link directory=exp_dir remap_tablespace=source_tbs:target_tbs remap_schema=schema1:schema1 parallel=2
You should use the Oracle Data Pump tool. The tool allows you to export your data into a .dmp file and import it into any database. Here is a video showing how to use the data pump tool in SQLDeveloper. I think this is a relatively new feature in SQLDeveloper, so make sure you have the appropriate versions..
Video Tutorial HERE
From the command line, you can use data pump with the expdp and impdp commands like so..
Set your oracle environment by running the below command and providing your oracle SID
. oraenv
Then you can run your export command..
expdp directory=/bu1/dpdump/ dumpfile=myexport.dmp logfile=mylog.log schemas=users,products,sales
The parameters are as follows..
directory - the directory where to create the dumpfile and log
dumpfile - name of the dump file (should end in .dmp)
logfile - name of the log file (should end in .log)
schemas - comma seperated list of the schemas you want to export
NOTE: you need dba privileges to use datapump. It will prompt you for the credentials
Data Pump Documentation is here
Exporting of ORACLE database objects is controlled by parameters. To get familiar with EXPORT parameters type:
exp help=y
You will get a short description and the default settings will be shown.
The EXPORT utility may be used in three ways:
Interactive dialogue
Controlled through bypassed parameters
Parameterfile controlled
Example to the 2nd option:
exp scott/tiger file=empdept.expdat tables=(EMP,DEPT) log=empdept.log
Take a look at these links for further readings:
Original Export and Import
The ORACLE Import/Export Utilities

IMPDP in Oracle 11g - From One Schema to other Schema

I used to run commands to get Oracle database backup in the old way using 'exp' and 'imp fromuser touser. Now, I am trying to user new command to take backup 'expdp' and 'impdp'.
Got backup using expdp with schema parameter on the production server. my username is 'xxx' (Not sure it's fully exported with procedures, function, and view).
Now, on my dev server first I made another user called 'yyy'. I gave directory access to user 'yyy' and trying to run command impdp as below.
C:\impdp yyy/yyy remap_schema=xxx:yyy directory=abc dumpfile=123.dmp logfile=123.log
Now, I am getting an error like the below.
Import: Release - Production on Thursday, 24 January, 2013 9:53:58
Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining, and Real Application Testing options
ORA-31626: job does not exist
ORA-31633: unable to create master table "yyy.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_05"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95
ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPV$FT", line 978
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Do I miss any steps? like I have to create a job or anything, not sure. basically, I got backup from one user and need to restore on another user in Oracle.
Please help me.
User yyy will need appropriate privledges necessary to create the objects.
See: privileges required to import objects into your own schema.
Many Data Pump Export and Import operations require the user to have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role and/or the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role. These roles are automatically defined for Oracle databases when you run the standard scripts that are part of database creation. (Note that although the names of these roles contain the word FULL, these roles are actually required for all export and import modes, not only Full mode.)
The DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role affects only export operations. The DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role affects import operations and operations that use the Import SQLFILE parameter. These roles allow users performing exports and imports to do the following:
•Perform the operation outside the scope of their schema
I believe, import user donot have permission on import database directory.
In the Import db,
select directory_name,directory_path from dba_directories;
It will show the directory names
sql>grant read,write on directory abc to ;
Oracle Database SME

Oracle: Recover backup in other different than original server

I'm really newbie about Oracle backup operations. I'm really new in this world and I need to know how to backup a DB schema and restore it in another machine under another schema name.
I cannot afford any mistake since I'll be doing this in our customer site, an making a small mistake could be the last one
I don't want to sound offensive, but doing this in MySQL is really easy, like this:
in server one:
$mysqldump --user=user --password=password db_to_backup > bc_name.sql
-after transfering the sql script to another server
in server two:
mysql>create database db_to_restore;
$mysql --user=user --password=password db_to_restore < bc_name.sql
I need to do the same using Oracle, I read some documentation but I'm still unsure how to do it:
First: What's the equivalent of MySQL database in Oracle? tablespace?
Second: I think these are the steps to get a backup
mkdir /opt/oracle/dumptmp/
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY dumptmp AS '/opt/oracle/dumptmp/';
expdp user/pass#tablespace directory=dumptmp dumpfile=dumptmp:full.dmp logfile=dumptmp:full.log full=y
Third: Then I move the file "full.dmp" to the other server, but I'm not sure how to restore my backup file full.dmp into a new tablespace with a different name to the one it the backup was gotten from:
SQLPLUS>create tablespace ts_something;
then I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Please advice me how to do it using command line commands since my customer does not have GUI tools intalled.
Thanks a lot!
First of all, make sure you test this procedure in test or development environments before proceeding to perform it on production. Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you bust any of your databases by misusing the following advice. Note that I'm also ignoring how tablespace storage is set up for your schemas, which you should definitely hold in consideration when creating new schemas.
Here is the simplest possible method using command line. You will need to use exp and imp utilities which come with complete Oracle database distributions. Assuming that you have the path to Oracle executables set correctly in your environment path, you will need to do:
Export your source schema on the source database server:
[oracle#src_server ~]$ exp source_schema_username#SRC_SID owner=source_schema_username file=source_schema.dmp
Import your source schema into destination schema on the destination database server (assuming you have already created the destination schema, if not, see CREATE USER, also make sure that destination schema user has RESOURCE role):
[oracle#dst_server ~]$ imp system#DST_SID fromuser=source_schema_username touser=destination_schema_username file=source_schema.dmp
Note that you must run imp as a user that has DBA role. I'm using system here because this user typically exists on all Oracle databases and has DBA role. You will of course need to know the password for system user. You may not need to specify SIDs if ORACLE_SID is already set in your environment on both servers (echo $ORACLE_SID), however I wanted to be explicit here to make sure that you do not import into the wrong database.
For more information on usage of export and import utilities run exp help=y and imp help=y.
To answer your questions about Oracle:
First: What's the equivalent of MySQL database in Oracle? tablespace?
Oracle equivalent is database name (db_name parameter). It identifies a database on Oracle database server(s). On a single instance database, this is also typically Oracle SID. On Oracle RAC, a single database will have many SIDs.
Third: Then I move the file "full.dmp" to the other server, but I'm not sure how to restore my backup file full.dmp into a new tablespace with a different name to the one it the backup was gotten from:
You want to create a new user, which is identical to a schema in Oracle. Tablespaces are abstracted collections of disk locations where Oracle stores tables and indicies. For example, when you create a table, it has to be assigned to some tablespace.
What you're explaining is not really a backup, more like schema export & import.
but doing this in MySQL is really easy.
So is doing the same in Oracle.
exp user/password#hoststring file=bc_name.dmp log=bc_name.log full=y statistics=none
& to import it,
imp new_user/new_password#hoststring file=bc_name.dmp log=bc_name.log full=y
If new_user doesn't exist then create the users
create user new_user identified by new_password
and grant the rights
grant create session,connect,imp_full_database to new_user
