Arduino IDE Alternatives for Mac OS X - macos

I'm trying to find an alternative to the arduino text editor for obvious reasons. I can't seem to get sublime text to work with Stino (a sublime package), I think it's because I'm using arduino 1.6.4. Are there any alternatives or am I stuck with the arduino IDE? Or has anyone managed to get Stino working on sublime?

Several months ago, I ran into an issue with not being able to use the Arduino IDE very well for different reasons. I did some research and found
Codebender works as a plugin to Chrome or Firefox, and is completely cross platform. I have used it on Windows 7,8, OSX, and on Chrome OS.
I hope you have luck with your project in whatever environment you use, Good Luck!


IDE for developing in ActionScript (Flash) on Mac osx

I have problem with the autocomplete in ActionScript (Flash CS6), so I tried to change the IDE.Unfortunately I find Flashdevelop but it's a windows version.
Is there IDE for developping in ActionScript (Flash) on Mac osx.
You can try Intellij IDEA (is not free like FlashDevelop), I use it and it is better then Flash Builder(I used both) it is missing a UI designer(I think there is a plugin, the developers I know hand code the UI in mxml(drag dropping is for beginners) but a UI designer is useful sometimes.
If you want to spend money, checkout FDT, IntelliJ IDEA and Flash Builder. If you look for something free, there's a free very limited FDT version.
Other then that there also were some standard text editor which people enhanced with some basic dev functionality, for example: tried this some years ago and it was unstable on macs. might have improved since then.
If you really want to develop bigger projects on a mac I would suggest using one of the paid projects, since productivty with the free products usually is noticable lower.
I found Sublime Text 2 (mac osx) is very simple and useful in AS3 in addition to that the autocomplete is very fast.

Arduino programming on Mac OS X with Xcode 5?

Is there a good reference on how to set up an Arduino programming environment with Xcode?
An ideal answer would be along the lines of, "Oh yes, there's an active project on Google Code, just download the .dmg, copy the ${Xcode magic config file} to ${somewhere in ~Library}, restart Xcode and select "New Arduino Project" from the File menu. Click Build with your Arduino plugged in and it uploads it direct to the hardware."
Google gives a couple of hits, but they're kind of vague and out-of-date (specifically, the way Xcode does project templates changed between Xcode 3 and 4 and I can't find an Xcode 4 template.) I've officially outgrown Processing and I'd prefer not to blight my home life with Eclipse if at all possible.
You can actually use the arduino GUI to compile and upload, and set the editor to external in the preferences. That way, you can edit the C++ (PDE) files from xcode, and have arduino generate the actual CPP and build the whole shebang.
You can also use XCode to write plain C++/C for the arduino, using the avr-gcc compiler.
Have a look at:
You can then use the plain avrdude upload tool to program the arduino. Have a look at:
It used to be that the protocol spoken by Arduino was a modification of the STK500 protocol, and that only the avrdude bundled with arduino could speak it. I don't know if the mainstream avrdude was upgraded, or if you still have to resort to the avrdude inside the Arduino folder.
I have just come across embedXcode which does exactly what I want.
Alternatively, if you are looking for a solution that is independent of XCode (or just another solution), check out CrossPack for AVR Development. Essentially, it is an AVR toolchain for OSX
This will allow you to develop outside of the Arduino IDE with C/C++. It is terminal line only.
However, the instructable below gives steps for using it with the Eclipse IDE (well, the Eclipse IDE using it).
I also asked around on the Arduino forums and they're at the point where someone's posted a Makefile which works for me, but the templating system for Xcode4 is vastly different to Xcode3 and apparently still in some state of flux.
So as of May 2011 the answer I wanted to hear still doesn't exist but we're getting closer.

Open source tools for testing purpose in Mac OS X

Currently i am using Mac OS X 10.6.4 and i want to know what are the tools(automated & manual) that i can install in my mac for testing purpose.Generally i need this for different kind of Website & Mobile platform testing.
There are plenty of open source tools for testing. Many are cross platform and will work on Mac.
Specifically, I recall watching the demo of Project Sikuli which looks very innovative and simple to use. It is work in progress, though.
Ottomate is one that I saw seemed pretty interesting. It might only be for Safari though unfortunately. Eggplant is another one as well. I'm trying to find a solution to this problem as well.

