XSB error#126 load pcre dlls - prolog

I’m using Win64 XSB in Eclipse with Pro-DT.
I’m getting an error loading the native lib when trying to use pcre:
(On first use it also compiled without error.)
[pcretest loaded]
[pcre loaded]
[pcreconfig loaded]
+Warning[XSB]: [Runtime/C] Cannot load library pcre4pl.dll or C:\Program Files (x86)\XSB\packages\pcre\cc\pcre4pl.dll; error #126
++Error[XSB/Runtime/P]: [Miscellaneous] Error in loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\XSB\packages\pcre\cc\pcre4pl.xwam
I checked, and the DLL in question is in the current config directory alongside of XSB.exe. Anything I need to change?
Sorry if this is a common/RTFM issue – just getting used to things.
It looks like StackOverflow doesn’t have much activity for XSB – any other resources, or is the mailing list the preferred forum?


psqlodbc driver not found on heroku despite being in my app directory

I am trying to get RODBC to work on heroku. I have a rails app that calls an R script from RinRuby, which then queries the production database in order to do some analysis. It all works fine on my local Mac, so I thought the best approach was to use the binary compiled on my Max (psqlodbcw.so) into my repo, and reference it in production as well. Unfortunately, when I try to make the connection in production using this connection string:
> library(RODBC)
> dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect('driver=./psqlodbcw.so;database=nw_server_production;trusted_connection=true;uid=nw_server')
Warning messages:
1: In odbcDriverConnect("driver=./psqlodbcw.so;database=<db_name>;trusted_connection=true;uid=<user>") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 01000, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib './psqlodbcw.so' : file not found
2: In odbcDriverConnect("driver=./psqlodbcw.so;database=<db_name>;trusted_connection=true;uid=<user>?") :
ODBC connection failed
I have seen this error in a similar post online here, but using SQL server instead of postgres. But the accepted answer on that post doesn't explain why the file isn't found, despite being in the app directory. I did follow the same approach and made my own custom buildpack (available here: https://github.com/NovaWulf/r-rodbc-buildpack). I replaced the .so file with the one I compiled on my mac, and simply deleted the .rll file and the code that copies it, since I don't have that file (and hopefully don't need it for psqlodbc?). When I run that buildpack it runs without error on heroku, but then when I reference the .so file copied from the buildpack, I get the same "file not found" error.
Is this happening because the .so file was compiled on the wrong system architecture? I tried compiling psqlodbc on linux, but I do not get a psqlodbcq.so file when I do that (let alone an .rll file). The closest thing I get is a file called libodbcpsqlS.so, which is a setup file, not a driver file.
Could someone please help me understand the best approach to this problem? Why is heroku not seeing the file that is not there? And what is the best solution? Is there a simple way to just download the correct driver file somewhere?
Any help is much appreciated!

Internal compiler error when UseDotNetNativeToolchain is true

I have a UWP app that compiles successfully if I have UseDotNetNativeToolchain off. But when I turn it on, it gives me the cryptic error:
Internal compiler error: Object reference not set to
an instance of an object. UWPApp C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.NetNative\x86\ilc\IlcInternals.targets 887 Build
This is all it gives me. What could be causing this? How can I drill down on this.
Using VS2015
Here is the full build output in case that helps:
The solution to this problem was to disable optimization in a few assemblies I was using in the Default.rd.xml file. E.g.
<Assembly Name="IKVM.OpenJDK.Core" Dynamic="All" DoNotInline="true" DoNotOptimize="true"/>

