filter file content to sorted tables - shell

I have a file that contains the following lines of code. here the file displays a schedules which are sorted one by one .
at 12:00 the schedule of james version1 is :
at 12:00 the schedule of james version2 is :
at 12:00 the schedule of alex version1 is :
at 12:00 the schedule of alex version2 is :
at 18:00 the schedule of james version1 is :
at 18:00 the schedule of james version2 is :
at 18:00 the schedule of alex version1 is :
at 18:00 the schedule of alex version2 is :
at 22:00 the schedule of james version1 is :
at 22:00 the schedule of james version2 is :
at 22:00 the schedule of alex version1 is :
at 22:00 the schedule of alex version2 is :
I've tried to sort it this way :
12:00 eating:fruit
18:00 eating:vegetals
22:00 eating:nothing
12:00 rest:onhour
18:00 rest:threehour
22:00 rest:sevenhour
12:00 watching:horrorfilm
18:00 watching:manga
22:00 watching:nothing
using these commands :
awk -F '[\ :]' '/the schedule is/{h=$2;m=$3} /eating/{print " "h":"m" watching:"$3}' f.txt
awk -F '[\ :]' '/the schedule is/{h=$2;m=$3} /rest/{print " "h":"m" rest:"$3}' f.txt
awk -F '[\ :]' '/the schedule is/{h=$2;m=$3} /watching/{print " "h":"m" watching:"$3}' f.txt
Now I am looking to improve the filtered file by ignoring all non significant words and sorting the most valuable information in a table , I've tried to think/search how get this format but in vain .


How to cut the first Sunday to Saturday of each month in a year?

