Can't install guzzlehttp for Laravel - laravel-5

I am using PHP 5.4 and I have Laravel 5.1 for my development. When I try to install guzzlehttp through composer for my Laravel I get error that your PHP 5.4 doesn't specify the requirements.
i tried to install it by lowering the version like
composer require "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "5.0"
but still with no luck.

composer require "guzzlehttp/guzzle:~5.3"


Why i cannot install Laravel Breeze

I installed a fresh laravel application using version 7.30.4. When I tried to install laravel breeze, using command composer require laravel/breeze --dev, it gives me this error.
Package laravel/breeze has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version
My current version of PHP is 7.2.19
This error comes due to compatible version in your composer.json file. To fix this issue, change the composer.json file "platform" configuration:
"platform": {
"php": "7.3"
Then execute composer install or composer update
or you can run the below command:
composer config platform.php 7.4.3
Laravel breeze required PHP version 7.3 and as you said your PHP version is 7.2.19 so you have to update it.

Can I solve "Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages." in laravel composer

when I want to install laravel/ui the composer show this:
and my composer.json :
my laravel version is 6.13 and I went to and I click the Authentication for laravel 6X and says for laravel 6 you have to install this package and the package is composer require laravel/ui "^1.0" --dev and composer show me that problem again what can I do?
Add this in composer.json and then use command composer update
"laravel/ui": "^1.2",
Sometimes the library which you're installing is not satisfied PHP version not only laravel version.

Laravel/socialite Composer package 5.6 or 5.7

I'm starting to install the laravel/socialite. I have the Laravel 5.6 installed, so should I use composer require laravel/socialite "^3.2.0" based on the documentation from or can I use composer require laravel/socialite based on the
If you use Laravel 5.6 then I think you should install
composer require laravel/socialite "^3.2.0"
If you use composer require laravel/socialite you can get an error, and this command trying to install version 4.0 which is not supported in Laravel 5.6

Can't install guzzlehttp

I am using PHP 5.6 and I have Laravel 5.4 for my development. When I try to install guzzlehttp through composer for my Laravel I get error that my requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages..
cmd error
here's my composer.json
what should i do. Thank you

Laravel Socialite can't be installed in upgraded version 5.6

I have upgraded the laravel from 5.5 to 5.6 and try to install laravel/socialite but there is error.
I think the autoloader is jammed up and needs to be cleared.
Try running
composer dump-autoload
php artisan clear-compiled
composer require laravel/socialite
Looks like you need to install the version ^3.2.0 for the package if you are using laravel 5.6, not the ^3.0 or ^4.0 so, you need to be explicit about the version:
composer require laravel/socialite "^3.2.0"
