RethinkDB chaining/combining filters - rethinkdb

I have two filters that I need to combine.
This is my primary filter:
and this is my secondary filter.
.filter(r.row["processed"] == False)
How do I combine these?

Just chain them together!
.filter(r.row["processed"] == False)
And you can keep chaining stuff after that.

Once you have the database set, you can use the filters to carry on your equation, such as:
$query = \r\table('payments')
You see I have the table set, which means I can continue doing queries for that table without re-defining that table.


Pagination in duplicate rescords

I need to apply pagination in a spring boot project.
I apply pagination in 2 queries. Each of them gives me data from different tables. Now, some of these records are identical in the two tables hence need to be removed.
At the end, the number of entries that I need to send will be reduced, thereby ruining the initial pagination applied. How do I go about this? What should be my approach?
Here I take 2 lists from 2 jpa calls(highRiskCust and amlPositiveCust) that will apply pagination, then remove the duplicacy and return the final result (tempReport).
List<L1ComplianceResponseDTO> highRiskCust = customerKyc.findAllHighRiskL1Returned(startDateTime, endDateTime,agentIds);
List<L1ComplianceResponseDTO> amlPositiveCust = customerKyc.findAllAmlPositiveL1Returned(startDateTime, endDateTime,agentIds);
List<L1ComplianceResponseDTO> tempReport = new ArrayList<>();
tempReport = -> p.getKycTicketId()))
In order to have pagination working, you need to do it with a unique request.
Fondammently this request should use UNION.
Since JPA does not support UNION, either you do a native query or you change you query logic using outer joins.

Efficient way to query database with multiple conditions in laravel

Is it possible to make this a single query?
$yl_min = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
->where([['slug','=',$crypto_id],['low_usd','!=', null]])
$yl = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
I've tried this but no luck:
$yl = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
->select('id','coin','created_time','created_at',DB::raw('SELECT MIN(low_usd) as low_usd'))
->where([['slug','=',$crypto_id],['low_usd','!=', null]])
After looking at your query code, I found the two query condition is same, and you just want to get min low_usd record,
I think you can just use the multiple condition and ORDER BY low_usd ASC, then take the first one:
$yl = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
->where([['slug','=',$crypto_id],['low_usd','!=', null]])
After this, if you want to make this query more efficient,
you need to add index on slug, low_usd, created_time

Laravel WHERE on same column

How I can query using Laravel Eloquent the following:
I need to get the items with the type of shirt and glass
The above works with 1 Where on the same column. If I place the 2nd Where (glass), nothing is returned.
My desired query, as SQL:
WHERE items.type == "shirt" || items.type == "gass"
Use the orWhere method.
->where('items.type', 'shirt')->orWhere('items.type', 'glass')
It's documented on
You may chain where constraints together, as well as add or clauses to the query. The orWhere method accepts the same arguments as the where method:
You can also use the whereIn method.
->whereIn('items.type', ['shirt', 'glass'])
The whereIn method verifies that a given column's value is contained within the given array:
If you want a OR condition, you should wrap it within a where!
->whereIn('items.type', ['shirt', 'glass'])

Select one column with where clause Eloquent

Im using Eloquent. But I'm having trouble understanding Eloquent syntax. I have been searching, and trying this cheat sheet:, but no luck.
How do i perform this SQL query?
SELECT user_id FROM notes WHERE note_id = 1
If you want a single record then use
and for more than one record use
If 'note_id' is the primary key on your model, you can simply use:
Otherwise, you can use any number of syntaxes:
Note::where('note_id', 1)->first()->user_id;
Note::select('user_id')->where('note_id', 1)->first();
// or get() will give you multiple results if there are multiple
Also note, in any of these examples, you can also just assign the entire object to a variable and just grab the user_id attribute when needed later.
$note = Note::find(1);
// $user_id = $note->user_id;

EF4.1 LINQ, selecting all results

I am new to LINQ queries and to EF too, I usually work with MySQL and I can't guess how to write really simples queries.
I'd like to select all results from a table. So, I used like this:
ZXContainer db = new ZXContainer();
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties.All();
But I see that I have to write something inside All(---).
Could someone guide me in how could I do that? And if someone has any good link for references too, I thank so much.
All() is an boolean evaluation performed on all of the elements in a collection (though immediately returns false when it reaches an element where the evaluation is false), for example, you want to make sure that all of said ZXproperties have a certain field set as true:
bool isTrue = db.ZXproperties.All(z => z.SomeFieldName == true);
Which will either make isTrue true or false. LINQ is typically lazy-loading, so if you're calling db.ZXproperties directly, you have access to all of the objects as is, but it isn't quite what you're looking for. You can either load all of the objects at the variable assignment with an .ToList():
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties.ToList();
or you can use the below expression:
ViewBag.ZXproperties = from s in db.ZXproperties
select s;
Which is really no different than saying:
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties;
The advantage of .ToList() is that if you are wanting to do multiple calls on this ViewBag.ZXproperties, it will only require the initial database call when it is assigning the variable. Alternatively, if you do any form of queryable action on the data, such as .Where(), you'll have another query performed, which is less than ideal if you already have the data to work with.
To select everything, just skip the .All(...), as ZXproperties allready is a collection.
ZXContainer db = new ZXContainer();
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties;
You might want (or sometimes even need) to call .ToList() on this collection before use...
You don't use All. Just type
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties;
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties.ToList();
The All method is used to determine if all items of collection match some condition.
If you just want all of the items, you can just use it directly:
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties;
If you want this evaluated immediately, you can convert it to a list:
ViewBag.ZXproperties = db.ZXproperties.ToList();
This will force it to be pulled across the wire immediately.
You can use this:
var result = db.ZXproperties.ToList();
For more information on linq see 101 linq sample.
All is some checking on all items and argument in it, called lambda expression.
