flash message in auth controller - laravel-5

I'm looking for better solution to show flash message after login/logout/register. These methods are stored in AuthController through trait AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers. My second condition is not to edit AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers.
My actually hack is below, but i'm not happy for that.
Have you got better idea?
public function postLoginwithFlash(Request $request)
return $this->postLogin($request)->with('flash_message','You are logged');
and routes.php
Route::post('login', ['as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'Auth\AuthController#postLoginWithFlash']);
and views ofc
#if (Session::has('flash_message'))
{{ Session::get('flash_message') }}

There is no 'native' way to do it. Either way you will have to change/edit the route.
Either you implement everything in the routes.php, or do it the way you already proposed – create a new method in AuthController. Essentially, it's the same thing.
However, I would recommend you to do proper manual check instead of returning postLogin(), eg.:
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->input('email'), 'password' => $request->input('password')])) {
// Authentication passed...
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
} else {
return redirect()->refresh()->with('error', 'Those are not correct credentials!');
This way, you can add different flash messages to success and error cases while your proposed code will show the same message irrespective of result.

You can edit the language file ./resources/lang/en/auth.php, then change this line
'failed' => 'Your custom login error message',


Router redirecting to the another page

I have route like
If i just go to my browser and right admin/selfcontacteditdata it redirect me to
And my index function is
public function __construct()
return $this->middleware('auth');
public function index()
'email' => 'required',
'mobileno' => 'required',
$data = selfcontect::find(1);
return view('/admin/selfcontectedit',compact('data'));
And my middleware is
protected function redirectTo($request)
if (! $request->expectsJson()) {
return route('login');
My rest admin routes are working fine.
I had the same problem but I was writing table name wrong and my file was not saved as .blade please check are you also doing the same thing and there is no meaning of validation in edit function your edit function must be like
public function edit()
$data = selfcontect::find(1);
return view('/admin/selfcontectedit',compact('data'));
and your function name should be edit
You should use Accept key not Content/type
You can't redirect through view, actually your are calling view.
Correct syntax is
return view('view_name',compact('data'));
If you want to redirect to any route you have to call like this
return redirect()->to('admin/selfcontacteditdata');
Redirect to a Route
If in your routes.php file you have a route with a name, you can redirect a user to this particular route, whatever its URL is:
get('books', ['as' => 'books_list', 'uses' => 'BooksController#index']);
return redirect()->route('books');
This is really useful if in the future you want to change the URL structure – all you would need to change is routes.php (for example, get(‘books’, … to get(‘books_list’, …), and all the redirects would refer to that route and therefore would change automatically.
And you can also use parameters for the routes, if you have any:
get('book/{id}', ['as' => 'book_view', 'uses' => 'BooksController#show']);
return redirect()->route('book_view', 1);
In case of more parameters – you can use an array:
get('book/{category}/{id}', ['as' => 'book_view', 'uses' =>
return redirect()->route('book_view', [513, 1]);
Or you can specify names of the parameters:
return redirect()->route('book_view', ['category'=>513, 'id'=>1]);

Form submit intercepted by auth middleware in laravel 5

I've been working on a laravel 5.7 blog project. I want to comment an article.
I need to achieve this:
Before logging in, I can type anything in comment textarea
I submit comment (of course it would be intercepted by auth middleware)
then I'm redirected to login page
After logging in, I hope my app could submit previous form data (or comment) automatically instead of typing the same comment again
I think that's a very common business logic in many websites nowadays, but how am I supposed to achieve this?
My comments controller here:
public function __construct()
public function store(Post $post) {
$comment = Comment::create([
'body' => session('comment')?:request('body'),
'post_id' => $post->id,
'user_id' => auth()->user()->id
//before logging in, you don't have an user_id yet.
return back()->with('success', 'Add comment succeeded');
web.php Route here:
Route::post('/posts/{post}/comments', 'CommentsController#store')->name('addComment');
Basically auth middleware intercepted my form data submit, I want to go across the auth middleware with my form data. Not lost them after logging in.
Here is the solution.A little tricky.Save comment to the session first before go to auth middleware.After logging in, GET that route to create comment.
Route::get('/posts/{post}/comments', 'CommentsController#store')->name('addComment');
Route::post('/posts/{post}/comments', 'CommentsController#commentSave');
Comments controller:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('auth', ['except' => ['commentSave']]);
public function commentSave(Request $request){
$url = \URL::previous();
session(['comment' => $request->input('body')]);
return redirect("$url/comments");
public function store(Post $post){
$comment = Comment::create([
'body' => session('comment'),
'post_id' => $post->id,
'user_id' => auth()->user()->id
session(['comment' => null]);
return redirect("posts/$post->id")->with('success', 'Add comment succeeded');
return redirect("posts/$post->id");
I think the solution to your problem is here:

