Notepad++ replace "Save" Common File Dialog Box - windows-7

In Notepad++ (Windows 7), is there a way to disable the Common File Dialog Box when saving a file? I would like to replace it with the standard Save File Dialog Box.
Notepad++ uses this dialog box for saving:
I would like to use the following dialog box:
Adding shortcuts to "My Place" bar is not an option as I don't plan to use the Common File Dialog Box at all.

The feature was implemented on 2017-01-30.
Settings > Preferences... > Default Directory > Enable "Use new style save dialog (without file extension feature)".
#Tamarindo94 found where the setting was a couple days ago:

From the sounds of it this feature is on the books for the next release of Notepad++ once the support for XP goes away, details here:

I noticed in Notepad++ they still don't have Favorites but they do have Libraries. My work around was to use Libraries instead of Favorites. You can actually add a Library that points to any folder you want. In Windows File Explorer on Windows 8, I had to go to Folder Options and check to turn on "Libraries" so that I could see them. Then I was able to right click and create Libraries pointed to the folders I wanted.


Where is the windows terminal settings location?

I edited the settings file and there must have been a typo and now the app crashes on startup.
Online the documentation says the settings lives in $env:LocalAppData\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json
I can't figure out what that path means since it doesn't exist on the computer.
I re-installed the app to fix the problem then made sure to see what the actual path is.
It's located in : C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState
In the current version (1.7.1033.0), the application can open the JSON settings file for you via a button. Open the Settings tab, and the bottom left corner will have a button named "Open JSON file". Clicking that button will open a prompt asking with what application to open the file. That text editor can then tell you where the file is located.
If you open the terminal settings, it will open a text editor with the settings.json file. If your default editor is VS Code it will show you the path below the tabs on the top of the screen.
I'm unsure what other editors show you the path, but if it is crucial you can change your default text editor to Code.
There is still the option to open the JSON file through settings. In version 1.15.2875.0 you can still find the "Open JSON file" at the bottom left corner
Screenshot with highlights
This hint was given by a comment by user1340531:
Mine is at C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json
(or more generically: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json)
If it's not there, you should consider OP's answer or vyps comment which lets you find out one of these generic paths (they are equivalent):
If you don't know what these paths mean, I'd recommend playing around with "Windows Run" (Win+R) and the explorer address bar.

How to force folder refresh in Sublime, when "Project > refresh" doesn't work?

Especially when using an sftp drive (but this problem is also an issue with local drives, although thankfully not as frequent), the folders in the sidebar just keep spinning and spinning, and the "Open Anything" dialog therefore has no files to choose from.
"Project > Refresh folders" does not work in most cases.
I've resorted to restarting Sublime manually, which works most of the time, but it's getting to be a pain to have to do this every other time I switch projects.
Is there any better way to "force" the folders to refresh?
This problem is the reason I asked this question:
How to save project state before exiting in ST3 on Windows?
The SublimeRestart plugin doesn't work on Windows until this project-state-saving problem is solved. However, even if it did work perfectly, it would still only be a workaround for this really annoying non-refreshing-folders issue.
My workaround on Windows, FYI: After loading a project, when the folders don't refresh (don't load even the first time), I have ctrl+f10 bound to "File > Exit", and f10 configured into the shortcut that I launch Sublime Text with. So two reasonably-quick (although additional!) button presses.
Open Sublime Text.
Select Preferences from the top menu and click Key Bindings – User. Here you will see a JSON file that should contain an array of objects (initially the array is empty). Every object will represent a shortcut.
Add the following (new shortcut object) entry into the array (between the brackets):
"keys" : ["f5"],
"command" : "refresh_folder_list"
You should be able to refresh the folders with F5.
Try to Install this package:
Open the package folder. Main menu -> Preferences -> Package Control: -> Package Control: Install Package
Search the keyword: Side​Bar​Enhancements
Enjoy it
After you install this plugin, you will see the refresh button in your sidebar option:
I have added this myself the other day. I constantly work in an environment where files in the project are changing before I can see them.
Goto 'Preferences' menu -> 'Key Bindings' -> 'User' which will open a JSON file, add below code, save and close that file.
{ "keys": ["ctrl+f5"], "command": "refresh_folder_list" }
It will work like charm 100%. Thanks for asking this question.
This isn't going to be a very useful answer but it documents some early behaviour in Sublime Text that would solve your problem, assuming you need no later features from Sublime Text 2/3 (a big assumption indeed).
Sublime Text 1 had the handy feature in the folder context menu to "Refresh folder". This cause an immediate indexing of only the specified directory (and subdirectories) which was a boon when using networked drives over high-latency connections.
This was deprecated in Sublime Text 2.
Version 1 is available here or by direct download here. It's not clear that these will be available indefinitely though, so this isn't necessarily a long-term solution.

How to set an external editor in Xcode 4.2

All the posts I have found suggest going to the "file types" sub-section under XCode preferences and adding an external editor for a specific file type. However this options does not seem to be there on XCode 4.2.
It looks like it just goes through LaunchServices, so... whatever you'd get by opening it using Finder by default.
I had a look around and I couldn't figure it out. I notice that right-clicking on a source file, there is a greyed out option for "open in external editor." I couldn't figure out how to get that working at a glance.
A reasonable workaround would be to right-click on the source file you want to edit, click "Reveal in Finder," and then edit the file in the editor of your choice. The changes will be automatically updated in Xcode. I think you'll lose any undo/redo history you may have had for that file in Xcode though.
you have to make the editor you want is the default editor for the file type(cpp/h/lua ..).
step: first time you 'show in finder', then open the file with 'open as', then choose the editor you want, make sure you choose the 'always open it'. then every is ok now.
I agree that you need to change the default setting for the file type in Finder. The best way to do that is to right-click any similar file in Finder. Select Get Info from the pop-up menu. Then look down the list for the "Open with" drop-down option. Select your chosen editor and then below the words "Use this option to open all documents like this one" click on "Change All..."
Then it will change the default for all your applications.

