Digit recurrence square root - algorithm

I need to implement a digit recurrence square root for generic floating point format such that exp_size + mant_size + 1 <= 64.
I basically followed the implementation suggested here
handbook of floating point arithmetic in the software implementation of floating point operator.
I've tried to test my implementation (not an exhaustive test) and basically for format like 32 bit it looks like to work fine, while for format like mantissa = 10, exponent = 5 for the input x = 0.25 instead to give me 0.5 it gives me apparently 0.707031.
So i was wandering if for small format maybe the digit recurrence approach has some limits or not or... simply my implementation is bad...
I hope you can help me... it's a pain to implement this stuff from 0...

it is extremly hard to look at your code but you should:
test all the operand combinations
if it works for single example does not mean it works for all of them
check bit masks
you wrote when you use 32bit then result is fine
when use 10 then not
that is hinting overflow somewhere
are you sure you have the right bit counts reserved/masked for R?
R should be 2 bits more then Q (+1 bit for accuracy and +1 bit for sign)
and also you should handle R as twos complement
Q is half of the D bits and unsigned
Could not find your algorithm (that book you linked does not allow me further then page 265 where SQRT starts may be some incompatibility I Use good old Opera) but this is The closest one I found in Google (Non-Restoring-SQRT) in some PDF research and HW implementation on FPGA and after clearing the bugs and testing this is what I code in C++ and tested:
DWORD u32_sqrt(DWORD D) // 32bit
const int _bits =32;
const DWORD _R_mask=(4<<(_bits>>1))-1;
const DWORD _R_sign= 2<<(_bits>>1);
DWORD Q=0; // u(_bits/2 ) result (quotient)
DWORD R=0; // i(_bits/2 + 2) 2os complement (remainder) R=D-Q*Q
for (int i=_bits-2;i>=0;i-=2)
if (DWORD(R&_R_sign)){ R=(R<<2)|((D>>i)&3); R+=(Q<<2)|3; } // R< 0
else { R=(R<<2)|((D>>i)&3); R-=(Q<<2)|1; } // R>=0
R&=_R_mask; Q<<=1; if (!DWORD(R&_R_sign)) Q|=1; // R>=0
return Q;


circular byte shifting in an array

I'm coding an LED display (7x48) and the language I'm working in is BASIC (no former experience in that language, but in C/C++) and I have a small issue.
I have an array (red[20] of byte) and an example of a current state is:
to make it easier here lets say its red[3]
10011010 01011100 01011101
and now i need to shift the array by 1 so in next cycle its supposed to be
00110100 10111000 10111011
so what happened is that the whole array shifted for 1 bit to left
the BASIC I'm working with doesn't have any .NET APIs so I need the total low level code (doesn't have to be BASIC, I can translate it, I just need an idea how to do it as I'm limited to 8KB code memory so I have to fully optmize it)
If most significant bit is 1:
subtract value of most significant bit
multiply by 2
add 1
multiply by 2
You should be able to use bit shift operations:
Let x be the element you want to shift:
x = (x<<1) | (x>>23)
or in general, if you want to shift left by y bits and there are a total of n bits:
x = (x<<y) | (x>>(n-y))
I don't know basic well, but here's what I would do in a C++/Java/C# language:
Assuming you have red[] of length n:
int b = 32; //Number of bits per byte (your example showed 24, but usually there are 32)
int y = 1; //Number of bytes to shift to the left
int carry = 0; //The bytes to carry over (I'm assuming that they move up the array from red[0] to red[1], etc.
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
int newCarry = (red[i]>>(n-y));
red[i] = (red[i]<<y) | carry;
carry = newCarry;
//Complete the loop

