I have a service that downloads my Google Sheets (around 500kb) document using the API via oAuth2.
It sometimes times out with no error messages from Google (>80 seconds) and I would like to know why could be causing this timeout.
Is it normal for Google Sheets API engine to take this long to respond? I also have noticed that even if I tried with a much smaller sized file (around 50kb) - it can still sometimes timeout.
I have done some research and there seems to be some sort of quota limitations for the free version of Google Apps: Current limitations
Would using the Google Sheets API be using the "URL Fetch data received " covered in the document in which I would only have 50MB/day?
I'm working on a script which sends a few hundreds of API calls to Google Places API using the [nearbySearch]. After a few requests, I quickly get an OVER_QUOTA_LIMIT error.
In Google Cloud Console, I can see the requests made in the last days or hours but:
I'm a far cry from the 6 000 requests/minutes limit
I don't see any Quota Exceed Error in the graph
If I scroll down a bit, I can see that there's apparently a "Premium Plan", but no request have been made up to now.
Now I can see that the Premium Plan is not available anymore for sign up or new customers..
So I guess it's just a graph to support people who have previously signed for this plan but that it is not relevant in my case.
My payment settings have been set up correctly so I don't understand what's happening here.
Thank you so much.
I am using autocomplete in my flutter project and I just created a new project on my google developer console enabling the places api. I restricted my api key to just the places api.
I just used this api key for the first time in my project but I get the "Error while autocompleting: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" error. I am just using it for the development purpose. How has the quota limit reached when it was my first time using it. I think there are thousands of requests.
Google Maps API provides an Autocomplition service.
According to this blog post (official?) this service is limited only by adding "powered by Google" logo.
When I'm using js library (http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&libraries=places) I'm not sending any Key information. But in a sniffer I can see some token GET parameter, which seems is generated by library.
Which one limitation information is correct?
How Google can track without Key (in case it is limited by requests per day)?
Is that possible to retrieve autosuggestion by js (from google.maps.places.Autocomplete), but then using reference (without storing) on backend and loading place details (similar to getPlace() functionality of an Autocomplete object)? If this not limited, how to generate token?
Google Places API Web Service
The Google Places API Web Service enforces a default limit of 1 000
requests per 24 hour period, which you can increase free of charge. If
your app exceeds the limit, the app will start failing. Verify your
identity to get up to 150 000 requests per 24 hour period, by enabling
billing on the Google Developers Console.
Now check at the very top of that page
Note: These limits do not apply to the Places Library in the Google
Maps JavaScript API, which is covered by the Google Maps JavaScript
API limits. If you are developing a web based application that only
needs to search for places, and does not submit new places, you should
use the Places Library of the Google Maps Javascript API rather than
the Google Places API Web Service. The Places library assigns a quota
to each end user rather than to each key. This means that your
available quota increases with your user base rather than being capped
at a fixed amount.
they are probably using ip address to identify different users.
We have a widget which filters analytics referrer spam in Google Analytics by adding 30+ filters to each property-view.
Google Analytics API has a limit of 500 write operation per day, which sucks, because our widget is used a lot and we need around 35 writes per property-view.
I'm looking for a way to read the current API limit so I can notify users when the limit is reached, because right now I'm showing a message when I get an error message from Google - after the request. Which is annoying.
Google Dev. Console contains the usage per API call and what would be enough for me to know when we reached the limit.
My question: Is there an API which can read out this data for the past 24 hours?
I was checking the API reports for Contact, Calendar and Tasks. I was surprised to see that the number of requests for Contacts API is 0 for last 28 days. However we synced thousands of contacts with Google everyday. Please refer screenshot attached.
From the stats it seems that the requests we are making to Google is NOT using Contacts API.
Overview of our application's google integration:
Our application is built on Ruby on Rails.
We are using 'google-contacts' gem (https://github.com/varunlalan/google-contacts) for syncing contacts.
We authenticate user using 'omniauth-google-oauth2' gem (https://github.com/zquestz/omniauth-google-oauth2).
OAuth 2 scopes include - "userinfo.email, userinfo.profile, https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/"
Any reason why it is not making use of Contacts API or requests not being showed up in the reports?
Any help or inputs would be highly appreciated.
just wanted to add that we're facing the same issue.
We've been using the Contacts API heavily (and we even got a 503 due to, it seems, exceeding the maximum requests/second) and yet the dashboard and the reports show 0% usage... which makes it a bit difficult to plan ahead!
After further investigation we have also seen that the per user quota is fixed at 10/user/second despite any changes to the config from the API console.
Also, the parameter quotaUser which is meant to enable developers to manage their quota more effectively is ignored.