I am new to JMeter, I want to do load testing on a particular web site.
I have to do load test for the following requests on my web site
-->Visiting login page
-->Login to website
-->visiting to products page
-->Visiting to product details page
for this I made script like this
Test Plan
|-->Visiting login page
|-->Login to website
|-->visiting to products page and etc..
Now, If I run this test plan with 50 threads then what will be the flow ???
The 50 threads will each one sequentially execute the transactions under Thread Group.
So it is sequential per Thread but parallel for all threads, meaning at the same time (second or minute depending on your pauses and response times) you can have:
1 Threads running Visiting login page
10 Threads running Login
5 threads running visiting to products page and etc
others waiting (if you use timers)
I'm testing a web application that only allow 5 active sessions. I want to simulate 100 concurrent REST API calls. But the below script doesn't work.
Jmeter script
Is it possible to simulate Once Only login but 100 concurrent users with JMeter?
You don't seem to be understanding what does Once Only Controller do.
It runs its child(ren) during only first iteration of the Thread Group, it doesn't execute them at the same time.
If you want to run 100 requests at the same moment - take a look at Synchronizing Timer
If in your setup 5 requests are successful and other 95 are failing you could consider logging in somewhere in setUp Thread Group and then pass the JMeter Variables holding the authentication context to the main Thread Group so all 100 threads would share the same login details.
I need to perform load test on our web application that involves user interaction to the web pages. So i have written selenium scripts to
handle the click events.For,example we have functionalities like some users has to perform signup/registering to our site,some has to login and perform click actions and logout, and a set of users has to visit our home page, click on multiple URL links available on the home page.
In JMeter,i have added one threadgroup each for above mentioned functionalities.Each threadgroup has "JUnit Request Sampler" which calls the selenium methods that has code for performing click actions.
I have setup the "Thread Properties" for the threadgroups to run 200 threads per minute over a span of 5 to 10 mins[target is for 15 mins]
Default browser i am using is "Firefox".I have also set the JMeter properties such that i wouldn't landup into any memory issues.
I am running the scripts in non-gui mode and collecting the result into a jtl file.
The problem i am facing here is, while scripts are executing multiple browsers openup and as each page involves click events,some of the clicks are not happening correctly resulting in increase in error count. If i use very minimal number of threads with time delay then no errors are seen.
I have tried with distributed mode testing as well but there was no major reduce in error count.
I am looking forward for a solution or rather suggestions that can help me out to have minimal or zero errors while running JMeter scripts that involves user interactions and achieve intended load or thereafter increase the load.
As per WebDriver Tutorial it is not recommended to use WebDriver to conduct the load onto the web application
From experience, the number of browser (threads) that the reader creates should be limited by the following formula:
C = B + 1
where C = Number of Cores of the host running the test
and N = Number of Browser (threads).
Looking into Firefox browser requirements I strongly doubt you have a computer with 200 cores and 400 GBs of RAM therefore my expectation is that you should use JMeter's HTTP Request samplers to create the load.
Browsers don't do any magic, they send HTTP Requests and render the responses, so well-behaved protocol-based JMeter tests will look just like a real browser for the application under test. So I would recommend converting your Selenium tests into "pure" JMeter tests, you can leave 1-2 browsers to measure end-user experience when the application is under the load.
I am trying to stress test a web application which is composed of login,view page,other pages and log out. The full flow contains 14 request and I have created 300 users to complete the flow.
I have the following Thread Group configuration:
According to the online resources since I have 300 users and the ramp up period is 6, for each 1 second there will be 50 thread added. Therefore all the 300 thread will be up and running after 6 second.
So can I conclude that after 6 second Jmeter will have 300 active thread accessing the website at the same time?
My second question is when I execute the load test of more than 100 users when I view the Result Tree Listener in the Sampler Result tab the following error is triggered only for js and css files but when I open the response data tab for that request it is displayed correctly.
Response code: 200
Response message: Embedded resource download
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException message:Non HTTP response message: Remote host closed connection during handshake,
Is it a performance issue of my website or Jmeter cannot download all the js/css files?
Thanks in advance
With regards to your Threads configuration, the actual concurrency will depend on your application response time. JMeter acts as follows:
Each 1 second JMeter will start 50 users
Each of 50 users will start executing your 14 requests upside down
When a user will finish executing all requests it will be shut down
So given your application average response time for all 14 requests is > 500 ms you should have 300 concurrent users. You can always check how many users were online using Active Threads Over Time listener. See JMeter Test Results: Why the Actual Users Number is Lower than Expected article for more detailed information on the topic
Too little information to provide the answer check jmeter.log and your application under test logs for any clues. One thing is obvious: you should definitely NOT be running JMeter in GUI mode especially with View Results Tree listener enabled as it is too resource intensive and side effects might be unpredictable. So repeat your test in non-GUI mode with all listeners disabled and if the issue will remain - inspect log files.
Using jmeter, I have 10000 users need to hit the server and to respond back with in 40 sec.
During execution (in distributed mode) only 600 users really hitting (Checked in db) in server.
But in AGGREGATE REPORT it shows all requests hits the server.
What is the issue behind this? why the number of requests hits the server isn't consistent between db and jmeter listener?
Probably your test configuration is a little bit wrong.
JMeter acts as follows:
JMeter starts all the threads (virtual users) within the bounds of ramp-up period specified in the Thread Group configuration
Each thread (virtual user) starts executing samplers upside down
When there are no more samplers to execute and no more loops to iterate the thread is being shut down.
You can check how many threads were actually active using Active Threads Over Time Listener or the same chart of the HTML Reporting Dashboard
So you may run into a situation when some samplers have already done their work and some haven't been yet started. Basically you need to provide enough loops to make sure all 10k threads will be up and running for the required test duration.
See JMeter Test Results: Why the Actual Users Number is Lower than Expected guide for more information.
My application is live application & three is a heavy use of AAJX call and Java scripts.
Successful login required three steps
Login validation
On login page browser post user login information and backed first validate it and set cookies & session id for further use.
After successfully validation of user information browser initiate two request parallel towards back-end.
Browser post a request to server & server send some XML data in every 10 seconds towards browser. Back-end push information in every 10 seconds up to user logged in.
Also browser post a ping request to server to make sure user is available and active.
To test the performance of UI by JMeter I am planning to create following test plan.
Test Plan
Main Login Thread
Ping Thread
Application Thread
Now I want to run thread 2 & 3 parallel after completion of first thread.
Please let me know if this is possible in JMeter if Yes how I can run two threads parallel after completion of first.
It isn't something which is provided in JMeter out-of-the-box as currently there is no way to jump over the number of threads which are defined on Thread Group level so you'll need to do some coding in order to work it around, i.e.:
Use JSR223 Sampler (or PostProcessor)
Develop custom sampler i.e. basing on ExampleSampler which spawns more threads in order to simulate AJAX parallel calls
See How to Load Test AJAX/XHR Enabled Sites With JMeter article for more details and some reference implementation examples.