Does Wearable.DataApi.getDataItems users UriMatcher - wear-os

I'm trying to extract all data from Wearable.DataApi that matches wear:/someAttr/*
The motivation is that I'm using PutDataRequest.createWithAutoAppendedId since I want to avoid overriding data written in the wearable device.
I would like to match the following URI:
But avoid
Can I use wildcard to get data from DataAPI?
I have a current workaround of not providing a URI to Wearable.DataApi.getDataItems which brings all the data but includes unwanted DataItems that I would wish to avoid.
Any ideas?

I found the solution in a similar question by #dzeikei
From Android official documentation
int FILTER_PREFIX Filter type for getDataItems(GoogleApiClient, Uri,
int), deleteDataItems(GoogleApiClient, Uri, int): if this filter is
set, the given URI will be taken as a path prefix, and the operation
will apply to all matching items.
So in order to match my example you would use
Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder();
Uri uri =;
PendingResult<DataItemBuffer> pendingResult = Wearable.DataApi.getDataItems(googleApiClient, uri, DataApi.FILTER_PREFIX);


gRPC Proto Buff URL/URI type

Is there a way to use Url or Uri data type inside a message of gRPC? And if not what is the best way to do this?
I am using gRPC and Protocol Buffers for this and I run a backend go app to trigger popup notifications that display in my Flutter app. The notification has a link that takes the user to a webpage when clicked on in my Flutter app.
Right now I am using a String for this, like so:
message NotificationResponse{
string title = 1;
string url = 2;
I can't seem to find a way to use Url/Uri as a type. Is there such a thing?
Storing in a string is a totally viable solution. But if you would like to reduce the payload size a little and make the instantiation little bit safer, you could remove the schema part of the url (eg: https://).
To do that you could do the following:
message Url {
enum Schema {
HTTP = 1;
HTTPS = 2;
// more if needed
Schema schema = 1;
string rest = 2;
and then you can use it in your message like this:
message NotificationResponse {
string title = 1;
Url url = 2;
This would exclude these non necessary character in the string and reduce the payload size (remove http(s) and ://). Enum are serialized more efficiently than string.
This would make instantiation safer because you can restrict at least the schema that you and other developers can use (in my example, no ftp or even restrict to only https for security).
That has one inconvenience though. You will have to concatenate that back in your client code, but in my opinion this is worth the effort since the concatenation is pretty trivial (change enum value to is text value and add ://).
Note: doing the same enum trick for Domain Name (.com, .net, ...) would not be as trivial and would force you to store the path and the host in different field (not worth it since it increase payload).
Let me know if you need more help.

meta fields using elasticsearch-dsl

I'm looking at the changelog for the elasticsearch-dsl python library, and one of the comments says:
you can no longer access meta fields on a Document instance by
specifying ._id or similar. Instead all access needs to happen via the
.meta attribute.
Can I get a little more color on that? My old (5.x) code did this
self._id = a_nice_natural_identiifer
How should that be replaced?
self.meta._id = a_nice_natural_identifier
self.meta['_id'] = a_nice_natural_identifier
self.meta['id'] = a_nice_natural_identifier
It appears that the correct answer is
self.meta['id'] = a_nice_natural_identifier
(Interestingly, you can also set meta properties at construction time by doing)
foo = SomeSubclassOfDocument(_id=a_nice_natural_identifier)

Get a message's ts value from /archives link

Slack has a Copy link feature, which copies a deep link to an individual chat message to the clipboard:
Here's an example of such a deep link (obfuscated):
What I'd like to do is, get the details of that message from the Slack API given that link.
The first string after /archives/ is the channel's ID. I'm not quite clear about that second string though:
According to Slack's API documentation,
channels.history can also be used to pluck a single message from the
You'll need a message's ts value, uniquely identifying it within a
channel. You'll also need that channel's ID.
So, what I've found is that the p1234567898000159 value in the link above is almost the message's ts value, but not quite (the Slack API won't accept it): the leading p needs to be removed, also there has to be a . inserted after the 10th digit: 1234567898.000159
Putting all this together into an API request...
... I'm getting a response with all the message details, exactly what I need.
My question is: am I doing this right? Do I really need to craft the message's ts value from the URL parameter this way, or is there a better, more robust, officially supported way?
Im new in python, but i got same problem when i creating SlackBot (by SlackBolt), and i solved it like that:
link = 'https://***'
#Grab information from link
wrong_link_list = link.split('/')
wrong_ts = wrong_link_list[-1]
t_ts = wrong_ts.replace('p', '', 1)
dot = '.'
char_count = 10
#Put information in variables
channel = wrong_link_list[-2]
text = 'Hey dude!'
mess_ts = t_ts[:char_count] + dot + t_ts[char_count:]
app.client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=text, thread_ts = mess_ts)
Hope this will help you!

How do I use the appProperties with the ruby api-client

I can't determine how to add custom properties or search for them.
Everything I have tried is giving me a Error - #<Google::Apis::ClientError: invalid: Invalid query> when I attempt to search for them. I can successfully complete other queries but I don't know if the client is setup to work with appProperties (or even properties at all).
Basically I just need the correct syntax for searching and adding since it doesn't appear to be in the documentation.
Assuming you already have a reference to an authorized DriveService, you can search based on appProperties using a q-parameter (documented here), like this:
file_list = drive.list_files(
q: "appProperties has { key='my_app_key' and value='my_val' }",
fields: 'files(id, name, appProperties)',
spaces: 'drive')
If you omit the fields parameter then the search will still work but the properties themselves won't be returned.
Updating appProperties is definitely arcane and the documentation is opaque. What you need is the ID of the file, and a File value object as a container for the attributes to update. Something like this:
new_app_properties = { 'my_app_key' => 'my_val' }
update_f = new_app_properties)
drive.update_file(file_id, update_f)

Delete Exchange 2003 Emails with WebDav

I am trying to manage an Inbox in Exchange 2003 automatically using webdav from a C# application. Looking at msdn is not helping me a whole lot as the methods described here ( do not coincide at all with the samples I have found otherwise. So there are two things I am trying to determine:
Of all the fields that return from a webdav query
string reqStr =
#"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:"">
WHERE ""urn:schemas:mailheader:from"" = ''
Which one is the unique identifier? I have browsed it (but not sure of a reference to verify the fields) and it appears at first glance that DAV:id is what I want (), but I am not wanting to work on assumptions.
Secondly, what is the correct way to programmatically delete an email after I have processed it? Would something like the following work (will it remove the entry and all related metadata). I don't want any files left orphaned on the server...
string reqStr =
#"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:"">
And finally, what are the best online sources for investigating all the data returned in the XML from the first request, and where are all the options documented for managing the webdav interface? Looking at MSDN just hasn't been fruitful.
Look for the dav:hef tags tag in the response. They contain an url you can use to issue a delete command.
From the result of a query that gets you the msg Uri then:
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(mail.MailUri);
request.Credentials = _credential;
request.Method = "DELETE";
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
//something might of broke
