metriks log to file not working - ruby

I wrote a basic program to test the ruby metriks gem
require 'metriks'
require 'metriks/reporter/logger'
#registry =
#logger ='/tmp/metrics.log')
#reporter = => #logger)
print "Hello"
After i execute the program, there is nothing in the log other than it got created.
$ cat /tmp/metrics.log
# Logfile created on 2015-06-15 14:23:40 -0700 by logger.rb/44203

You should either pass in your own registry while instantiating Metriks::Reporter::Logger or use the deafult registry (Metrics::Resgitry.default) if you are using a logger to log metrics.
Also the default log write interval is 60 seconds, your code completes before that so even if everything is setup okay it won't get recorded. So, since you want to use your own registry, this should work for you (I'm adding a little sleep since I'm gonna use an interval of 1 second) :
require 'metriks'
require 'metriks/reporter/logger'
#registry =
#logger ='/tmp/metrics.log')
#reporter = => #logger,
:registry => #registry
:interval => 1)
print "Hello"
# Just giving it a little time so the metrics will be recorded.
sleep 2
But I don't really think short intervals are good.
UPDATE : Also I think #reporter.write will help you write down the logs instantly regardless of the time interval. So you don't have to use sleep (better).


IO.copy_stream performance in ruby

I am trying to continously read a file in ruby (which is growing over time and needs to be processed in a separate process). Currently I am archiving this with the following bit of code:
r,w = IO.pipe
pid = Process.spawn('ffmpeg'+ffmpeg_args, {STDIN => r, STDERR => STDOUT})
Process.detach pid
while true do
IO.copy_stream(open(#options['filename']), w)
sleep 1
However - while working - I can't imagine that this is the most performant way of doing it. An alternative would be to use the following variation:
step = 1024*4
copied = 0
pid = Process.spawn('ffmpeg'+ffmpeg_args, {STDIN => r, STDERR => STDOUT})
Process.detach pid
while true do
IO.copy_stream(open(#options['filename']), w, step, copied)
copied += step
sleep 1
which would only continously copy parts of the file (the issue here being if the step should ever overreach the end of the file). Other approaches such a simple read-file led to ffmpeg failing when there was no new data. With this solution the frames are dropped if no new data is available (which is what I need).
Is there a better way (more performant) to archive something like that?
Using the method proposed by #RaVeN I am now using the following code:
open(#options['filename'], 'rb') do |stream|, IO::SEEK_END)
queue =['filename'], :modify) do
However now ffmpeg complaints about invalid data. Is there another method than read?

Recommendations for workflow when debugging Python scripts employing multiprocessing?

I use the Spyder IDE. Usually, when I am running non-parallelized scripts, I tend to debug using print statements. Depending on which statements are printed (or not), I can see where errors are occurring.
For example:
print "Started while loop..."
doWhileLoop = False
while doWhileLoop == True:
print "Doing something important!"
print "Finished while loop..."
Above, I am missing a line that changes doWhileLoop to False at some point, so I will be stuck perpetually in the while loop, but my print statements let me see where it is in my code that I have hung up.
However, when running scripts that are parallelized, I get no output to the console until after the process has finished. Normally, what I do in this case is attempt to debug with a single process (i.e. temporarily deparallelize the program by running only one task, for instance), but currently, I am dealing with an error that seems to occur only when I am running more than one task.
So, I am having trouble figuring out what this error is using my usual methods -- how should I change my usual debugging practice in order to efficiently debug scripts employing multiprocessing?
Like #roippi said, debugging parallel things is hard. Another tool is using logging over print. Logging gives you severity, timestamps, and most importantly which process is doing something.
Example code:
import logging, multiprocessing, Queue
def myproc(arg):
return arg*2
def worker(inqueue, outqueue):
mylog = multiprocessing.get_logger()'start')
for job in iter(inqueue.get, 'STOP'):'got %s', job)
outqueue.put( myproc(job), timeout=1 )
except Queue.Full:
mylog.error('queue full!')'done')
def executive(inqueue):
total = 0
mylog = multiprocessing.get_logger()
for num in iter(inqueue.get, 'STOP'):
total += num'got {}\ttotal{}', job, total)
logger = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr(
inqueue, outqueue = multiprocessing.Queue(), multiprocessing.Queue()
if 0: # debug 'queue full!' issues
outqueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=1)
# prefill with 3 jobs
for num in range(3):
# signal end of jobs
worker_p = multiprocessing.Process(
target=worker, args=(inqueue, outqueue),
Example output:
[INFO/MainProcess] setup
[INFO/worker] child process calling
[INFO/worker] start
[INFO/worker] got 0
[INFO/worker] got 1
[INFO/worker] got 2
[INFO/worker] done
[INFO/worker] process shutting down
[INFO/worker] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/MainProcess] done
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down

