Why can't this method access the session? - session

I have a session containing some data that I access throughout several methods in my controller with no trouble. But one method in particular has problems.
I have made a little booking system. On completion of a booking, I call a function to send an e-mail to myself and the customer:
public function complete(Request $request)
$details = Session::get('details');
// send emails: call sendConfirmationEmail(to address, using this view)
$this->sendConfirmationEmail(env('EMAIL'), 'emails.ourconfirmation');
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($details->booker_email, 'emails.bookerconfirmation');
return view('booking/complete');
private function sendConfirmationEmail($to,$view)
$from = env('OFFICE_EMAIL');
$to_address = $to;
$details = Session::get('details');
$instance = Session::get('instance');
Mail::queue($view, compact(['details','instance']), function($message) use ($to){
->subject('Thanks for booking');
First I got an error accessing a non-object in my e-mail view. So to test it I just set the sendConfirmationEmail function to return $instance - blank page. Then I tested it by commenting out the function call in complete() and returning $instance there. No problem, there's a nice shiny session full of data. Then I tried passing $instance from complete() to sendConfirmationEmail() and returning it: again, blank page. Why can't sendConfirmationEmail 'see' my session?!

To my knowledge, Sessions are for using across HTTP requests, not across functions in PHP. You are trying the use Sessions as global variables.
You can simply capture details and instance session data in the complete function, and then pass them along as parameters for the sendConfirmationEmail() function.


refresh page after updated model - Laravel

I want to refresh current page after any user update
I'm trying to do something like that in User Model :
public static function boot()
self::updated(function ($model) {
return back(); //or redirect(Request::url())
but it wasn't working.
How can I refresh the page if any user updated
In general, the model event functions creating/created/updating/updating/saved/saving should only ever return false or nothing (void). Returning false in for instance updating (that is: before the model is persisted in the database) cancels the model update (this works for all propagating events, see https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/events#stopping-the-propagation-of-an-event).
To "refresh" the current page after a user update, you have to be more specific about what you require. The back() function that you use (or the aliases redirect()->back() or even app('redirect')->back()) is (to my knowledge) to be used in controllers and it uses the Referer header or a property in the user's session to determine to which page to send the client to. This is most often used with validation errors, so that you can send the user back to the page they came from along with any possible validation error messages.
Using back() (or any other request completions like return response()->json('mydata')) inside events is wrong and it doesn't even work since the result of such events is not being used to complete the request. The only valid thing you "could" do is to try validation inside an event, which in turn could throw ValidationExceptions and is therefore automatically handled.
What you should do is use the controller method that actually handles the request that updates the user:
// UserController.php
/** (PUT) Update a user */
public function update(Request $request, User $user)
if($user->update($this->validate($request, [/* validations */])) {
return redirect()->back();
// or even be explicit and use `return redirect()->route('users.show', $user);`
// `update()` returned false, meaning one of the model events returned `false`
// (there is no exception thrown here).
session()->flash('alert-info', 'Something went wrong');
return redirect()->back();

Laravel Auth::User() performance

I have a question that whenever we call Auth::User() then its execute the query to fetch record or it have a saved instance?
Example 1
echo Auth::User()->name;
echo Auth::User()->email;
echo Auth::User()->phone;
Example 2
echo $userInfo->name;
echo $userInfo->email;
echo $userInfo->phone;
Which one should be used performance wise?
Answer and example
Call to the database will be made only the first time you call Auth::user(), after that Laravel will store the user data and each call after that will get the stored instance rather then query the database again.
You can take a look at the vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard.php file under user() method. This is the code I copied from my current project which uses Laravel 7.x and this is the function called by Auth::user().
* Get the currently authenticated user.
* #return \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|null
public function user()
if ($this->loggedOut) {
// If we've already retrieved the user for the current request we can just
// return it back immediately. We do not want to fetch the user data on
// every call to this method because that would be tremendously slow.
if (! is_null($this->user)) {
return $this->user;
$id = $this->session->get($this->getName());
// First we will try to load the user using the identifier in the session if
// one exists. Otherwise we will check for a "remember me" cookie in this
// request, and if one exists, attempt to retrieve the user using that.
if (! is_null($id) && $this->user = $this->provider->retrieveById($id)) {
// If the user is null, but we decrypt a "recaller" cookie we can attempt to
// pull the user data on that cookie which serves as a remember cookie on
// the application. Once we have a user we can return it to the caller.
if (is_null($this->user) && ! is_null($recaller = $this->recaller())) {
$this->user = $this->userFromRecaller($recaller);
if ($this->user) {
$this->fireLoginEvent($this->user, true);
return $this->user;
Debugbar options
Also as the comment before me pointed out, it is good to download Debugbar for Laravel https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar. It will enable you to take a look into queries being executed, views being rendered, requests being sent, and much more.
Other option is Laravel's native solution https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/telescope. I have never personally used it and IMO the first one is simpler to use.
Notes on good practice
Although both examples will essentially do the same thing, I think it is much better to use the second example. Not because of the performance, but rather to make your code readable in future. If you define the user only one time and assign Auth::user() result to it, in future it will be more obvious what it is, and plus, you can easily change what are you assigning to the $userInfo variable (maybe you want to get user from another guard in future, etc.) without having to change it on N places throughout the code.

