ckfinder 2.4.2 issues with capitalization and thumbs - ckeditor

If I upload an image with a suffix .JPG the thumbnail will not display in the browse images area. I can select it and place it just fine, but the thumbnail will not display. If I change the suffix to lowercase .jpg on the server, the thumbnail will display. Is this a bug or something that can be fixed in the config? Using the ColdFusion connectors.

It's a bug caused by misfortunate behaviour of ColdFusion described here: Problems determining a file's mime type in ColdFusion. Download version (released a minute ago ;)) and the thumbnails should be working.


How to make a "lock" on image that when downloaded will corrupt it?

With intellectual property becoming a harder and harder area to protect with copyright, one particular area I have been thinking a lot about is images like .jps and .png
I was wondering if there is any way to make a mini "bomb" per se that when an image is uploaded to a website, nothing happens, it's perfectly fine and stays there but when downloaded by someone other than the original uploader, the .jpg or .png corrupts itself and cannot be viewed.
I have tried to research the topic but all I am able to find is how to's on how to fix corrupted images or files.
When an image file is downloaded from the host website the image corrupts itself from being viewed.

Not show picture from word

Why images not showing when I paste from MS Word.
Ckeditor show that source
<h1><img src="file:///C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.jpg" style="height:88px; width:1005px" /></h1>
This file exist.
Ckeditor version is for AspNet.
Tested on Chrome, IE 10 and IE 11
Your CKEditor is presumably running on a web page, with a http:// address.
Modern browsers don't support embedding images (or anything else) from file:// URLs in http:// pages (or https://, or any other protocol) for security reasons.
This is because there'd be the danger of a malicious site embedding something from your private files (like a document), and then using some security hole to read and upload it elsewhere.
But even if this worked, it wouldn't do you much good: the image isn't uploaded into CKEditor so the image would show up on your computer only. Anyone else watching the page you're editing would see a broken image link.
As far as I know, there's currently no way around uploading the image separately.

Boost documentation images not appearing

I cannot view the images from documentation.
For example,
Looking at the source code and clicking the image links, I get "Error 404: File not found".
Apparently my professor can view the images no problem, but my classmates and I cannot. Does anyone know why I can't view any of the images on the documentation website? Thanks.
The older 1.57.0 version is ok.
They changed their image format from PNG to SVG in v1.58.0, but these are not available on the site (the offline version contains the SVG files).

JasperReport/Aspose.word - Background image working with pdf but doesn't with word

As explained in the title. I'm using aspose.word extension for JasperReports. When I create a report with the PDF format, everything works fine; but, when I export the same jrxml file in word .doc format I cannot see the background image.
I was wondering if aspose.word does support background images or not. I didn't manage to get this point in the documentation.
EDIT: It came out from Aspose Development Team that Aspose.word has a bug and actually doesn't show background images.
Just for reference for any one facing this issue in future. The issue with issue id:WORDSJSP-146 has been logged in our issue tracking system to fix this bug.
Also, following thread is posted in Aspose forum for the above issue
P.S. I am social media developer at Aspose.

Image not showing IE(all the versions)

i tried all the versions of ie but it is not showing only 1 image.
<asp:Image ID="img" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/FlorDecor.jpg" BorderColor="AliceBlue" BorderStyle="None" Height="126px" Width="90px" />
i tried placing this image outside the folder and giving
url = "FlorDecor.jpg"
url = "../FlorDecor.jpg"
i tried all this stuff pls help me..
Your URL references were not all valid in Silverlight (should have been "images/FlorDecor.jpg" if the file is in the images folder of your Silverlight App).
Silverlight uses different URL methods depending on whether the image is in the Silverlight project or somewhere on the source website (or an external site).
If the problem persists the cause is more likely that your JPG is not compatible for some reason.
Convert it to a PNG with Paint.Net or similar to test that theory, or just grab another JPG from the Internet instead.
Do not use .jpg file, use .png. It will works.
