Visual Studio reverts source control to ankh svn when opening project - visual-studio

I had used Ankh SVN to do source control for a project but now I want to use a TFS server but I can't as Ankh is set as default every time I open the project. I also removed all .svn files so it's not linked to subversion anymore.
How do I overcome this behaviour.

You need to change the source control bindings to point to TFS instead of to SVN.
With the solution open, go to "File" -> "Source Control" -> "Advanced" -> "Change Source Control Provider".


Subversion - Can't commit message & View History

Which tortoise subversion which integrated with Visual Studio can be able to enter messages while committing, view history of others and my file
The functionality you're describing is not specific to Tortoise, it's a standard functionality of Subversion itself. However, you have the option of integrating TortoiseSVN in Visual Studio as well as just using VisualSVN if you're trying to integrate a SVN client into VS.
That being said, if you're using TortoiseSVN, simply right click on the file folder you want to commit and click SVN Commit... and specify your comment as normal. To view the history of a file or folder, right click on the file or folder and go to TortoiseSVN > Show Log... to see the revision history.

Having Issue Binding Team Foundation Server Project in Visual Studio

So I connected to a project via, I then clicked "Soure Control Explorer":
Then I clicked "Get Latest Version":
This download the source code and correctly mapped a local directory for me. But my project is not under source control in the solution explorer, if I right click on the solution I see:
Which I click and then see error:
After reaching this error on the internet I go to File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control to rebind:
And I see:
In this screenshot I clicked Bind for the sln. But it makes checkout to bind to the server:
I just want Visual Studio integrated solution explorer Get Latest and Checkin functions, I got latest from TFS and do not understand what the big deal is with getting Visual Studio 2012 to understand.
So far you are on the right track. If you continue and Check-Out the SLN file it will add the bindings to the SLN and csproj files. These are some extra properties in the csproj file and a new GlobalSection in the SLN file. With these Visual Studio will be fully aware of TFS and provide status icons in File Explorer and all the other goodness.

How can I get TFS working again?

Today I checked out a new project in TFS (Visual Studio 2010): Which, if any, folders do I need to create before checking out a TFS project?
The .sln file wouldn't save (said it was read-only, and even when changing that in Windows Explorer, it made no difference).
So, I created a new folder, created a new .sln, and then copied all the other files over to that structure.
Now, somehow, TFS has "given up the ghost" On connecting (I do seem to connect, I can see the projects in the Team Explorer pane), when I 2-click the "Source Control" item below a project, I get, "Team Foundation Server is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in."
If I do fall for its ploy, I then see, "Error Command "Tools.Options" does not accept arguments or switches."
What in blue blazes is going on?!?
I reinstalled ("repaired", as that was the only option other than uninstall) MSSCCIProvider, but that did no good - I get the same errors. How can I get TFS back?
I am connecting to TFS, because when I open VS and select the "Connect to TFS" (verbiage?) link, it opens the Team Explorer tab, with a visual representation of the TFS server, with the various "areas" below that, and then, for the area I'm currently working on:
> Work Items
> Builds
Source Control
...but when I mash "Source Control," it tells me, "TFS is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in."
But that's a bait-and-switch, because when I do (click there), I get the err msg, "Error< crlf > Command "Tools.Options" does not accept arguments or switches."
As per my comment, it looks like you have the wrong source control plugin enabled in Visual Studio. In visual studio go to "Tools", "Options", "Source Control"
Make sure that the "Current source control plug-in" is set to "Visual Studio Team Foundation Server"
You should now be able to use Team Explorer to manage your code in TFS

Visual SVN client commit solution files only

I have VisualSVN client integrated in my Visual Studio and I want to commit modified files. The problem is when I right-click on the solution file item in the solution explorer and choose 'Commit', VisualSVN is trying to commit all modified files in my trunk. This is the same problem if I choose 'Commit' from the VisualSVN menu item.
Is it possible to just show the modified files linked with my solution and not all the trunk files?
I know that with AnkhSVN, this works perfectly but I think I missed something with VisualSVN client.
Use VisualSvn menu or context menu in Solution Explorer and choose "Show Changes". It could also be that you have fiddled with the VisualSvn->"Set Working Copy Root" option. Set it back to automatic mode if possible.
As VisualSvn uses TortoiseSvn in the background, it works only with folders so if there is a modified file in the folder not belonging to the solution side by side with a modified file belonging to the solution you will see both files.

How to add TFS bindings to a Visual Studio 2010 project?

There's a question already discussing how to add project/solution bindings to TFS, however it seems to only apply to Visual Studio 2008 (I am unable to find the "Change Source Control" dialog in VS2010).
I have a solution and source code on my local machine already in TFS, however it does not have TFS bindings (the thing that produces the padlock icon in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and allows automatic checkout).
How can I add bindings to an existing TFS project using Visual Studio 2010?
In VS2010 check Tools>Options>Source Control and see if set to TFS. If not that might be why you don't see File->Source Control->Change Source Control.
I ran into this problem and, for me, the issue was that my solution was offline with respect to TFS. Upon trying to change source control, I received a message stating that it is already associated with source control but is offline. I placed the solution on-line, per my recollection, using the File->Source Control->Go Online menu option and this seemed to fix the problem.
Go to the source control explorer under Team Explorer, where you can see your repository. Right click on the top folder that maps to the folder on your local machine. There's an option called "Map to local folder". Map this to the folder on your local machine. This will set up all the bindings for TFS for your project.
I had the same problem and the following steps solved it for me in VS 2008.
Unfortunately, I didn't record the exact steps and don't want to add a new project to our TFS to try again, so the steps are from memory.
Go to File Menu -> Source Control -> Open from source control
Select solution file from TFS hierarchy
Accept any warning about project already being on local disc
A popup dialog comes up saying something along the lines "This solution is already under source control, but no bindings exist. Do you want to add them?"
A selector shows all projects in a grid and allows adding the required bindings. Add TFS server setting to each project (select all lines in grid at once and press a button at the top. I can't remember what it was called, but it was fairly obvious).
