I have been facing the problem with feature of Chrome. Just came to know after debugging.
An ajax call is made to get data from the server (which has been ordered from the server). But the problem is chrome is sorting the response JSON object.
The below object has been taken from ajax response. But just sorts the object based on the key.
I don't have problem with IE or Firefox
"64":"AV HY",
"10":"CAM Y H",
"18":"FJ CR"
After sorting the object looks like this
"10":"CAM Y H",
"18":"FJ CR",
"64":"AV HY",
How can I fix this?
I have done the sorting in the client side using array sort. Thanks for the input Rink
I'm working with socket.io. I am having trouble receiving data from the server even though I can console.log() the data (an array of objects) right before I try to emit the data back to the calling client. If I hard code info into the emit, it will display on the client but when I use the dynamically created array of objects, it doesn't go through. My gut tells me its a asyn issue but I'm using bluebird to manage that. Perhaps its an encoding issue? I tried JSON.stringify and JSON.parse, no dice.
socket.on('getClassList', function(){
console.log(data) //data is an array full of objects
socket.emit('STC_gotDatList', data)
Hard-Coded Expected Output:
classes['moof'] = {
accessList: [888],
connectedList: [],
firstName: "sallyburnsjellyworth"
socket.on('STC_gotDatList', function(info){
console.log(info) //prints [] or {}
I remember reading somewhere that console.log() may not be printing data at the time the data is available/populated. Could that be it even though im using Promises? At the time I'm emitting the data, it just hasn't been populated into the array? How would i troubleshoot this scenario?
A step closer. In order to get anything to return, for some reason I have to return each specific object in the 'classes' array. It wont allow me to send the entire array, for the example I gave above, to get data to the client, I have to return(classes['moof']), can't return(classes) to get the entire array... Not sure why.
EDIT3: Solution: You just can't do it this way. I had to put 'moof' inside classes as a property (className) and then I was able to pass the whole classes array.
How is the 'classes' array created?
The problem might be that it is being given properties dynamically, but has not been created as an object, but rather an array.
If you plan to dynamically add properties to it (like property moof), you should create it as an object (with {}) rather than an array (with []).
var classes = {};//instead of classes = []
//then fill it however you do it
classes[property] = {
accessList: [888],
connectedList: [],
firstName: "sallyburnsjellyworth"
Also, the credit goes to Felix, I'm just paraphrasing his answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8865468/7573546
I am trying to create a load test versus one of our apps that is used on web and mobile. I am trying to access this app from the web. I login to the website. Using this login, I click on the web version of the app. The below response is returned here.
This app is using SiteMinder and Worklight to negotiate with the main site I am coming from.
My question is, how do I correlate a value such as 'SMIDENTITY=' when it is being returned TWICE in the same string?
Here is an example of what is being returned by the server (I have broken up the string so the variables are separated:
Use the Ordinal (or index) number of the instance of the variable which you need as part of your collection
See training material or online help for correlation functions related to ordinal value
You didn't say what you're actually trying to do. Do you need only use the most recent? only use the first?
You use a web_reg_save_param_ex to capture all Ordinals of a parameter. It puts it into an array.
You can then do what you want with that array.
You can also use a web_reg_save_param_regexp
I coped the code from the official documentation and put your variable name in there to make it easier for you.
/* Getting individual elements from a parameter array.
Since the parameter created by web_reg_save_param_ex
is called "SMIDENTITY", the number of elements
is saved in parameter "SMIDENTITY_count".
The array elements are parameters "SMIDENTITY_1",
elemCnt = atoi(lr_eval_string("{SMIDENTITY_count}"));
lr_output_message("Number of items found = %d",elemCnt);
for (x=1;x<=elemCnt;x++) {
sprintf(arrayParamName, "{SMIDENTITY_%d}", x);
lr_output_message ("%s: %s",
I'm trying to post data (a chunk of a file) using a XmlHttpRequest object with an Int8Array as the data but it fails in FF18, but works perfect in IE 10 & Chrome.
Here's my JS:
//dataObj is an Int8Array with approx. 33,000 items
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.open("POST", "Ajax/PostChunk");
oReq.onload = function (oEvent) {
I use Firebug in Firefox to debug my JS and when I watch the activity under the Net tab, nothing ever shows up for this XHR call. As if it was never called.
Also, prior to this call, I call jQuerys .ajax() method for "Ajax/PostChunkSize" and that works fine in all browsers, although that doesn't use an Int8Array for its data. I can't use .ajax() for this since .ajax() doesn't support Int8Array objects, as far as I know.
Does anyone know why Firefox doesn't even attempt to send this? Any questions, please ask.
Thanks in advance.
The ability to send a typed array (as opposed to an arraybuffer) is a recent addition to the in-flux XMLHttpRequest2 spec. It'll be supported in Firefox 20 in April or so (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=819741 ) but in the meantime if your Int8Array covers its entire buffer, doing send(dataObj.buffer) should work...