We have green zone logic where the job has to run only between first Sunday to Saturday, i.e. 7 days starting from first Sunday of every month. I'm using the below awk command to get that, but somewhere it is breaking. I'm just trying for first 3 months i.e Jan to March
seq 75 | awk ' BEGIN {ti=" 0 0 0"}
function dtf(fmt,dy) { return strftime(fmt,mktime("2020 1 " dy ti)) }
{ day=dtf("%A %F",$0);mm=dtf("%m",$0);if(day~/Sunday/ || a[mm]) a[mm]++ ; if(a[mm]<8) print day } '
My output is below, which is incorrect:
Wednesday 2020-01-01
Thursday 2020-01-02
Friday 2020-01-03
Saturday 2020-01-04
Sunday 2020-01-05
Monday 2020-01-06
Tuesday 2020-01-07
Wednesday 2020-01-08
Thursday 2020-01-09
Friday 2020-01-10
Saturday 2020-01-11
Saturday 2020-02-01
Sunday 2020-02-02
Monday 2020-02-03
Tuesday 2020-02-04
Wednesday 2020-02-05
Thursday 2020-02-06
Friday 2020-02-07
Saturday 2020-02-08
Sunday 2020-03-01
Monday 2020-03-02
Tuesday 2020-03-03
Wednesday 2020-03-04
Thursday 2020-03-05
Friday 2020-03-06
Saturday 2020-03-07
Expected output:
Sunday 2020-01-05
Monday 2020-01-06
Tuesday 2020-01-07
Wednesday 2020-01-08
Thursday 2020-01-09
Friday 2020-01-10
Saturday 2020-01-11
Sunday 2020-02-02
Monday 2020-02-03
Tuesday 2020-02-04
Wednesday 2020-02-05
Thursday 2020-02-06
Friday 2020-02-07
Saturday 2020-02-08
Sunday 2020-03-01
Monday 2020-03-02
Tuesday 2020-03-03
Wednesday 2020-03-04
Thursday 2020-03-05
Friday 2020-03-06
Saturday 2020-03-07
How can I adjust the awk command to get the expected output?
Any other solutions using other bash tools are also welcome.
I suggest the following alternative to awk:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
for month in {01..03}; do
for day in {01..13}; do
date -d "2020-$month-$day" '+%A %F'
done |
grep -A6 -m1 -F Sunday
The script is not very efficient, but does the job. For each month, we simply print the dates of the 13 first days in that month. We know that the green zone has to be in that area, therefore we do not need the remaining days of the month.
The date format is Weekday YYYY-MM-DD. We use grep to find and print the first Sunday, print the 6 days behind that Sunday (-A6) and exit because we limited the search to one match (-m1).
The procedure described above is done for each of the months 1 to 3.
Here's a simple way to get GNU awk to create a list of dates and day names for any given year:
$ cat tst.awk
year = (year == "" ? 2020 : year)
beg = mktime(year " 1 1 12 0 0")
for (i=0; i<=400; i++) {
dateday = strftime("%F %A", beg+24*60*60*i)
split(dateday,d,/[ -]/)
if ( d[1] != year ) {
print d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]
$ awk -f tst.awk | head -20
2020 01 01 Wednesday
2020 01 02 Thursday
2020 01 03 Friday
2020 01 04 Saturday
2020 01 05 Sunday
2020 01 06 Monday
2020 01 07 Tuesday
2020 01 08 Wednesday
2020 01 09 Thursday
2020 01 10 Friday
2020 01 11 Saturday
2020 01 12 Sunday
2020 01 13 Monday
2020 01 14 Tuesday
2020 01 15 Wednesday
2020 01 16 Thursday
2020 01 17 Friday
2020 01 18 Saturday
2020 01 19 Sunday
2020 01 20 Monday
I'm starting at noon and looping from 0 to 400 days and breaking when the year changes just so I don't have to try to accommodate DST or leap years or leap seconds in the determination of days in the year in a more accurate calculation.
Just add some code to test for the current month being different from the previous and the current day name being a Sunday and print 7 days starting there, e.g.:
$ cat tst.awk
year = (year == "" ? 2020 : year)
beg = mktime(year " 1 1 12 0 0")
for (i=0; i<=400; i++) {
dateday = strftime("%F %A", beg+24*60*60*i)
split(dateday,d,/[ -]/)
if ( d[1] != year ) {
dayName[d[2]+0][d[3]+0] = d[4]
for (monthNr=1; monthNr<=3; monthNr++) {