How do I show a general_query log with Sequel gem in terminal

I have a webserver that uses Sinatra and the Sequel gem. I would like to know if it is possible to print every query executed into the console.
I found in the Sequel documentation that I can setup a log file path.
You can also specify optional parameters, such as the connection pool size, or loggers for logging SQL queries:
DB = Sequel.connect("postgres://user:password#host:port/database_name",
:max_connections => 10, :logger =>'log/db.log'))
However I was unable to find anything about printing the queries into the console rather than a log.
You can, and you can log to multiple loggers too, see example below
db_location_test = "/db/reservation.accdb"
log_file_path = "#{__FILE__}_#{"%Y%m%d")}.txt"
log_file =, "a")
$filelog = log_file
$console = STDOUT
$ "connecting to access database" #only logged to console
sConnectionStringAccess = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=#{db_location_test}"
#sql will be logged to both file and console
DBA = Sequel.ado(:conn_string=>sConnectionStringAccess, :loggers=>[$filelog,$console])
class Reservations < Sequel::Model(:TABLE_RESERVATIONS);end
Reservations.all.each do |record|
$ Hash[record]

Sinatra + Mongo parallel requests

I'm developing a small script that does some data crunching. If I try to ab -n10 -c1 (benckmark sending requests one after another), the requests take ~750ms. If instead I try -c2 (send requests two at a time), the requests seem to take >2s. Here's how the code looks like:
get '/url/' do
# ...
# Images is a mongodb collection
Images.find({'searchable_data.i' => {
'$in' => color_codes
}}).limit(5_000).each do |image|
found_images << {
:url => image['url'],
:searchable_data => image['searchable_data'],
# ...
From debugging I noticed that the requests to mongo fire at roughly the same time, and return at roughly the same time (but they take >2x the time they would if I ran them one at a time. Also, I've watched the cpu/memory usage on the mongo processes, and mongo doesn't even flinch). Here's how I connect to mongo:
configure do
# ...
server_connection =, db.port, :pool_size => 60)
DB = server_connection.db(db_name)
DB.authenticate(db.user, db.password) unless (db.user.nil? || db.user.nil?)
Images = DB[:Images]
Is there something I'm doing wrong? I can't imagine the Mongodb driver being that bad.

How do I block on reading a named pipe in Ruby?