F# Microsoft.ParallelArrays not defined

So I downloaded and installed Microsoft Accelerator v2 to use ParallelArrays. I have referenced it in my project but when I try and execute the code from the module in a script file I get:
"The namespace 'ParallelArrays' is not defined
I have followed the instructions on this post:
Microsoft Accelerator library with Visual Studio F#
I've added a reference to the managed version "Microsoft.Accelerator.dll" to my F# project and then added the native "Accelerator.dll" as an item in my solution and set it's 'Copy To Output Directory' to Copy Always.
Still getting the FSI error and inline error in my script file on the '#load ...' line, however the solution builds fine, and no error in the module file.
Any ideas on what I'm missing? I'm sure it's something stupid.
I tried mydogisbox's advice, which got rid of the error above, but now when I run the code in the .fsx file I get this error instead:
--> Referenced 'F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\bin\Debug\Microsoft.Accelerator.dll' (file may be locked by F# Interactive process)
[Loading F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\MonteCarloGPU.fs]
error FS0192: internal error: F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\Accelerator.dll: bad cli header, rva 0
So the bad header error has dissapeared, but now I get this instead:
Microsoft.ParallelArrays.AcceleratorException: Failure to create a DirectX 9 device.
at Microsoft.ParallelArrays.ParallelArrays.ThrowNativeAcceleratorException()
at Microsoft.ParallelArrays.DX9Target..ctor()
at <StartupCode$FSI_0002>.$FSI_0002_MonteCarloGPU.main#() in F:\Work\GitHub\qf- sharp\qf-sharp\MonteCarloGPU.fs:line 14
Stopped due to error
I found this thread on MSDN however the answers proposed as fixes on that thread barely even relate to the question.
My Direct X version is 11, and I imagine that will suffice, however I tried installing DX9 however, it tells me that a newer version is detected therefore cant install.
There are special directives for referencing dlls from fsi. The #load directive loads the .fs file only. You need to use the #r directive to reference the file. You can either use the full path of the file or you can use #I to include the path to the file. More details here. Keep in mind that fsi is completely independent of your project, so all references in your project must be duplicated in fsi for it to access the same types.

Why am I recieving this error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core246d.lib''?

I am trying to run a program that does not include any opencv files, but for some reason this error keeps popping up and preventing me from running the program.
LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core246d.lib' C:\Users\Public\Documents\imgSwitchingFiles
Please can somebody shed light on this issue?
It looks like your project options state this library should be linked to your binaries. Did you reuse this project from elsewhere?
If you really don't need OpenCV, simply remove its libraries from the project linking options.
In project properties:
VC++ Directories>Library files>C:\OpenCV2.4.3\build\x86\vc9\lib
Linker>Input>Additional Dependencies>
Add the following under edit (each on a new line)
opencv_core243d.lib; opencv_imgproc243d.lib; opencv_highgui243d.lib; opencv_ml243d.lib; opencv_video243d.lib; opencv_features2d243d.lib; opencv_calib3d243d.lib; opencv_objdetect243d.lib; opencv_contrib243d.lib; opencv_legacy243d.lib; opencv_flann243d.lib;
Your file paths may be different i.e. vc10 instead of vc9 or u may have x64 instead of x86.
Also u will have 246 in every .lib instead of 243.

EmguCV 'Emgu.CV.CvInvoke' Exception

I have installed EmguCV I have a 32-bit windows 7 so I installed it using the installer. Now I am trying to write a simple code to capture a webcam's video in a window in C#.
The problem is after during execution I am getting the following famous error:
A first chance exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in Emgu.CV.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in Emgu.CV.dll
An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in Emgu.CV.dll
The file Emgu.CV.dll is present in the folder. I don't understand why its giving that error.
I tried all the checks which are suggested by fellow stackoverflow users and also many other references:
1) Installed MSVCR: MSVCRT 10.0 SP1 x86
2) copied the OpenCV dlls to the execution directory
3) I also have a 32-bit OS. So that also should'nt be an issue.
But when I checked for dependencies, I faced a problem:
I used DependecyWalker to open cvextern.dll and found the following dependencies missing:
It also gave the following:
Error: At least one required implicit or forwarded dependency was not found.
Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.
Please help me out with the exception. Thanks in advance.
I copied all the dll files from C:\Emgu\emgucv-windows-universal-gpu\bin\x86 to a folder called includes in my project and updated the "Copy To Output Directory" Option for these DLLs to "Copy Always" and it got rid of this issue.