Note that per the old spec the code above should have sent a string that looks something like "[object Int8Array]" instead of throwing; you may want to check to make sure that other browsers really are sending the array data and not that string.
I'm trying to use iChemLabs cloud services from a html5 web worker. Normally the cloudservices requires jQuery but I can't import that into a web worker so I'm using Pollen instead with a ChemDoodle Web Components library with which I have stripped out the document-related things.
jQuery.Hive.Pollen provides a nice ajax function very similar to jQuery, but I can't seem to get it to work at all. I know this problem will be tricky to solve considering that Access-control-headers need to be set to allow any of you to actually find the solution. However, I'm a beginning javascript programmer and I was wondering if my two weeks of frustration is actually a small difference. I am trying to invoke the following function:
var cloudmolecule;
ChemDoodle.iChemLabs.readSMILES('N1(C)C(=O)N(C)C(C(=C1N1)N(C=1)C)=O', function(mol){
cloudmolecule = mol;
Here is a link to the library code I am using, see the 'q.ajax' call and substitute jQuery = q for p = q (p is for pollen) in that block of code.
Right now I'm just trying to get the ajax call to work in an ordinary block of javascript with the plan to migrate to a web worker later.
If anybody could point out the problem to me I would be extremely grateful.
solved! turns out iChemLabs rejects these two extra headers that pollen creates:
_xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "Worker-XMLHttpRequest");
_xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Worker-Hive", "Pollen-JS" );
Simply comment them out
Also, Pollen ajax seems to return a JSON object containing the data in JSON format AND as a string, so do
o = JSON.parse(data.string)//data is the parameter to the callback function
The reduced ChemDoodle library (without document-related methods) will work like a charm with pollen ajax.
I have an ajax-enabled WCF service that returns a set of JSON objects back to the browser. The service has a simple function that calls a business layer dll. This then returns the objects to the calling method.
Below is the service implementation (minus the Imports statements):
<ServiceContract(Namespace:="")> _
<AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode:=AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)> _
<ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults:=True, MaxItemsInObjectGraph:=5000)> _
Public Class NoteService
<OperationContract()> _
Public Function GetAllInsuredNotes(ByVal insuredID As Integer) As List(Of NoteExport)
Dim allNotes As New List(Of NoteExport)
Using nr As New NoteRepository()
allNotes = nr.GetInsuredNotesForExport(insuredID)
If allNotes Is Nothing Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException("The operation to retrieve notes caused an error.")
End If
End Using
Return allNotes.ToList()
End Function
The Javascript to call my service is as follows:
function exportToExcel(sender, eventArgs) {
var insuredID = $('input[id*=hdnInsuredID]').val();
NoteService.GetAllInsuredNotes(insuredID, OnNoteGetSuccess, OnNoteGetFailure, null);
function OnNoteGetSuccess(result) {
var insuredID = $('input[id*=hdnInsuredID]').val();
OutputExcel(insuredID, result);
return true;
function OnNoteGetFailure(result) {
alert('There was an error retrieving notes for export. Please contact the help desk for assistance.');
return false;
Basically my problem is this. Everything seems to work fine from the server side function standpoint. Every time I call the function client side, the server side code executes and the result is generated. However, the success callback function only gets called periodically. I can invoke the function several times and only have the callback executed once. The problem seems to grow worse the larger the result set returned.
I could understand if it was related to the MaxObjectsInGraph setting, but the problem isn't that the result never comes back if I have a large amount of data. It will come back sometimes every forth or fifth try, sometimes 2 tries in a row, sometimes 1 in ten tries. It seems very random.
I have spent at least 2 days racking my brain on this one and can't seem to discover the solution. Does anyone have any insight on this?
Ok, I figured out what was happening and thought I'd post it here in case anyone else experiences this kind of issue. Using fiddler was the tool that put me on the right track.
Basically, the link button I was using to make the call to the javascript function was calling a full page postback, not just calling the javascript function. So if the request was small enough, the response to the web service call came quickly and the web page ran the callback function with the new JSON data it received. As the data sets got larger, sometimes the response would come back in time for the page to process the results. However, sometimes the response wouldn't come back until the full page postback was complete and the reference to the callback function was lost. So it would get back the JSON data but wouldn't know what to do with it.
So I had the javascript function called by the link button always return false to cancel the post back and the problem was solved.
I only had one other issue to deal with and that was setting the MaxObjectsInGraph setting for the service to a high enough value to account for the JSON size coming back. The only thing I still find odd is that if this setting was not high enough, I would get a challenge response box asking for a login name for the first couple of attempts, then the service would just come back with an unknown status code.
In any case, I hope this post proves helpful to someone else.
I don't think we can help you figure it out either unless we have the JavaScript definition for
NoteService.GetAllInsuredNotes(insuredId, CallBack1, CallBack2, WhatIsThisParam)