actionscript development on mac

I know of FlashDevelop for windows but how about developing actionscript or haxe on a mac? besides flex plugin for eclipse, flex builder and FDT is there anny good IDE out there for actionscript development on mac? I would really like to se a good plugin for netbeans but it looks like all the projects on making something like this has halted.
I have tried using MacVim with various plugins but i never get it to work and it looks to be a hard learning curve to get starting using vim.
What is people using to develop actionscript/haxe on a mac?
I use TextMate with the ActionScript bundle. But, that is a far cry from a decent development environment.
FlashBuilder or FDT are probably the best options. I've spent a lot of time looking for a good free option - though I haven't done a check in the last 6 months, or so. The actual Flash IDE might be the best no-additional-cost option, if you use Flash.
There is supposedly a way to set up your environment to use XCode, a stand-alone compiler, and one or two other things, but I could never find good documentation or evidence of someone actually getting things working.
There is, or was, a Mac version of SePy, but it was horrible, as of a year and a half ago when I gave up on it.
I've been using FlashBuilder on my work machine for Flex work, but I think I'll start using it on my personal machine for Flash work. Just haven't come across anything else that even approaches a modern dev environment for Flash.
Sorry I don't have more helpful information. Would love to hear someone say different.
UPDATE: Found some so-so info on setting up various elements of a full development environment on Mac, using free tools. Doesn't look like a lot has happened on this front in the last two years.
OpenCode - AS2 and AS3 language definitions for XCode. This goes back to 2006, but may still be completely useful.
Xcode and the Flex SDK - A tutorial on setting up a code and compile environment with XCode and the mxml compiler. Author notes that the information may not be 100% accurate and lost interest once he started using FlexBuilder.
Make Xcode a Full Featured Actionscript IDE - FlaXIDE - A tutorial on setting up a full dev environment with opensource tools. Last updated in 2006. Could be modified to work with current tools (i.e. haxe instead of mtasc).
Flex Support for Xcode 3 - Somewhat more recent info on using Xcode as an AS editor. Posted November of 2007.
Core SWF: Flex/AS3 for Xcode - Even more recent info. This seems to be the latest thing going for using open source or free tools to build an AS dev environment on the Mac. Posted July of 2008. This project is up on Google Code and contributors are welcomed.
I have heard good things about IntelliJ IDEA lately but haven't really tried it out myself. I use TextMate, the AS3 bundle and Flash CS4.
The best thing would probably be if FlashDevelop was ported to Mac, but as I understand it, that is not about to happen, despite years of requests for it.
Check out the "sugar-hx" textmate bundle. There's an overview here:
It includes the compiler-based contextual autocompletion, import helpers, build helpers, and output embedding for swf and js.
I know this is old, but I stumbled upon it, so I suppose other people might as well.
I'm using Sublime Text 2 for AS3 development, and I'm quite happy with it. I use alongside the Flash IDE.
It's a very powerful and customizable text editor. It's similar to TextMate but much faster and modern... and also cross platform. Many people (like me) got fed up waiting for TextMate 2, and started using ST2.
ST2 is way too deep to number all it's features, but here's a good introduction:
Instead of bundles or plugins, there are packages. ST2 includes a basic AS3 package, but many people are developing their own. Here's mine (still in beta):
For Haxe, I'm using gedit on both Mac and Ubuntu. There is a plugin for Haxe which includes syntax highlighting and code completion.
For installing the plug-in on Mac, put the folder
"haxecodecompletion" and the file "haxecodecompletion.gedit-plugin" inside "/Applications/".
Similar for the syntax highlight but a different folder.
There is Flasm (which is a working AS2 Disassembler) and perhaps with permission by its creator, who is not updating, re-produce it into an AS3 Disassembler?
I have had this working, and was for me as close to RABCDAsm / Yogda as I could get.

Actionscript development - OS x vs windows

I have a mac sitting right next to my PC for photoshop/illustrator/flash development. However, though I am fully capable with a mac, I find the text navigation shortcuts non-standard and cumbersome to say the least. Recently I've taken to editing my actionscript files on my PC via a network share and then merely compiling the flash component on the mac. Workable as it is, I'd really like a better text editing environment on the mac so I wouldn't have to keep switching. Is there a better solution?
You may be able to use the Flex SDK and FlashDevelop on windows alone and save using the mac. Both of these tools are free. FlashDevelop uses C# I think (or some other .net) so it wouldn't work on the mac.
Have you tried FlexBuilder (oh yeah, soon to be called FlashBuilder)? It runs on both Windows and Mac. It runs either as a standalone application built on Eclipse, or as a plugin to Eclipse. As Eclipse is fairly full-featured, it works quite well and has a bit of refactoring support.
