I have a java application called App 1.4 () (which I have no access to the code) that, while running up another java application App2 (and a host of other applications). The application App2 is shot from within the App and you can not run your jar. I wonder how do I put App2 in focus and click a button on it.
I did the following code:
setPropertieWithClickOnBoxApp2 function ()
Aliases.Explorer.wndShell_TrayWnd.ReBarWindow32.MSTaskSwWClass.ToolbarWindow32.CheckItem ("App2", true, false);
But it is not working.
I solved the problem.
It is necessary to set the next context into the previous context routine code.
I'm doing a tiny offline-able web app / PWA. It's meant to be opened from a home screen icon and mimic a regular app by loading entirely from a cache when offline.
The app is written using Vue and to accomplish the above I'm just using their PWA template and whatever it generates. To the best of my knowledge what this does is set up workbox using the GenerateSW plugin to precache everything in the Webpack build, and registers it using register-service-worker. That is, I have fairly little control out of the box over the fine details, it's meant to be a turnkey solution.
That said, I'm not sure how to actually load a new build of the application when it's available. The above can detect this - the generated SW registration file with my changes looks like this:
import debug from 'debug';
import { register } from 'register-service-worker';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
register(`${process.env.BASE_URL}service-worker.js`, {
ready(...args) {
log('App is being served from cache by a service worker.\n', ...args);
cached(...args) {
log('Content has been cached for offline use.', ...args);
updated(...args) {
log('New content is available; please refresh.', ...args);
offline(...args) {
log('No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.', ...args);
error(error, ...args) {
log('Error during service worker registration:', error, ...args);
When I make a new build of the application, and I refresh the app in a browser, the updated() callback is executed, but nothing else is done. When I tried adding:
which should be a forced refresh, I just get a refresh loop. I'm assuming this is because the service worker cache is completely independent from the browser cache and unaffected by things like the above or Ctrl+F5. (Which makes the "please refresh" rather misleading.)
Since this is going to mimic a native app, and it's supposed to be a simple line-of-business tool, I don't really need to do anything more complicated than immediately reload to the new version of the app when an update is available. How can I achieve this?
Okay so the behaviour I've observed is that the update does happen automatically, it's just not obvious as to what the exact sequence of events is. I'll try to describe my best understanding of how the generated service worker works in the installed PWA scenario. I'll speak in terms of "app versions" for simplicity, because the mental model behind this is closer to how apps, not webpages work:
You deploy v1 of your application to a server, install / precache it on a device, and run it for the first time.
When you suspend and resume your app, it does not hit your servers at all.
The app will check for an update when it's either cold-started, or you reload the page, i.e. using the pull down gesture on Android.
(Possibly also periodically as the cached version goes stale, but I haven't checked this.)
Say you've deployed v2 of your app in the meantime. Reloading an instance of v1 of the app will find this update, and precache it.
(One reason why prompting the user to reload doesn't seem to make sense. Whatever the reloading is meant to accomplish has already happened.)
Reloading an instance of v1 again does absolutely nothing. The app remains running between reloads, and you'll just get v1 afterwards.
(Reason number two why prompting the user to reload is pointless - it's not what causes a new version of an app to load.)
However, next time you cold start your app - e.g. nuke it from the task switcher and reopen - v2 of your app will be loaded and I'm guessing v1 will get cleaned out. That is, your app must fully shut down so an update will load.
In short, for an application to be updated from v1 to v2, the following steps need to occur:
Deploy v2 to server
Refresh instance of v1 on device, or shut down and reopen the app.
Shut down and reopen the app (again).
I implemented launch at login for my application using this tutorial:
Basically you would need to implement a Helper app that will be registered to start at login and the Helper will launch your application.
The problem is that I would like to launch my application hidden and for that I need to pass it one argument. Unfortunately I didn't find any way to do that.
I found these methods to launch an App:
//Works to launch the app but no way to pass arg
var app = SBApplication.FromBundleIdentifier(PackageId);
//Same issue here
//If you run the code bellow outside of the sandbox it works fine.
//Inside of the sandbox it just launches the app but without args
var aTask = NSTask.LaunchFromPath("/usr/bin/open",
new string[] { "-a","HelloWorld.app", "--args", "--hidden" });
So I've built a Windows installer for my Electron app using https://github.com/electron/grunt-electron-installer.
I'm not sure how to launch my app on system start up, like when the user reboots their computer. I suspect it's something I need to do on --squirrel-install but I can't find any documentation on how to do so.
Ideally I would provide a menu option for the user to enable/disable this behaviour.
