Compilation using 3rd party libraries - compilation

I'm using Getopt to parse commandline arguments in So the first line of looks like this:
open Getopt
I can't seem to figure out how I compile with this module. I've tried so many things and I always get the following error:
File "", line 1, characters 5-11:
Error: Unbound module Getopt
I have added #require "Getopt" to my .ocamlinit file.

You say you're using Getopt, "so" you have open Getopt in your code. But there's no direct connection there. It's more usual (and in my opinion usually better) to use modules without opening them.
The use of open only controls the names available in the containing module. It doesn't tell the compiler where to look for the opened modules.
There's no Getopt module in the standard OCaml library. The standard module for parsing command lines is named Arg. If you're using an external library, you need to use the -I flag to tell the compiler where to look for it.
The .ocamlinit file controls the behavior of the OCaml toplevel (the read-eval-print interpreter). It doesn't affect the behavior of compilers.
If you're using a building tool, there are probably easier ways to set things up. But you'll need to explain your build environment more carefully.

The problem, that there're lots of answers to your question. Depending on what build system you chose, there will be different commands. And that is the reason, why we are asking. But it looks like, that you have no preference, so let me try to give you some answers.
With ocamlbuild
$ ocamlbuild -package getopt commands.native
With ocamlfind
$ ocamlfind ocamlopt -package getopt -o commands.native
For more explanation read the following.
Personal advice: if you're unsure on what to choose, then use ocamlbuild.

Use ocamlfind with your preferred compiler (I'm using ocamlopt below), like so:
ocamlfind ocamlopt -package getopt -linkpkg -o commands
This will still fail if you don't have getopt installed. Getopt may be installed with opam:
opam install getopt
I would like to suggest that you use Arg instead. It's part of OCaml's standard library, and is generally pleasant to work with.


git-slave for windows

git-slave documentation only has the following not-so-helpful comment regarding installation on Windows:
* Limited windows support
Multiple users have been successful in using gitslave with Windows.
This is "supported" only in the sense that people have reported it to
work and we accept bugfixes, not that you can `make` install or check,
or that it is QAed on this platform prior to release."
When I try to download and run 'nmake install' I get the equally cryptic error:
makefile(2) : fatal error U1001: syntax error : illegal character '{' in macro
Does anyone have any experience with this and can point me in the right direction?
The Makefile for git-slave has only been used with GNU Make - as it is a rather simple makefile, there is no reason it shouldn't work with Microsoft nmake as well, except for "gratuitous" use of Make extensions that are not supported by Microsoft nmake. ( How similar/different are gnu make, microsoft nmake and posix standard make? has a good summary of the differences).
On lines 2-4 of gitslave/Makefile, if you replace ${prefix} with $(prefix) and ${mandir} with $(mandir) [essentially replace braces with parentheses (brackets)] nmake should no longer choke on Makefile. However, unless you have installed a bunch of POSIX utilities or something that allows commands like mkdir -p, rm -f, and sed to work, fixing the nmake incompatibility would only allow (at best) make testcheck to work.
None of the gitslave developers have regular(?) access to Windows development machines, so like the documentation says: "we accept bugfixes, [but do] not [claim] that you can make install or check,
or that it is QAed on this platform."
I imagine that the other people who have used git-slave on windows just made sure that Perl and gitslave and any POSIX utilities that gitslave depends on (e.g. grep and rm) are installed somewhere in PATH.
On Windows you can download and install the free unix tool kit including all necessary programs:
You also need a perl tool kit because "pod2man" is used in the make process.
Furthermore the script "gits" is a perl script which runs under *ix because of the "she-bang" instruction in the first line ("#!/usr/bin/perl") - this doesn't work on Windows.
I created a small wrapper batch scripts that uses my perl to start the original script:
perl gits %*
Hope this helps.

How do I configure CMake to make the VS solution use a specific build commandline?