Optimizing this query based search

We have two N-bit numbers (0< N< 100000). We have to perform q queries (0< q<500000) over these numbers. The query can be of following three types:
set_a idx x: Set A[idx] to x, where 0 <= idx < N, where A[idx] is idx'th least significant bit of A.
set_b idx x: Set B[idx] to x, where 0 <= idx < N.
get_c idx: Print C[idx], where C=A+B, and 0<=idx
Now, I have optimized the code to the best extent I can.
First, I tried with an int array for a, b and c. For every update, I calculate c and return the ith bit when queried. It was damn slow. Cleared 4/11 test cases only.
I moved over to using boolean array. It was around 2 times faster than int array approach. Cleared 7/11 testcases.
Next, I figured out that I need not calculate c for calculating idx th bit of A+B. I will just scan A and B towards right from idx until I find either a[i]=b[i]=0 or a[i]=b[i]=1. If a[i]=b[i]=0, then I just add up towards left to idx th bit starting with initial carry=0. And if a[i]=b[i]=1, then I just add up towards left to idx th bit starting with initial carry=1.
This was faster but cleared only 8/11 testcases.
Then, I figured out once, I get to the position i, a[i]=b[i]=0 or a[i]=b[i]=1, then I need not add up towards idx th position. If a[i]=b[i]=0, then answer is (a[idx]+b[idx])%2 and if a[i]=b[i]=1, then the answer is (a[idx]+b[idx]+1)%2. It was around 40% faster but still cleared only 8/11 testcases.
Now my question is how do get down those 3 'hard' testcases? I dont know what they are but the program is taking >3 sec to solve the problem.
Here is the code: http://ideone.com/LopZf
One possible optimization is to replace
The XOR operator (^) performs addition modulo 2, making the potentially expensive mod operation (%) unnecessary. Depending on the language and compiler, the compiler may make optimizations for you when doing a mod with a power of 2. But since you are micro-optimizing it is a simple change to make that removes dependence on that optimization being made for you behind the scenes.
This is just one suggestion that is simple to make. As others have suggested, using packed ints to represent your bit array will likely also improve what is probably the worst case test for your code. That would be the get_c function of the most significant bit, with either A or B (but not both) being 1 for all the other positions, requiring a scan of every bit position to the least significant bit to determine carry. If you were using packed ints for your bits, there would only be approximately 1/32 as many operations neccessary (assuming 32 bit ints). Using packed ints however would be a somewhat more complicated than your use of a simple boolean array (which really is likely just an array of bytes).
C/C++ Bit Array or Bit Vector
Convert bit array to uint or similar packed value
There are lots of other examples on Stackoverflow and the net for using ints as if they were bit arrays.
Here is a solution that looks a bit like your algorithm. I demonstrate it with bytes, but of course you can easily optimize the algorithm using 32 bit words (I suppose your machine has 64 bits arithmetic nowadays).
void setbit( unsigned char*x,unsigned int idx,unsigned int bit)
unsigned int digitIndex = idx>>3;
unsigned int bitIndex = idx & 7;
if( ((x[digitIndex]>>bitIndex)&1) ^ bit) x[digitIndex]^=(1u<<bitIndex);
unsigned int getbit(unsigned char *a,unsigned char *b,unsigned int idx)
unsigned int digitIndex = idx>>3;
unsigned int bitIndex = idx & 7;
unsigned int c = a[digitIndex]+b[digitIndex];
unsigned int bit = (c>>bitIndex) & 1;
/* a zero bit on the right will absorb a carry, let's check if any */
if( (c^(c+1))>>bitIndex )
/* none, we must check if there's a carry propagating from the right digits */
for(;digitIndex-- > 0;)
if( c > 255 ) return bit^1; /* yes, a carry */
if( c < 255 ) return bit; /* no carry possible, a zero bit will absorb it */
return bit;
If you find anything cryptic, just ask.
Edit: oops, I inverted the zero bit condition...