for (dayNr=1; dayNr in dayName[monthNr]; dayNr++) {
if (dayName[monthNr][dayNr] == "Sunday") {
for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
printf "%s %04d-%02d-%02d\n", dayName[monthNr][dayNr+i], year, monthNr, dayNr+i
$ awk -f tst.awk
Sunday 2020-01-05
Monday 2020-01-06
Tuesday 2020-01-07
Wednesday 2020-01-08
Thursday 2020-01-09
Friday 2020-01-10
Saturday 2020-01-11
Sunday 2020-02-02
Monday 2020-02-03
Tuesday 2020-02-04
Wednesday 2020-02-05
Thursday 2020-02-06
Friday 2020-02-07
Saturday 2020-02-08
Sunday 2020-03-01
Monday 2020-03-02
Tuesday 2020-03-03
Wednesday 2020-03-04
Thursday 2020-03-05
Friday 2020-03-06
Saturday 2020-03-07
There are slightly more efficient ways to do it but the above is clear and simple and will run in the blink of an eye.
A (rather wordy - I don't have time to make it shorter:-) ) Perl solution:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds;
my $year = shift || localtime->year;
first_week($year, $_) for 1 ..12;
sub first_week {
my ($yr, $mn) = #_;
$mn = sprintf '%02d', $mn;
# Use midday to avoid DST issues
my $start = Time::Piece->strptime(
"$year-$mn-01 12:00:00",
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
$start += ONE_DAY while $start->day ne 'Sun';
for (1 .. 7) {
say $start->strftime('%A %Y-%m-%d');
$start += ONE_DAY;
Try this
for i in $(seq 12); do cal ${i} 2020 | awk -v month=${i} 'NF==7 && !/^Su/{ for (j=0;j<=6;j++){print "2020-"month"-"$1+j;}exit}'
EDIT : Updated code for printing day
for i in $(seq 2); do cal ${i} 2020 | awk -v month=${i} 'NF==7 && !/^Su/{for (j=0;j<=6;j++){print strftime("%A %F", mktime("2020 " month " " $1+j " 0 0 0"))}exit}'; done;
Demo for Jan and Feb
$for i in $(seq 2); do cal ${i} 2020 | awk -v month=${i} 'NF==7 && !/^Su/{a[0]="Sunday";a[1]="Monday";a[2]="Tuesday";a[3]="Wednesday";a[4]="Thursday";a[5]="Friday";a[6]="Saturday";for (j=0;j<=6;j++){print a[j]" " "2020-"month"-"$1+j}exit}'; done;
Sunday 2020-1-5
Monday 2020-1-6
Tuesday 2020-1-7
Wednesday 2020-1-8
Thursday 2020-1-9
Friday 2020-1-10
Saturday 2020-1-11
Sunday 2020-2-2
Monday 2020-2-3
Tuesday 2020-2-4
Wednesday 2020-2-5
Thursday 2020-2-6
Friday 2020-2-7
Saturday 2020-2-8
With Perl, using DateTime
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use DateTime;
my $dt = DateTime->new(year => 2020, month => 1, day => 1);
my $first_sunday = 7 - $dt->day_of_week + 1; # day of month for first Sun
while (1) {
my $day = $dt->day;
if ($day >= $first_sunday and $day < $first_sunday + 7) {
say $dt->ymd, " (", $dt->day_abbr, ")";
continue {
$dt->add(days => 1);
if ($dt->day == 1) { # new month
last if $dt->month > 3;
$first_sunday = 7 - $dt->day_of_week + 1;
This keeps a state (on the first in a month in finds out what day the first Sunday is), what is quite suitable if the program is meant to generate and go through all dates from the span of interest.
On the other hand, the program may need to check for a given day; perhaps it runs daily and needs to check for that day. Then it is simpler to see whether the day is between the first and second Sunday in the month
my $dt = DateTime->today;
while ( $dt->add(days => 1)->month <= 3) {
if ($dt->day_of_week == 7) { # it's a Sunday
if ($dt->weekday_of_month == 1) { # first Sunday in the month
say $dt->ymd, " (", $dt->day_abbr, ")";
else {
my $sdt = $dt->clone; # preserve $dt
$sdt->subtract( $dt->day_of_week ); # drop to previous Sunday
if ($sdt->weekday_of_month == 1) { # was first Sunday in the month
say $dt->ymd, " (", $dt->day_abbr, ")";
The while loop around the code is there to facilitate a check.
For days other than Sunday we drop to the past Sunday, to check whether that was the first Sunday in the month. If so, then our day is within the required interval. If the day is a Sunday we only need to check whether it is the first one in the month.