Before method with multiple role restrictions

Im curious to know if it is possible to prevent users who don't have a role of owner or administrator from accessing certain controllers in a laravel application?
Yes you can. You can do this with a route filter.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'auth.admin'), function()
// Your routes
and in filters.php
Route::filter('auth.admin', function()
// logic to set $isAdmin to true or false
return Redirect::to('login')->with('flash_message', 'Please Login with your admin credentials');
Route filters have already been proposed but since your filter should be Controller specific you might want to try controller filters.
First off, lets add this your controller(s)
public function __construct()
// check permissions
This function gets called before a controller action is executed.
In there it depends on you what you want to do. I'm just guessing now, because I don't know your exact architecture but I suppose you want to do something like this:
$user = Auth::user();
$role = $user->role->identifier;
if($role !== 'admin' && $role !== 'other-role-that-has-access'){
App::abort(401); // Throw an unauthorized error
Instead of throwing an error you could also make a redirect, render a view or do basically whatever you want. Just do something that stops further execution so your controller action doesn't get called.
Instead of using Closure function, you can use predefined filters (from the routes.php or filters.php)
$this->beforeFilter('filter-name', array('only' => array('fooAction', 'barAction')));
For more information, check out the documentation

Laravel Conditional route filter

Hey guys could you please help me? This one is driving me crazy...
Let's say that I have a method for checking if the user is an admin or not:
public function isAdmin()
return Auth::user()->role === 'admin';
Then I attach it to a route filter:
Route::filter('admin', function($route, $request)
if ( ! Auth::user()->isAdmin()) {
Notification::error('No permission to view this page!');
return Redirect::back();
Now, I just pass it to the route group
Route::group(array('before' => 'admin'), function()
Route::post('users/{id}/update_password', 'UserController#update_password');
Route::post('users/{id}/delete', 'UserController#force_delete');
Route::delete('users/{id}', array('as' => 'users.destroy', 'uses' => 'UserController#destroy'));
Route::post('users/{id}/restore', 'UserController#restore');
Route::get('users/create', array('as' => 'users.create', 'uses' => 'UserController#create'));
Route::post('users', array('as' => 'users.store', 'uses' => 'UserController#store'));
Route::get('users/{id}/edit', array('as' => 'users.edit', 'uses' => 'UserController#edit'));
Route::put('users/{id}', array('as' => 'users.update', 'uses' => 'UserController#update'));
The question here is how do I allow a user to bypass this filter if for example he's trying to update it's own profile page an obviously he's not and admin?
I just want to block all access to the users routes for nonadmins but allow the user to edit/update etc on his own profile but allow the admin to do that too.
Could you please point me to the right direction?
You can get the related request segment to check it in your filter:
Route::filter('admin', function($route, $request)
if ( ! Auth::user()->isAdmin() && Auth::user()->username !== Request::segment(2)) {
Notification::error('No permission to view this page!');
return Redirect::back();
There are a few ways to do this, but having a filter that checks the request segments against the currently authenticated user isn't the best way.
Choice Number 1
You simply check that a user is auth'd (use the auth filter), and then in the controller itself you check whether or not the user is an admin, and/or it's their profile.
Choice Number 2
Define a secondary sets of routes specifically for a user modifying their own profile, that doesn't follow the /user/{id}/* pattern.
Route::group(['before' => 'admin'], function() {
// admin routes here
Route::group(['prefix' => '/me'], function() {
Route::post('/update_password', 'UserController#update_password');
Route::post('/delete', 'UserController#force_delete');
// etc
This would mean that to edit their own profile, they could simply go to /me/edit rather than /user/{id}/edit. To avoid issues like repeating the same code, or errors because an argument is missing, you could do something like this in your controller.
private function getUserOrMe($id)
return $id !== false ? User::find($id) : Auth::user();
public function edit($id = false)
$user = $this->getUserOrMe($id);
I recently used this particular method for an API. Sure it requires defining the routes again, but providing that you've set them up with groups that make use of the prefix option, it's a copy and paste job, plus, there are routes an admin would have that a user wouldn't.
Either way, filters weren't intended to do complex logic, but rather, to provide a level of base logic and protection for routes. Logic that identifies whether the current uri is that of the currently logged in user, is something better handled in a controller.