Seeding the Newton iteration for cube root efficiently

How can I find the cube root of a number in an efficient way?
I think Newton-Raphson method can be used, but I don't know how to guess the initial solution programmatically to minimize the number of iterations.
This is a deceptively complex question. Here is a nice survey of some possible approaches.
In view of the "link rot" that overtook the Accepted Answer, I'll give a more self-contained answer focusing on the topic of quickly obtaining an initial guess suitable for superlinear iteration.
The "survey" by metamerist (Wayback link) provided some timing comparisons for various starting value/iteration combinations (both Newton and Halley methods are included). Its references are to works by W. Kahan, "Computing a Real Cube Root", and by K. Turkowski, "Computing the Cube Root".
metamarist updates the DEC-VAX era bit-fiddling technique of W. Kahan with this snippet, which "assumes 32-bit integers" and relies on IEEE 754 format for doubles "to generate initial estimates with 5 bits of precision":
inline double cbrt_5d(double d)
const unsigned int B1 = 715094163;
double t = 0.0;
unsigned int* pt = (unsigned int*) &t;
unsigned int* px = (unsigned int*) &d;
return t;
The code by K. Turkowski provides slightly more precision ("approximately 6 bits") by a conventional powers-of-two scaling on float fr, followed by a quadratic approximation to its cube root over interval [0.125,1.0):
/* Compute seed with a quadratic qpproximation */
fr = (-0.46946116F * fr + 1.072302F) * fr + 0.3812513F;/* 0.5<=fr<1 */
and a subsequent restoration of the exponent of two (adjusted to one-third). The exponent/mantissa extraction and restoration make use of math library calls to frexp and ldexp.
Comparison with other cube root "seed" approximations
To appreciate those cube root approximations we need to compare them with other possible forms. First the criteria for judging: we consider the approximation on the interval [1/8,1], and we use best (minimizing the maximum) relative error.
That is, if f(x) is a proposed approximation to x^{1/3}, we find its relative error:
error_rel = max | f(x)/x^(1/3) - 1 | on [1/8,1]
The simplest approximation would of course be to use a single constant on the interval, and the best relative error in that case is achieved by picking f_0(x) = sqrt(2)/2, the geometric mean of the values at the endpoints. This gives 1.27 bits of relative accuracy, a quick but dirty starting point for a Newton iteration.
A better approximation would be the best first-degree polynomial:
f_1(x) = 0.6042181313*x + 0.4531635984
This gives 4.12 bits of relative accuracy, a big improvement but short of the 5-6 bits of relative accuracy promised by the respective methods of Kahan and Turkowski. But it's in the ballpark and uses only one multiplication (and one addition).
Finally, what if we allow ourselves a division instead of a multiplication? It turns out that with one division and two "additions" we can have the best linear-fractional function:
f_M(x) = 1.4774329094 - 0.8414323527/(x+0.7387320679)
which gives 7.265 bits of relative accuracy.
At a glance this seems like an attractive approach, but an old rule of thumb was to treat the cost of a FP division like three FP multiplications (and to mostly ignore the additions and subtractions). However with current FPU designs this is not realistic. While the relative cost of multiplications to adds/subtracts has come down, in most cases to a factor of two or even equality, the cost of division has not fallen but often gone up to 7-10 times the cost of multiplication. Therefore we must be miserly with our division operations.
static double cubeRoot(double num) {
double x = num;
if(num >= 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
x = ((2 * x * x * x) + num ) / (3 * x * x);
return x;
It seems like the optimization question has already been addressed, but I'd like to add an improvement to the cubeRoot() function posted here, for other people stumbling on this page looking for a quick cube root algorithm.
The existing algorithm works well, but outside the range of 0-100 it gives incorrect results.
Here's a revised version that works with numbers between -/+1 quadrillion (1E15). If you need to work with larger numbers, just use more iterations.
static double cubeRoot( double num ){
boolean neg = ( num < 0 );
double x = Math.abs( num );
for( int i = 0, iterations = 60; i < iterations; i++ ){
x = ( ( 2 * x * x * x ) + num ) / ( 3 * x * x );
if( neg ){ return 0 - x; }
return x;
Regarding optimization, I'm guessing the original poster was asking how to predict the minimum number of iterations for an accurate result, given an arbitrary input size. But it seems like for most general cases the gain from optimization isn't worth the added complexity. Even with the function above, 100 iterations takes less than 0.2 ms on average consumer hardware. If speed was of utmost importance, I'd consider using pre-computed lookup tables. But this is coming from a desktop developer, not an embedded systems engineer.