If you are using electron on Windows/MAC, there is an existing api which you can use to easily auto start your electron APP:
openAtLogin: true,
path: _electron.app.getPath('exe')
the reference can be found here:
This can be done in a few different ways. The method i used to do this on a windows OS was to use the node winreg module, this allowed me to add a registry key that launched that app on startup. I use this method on a settings window in the application that has some user settings:
function setKeyValue () {
var regKey = new winreg({
hive: winreg.HKCU,
key: '\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run'
regKey.set('Your_Application_Name', winreg.REG_SZ, '"' + process.execPath + '"', function (err) {
if (!err) {
//notify user?
I also have the opposite method that removes the reg key regKey.remove if the user disables the app launch on startup.
Alternatively, i have recently seen this node module: auto-launch ,this allows you to set whether the app launches on startup on Mac, Windows and Linux, and therefore might be more useful for you.
Some details:
I am not enrolled into Mac Developer program, hence the code is not signed.
I am not sandboxing the app.
It's a status bar only app, no dock or menu will appear.
Here's what I did:
Added a new project for helper app on top my existing main app project.
In main app settings:
Added ServiceManagement.framework framework to my main app.
Set Strip Debug Symbols During Copy to NO
In Build Phases tab, under Copy Files, added Contents/Library/LoginItems as Subpath. And added my Helper App.app
For helper app settings:
Set Application is background only to YES
Under Build Settings, set Skip Install to YES
Hocus Pocus.app is my main app and Hocus Pocus Helper.app is helper app.
In AppDelegate of helper app, my code is:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().launchApplication("Hocus Pocus.app")
In AppDelegate of main app:
override init() {
self.mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
let path = mainBundle.bundlePath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(
"Contents/Library/LoginItems/Hocus Pocus Helper.app")
self.helperBundle = NSBundle(path: path)!
func makeThisAppStartAtLogin(state: Int) {
let result = SMLoginItemSetEnabled(helperBundle.bundleIdentifier!, Boolean(state))
if result != 0 {
else {
It's not working when I call makeThisAppStartAtLogin(1), why?
Apple documentation mentions:
The Boolean enabled state of the helper application. This value is effective only for the currently logged in user. If true, the helper application will be started immediately (and upon subsequent logins) and kept running. If false, the helper application will no longer be kept running.
When I call makeThisAppStartAtLogin(_:), it should start helper app immediately. But it doesn't seem to be doing that.
The if block prints success.
In Helper App code, I also sent the path to launchApplication(_:) instead of app name, it did not make any difference.
I have ran this app from default debug directory and also under /Applications
I have also tried following, it didn't make any difference:
let launchDaemon: CFStringRef = "avi.Hocus-Pocus-Helper"
if SMLoginItemSetEnabled(launchDaemon, Boolean(state)) {
I have checked that helper app is copied to main app at correct path.
When I launch the helper app manually, either from debug folder or from main app's Contents, it does launches main app and kill itself, as it should.
Here's the full repository, if you are interested. Check loginitems branch.
What I want
I want to be able to run a whole script in node during debugging with node-inspector and Web Inspector. - I don't want to step through the individual JavaScript calls.
What I did
(My PowerShell Instructions)
PS C:\Users\JK> node-inspector
info - socket.io started
visit to start debugging
==[In another PowerShell instance:]==
PS %> node —debug-brk myscript.js
debugger listening on port 5858
Why I want that
I'm writing a node script. In this script I console.log a lot of objects in order to be able to explore them during the debugging process. But the simple static textual console output isn't really nice - You can't fold and expand your object's properties or get the source code of a function:
(For Example)
{ [Function: Xy]
a: [Function],
b: 8.2,
c: [Function],
d: [Circular],
e: '2011-11-11' }
So I decided to use Web Inspector with node-inspector in order to get a good object browse experience (because of Web Inspector's nice output formatting).
Why I Don't Step Through
(Structure of My Script)
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('myfile', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
//My Script...
The console.log() calls are executed in a callback function of
require('fs').readFile(). I won't get there just with "normal"
It's simply boring the click the Step buttons again and again.
My Questions
Is there a possibility to run a script without stepping through using the following Web Inspector user interface? (I don't want to use node —debug myscript.js instead of node —debug-brk myscript.js because then Inspector throws Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Is node running with --debug port 5858? because the script runs too fast)
(Web Inspector Interface)
Or is there at least any other way to do what I described above (in the Why I want that section).
Thanks. -
(I hope it's clear what I wanted to ask. - Please write a comment if it isn't.)
You have a couple options.
Using --debug-brk:
Start your script, let it stop on the first line.
In the Script pane, click the line number inside the callback (line
4 in this
Click "Continue" (the "|> icon above the right-hand panel).
Using --debug:
Add the line debugger; to your callback. This will stop the
debugger at that point. Click "|>" when you're done.