Is this possible to automate the JMeter scripts running schedule? - jmeter

Is this possible to schedule the JMeter scripts.for example I want to run the same script every hour and want to automate this process.Is this possible?

Yes, there are many options:
Linux : Use cron
Windows Task Scheduler


Schedule JMeter test plan to be started at a certain time

I want to run a load test on my server. I have built couple of different test plans and I need to execute all the test plans at the same time.
I'm using a few instances of JMeter on three different machines and I'm trying to figure out whether I can schedule my JMeter scripts to be started at a certain time?
One way would be to run, on each of my machines, a script in which I run my JMeter test plans at a certain time
The reason I decided to not use JMeter in master/slave mode is that each of my test plans would generate a load from different parts of my application. So I need each of my JMeter instances to run a different Thread Group.
If you don't want to install software as Jenkins
You can schedule jmeter execution in exact time using crontab, example:
Schedule a cron to execute at 2am daily.
This will be useful for scheduling database backup on a daily basis.
0 2 * * * /bin/sh
Depending on your operating system:
Windows: Task Scheduler
Linux: crontab
MacOS: launchd
You can also consider installing a CI/CD solution like Jenkins, BuiltBot or CruiseControl which provide VCS system integration as well as possibility to schedule builds at the specific time or run basing on various triggers.
a solution to my question is to use "at" command which allows us to schedule a job at a certain time. Since I needed my test script to be executed only once, I decided to take this approach.
For example, following command would schedule a task at 12:01 PM (you need to make sure that your user is assigned all the required permissions to run this job)
echo "JMETER_HOME/jmeter -n -t MT_TEST_PLAN.jmx -l MY_TEST_RESULT.jtl" | at 12:01 PM
Although, I do not support the usage of Jmeter GUI for executing load tests, it depends with how many users you are executing. If the user load is small, you can use Start Time/End Time in the Threadgroup.
If you are using windows machines to execute load test, you can use windows task scheduler to run load tests at some specific time.

How Can I compare output of 2 different JMeter runs automatically?

I want to compare 2 different jmeter runs.
I have a jenkins job to do that which triggers jmx which in turn call Rest APIs.
Lets say, I executed Jmeter run for one time. I will refer this as run 1
Now, after 30 minutes, I will again run the same jenkins job and will again run the jmeter test. I will refer to it as run 2.
So, now i have 2 runs and i want to compare run1 and run2, specifically the response time.
How can I automate that so that everytime this happens, i can have the difference in response time of APIs ?
I tried searching, found few articles (Compare results from a previous test in jmeter) but it did not really help :(
Please let me know how can this be achieved ?
You can use MergeResults plugin in order to compare 2 test executions and plot execution chart and/or have differences in the CSV file.
If you want to run it in non-GUI mode from Jenkins job - go for JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool which has MergeResults plugin to run it in command-line mode.
You can install both the plugins using JMeter Plugins Manager

Schedule Powershell script to run every hour

Please check this picture as following
I was looking at Window task scheduler to schedule my script to run each hour. The script will do some checks and will send an email .
I did not find options to schedule it for each 1 hour. I only found for every day, daily, weekly and so on.
Task scheduler does show the option to configure hourly trigger as shown below.
Another option you have is to run your PowerShell script as a Service and add the logic in your PowerShell script to trigger your main code once every hour.
Refer: Video: Running PowerShell scripts as a real Windows Service!
How To Create a User-Defined Service
Call it from scheduled task eg task would be to start PowerShell and run the specified script see Run a powershell script in the background once per minute
create the task then -> new trigger -> daily -> repeat task every hour is one way of doing it. Or do it on commandline

How can I schedule my tests in JMeter?

I started with tests in general and with JMeter in particular. I would like to schedule the launch of my scenarios every five minutes.
There is a startup configuration tab in my group of units, in which I can set the date and time.
However, whenever I try to set the date and time, those settings always get overridden with another date. Any guidance would be appreciated.
To Schedule JMeter Scripts you can use crontab for linux and for windows you can use at.exe.

Windows Task Scheduler API 2.0 make task miss (only)next scheduled time

While using the Windows Task Scheduler API 2.0, how does one set or unset the option: "run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed". I have already create multiple types of tasks using the API in c++, but I can't seem to find where you set this option...
I guess I found it: StartWhenAvailable .
I also would like to be able to run the task on demand within the api code.
I think I allow on demand running using: put_AllowDemandStart but how do I run it from withing the code?
I guess this is it : IRegisteredTask::Run
But... How do you make a task miss its next scheduled time?