What's the fastest algorithm to divide an integer by 3 without using a division instruction? [duplicate]

int x = n / 3; // <-- make this faster
// for instance
int a = n * 3; // <-- normal integer multiplication
int b = (n << 1) + n; // <-- potentially faster multiplication
The guy who said "leave it to the compiler" was right, but I don't have the "reputation" to mod him up or comment. I asked gcc to compile int test(int a) { return a / 3; } for an ix86 and then disassembled the output. Just for academic interest, what it's doing is roughly multiplying by 0x55555556 and then taking the top 32 bits of the 64 bit result of that. You can demonstrate this to yourself with eg:
$ ruby -e 'puts(60000 * 0x55555556 >> 32)'
$ ruby -e 'puts(72 * 0x55555556 >> 32)'
The wikipedia page on Montgomery division is hard to read but fortunately the compiler guys have done it so you don't have to.
This is the fastest as the compiler will optimize it if it can depending on the output processor.
int a;
int b;
a = some value;
b = a / 3;
There is a faster way to do it if you know the ranges of the values, for example, if you are dividing a signed integer by 3 and you know the range of the value to be divided is 0 to 768, then you can multiply it by a factor and shift it to the left by a power of 2 to that factor divided by 3.
Range 0 -> 768
you could use shifting of 10 bits, which multiplying by 1024, you want to divide by 3 so your multiplier should be 1024 / 3 = 341,
so you can now use (x * 341) >> 10
(Make sure the shift is a signed shift if using signed integers), also make sure the shift is an actually shift and not a bit ROLL
This will effectively divide the value 3, and will run at about 1.6 times the speed as a natural divide by 3 on a standard x86 / x64 CPU.
Of course the only reason you can make this optimization when the compiler cant is because the compiler does not know the maximum range of X and therefore cannot make this determination, but you as the programmer can.
Sometime it may even be more beneficial to move the value into a larger value and then do the same thing, ie. if you have an int of full range you could make it an 64-bit value and then do the multiply and shift instead of dividing by 3.
I had to do this recently to speed up image processing, i needed to find the average of 3 color channels, each color channel with a byte range (0 - 255). red green and blue.
At first i just simply used:
avg = (r + g + b) / 3;
(So r + g + b has a maximum of 768 and a minimum of 0, because each channel is a byte 0 - 255)
After millions of iterations the entire operation took 36 milliseconds.
I changed the line to:
avg = (r + g + b) * 341 >> 10;
And that took it down to 22 milliseconds, its amazing what can be done with a little ingenuity.
This speed up occurred in C# even though I had optimisations turned on and was running the program natively without debugging info and not through the IDE.
See How To Divide By 3 for an extended discussion of more efficiently dividing by 3, focused on doing FPGA arithmetic operations.
Also relevant:
Optimizing integer divisions with Multiply Shift in C#
Depending on your platform and depending on your C compiler, a native solution like just using
y = x / 3
Can be fast or it can be awfully slow (even if division is done entirely in hardware, if it is done using a DIV instruction, this instruction is about 3 to 4 times slower than a multiplication on modern CPUs). Very good C compilers with optimization flags turned on may optimize this operation, but if you want to be sure, you are better off optimizing it yourself.
For optimization it is important to have integer numbers of a known size. In C int has no known size (it can vary by platform and compiler!), so you are better using C99 fixed-size integers. The code below assumes that you want to divide an unsigned 32-bit integer by three and that you C compiler knows about 64 bit integer numbers (NOTE: Even on a 32 bit CPU architecture most C compilers can handle 64 bit integers just fine):
static inline uint32_t divby3 (
uint32_t divideMe
) {
return (uint32_t)(((uint64_t)0xAAAAAAABULL * divideMe) >> 33);
As crazy as this might sound, but the method above indeed does divide by 3. All it needs for doing so is a single 64 bit multiplication and a shift (like I said, multiplications might be 3 to 4 times faster than divisions on your CPU). In a 64 bit application this code will be a lot faster than in a 32 bit application (in a 32 bit application multiplying two 64 bit numbers take 3 multiplications and 3 additions on 32 bit values) - however, it might be still faster than a division on a 32 bit machine.
