Win 10 Universal App Project Creation Error - visual-studio

I've been keen to start developing Windows 10 apps for a while now, but I found things to be a little to unknown and unstable in the near past. With a release date official and Windows 10 making some great progress I've been trying to create a Universal App. However, I receive the following error when loading any Universal app - doesn't matter if it's Visual Basic, C# or C++ I receive the same error and the Project Solution doesn't seem right.
Project Solution:
My understanding is that the universal apps should have a Windows Phone Project and a Windows Desktop project at least? But as you can see after this error Visual Studio isn't creating these two projects...
Can anyone help?
-Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Build 10130
-All features of Visual Studio are Installed, even the Android SDK ect
-Tried a reinstall of Visual Studio, issue still persisted.

As Microsoft describes, you have to do the following steps to install all Windows 10 tools during Visual Studio 2015 RC:
Select Custom install
Expand Universal Windows app development tools
Select Tools and Windows SDK 10.0.10069
Click Next to continue and follow the prompts to complete the installation


Xamarin - Can I develop Android apps on Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2013?

I've spent more than a day trying to install and get this up and running and it just doesn't seem to be working. I tried installing saying that I have Visual Studio.. and then when I run the app, I have no emulators. I try to install Android Emulator for Visual Studio and it says I need Windows 8.
I then again try to install Xamarin but this time i click that i do NOT have Visual Studio.. then it seems like it's download Visual Studio 2015 for me.. but then at the end, it seems like the install didn't go correctly and I don't even see an executable for VS2015 and I just don't know what's going on here.
It says here
The minimum operating system version is Windows 7. Xamarin.Forms Windows support requires Windows 8.1, and Xamarin.Forms UWP support requires Windows 10.
so what am I missing here? I'm going nuts
The minimum operating system version is Windows 7. But you need Windows 7 Service Pack 1. It need for VS15 - detail
You can not use on windows 7:
-Xamarin Forms
-Visual Studio emulator for android
-can't use shared code for windows store
I advise you to be updated to Windows 10.

Windows phone 10 UWP app Deployment error

I am facing the following error, while deploying the package to windows phone device or emulator.
Development specs: Windows 10 Pro Insider preview. Visual Studio Community edition.
Error: Verify the project is selected to be deployed in the solution configuration manager, or deploy it explictly by clicking on the deploy commands in the build menu.
Tried all the possible ways of solving. Can any one suggest a solution for this.
I have checked that you are using the Visual Studio Community RTM version from your Screenshot, but based on this article(, Windows 10 preview version will not work with the Visual Studio 2015 RTM version when creating the UWP app, so you will meet error, please try to upgrade your Windows 10 Pro Insider preview to Windows 10 RTM, besides the Windows 10 Pro Insider preview has a lot of bugs.

Windows Phone 8.0 app packaging in Visual Studio 2015 Preview

I have got Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate Preview installation through my students Dreamspark account. I installed it on top of updated Windows 8.1. workstation.
I have Windows Phone 8.0 application that I need to publish to Windows Phone Store. I am following MS guide on their site, but I am stuck with step in which my options for packaging solution are disabled in VS 2015 Preview (can't start the wizard).
Here is the screenshot of Visual Studio:
On this site: I have found guide for installing Tools for Maintaining Store apps for Windows 8 but it is targeting VS 2012 and VS 2013. In my installer for VS 2015 I didn't even see this tool in optional features for install. Maybe the name is changed?
Does anyone have early experiences with VS 2015 Preview and packaging WP 8 apps for Windows Phone Store?
You have to select a Windows Store app project in the solution explorer before.
(You screenshot shows that you currently selected the solution and not a project.)
Make sure that the distribution option is selected.

Apache Cordova Tool VS 2013 - Unable To Attach

Unable to attach debugger "File not Found" using template for Apache Cordova in vs 2013. Happening on both Win 8.1 64 machine and win 7 SP1 64 machine.
Project builds and runs correctly in both emulator and ripple but generates error "Unable To Attach. The system can not find the file specified." No further information is given - as in what file is not being found, which would have been nice.
Unlike the other solutions I have seen on web, installs on both machines ARE on a system drive. Latest updates are installed for node, git and android sdk. Environment variables and path variables are correct on both machines. Tried all api's 19 and above, uninstalling and reinstalling the tool multiple times, updating from command line.
Issue occurred after switching from visual studio 2013 Pro update 3 to community edition update 4 on both machines.
Have even tried uninstalling every piece of software having to do with android dev (Eclipse, Android Studio, Cordova, Phonegap, the tool) and reinstalling the Cordova Tool with all of the default options. Still same error on both machines - currently just using chrome to debug.
Noticed that it seems to be a similar error(the adb.exe error) but without the file name, given when trying to debug on a phone that has less than 4.4.
Any suggestions? Thank you for any help in advance.
I had exactly the same error and I successfully resolved it.
My configuration:
Windows 7 Pro 64 bits - French
Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (French Edition)
What I did to solve the problem:
First, I installed ENU Language Pack for Visual Studio to install English language
Then, I switched the language of my Visual Studio to english
Finally, I repaired my CTP 3.0 installation.
After that, I was able to debug application from my android device.
Another solution (but not suitable for everyone since it's required a MSDN Account) : using the Visual Studio 2015 Preview.
What is the version/build number/size of the resources assembly in
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebClient.Diagnostics.HtmlToolHost.resources\12.0.* ?
You can right click on the binary and check its properties.

How do I fix Visual studio 2010 error message "CCHandler uninitialized" when running WP7 XNA projects?

When I try and run a Windows Phone 7 project it fails and displays a message box:
"CCHandler uninitialized"
In the errors window is a single error:
"No target is available for deploying."
And it won't run. I've tried a full uninstall+reinstall of both visual studio and all the WP7 tools and the problem remains.
It's the same for totally new projects and for several existing projects I have that run fine on my other PC.
Also, the options for where to deploy (Emulator/Device) seem to be missing from the project properties and toolbar.
WP7 silverlight projects also fail, but with a different popup (and no message in the errors window):
"Exception from HRESULT: 0x89721800"
I've tried just running the WP7 emulator from the start menu and nothing happens (no error, nothing)
Does anyone have any ideas?
Visual Studio 2010 pro. (I've tried with and without SP1)
Windows 7 pro x64.
After some digging this appears to be caused by installation order of SP1.
If you install VS2010 SP1 before the phone 7 tools, it does not appear to correctly install, and even an uninstall and reinstall of VS does not appear to fix the problem. (although perhaps I wasn't finding everything that needed to be uninstalled)
I would recommend that you follow this install sequence:
Visual Studio 2010
Phone tools (all of them, from the app hub site, in the order they recommend)
VS2010 SP1
[This applies to the initial releases of the phone 7 tools, I don't know what the situation is with the mango beta tools]