The code can be made a bit more efficient and concise if that matters
if ( (my $dow = $dt->day_of_week) == 7) {
if ($dt->weekday_of_month == 1) {
say $dt->ymd, " (", $dt->day_abbr, ")";
elsif ( $dt->clone->subtract(days => $dow)->weekday_of_month == 1 ) {
say $dt->ymd, " (", $dt->day_abbr, ")";
... on the account of readability.
$ printf "%s\n" 2020-{01..03}-01 \
| xargs -I{} date -d "{}" "+{} %u" \
| join -j3 - <(seq 0 6) \
| xargs -n3 sh -c 'date -d "$1 + 7 days - $2 days + $3 days" "+%A %F"' --
There is some nasty stuff in here, but I'll try to explain. The idea is to compute the day of the week of the first day of the month (assume u). If you know that, you know directly which day is the first Sunday (7-u days later). So from that point forward you only need to compute the next 6 days.
Use brace expansion to generate the months you are interested in
Use xargs to compute the day of the week and output it as YYYY-MM-DD u
Per day, we want to create a list of 7 strings YYYY-MM-DD u d where d runs from 0 to 6. For this we use a nasty join hack. By telling join to join to files on a non-existing field, we create an outer product.
Use xargs in combination with sh to create a command that accepts 3 arguments and do the computation.
This method is now easily expanded to other months and years:
$ printf "%s\n" 20{20..30}-{01..12}-01 | xargs ...
The above looks a bit messy, and you might be more interested in the loop version:
for yyyymm in {2020..2030}-{01..03}; do
u=$(date -d "$yyyymm-01" "+%u");
for ((dd=7-u;dd<14-u;++dd)); do
date -d "$yyyymm-01 + $dd days" "+%A %F"
Previous solution:
This is for the first 3 months of 2020:
$ printf "%s\n" 2020-{01..03}-{01..13} \
| xargs -n1 -I{} date -d '{}' '+%A %F' \
| awk -F"[- ]" '/Sun/{a[$3]++} a[$3]==1'
This is for the first years 2020 till 2030
$ printf "%s\n" 20{20..30}-{01..12}-{01..13} \
| xargs -n1 -I{} date -d '{}' '+%A %F' \
| awk -F"[- ]" '/Sun/{a[$2,$3]++} a[$2,$3]==1'
This is understood in 3 steps:
Use brace-expansion to create a list of the first 13 days of months and years you are interested in. This works nicely because the bash starts expanding left to right. This means that the day is the fast-running index. We ask for the first 13 days, because we know that the first Sunday must be within the first 7 days.
Convert the days to the expected format using xargs and date
Use awk to do the filtering.
By adding one more condition, I'm able to make it work. a[mm]<8 && a[mm]>0
seq 75 | awk '
BEGIN { ti=" 0 0 0" }
function dtf(fmt,dy) {
return strftime(fmt,mktime("2020 1 " dy ti))
{ day=dtf("%A %F",$0);
if(day~/Sunday/ || a[mm]) a[mm]++ ;
if(a[mm]<8 && a[mm]>0 ) print day
Sunday 2020-01-05
Monday 2020-01-06
Tuesday 2020-01-07
Wednesday 2020-01-08
Thursday 2020-01-09
Friday 2020-01-10
Saturday 2020-01-11
Sunday 2020-02-02
Monday 2020-02-03
Tuesday 2020-02-04
Wednesday 2020-02-05
Thursday 2020-02-06
Friday 2020-02-07
Saturday 2020-02-08
Sunday 2020-03-01
Monday 2020-03-02
Tuesday 2020-03-03
Wednesday 2020-03-04
Thursday 2020-03-05
Friday 2020-03-06
Saturday 2020-03-07
As a additional note, though I hardcoded 1 for the month, when the day parameter is >31 mktime() just moves to the next month. So in a way you can pass julian day to mktime with month set to 1.
echo -e "1\n31\n32\n60\n61\n366" | awk '
BEGIN { ti=" 0 0 0" }
function dtf(fmt,dy) {
return strftime(fmt,mktime("2020 1 " dy ti))
day=dtf("%A %F",$0);
print j,day
001 Wednesday 2020-01-01
031 Friday 2020-01-31
032 Saturday 2020-02-01
060 Saturday 2020-02-29
061 Sunday 2020-03-01
366 Thursday 2020-12-31