On the other hand, if your compiler is a very good one and knows the trick how to optimize integer division by a constant (latest GCC does, I just checked), it will generate the code above anyway (GCC will create exactly this code for "/3" if you enable at least optimization level 1). For other compilers... you cannot rely or expect that it will use tricks like that, even though this method is very well documented and mentioned everywhere on the Internet.
Problem is that it only works for constant numbers, not for variable ones. You always need to know the magic number (here 0xAAAAAAAB) and the correct operations after the multiplication (shifts and/or additions in most cases) and both is different depending on the number you want to divide by and both take too much CPU time to calculate them on the fly (that would be slower than hardware division). However, it's easy for a compiler to calculate these during compile time (where one second more or less compile time plays hardly a role).
For 64 bit numbers:
uint64_t divBy3(uint64_t x)
return x*12297829382473034411ULL;
However this isn't the truncating integer division you might expect.
It works correctly if the number is already divisible by 3, but it returns a huge number if it isn't.
For example if you run it on for example 11, it returns 6148914691236517209. This looks like a garbage but it's in fact the correct answer: multiply it by 3 and you get back the 11!
If you are looking for the truncating division, then just use the / operator. I highly doubt you can get much faster than that.
64 bit unsigned arithmetic is a modulo 2^64 arithmetic.
This means for each integer which is coprime with the 2^64 modulus (essentially all odd numbers) there exists a multiplicative inverse which you can use to multiply with instead of division. This magic number can be obtained by solving the 3*x + 2^64*y = 1 equation using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
What if you really don't want to multiply or divide? Here is is an approximation I just invented. It works because (x/3) = (x/4) + (x/12). But since (x/12) = (x/4) / 3 we just have to repeat the process until its good enough.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int n = 1000;
int a,b;
a = n >> 2;
b = (a >> 2);
a += b;
b = (b >> 2);
a += b;
b = (b >> 2);
a += b;
b = (b >> 2);
a += b;
printf("a=%d\n", a);
The result is 330. It could be made more accurate using b = ((b+2)>>2); to account for rounding.
If you are allowed to multiply, just pick a suitable approximation for (1/3), with a power-of-2 divisor. For example, n * (1/3) ~= n * 43 / 128 = (n * 43) >> 7.
This technique is most useful in Indiana.
I don't know if it's faster but if you want to use a bitwise operator to perform binary division you can use the shift and subtract method described at this page:
Set quotient to 0
Align leftmost digits in dividend and divisor
If that portion of the dividend above the divisor is greater than or equal to the divisor:
Then subtract divisor from that portion of the dividend and
Concatentate 1 to the right hand end of the quotient
Else concatentate 0 to the right hand end of the quotient
Shift the divisor one place right
Until dividend is less than the divisor:
quotient is correct, dividend is remainder
For really large integer division (e.g. numbers bigger than 64bit) you can represent your number as an int[] and perform division quite fast by taking two digits at a time and divide them by 3. The remainder will be part of the next two digits and so forth.
eg. 11004 / 3 you say
11/3 = 3, remaineder = 2 (from 11-3*3)
20/3 = 6, remainder = 2 (from 20-6*3)
20/3 = 6, remainder = 2 (from 20-6*3)
24/3 = 8, remainder = 0
hence the result 3668
internal static List<int> Div3(int[] a)
int remainder = 0;
var res = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
var val = remainder + a[i];
var div = val/3;
remainder = 10*(val%3);
if (div > 9)
if (res[0] == 0) res.RemoveAt(0);
return res;
If you really want to see this article on integer division, but it only has academic merit ... it would be an interesting application that actually needed to perform that benefited from that kind of trick.
Easy computation ... at most n iterations where n is your number of bits:
uint8_t divideby3(uint8_t x)
uint8_t answer =0;
return answer;
A lookup table approach would also be faster in some architectures.
uint8_t DivBy3LU(uint8_t u8Operand)
uint8_t ai8Div3 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, ....];
return ai8Div3[u8Operand];

