Mass Export of BLOB data to CSV - oracle

I am working with an older Oracle database, I don't know which version of oracle, sorry, and I need to do a mass export of 200,000+ files worth of HTML data stored in BLOBs. I have downloaded and used both Toad and SQLDeveloper (Oracle's own DB GUI tool) and at best I am able to properly extract the HTML for a single row at a time.
Is there a way (query, tool, other GUI, etc...) that I can reliably do a mass export of all the BLOB data on this table to a CSV format?
Thank You.

You can use utl_file built-in package through this you can write blob data to a file.
Refer here.

I found this tool.
It works incredibly well for extracting content of any type out of any sort of LOB to a file type (HTML in this case). Takes about an hour to do 200,000 records though


From selected data into PDF using RDF file

I am currently trying to convert a simple table into a PDF file using an existing .rdf file.
My first approach was to look for a new program that can do so because I want to replace the current 'Oracle Reports' program.
Is there any other program that would support converting SQL data into an PDF using an .rdf File?
I tried writing a Python 3 script to do just that, but I would not know where to start.
Oracle APEX 21.2 (latest at the current time) has a package named APEX_DATA_EXPORT that can take a SELECT statement and export it into various formats, one of them being PDF. The example in the documentation shows how to generate a PDF from a simple query. After calling apex_data_export.export, you can use the BLOB that is returned by the function and do whatever you need with the PDF.
There are not very many options for styling and formatting the table, but Oracle does plan on adding additional printing capabilities for PDFs in the future.

How do I uploading csv file into Oracle

When trying to load csv file into Oracle table through ODI, ODI is not able to fetch the data from csv file. The csv file format is an issue here with the data in a single line. But when we are opening the csv file through excel and then saving it as csv the format is changing and the data is getting arranged properly and then we are able to import it through ODI.
Problem is we need to import the original csv file whatever format it is. Is there a possibility of doing the same?
SQL Loader will be the first thing that has came to my mind. I use this a lot.
SQL Developer will be a better option if you dont want to work with command line utilities.
Try using External can configure how the CSV should be read in the EXTERNAL TABLE configuration

Reading BLOB data from Oracle database using python

This is not a question of a code, I need to extract some BLOB data from an Oracle database using python script. My question is what are the steps in dealing with BLOB data and how to read as images, videos and text? Since I have no access to the database itself, is it possible to know the type of BLOBs stored if it is pictures, videos or texts? Do I need encoding or decoding in order to tranfer these BLOBs into .jpg, .avi or .txt files ? These are very basic questions but I am new to programming so need some help to find a starting point :)
If you have a pure BLOB in the database, as opposed to, say, an ORDImage that happens to be stored in a BLOB under the covers, the BLOB itself has no idea what sort of binary data it contains. Normally, when the table was designed, a column would be added that would store the data type and/or the file name.

Move Tablestorage to BlobStorage

is there any way of moving a table from the Tablestorage into the Blob Storage?
I thought of writing each line into a csv file. But is that really the fastest way?
The only supported way would be to download the data from Azure Table through Query Entities locally, then write back the data in any form you need against Blob Storage; that could be CSV, some binary format, JSON, etc..
Azure Storage does not provide any Copy or backup functionality from AzureTable to AzureBlob. It is an already requested feature but we don't have any timeline to share.

How to pump data to txt file using Oracle datapump?

all hope for you.
I need to export a huge table (900 fields, 1 000 000 strings) in to txt ansi file.
UTL_FILE takes a lot of time. It is not suitable in this task.
I'am trying to use Oracle Datapump, but i can't receive txt file with ansi symbols in it (only 2TTЁ©QRўҐEJЉ•).
Can anybody advice me anything.
Thank you in advance.
Oracle Data Pump can only export in its proprietary binary format.
If you want to export data to text you have only a few options:
PL/SQL or Java (stored) procedure which writes a file using UTL_FILE or the Java equivalent api.
A program running outside the database that writes to a file. Use whichever language you're comfortable with.
Pro*C might be a good choice as it is apparently much faster than the UTL_FILE approach, see
Use a special SQL script and run it in SQL*Plus using spooling. This is the "SQL Unloader" approach, see*Loader_FAQ#Is_there_a_SQL.2AUnloader_to_download_data_to_a_flat_file.3F
Googling "SQL Unloader" comes up with a few ready-made solutions that you might be able to use directly or modify for your needs.