Display message after logout via Silex SecurityServiceProvider

I am using the SecurityServiceProvider to secure my Silex application and would like to display a message after the user has logged out by navigating to the logout_path route.
The message should be stored in the sessions flash bag so that my template can automatically display it after.
I have tried adding an application middleware, but where not able to hook my code in. The before hook doesn't seem to work, because it happens after security and thus after the security's redirected back to my home page.
The before hook with the Application::EARLY_EVENT seems to be to early because as far as I know does the Security provider destroy the session after logout.
Before I keep trying to find a sort of working but probably dirty solution I would like to ask what the best/cleanest solution for this case would be?
UPDATE: After npms hint for a logout event handler I found this article on Google, which describes how to tackle the problem in Symfony very well.
In Silex things are slightly different though and after reading the source of the SecurityServiceProvider I came up with this solution.
$app['security.authentication.logout_handler._proto'] = $app->protect(function ($name, $options) use ($app) {
return $app->share(function () use ($name, $options, $app) {
return new CustomLogoutSuccessHandler(
isset($options['target_url']) ? $options['target_url'] : '/'
class CustomLogoutSuccessHanler extends DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler {
public function onLogoutSuccess(Request $request)
$request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('info', "Logout success!");
return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $this->targetUrl);
The problem however is, that the flashbag message doesn't exist anymore after the redirect. So it seems that the session is being destroyed after the logout success handler is executed... or am I missing something? Is this even the right way to do it?
UPDATE: Still haven't found a proper solution yet. But this works.
I have added a parameter to the target url of the logout and use it to detect if a logout was made.
$app->register( new SecurityServiceProvider(), array(
'security.firewalls' => array(
'default' => array(
'pattern'=> '/user',
'logout' => array(
'logout_path' => '/user/logout',
'target_url' => '/?logout'
I had the same problem and your thoughts leaded me to a solution, thank you!
First define logout in the security.firewall:
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider(), array(
'security.firewalls' => array(
'general' => array(
'logout' => array(
'logout_path' => '/admin/logout',
'target_url' => '/goodbye'
Create a CustomLogoutSuccessHandler which handles the needed GET parameters for the logout, in this case redirect, message and pid:
class CustomLogoutSuccessHandler extends DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
public function onLogoutSuccess(Request $request)
// use another target?
$target = $request->query->get('redirect', $this->targetUrl);
$parameter = array();
if (null != ($pid = $request->query->get('pid'))) {
$parameter['pid'] = $pid;
if (null != ($message = $request->query->get('message'))) {
$parameter['message'] = $message;
$parameter_str = !empty($parameter) ? '?'.http_build_query($parameter) : '';
return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $target.$parameter_str);
Register the handler:
$app['security.authentication.logout_handler.general'] = $app->share(function () use ($app) {
return new CustomLogoutSuccessHandler(
$app['security.http_utils'], '/goodbye');
The trick to make this working as expected is to use another route to logout:
$app->get('/logout', function() use($app) {
$pid = $app['request']->query->get('pid');
$message = $app['request']->query->get('message');
$redirect = $app['request']->query->get('redirect');
return $app->redirect(FRAMEWORK_URL."/admin/logout?pid=$pid&message=$message&redirect=$redirect");
/logout set the needed parameters and execute the regular logout /admin/logout
Now you can use
to redirect to any other route after logout or
(encoded) to prompt any messages in the /goodbye dialog.