linear interpolation on 8bit microcontroller

I need to do a linear interpolation over time between two values on an 8 bit PIC microcontroller (Specifically 16F627A but that shouldn't matter) using PIC assembly language. Although I'm looking for an algorithm here as much as actual code.
I need to take an 8 bit starting value, an 8 bit ending value and a position between the two (Currently represented as an 8 bit number 0-255 where 0 means the output should be the starting value and 255 means it should be the final value but that can change if there is a better way to represent this) and calculate the interpolated value.
Now PIC doesn't have a divide instruction so I could code up a general purpose divide routine and effectivly calculate (B-A)/(x/255)+A at each step but I feel there is probably a much better way to do this on a microcontroller than the way I'd do it on a PC in c++
Has anyone got any suggestions for implementing this efficiently on this hardware?
The value you are looking for is (A*(255-x)+B*x)/255. It requires only 8x8 multiplication, and a final division by 255, which can be approximated by simply taking the high byte of the sum.
Choosing x in range 0..128, no approximation is needed: take the high byte of (A*(128-x)+B*x)<<1.
Assuming you interpolate a sequence of values where the previous endpoint is the new start point:
sounds like a bad idea. If you use base 255 as a fixedpoint representation, you get the same interpolant twice. You get B when x=255 and B as the new A when x=0.
Use 256 as the fixedpoint system. Divides become shifts, but you need 16-bit arithmetic and 8x8 multiplication with a 16-bit result. The previous issue can be fixed by simply ignoring any bits in the higher-bytes as x mod 256 becomes 0. This suggestion uses 16-bit multiplication, but can't overflow. and you don't interpolate over the same x twice.
interp = (a*(256 - x) + b*x) >> 8
256 - x becomes just a subtract-with-borrow, as you get 0 - x.
The PIC lacks these operations in its instruction set:
Right and left shift. (both logical and arithmetic)
Any form of multiplication.
You can get right-shifting by using rotate-right instead, followed by masking out the extra bits on the left with bitwise-and. A straight-forward way to do 8x8 multiplication with 16-bit result:
void mul16(
unsigned char* hi, /* in: operand1, out: the most significant byte */
unsigned char* lo /* in: operand2, out: the least significant byte */
unsigned char a,b;
/* loop over the smallest value */
a = (*hi <= *lo) ? *hi : *lo;
b = (*hi <= *lo) ? *lo : *hi;
*hi = *lo = 0;
if(*lo < b) /* unsigned overflow. Use the carry flag instead.*/
The techniques described by Eric Bainville and Mads Elvheim will work fine; each one uses two multiplies per interpolation.
Scott Dattalo and Tony Kubek have put together a super-optimized PIC-specific interpolation technique called "twist" that is slightly faster than two multiplies per interpolation.
Is using this difficult-to-understand technique worth running a little faster?
You could do it using 8.8 fixed-point arithmetic. Then a number from range 0..255 would be interpreted as 0.0 ... 0.996 and you would be able to multiply and normalize it.
Tell me if you need any more details or if it's enough for you to start.
You could characterize this instead as:
using a value range of x=0..255, precompute the values of 256/(x+1) as a fixed-point number in a table, and then code a general purpose multiply, adjust for the position of the binary point. This might not be small spacewise; I'd expect you to need a 256 entry table of 16 bit values and the multiply code. (If you don't need speed, this would suggest your divison method is fine.). But it only takes one multiply and an add.
My guess is that you don't need every possible value of X. If there are only a few values of X, you can compute them offline, do a case-select on the specific value of X and then implement the multiply in terms of a fixed sequence of shifts and adds for the specific value of X. That's likely to be pretty efficient in code and very fast for a PIC.
Given two values X & Y , its basically:
X/2 + Y/2 (to prevent the odd-case that A+B might overflow the size of the register)
Hence try the following:
Initially A=MAX, B=MIN
Loop {
Right-Shift A by 1-bit.
Right-Shift B by 1-bit.
C = ADD the two results.
Check MSB of 8-bit interpolation value
if MSB=0, then B=C
if MSB=1, then A=C
Left-Shift 8-bit interpolation value
}Repeat until 8-bit interpolation value becomes zero.
The actual code is just as easy. Only i do not remember the registers and instructions off-hand.