Call to undefined method My_model::remove_user() Codeigniter

So I am trying to create a function that allows a user to delete their account: hence I want the function to delete all data in the database related to their profile, etc.
In view I have this button:
Delete Account
Which lead to my controller "Profiles" which has the following code:
function remove_user()
$email = $this->session->userdata('email');
Which calls my model Profiles_model which has the following code:
function remove_user($email)
$this->db->where('email', $email);
The table where the data is stored is "profiles".
I am also using sessions to pull the user's email.
When I execute, I get this error message: "Message: Call to undefined method Profiles_model::remove_user()"
I dont understand, as I use almost identical code to "Update" user data, and it works perfectly.
So I figured it out...my closing "}" tag on my model was ABOVE my function I was trying to call!!!!!!!!! There is 4 days wasted I will never get back again.

How to load a CodeIgniter view in $promise->then() in a controller?

In my CodeIgniter 2 controller I call a model method which returns a ReactPHP promise, and I want to load a CodeIgniter view in the function called by that promise's ->then() method. How can I do this? What happens instead is the controller method returns nothing, so I get a blank page in the browser.
Here is a simplified example illustrating what I'm trying to do:
class My_class extends My_Controller {
function my_method() {
$this->my_model->returns_a_promise()->then(function ($data) {
// How can I pass the promise's resolved value to the template here?
// It seems this never gets called, because my_method() returns
// before we get here. :(
$this->load->view('my_view', $data);
Is there any way to tell the controller method not to send output to the browser until after the promise has resolved?
I'm not sure what are you trying to do but if you want to stop view from outputting and return it as a string then output it with echo yourself you can do this:
$view = this->load->view('my_view', $data, TRUE);
Now you have the view as a var string you can use it to do what you are trying to do.
It turns out the code in my original question does work. So the question is the answer. But the reason it wasn't working for me was that returns_a_promise() was not returning a resolved promise, so ->then() was not called and the view was not rendered. In order to make it return a resolved promise, I had to call $deferred->resolve(); in the code that returned the promise.
The upshot of this is that this code example demonstrates it is possible to run asynchronous PHP (via ReactPHP in this case) in CodeIgniter controller methods. My particular use case is to run many database queries concurrently in the CodeIgniter model.
try this:
function my_method() {
$data = array();
$data['promise'] =$this->my_model->returns_a_promise();
$data['view'] = 'my_view';
$this->load->view('my_view', $data);

Laravel 5.2 - How to access an App Presenter method in EventServiceProvider?

I have a guitar lessons site where there is an exercises table. The original developers placed some functions in ExercisePresenter to retrieve other bits of data associated with an exercise, such as its url.
Here is a function in ExercisePresenter that returns url for an exercise:
public function url()
return '/guitar-lesson-ex/' . $this->urlName() . '/' . $this->id;
So now I am creating an event on new exercise created so I can use pusher notifications. In the EventServiceProvider I have this:
public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)
Exercise::created(function ($exercise) {
// need to update lesson difficulty
$lesid = $exercise->lesson_id;
$les = \App\Lesson::find($lesid);
$dif = $les->difficulty();
->where('id', $lesid)
->update(['difficulty' => $dif]);
// lets trigger NewExerciseEvent to send pusher notifications
$url = $exercise->url;
event(new NewExerciseEvent($message));
I thought in above code $url = $exercise->url; would work since I see $exercise->url used successfully in exercise views. But it is returning $url as null. Now, there is no url column in the exercise database, so I figure somehow when $exercise->url; is used in a view, laravel is figuring out that the ExercisePresenter is able to return the url.
I am debugging through PHPStorm, but when I get to $url = $exercise->url; and step in, I am just taken through various bits of laravel code that looks for a method, etc. I am not savvy enough with laravel to figure out what it is doing here differently than in the view (too bad we can't debug views...), but each time I try this $url is returned as null.
Any idea how to get this to work properly in my EventServiceProvider?
Figured it out:
$url = $exercise->present()->url;
I had been searching for how to use presenters but having just read (Laravel View Presenters From Scratch), everything is clear!
Sorry for posting prematurely.