Merge 2 Files and Sort with Headers into a 3rd

I'm trying to take the 2 files below, and create a script to sort them into a new file of 3 column's with headers and some additional info.
I know the command to combine files and sort -- cat file1 file2 | sort > file3 but I don't know how to align the column's or add headings.
File 1
Dave 734.838.9800
Bob 313.123.4567
Carol 248.344.5576
Mary 313.449.1390
Ted 248-496-2204
Alice 616.556.4458
File 2
Bob Tuesday
Carol Monday
Ted Sunday
Alice Wednesday
Dave Thursday
Mary Saturday
Anticipated New File
Name On-Call Phone
Carol MONDAY 248.344.5576
Bob TUESDAY 313.123.4567
Alice WEDNESDAY 616.556.4458
Dave THURSDAY 734.838.9800
Mary SATURDAY 313.449.1390
Ted SUNDAY 248.496.2204

Script shell how to add x minutes to a given date?

I need to add 10 minutes to a given date :
givenDate = 2016-10-25 18:22:37
when executing :
newDate=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %T' --date="$givenDate + 10 minutes")
echo $newDate
I get :
2016-10-25 00:10:00
instead of
2016-10-25 18:32:37
2nd question: How can I round the minutes number so I can get these results per exemple:
18:08 -> 18:10
18:32 -> 18:40
18:46 -> 18:50
18:55 -> 19:00
Thank you.
for the first question drop the + like this:
date +'%Y-%m-%d %T' --date="$givenDate 10 minutes"
for the second question we have to extract the last digit of current minutes, then compute the number of minutes to add to make it round using modulo 5:
givenDate="2016-10-25 18:22:37"
minute=$(echo $givenDate | sed 's/.*\([0-9]\):..$/\1/')
rounder=$((5 - minute % 5))
date +'%Y-%m-%d %T' --date="$givenDate $rounder minutes"
note that the seconds haven't been taken into account

Combine text from two files, output to another [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Inner join on two text files
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
i'm having a bit of a problem and i've been searching allll day. this is my first Unix class don't be to harsh.
so this may sound fairly simple, but i can't get it
I have two text files
David 734.838.9801
Roberto‭ ‬313.123.4567
Sally‭ ‬248.344.5576
Mary‭ ‬313.449.1390
Ted‭ ‬248.496.2207
Alice‭ ‬616.556.4458
Frank‭ ‬634.296.1259
Roberto Tuesday‭ ‬2
Sally Monday‭ ‬8
Ted Sunday‭ ‬16
Alice Wednesday‭ ‬23
David Thursday‭ ‬10
Mary Saturday‭ ‬14
Frank Friday‭ ‬15
I am trying to write a script using a looping structure that will combine both files and come out with the output below as a separate file
Name On-Call Phone Start Time
Sally Monday 248.344.5576 8am
Roberto Tuesday 313.123.4567 2am
Alice‭ Wednesday‭ 616.556.4458‭ 11pm
David‭ Thursday‭ 734.838.9801‭ 10am
Frank‭ Friday‭ 634.296.1259‭ 3pm
Mary‭ Saturday‭ 313.449.1390‭ 2pm
Ted‭ ‬ Sunday‭ 248.496.2207‭ 4pm
This is what i tried( i know its horrible)
echo " Name On-Call Phone Start Time"
while read name2 phone
while read name day time
echo "$name $day $phone $time"
any help would be appreciated
First, sort the files using sort and then use this command:
paste file1 file2 | awk '{print $1,$4,$2,$5}'
This will bring you pretty close. After that you have to figure out how to format the time from the 24 hour format to the 12 hour format.
If you want to avoid using sort separately, you can bring in a little more complexity like this:
paste <(sort file1) <(sort file2) | awk '{print $1,$4,$2,$5}'
Finally, if you have not yet figured out how to print the time in 12 hour format, here is your full command:
paste <(sort file1) <(sort file2) | awk '{"date --date=\"" $5 ":00:00\" +%I%P" |& getline $5; print $1 " " $4 " " $2 " " $5 }'
You can use tabs (\t) in place of spaces as connectors to get a nicely formatted output.
In this case join command will also work,
join -1 1 -2 1 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
-1 -> file1
1 -> first field of file1 (common field)
-2 -> file2
1 -> first field of file2 (common field)
**cat file1**
David 734.838.9801
Roberto 313.123.4567
Sally 248.344.5576
Mary 313.449.1390
Ted 248.496.2207
Alice 616.556.4458
Frank 634.296.1259
**cat file2**
Roberto Tuesday 2
Sally Monday 8
Ted Sunday 16
Alice Wednesday 23
David Thursday 10
Mary Saturday 14
Frank Friday 15
Alice 616.556.4458 Wednesday 23
David 734.838.9801 Thursday 10
Frank 634.296.1259 Friday 15
Mary 313.449.1390 Saturday 14
Roberto 313.123.4567 Tuesday 2
Sally 248.344.5576 Monday 8
Ted 248.496.2207 Sunday 16

How in Bash script receive Tuesday before last Tuesday?

I know that last Tuesday:
date --date="2 Tuesday"
But if I need to get Tuesday before Tuesday ? -2 doesn't work.
date --date='Tuesday - 2 weeks'
If it's tuesday it is
date --date='Today - 2 weeks'