I am trying to set up CMake to generate a MSVC (2010) solution for our project, and need to configure the projects so that they use our specific build system rather than compiling using the default command line.
Here's what the project file looks like for VS2008 (which we generate using another script that I'd like to get away from):
BuildCommandLine="../bam.bat -j %%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%%"
ReBuildCommandLine="../bam.bat -j %%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%% -c && ../bam.bat -j %%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%%"
CleanCommandLine="../bam.bat -j %%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%% -c "
It's basically the three CommandLine settings I'd like to be able to specify from my cmake config.
I've found the build_command command in the documentation but from the description it sounds like it does sort of the opposite of what I want, i.e. writes the command line it'll generate to a variable rather than take a string and set the command line to that.
Something that seems a bit related is the cross-compile feature in CMake but I'm sure if that is a good way to do this.
Basically I just want VS to run a batch file when I do a build and then parse the results back to get nice error messages etc.
It looks to me like what you want is simply a "custom command" in CMake parlance.
Something like:
set(custom_exe "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/common/win32/container.exe")
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${custom_exe}
add_custom_target(bam ALL DEPENDS ${custom_exe})
Maybe you need to write your own CMake Toolchain. You can see examples of toolchains in CMAKE_ROOT/share/Modules/Platform, or in CMake documentation, but i'm not sure whether cmake can generate MSVC solution for custom compiler.

Convert gmake Makefile to make Makefile?

Does a utility exist to convert a GNU Makefile for gmake to a Makefile that can be used for make (FreeBSD-make)?
That utility is called a developer (programmer, make guru, ...) :-)
Seriously, the AI required for this task is complex enough and the demand for automatic conversion sufficiently close to epsilon that nobody would seriously consider programming one.
If you have a GNU makefile it is best to use GNU make.
As already noted there are no such converter and I very doubt there could exist such. As I understand you have two options:
Use GNU make port to FreeBSD. For example this.
Patch makefiles to make them compatible with FreeBSD make. Actually there are not too much of them in LuaJIT (main Makefile and src/Makefile). This should be rather easy. Just make sure you have all tools (check what is called in shell), and fix "error"s step by step.
For example, error on line 29 (export PREFIX= /usr/local) is due to GNU make directive export which has no similar in FreeBSD make. The manual says "Environment variables are set outside the Makefile in the shell that is running make" and thus you have to comply with this requirement.
Also you'll need to fix all make conditionals and etc, the whole bunch of differences is collected in BSD make vs. GNU make
It is unlikely that there is one because there are things you can do in GNU make that you can't do in other versions of make. Amongst others, the function macros for manipulating strings and the conditionals in the makefile are generally not available.

Is there a way to make a c++ compiler flag as default

Just like we specify input flags in the settings of the project in Xcode
Can I make few flags like -O3 or -fopenmp as default flags in command line when I use Terminal.
So that I dont have to type them everytime I compile some c++ fies. Is there a file in the installed gcc or C++ that I can edit to make them default.
Please let me know
For situations like this you'd probably use a makefile if it's project specific (or other similar automated build management like scons or cmake).
If you want it always on the terminal, you can alias your command to always specify those options, i.e.
alias g++='g++ -O3 -fopenmp'
Note that you said 'terminal' so I assume this is a type of *nix. If that is the case you can also set this into your terminal profile, like ~/.bashrc if you use bash, or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh, etc.

Control GNU autotools make output

I am using GNU autoconf/automake. Is there any way I can control what make prints to stdout from or For example, suppress mv and cp commands being printed out to the screen, only print the name of the file being compiled by gcc rather than the whole command line, highlight gcc warnings in some way.
Is Prettify Automake what you want?
Edit: As of Automake 1.10b, silent-rules is built-in. Not the same code or style but similar in effect.
Modern Automake (after in 1.10b) supports --silent-rules which will suppress the full compile command. (eg, output is "CC foo" instead of "gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H ...") That may be all you need. You need to add "silent-rules" to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE and pass --enable-silent-rules to configure (or put it in CONFIG_SITE) to enable the feature. See the automake docs for details.
I believe the easiest thing is to write a wrapper script which runs *make and parses the output. I believe I have seen this being done in Ubuntu somewhere ...
