Laravel 5 stylesheets and scripts not loading for non-base routes - laravel

I am having trouble linking my stylesheets, scripts, and images for a non-base route in my Laravel 5 app. When I access the scripts and stylesheets are working correctly but if I access the scripts and stylesheets link to rather than
My code is as follows:
Route::get('about/{slug?}', ['as' => 'officerProfile', 'uses' => 'PagesController#about']);
public function about($slug = 'president')
$officers = Officer::all();
$currentOfficer = Officer::where('slug', $slug)->first();
return view("pages.about", ['title' => $this->makeTitle('Learn About Us')])->with('officers', $officers)->with('currentOfficer', $currentOfficer);
{!! HTML::script('') !!}
{!! HTML::script('js/skel.min.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('js/skel-layers.min.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('js/init.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('js/scripts.js') !!}
{!! HTML::style('css/skel.css') !!}
{!! HTML::style('css/style.css') !!}
{!! HTML::style('css/style-desktop.css') !!}
For some reason Laravel is thinking the base URL is when the loaded route is I have tried as well but it still routes to rather than Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

You are using relative paths and you need absolute paths. See the example below, the only thing I added is the prepended /
{!! HTML::script('') !!}
{!! HTML::script('/js/skel.min.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('/js/skel-layers.min.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('/js/init.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('/js/scripts.js') !!}
{!! HTML::style('/css/skel.css') !!}
{!! HTML::style('/css/style.css') !!}
{!! HTML::style('/css/style-desktop.css') !!}
A relative path loads files related to the current path. Eg from the page you can relatively load images/logo.png which results in the actual request to
An absolute path is always from the hostname: same example as above but you'd load /images/logo.png which results in


Laravel Stop SSL Redirect on FORM Helper

I have a web form in Laravel that is behind an ip. Example:
With a simple form helper:
{{ Form::open(array('url' => '/posts','files'=>'true')) }}
{!! Form::submit('Create Post', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
When I inspect the html, https is added to the url. How can I stop this?
Found the problem, my nginx had the HTTPS variable set on. Laravel apparently reads that variables and adds the protocol + host_name to all redirect actions.

use hash tag in end of form url?

i want to submit something like this
<form action="submit#myresults">
I have read here:
so this won't work:
{!! Form::open(['route' => 'my_fooroute']) !!}
what is the cleanest way?
this seems to be the cleanest form:
{!! Form::open(['url' => route('my_fooroute') . '#bar'] !!}
You can do something like:
Route::get('/blog#{hash_tag?}', 'Controller#Method')->name('test');
Then, you open form like:
{!! Form::open(['route' => ['test', 'hash_you_want']]) !!}
Or, URL like:
My Link

How can I include html within a form label using Laravel Collective?

Reading through this SO thread I have read that I can create a new macro to create custom form inputs.
I am brand new to Laravel development (big surprise) & it seems a tad overkill for such a small thing. Is there a "simpler" way to have something like this:
blade template
{!!Form::label('firstName', 'First Name<sup>*</sup>') !!}
{!! Form::text('firstName', null, ['class'=>'required']) !!}
<label for="firstName">First Name*</label>
<input type="text" name="firstName" class="required">
Or, is this a case where I just write the html, and then use the form service to create the inputs?
Thank you for your patience and insight.
The simple way to do this is
{!! Form::label('labelFor','labelText',[],false) !!}
the last parameter is $escape_html which default value is "true".
The Form class attributes will always be escaped (they were in Laravel 4 and still are with Laravel Collective's 5+ support), therefore no HTML is allowed. Since you're needs are so simple, I'd suggest just writing plain HTML.
If you want overkill, maybe something like this in your AppServiceProvider.php:
Form::macro('labelWithHTML', function ($name, $html) {
return '<label for="'.$name.'">'.$html.'</label>';
Then, in your Blade templates:
{!! Form::labelWithHTML('firstName', 'First Name<sup>*</sup>') !!}
{!! Form::text('firstName', null, ['class'=>'required']) !!}
{!! Html::decode(Form::label('email', 'E-Mail Address', ['class' => 'text-muted'])) !!}
that is much better to fix these type of problems
Maybe it's late to answer, but you could do this:
{!! Html::decode(Form::label('firstName','FirstName: <sup>*</sup>')) !!}
{!! Form::text('firstName', null, ['class'=>'required']) !!}

Laravel use an icon to delete content

I have the following delete button:
{!! Form::open(['route' => ['tasks.destroy', $type->id], 'method' => 'delete']) !!}
{!! Form::submit('Erase this task?', ['class' => 'delete']) !!}
{!!Form::close() !!}
And now I would like to not use a button, but an icon to delete content. I would like to use this button:
<i class="icon-remove-sign"></i> icon-remove-sign
The sign should be blue and small.
How do I do that? I only get error messages relating to models as a result. But when I dont make any changes it works perfectly.
Can someone give me an example of how to make the picture point to a delete route?
The form helper does not allow you to add HTML to it. Use a simple HTML button:
{!! Form::open(['route' => ['tasks.destroy', $type->id], 'method' => 'delete']) !!}
<button class="delete">
<i class="icon-remove-sign"></i> Erase this task
{!!Form::close() !!}

Laravel white page loading route

I had a login.blade.php with some code, and I decided to replace with a new one.
I renamed it to old_login.blade.php and create a new file, in the same path, with the name login.blade.php.
After a while, I decided to rollback to my old login page.
I delete login.blade.php, and renamed the old_login.blad.php with the original name to return back.
No code was edited, only views.
The problem is that the page returned a blanck white page with many comments (the comment's tag is not closed).
I try to make a copy of the view, called test.blade.php, and change the route to that view. It diplay them correctly. But If I change another time route to myapp.login to display login.blade.php view, it won't work.
I try anything but nothing is changed. I'm using laravel 5.1.
The code insiede my routes.php is
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('myapp.login');
the code inside the login.blade.php (same ad test.blade.php) is:
{!! Form::open(["url" => "home"]) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!!Form::label("username", "Username:") !!}
{!!Form::text("usr_username", "Luca", ["class" => "form-control"]) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!!Form::label("password", "Password:") !!}
{!!Form::input("password", "usr_password", "mypass", ["class" => "form-control"]) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!!Form::submit("Login", ["class" => "btn-primary form-control"]) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
So a nonsense answer to resolve my problem: I cutted the code inside login.blade.php, save file, pasted it, and saved another time. Now it display correctly.