Is it possible to launch an external image editor from Textmate?

Is it possible to launch an external image editor from the TextMate project drawer? I suppose the same concept would apply to launching any external editor from TextMate. Right now, if I right-click on the image file, I only have an option to open in Preview or Finder.
Yes. There is an (official) TM Bundle that does what you want--it's called "ImageBrowser." I installed recently and i have used it only once. It seems to work fine for the purpose you mentioned in your Question; in particular, it finds images in your current project and displays them in an image browser that runs inside TextMate.
You can get it from the Macromates SVN Repository.
TextMate respects the Finder's (well, LauchService's) "Open with" choice for each file. Whichever program would open when you double-click the file in Finder will appear in TextMate's contextual menu. Simply change this through the Finder's Get Info window for the file in question to the editor of your choice, and TextMate will respect it. It's dynamically populated, so you don't need to restart TextMate.
As far as I know, there's no method to specify a secondary program beyond the default.
I think no is the answer, but like Matt said, explore the usage of the Services menu.

How do I get Firefox to launch Visio when I click on a linked .vsd file?

On our intranet site, we have various MS Office documents linked. When I click on a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file, Firefox gives me the option to Open, Save or Cancel. When I click on Open, the appropriate app is launched and the file is loaded. This is perfect. But for some reason, when I click on a linked Visio file, I only get the option to Save, which is inconvenient.
I know that Firefox knows the linked file is a Visio file because it tells me so in the dialog box: "You have chosen to open example.vsd which is a: Microsoft Visio Drawing".
How can I make Firefox launch Visio when I click on a linked Visio file?
Firefox is not launching Visio when I click on a linked Visio file because the web server does not identify the content-type correctly. It identifies the Visio file as application/octet-stream instead of application/x-visio. (Thanks Grant Wagner.) This explains why it doesn't work. And in my case, I may be able to get the Apache config file changed, but this is not certain.
However, I would love to know if there is a way to configure Firefox itself to launch Visio based on some other criteria, like file name extension. This way I can open Visio files even if I don't have access to the Apache configuration.
There are only two buttons in the dialog box: "Save File" and "Cancel". The "Open with" option is not there at all.
But I think I know what you mean. Sometimes, the "Open with" option is grayed out and only becomes available a moment later. Unfortunately that's not the case here.
If Open With is not available, the most likely cause is that Firefox does not know the MIME type of the document and is assuming it is application/octet-stream, or your web server is serving up files that end in .vnd as application/octet-stream (or some other binary-only MIME type).
To confirm this, download LiveHTTPHeaders and use it to confirm that the MIME type of the file is application/x-visio.
Edit the file %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\your profile\mimeTypes.rdf
Add in the following
<RDF:li RDF:resource="urn:mimetype:application/vnd.visio"/>
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:externalApplication:application/vnd.visio"
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:application/vnd.visio"
NC:description="Microsoft Visio Drawing">
<NC:handlerProp RDF:resource="urn:mimetype:handler:application/vnd.visio"/>
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:handler:application/vnd.visio"
<NC:externalApplication RDF:resource="urn:mimetype:externalApplication:application/vnd.visio"/>
<NC:possibleApplication RDF:resource="urn:handler:local:FULL PATH TO YOUR VISIO\VISIO.EXE"/>
This is working for me under Firefox 3.6.3 under Windows XP SP2
Added extension 'OpenDownload' which resolved the issue.
Go under Tools, Options.. in firefox, then when the options box comes up go to applications, there you can set all extensions and launch conditions. Actually it's termed "Content Type" and "Action" there...
If the behavior is similar to opening an Application, all you need to do is click the Open/Save dialog and the Open button will become available about a second later. Does this help?
Going under Tools | Options... doesn't seem to work, as after doing so you get an error that an unknown error occurred opening the file.
However, if you install the OpenDownload extension, then you get a run button which successfully runs Visio.
THe problem is with the VSD File type.
Open Windows Explorer
Menu / Tools / Folder options
Click on the File Type TAB
Locate the VSD file type (just type v s d > it will get You there)
There are two Buttons: [Modify] and [Special] -- Click on the [Special] button
--- The Actions associated with the file are listed
You have to add the Open option:
Add the path to Visio as follows:
"C:\Program Files[## correct PATH##]\VISIO.EXE" /e
(Just check how an other filetype is setup, e.g.: DOC or XLS)
Also there is the option: Browse in same window.
Uncheck the Browse in same window. checkbox,
Click [OK]
and there You go! The browser should ask if You want to open or download the file.
and one You mark Your option and remove the checkbox from "Always Ask for this Filetype..." Your VSD Document should open directly in Visio.
Hope this Helps, BR, Zoltan Gajdatsy
On Firefox, go to a site with the file, right-click on a vsd or vsdx file and select download.
On the download window, mark remember my choice option.
Go under tools > options > application, search for visio type and change dropbox to "open with" and then, localize the application you wish use.
I tested this on Firefox 33.0.2 accessing files in Sharepoint.