I'm trying to set up a Ruby script that reads from a named pipe in a loop, blocking until input is available in the pipe.
I have a process that periodically puts debugging events into a named pipe:
# Open the logging pipe
log ="log_pipe", "w+") #'log_pipe' created in shell using mkfifo
# An interesting event happens
log.puts "Interesting event #4291 occurred"
I then want a separate process that will read from this pipe and print events to the console as they happen. I've tried using code like this:
input ="log_pipe", "r+")
while true
puts input.gets #I expect this to block and wait for input
# Kill loop with ctrl+c when done
I want the input.gets to block, waiting patiently until new input arrives in the fifo; but instead it immediately reads nil and loops again, scrolling off the top of the console window.
Two things I've tried:
I've opened the input fifo with both "r" and "r+"--I have the same problem either way;
I've tried to determine if my writing process is sending EOF (which I've heard will cause the read fifo to close)--AFAIK it isn't.
If it helps, here's a 'big picture' view of what I'm trying to do:
I'm working on a game that runs in RGSS, a Ruby based game engine. Since it doesn't have good integrated debugging, I want to set up a real-time log as the game runs--as events happen in the game, I want messages to show up in a console window on the side. I can send events in the Ruby game code to a named pipe using code similar to the writer code above; I'm now trying to set up a separate process that will wait for events to show up in the pipe and show them on the console as they arrive. I'm not even sure I need Ruby to do this, but it was the first solution I could think of.
Note that I'm using mkfifo from cygwin, which I happened to have installed anyway; I wonder if that might be the source of my trouble.
If it helps anyone, here's exactly what I see in irb with my 'reader' process:
irb(main):001:0> input ="mypipe", "r")
=> #<File:mypipe>
irb(main):002:0> x = input.gets
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> x = input.gets
=> nil
I don't expect the input.gets at 002 and 003 to return immediately--I expect them to block.
I found a solution that avoids using Cygwin's unreliable named pipe implementation entirely. Windows has its own named pipe facility, and there is even a Ruby Gem called win32-pipe that uses it.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to use Ruby Gems in an RGSS script; but by dissecting the win32-pipe gem, I was able to incorporate the same idea into an RGSS game. This code is the bare minimum needed to log game events in real time to a back channel, but it can be very useful for deep debugging.
I added a new script page right before 'Main' and added this:
module PipeLogger
# -- Change THIS to change the name of the pipe!
# Constant Defines
PIPE_DEFAULT_MODE = 0 # Pipe operation mode
PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX = 0x00000003 # Pipe open mode
PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES = 255 # Number of concurrent instances
PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 # Size of I/O buffer (1K)
PIPE_TIMEOUT = 5000 # Wait time for buffer (5 secs)
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF # Retval for bad pipe handle
# make_APIs
def self.make_APIs
$CreateNamedPipe ='kernel32', 'CreateNamedPipe', 'PLLLLLLL', 'L')
$FlushFileBuffers ='kernel32', 'FlushFileBuffers', 'L', 'B')
$DisconnectNamedPipe ='kernel32', 'DisconnectNamedPipe', 'L', 'B')
$WriteFile ='kernel32', 'WriteFile', 'LPLPP', 'B')
$CloseHandle ='kernel32', 'CloseHandle', 'L', 'B')
# setup_pipe
def self.setup_pipe
##name = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + PIPE_NAME
##pipe_mode = PIPE_DEFAULT_MODE
##open_mode = PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX
##pipe = nil
##buffer = 0.chr * PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE
##size = 0
##bytes = [0].pack('L')
##pipe = $
# If we could not open the pipe, notify the user
# and proceed quietly
print "WARNING -- Unable to create named pipe: " + PIPE_NAME
##pipe = nil
# Prompt the user to open the pipe
print "Please launch the RGSSMonitor.rb script"
# write_to_pipe ('msg' must be a string)
def self.write_to_pipe(msg)
if ##pipe
# Format data
##buffer = msg
##size = msg.size
$, ##buffer, ##buffer.size, ##bytes, 0)
# close_pipe
def self.close_pipe
if ##pipe
# Send kill message to RGSSMonitor
##buffer = "!!GAMEOVER!!"
##size = ##buffer.size
$, ##buffer, ##buffer.size, ##bytes, 0)
# Close down the pipe
##pipe = nil
To use this, you only need to make sure to call PipeLogger::setup_pipe before writing an event; and call PipeLogger::close_pipe before game exit. (I put the setup call at the start of 'Main', and add an ensure clause to call close_pipe.) After that, you can add a call to PipeLogger::write_to_pipe("msg") at any point in any script with any string for "msg" and write into the pipe.
I have tested this code with RPG Maker XP; it should also work with RPG Maker VX and later.
You will also need something to read FROM the pipe. There are any number of ways to do this, but a simple one is to use a standard Ruby installation, the win32-pipe Ruby Gem, and this script:
require 'rubygems'
require 'win32/pipe'
include Win32
# -- Change THIS to change the name of the pipe!
PIPE_NAME = "RGSSPipe" { loop { sleep 0.01 } } # Allow Ctrl+C
pipe =
continue = true
while continue
msg =
puts msg
continue = false if msg.chomp == "!!GAMEOVER!!"
I use Ruby 1.8.7 for Windows and the win32-pipe gem mentioned above (see here for a good reference on installing gems). Save the above as "RGSSMonitor.rb" and invoke it from the command line as ruby RGSSMonitor.rb.
The RGSS code listed above is fragile; in particular, it does not handle failure to open the named pipe. This is not usually an issue on your own development machine, but I would not recommend shipping this code.
I haven't tested it, but I suspect you'll have problems if you write a lot of things to the log without running a process to read the pipe (e.g. RGSSMonitor.rb). A Windows named pipe has a fixed size (I set it here to 1K), and by default writes will block once the pipe is filled (because no process is 'relieving the pressure' by reading from it). Unfortunately, the RPGXP engine will kill a Ruby script that has stopped running for 10 seconds. (I'm told that RPGVX has eliminated this watchdog function--in which case, the game will hang instead of abruptly terminating.)
What's probably happening is the writing process is exiting, and as there are no other writing processes, EOF is sent to the pipe which causes gets to return nil, and so your code loops continually.
To get around this you can usually just open the pipe read-write at the reader end. This works for me (on a Mac), but isn't working for you (you've tried "r" and "r+"). I'm guessing this is to due with Cygwin (POSIX says opening a FIFO read-write is undefined).
An alternative is to open the pipe twice, once read-only and once write-only. You don't use the write-only IO for anything, it's just so that there's always an active writer attached to the pipe so it doesn't get closed.
input ="log_pipe", "r") # note 'r', not 'r+'
keep_open ="log_pipe", "w") # ensure there's always a writer
while true
puts input.gets
