oracle database to find recently added column in table or database(oracle) - oracle

I want to find the recently added column to existing table.
How to find recently added column in table or database(oracle).
Recently the table and the databases of our web application got modified and some of the table got altered.

Ideally you should have restricted access to your Production database, together with a build process which applies scripts out of source control, rather than allowing people to change things using TOAD. It's pretty hard to conduct forensics in a free-fire zone.
You can find out which tables have changed by interrogating the data dictionary:
SQL> select object_name from user_objects t
2 where t.object_type = 'TABLE'
3 and t.last_ddl_time > trunc(sysdate)
4 /
no rows selected
SQL> alter table t23 add col_3 number
2 /
Table altered.
SQL> select object_name from user_objects t
2 where t.object_type = 'TABLE'
3 and t.last_ddl_time > trunc(sysdate)
4 /
This won't tell you what the change was, or who did it. To get better information you need a proper audit trail. At the very least you should enable auditing of DDL statements....
Audit succeeded.
Find out more.


Can I edit the oracle instances property?

When creating a table in Oracle, the Parallel and Degree properties can be specified.
When creating a table and selecting * from all_all_tables, there is an INSTANCES item. Can this item be edited by the user using DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE? If there is, please ask for an example phrase.
Below is an example of setting and altering the INSTANCES property of a table:
SQL> create table test1(a number) parallel (instances 2);
Table created.
SQL> select instances from user_tables where table_name = 'TEST1';
SQL> alter table test1 parallel (instances 1);
Table altered.
SQL> select instances from user_tables where table_name = 'TEST1';
The table property is defined in the 19c reference as "Number of instances across which the table is to be scanned, or DEFAULT".
I think INSTANCES has been deprecated and replaced by setting PARALLEL_FORCE_LOCAL at either the session or system level. The INSTANCES syntax is documented in the version 7 SQL Reference but is not documented in the version 8i SQL Reference.

ORA-14450 GTT alter table issue

Iam facing a issue while altering the GTT table.
I need to find the active users on that table, Can someone help in query regarding how to find the active users on the specific object in oracle database
As far as I can tell, you didn't explain what problem you're trying to solve, but rather what you think that might help you solve it. So, let me try to guess.
Here's a global temporary table (GTT):
SQL> create global temporary table gtt (id number) on commit preserve rows;
Table created.
SQL> insert into gtt values (1);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
You're trying to alter it, but - it fails:
SQL> alter table gtt add name varchar2(10);
alter table gtt add name varchar2(10)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14450: attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use
OK, so - delete row(s) and commit, then try again:
SQL> delete from gtt;
1 row deleted.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> alter table gtt add name varchar2(10);
alter table gtt add name varchar2(10)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14450: attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use
Still no luck. But, if you truncate the table, then it works:
SQL> truncate table gtt;
Table truncated.
SQL> alter table gtt add name varchar2(10);
Table altered.
If that's not what you're after, then see if this answers your question: connect as a privileged user (such as SYS, if you don't have any other) and run such a query: it shows who owns the GTT, its name, who locked it (which Oracle user) and which operating system user is it (that might help you to contact those people):
SQL> select b.owner,
2 b.object_name,
3 a.oracle_username,
4 a.os_user_name
5 from v$locked_object a, dba_objects b
6 where a.object_id = b.object_id;
--------------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------------
SCOTT GTT SCOTT littlefoot

ora-00942 even i create table in my schema

I have created new user and granted (database administration) privilege to him.
Then I connected to this new user.
When I create a new table in this user then try to select from this table it gives me
oracle-00942: table/view does not exist
When I try to find it through toad from schema browser I cannot find it. I searched for it and found this table in (sys) user.
When I create table with schema name I found it in schema browser but also I cannot select from it.
So what is the wrong with this?
It would help if you would show the sequence of steps you used to create the table. My guess is somehow you're creating the table under the the wrong schema (owner). Do this to find out where it is:
select owner, table_name from all_tables where table_name = 'MYTABLE'
If connected as SYS, you can use dba_tables instead of all_tables.
It would be better if you actually showed us what you did and how Oracle responded (i.e. copy/pasted the whole SQL*Plus session).
As you can create users, you probably can connect as SYS. Do so, and then run such a statement:
SQL> select owner, object_type
2 from dba_objects
3 where object_name = 'EMP';
------------------------------ -------------------
It will show who that table really belongs to.
I'm going to simulate what you did (actually, what I understood you did). You'll see that - if you do it right - everything is OK.
Connect as SYS and create new user:
SQL> show user
SQL> create user utest identified by utest
2 default tablespace users
3 temporary tablespace temp
4 quota unlimited on users;
User created.
SQL> grant dba to utest;
Grant succeeded.
Connect as newly created user, create a table:
SQL> connect utest/utest
SQL> create table test (id number);
Table created.
SQL> select * from test;
no rows selected
OK; the table is empty, but - no ORA-00942 error.
Back to SYS, to check who owns the TEMP table:
SQL> connect sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> select owner, object_type
2 from dba_objects
3 where object_name = 'TEST'
4 order by owner;
------------------------------ -------------------
Now, it is your turn.
I searched for it and found this table in (sys) user.
It sounds like you have connected to the database using SYSDBA privilege, something like this:
connect your_user/password as sysdba
When we do this Oracle ignores the passed username and connects us as SYS. Consequently, any actions we take are executed as SYS. Which means any tables we create are created in the SYS schema, unless we prefix them with a specific schema name.

Oracle : How to get Last DDL Updated Time

I have tried the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM all_objects
But it also update LAST_DDL_TIME column of above table whenever any table grant is given any other schema.
I want Last DDL update time for table Alter only.
Ketan, I think DDL Triggers will solve your problems.
Find out more on this :
If you use trigger to monitor DDL, you are essentially replicating functionality already provided through Oracle Auditing.
There is 10g-related guidance here:
You can try this:
SELECT object_name, object_type, last_ddl_time
FROM dba_objects
WHERE owner = <<table owners name>>
AND object_name = 'yourTableName'

Oracle - Materialized View confusion (is Toad IDE wrong in displaying MV in Tables section?)

I'm confused about Materialized views. Either it is the Toad IDE that I am using that is confusing me, or its that I don't understand MVs enough.
I created a materialized view in Oracle by something like this....
FROM tables...
I would expect that the materialized view would be created and populated with the data returned from the query. Okay, not a big deal.
What I am confused on is why my Toad IDE shows a table 'TESTRESULT' under the tables section. It even has a 'Create Table Script' that I can look at.
But I also see my materialized view under the 'Materialized View' section.
Behind the scenes is Oracle creating a table when I create a materialized view? It looks as if there are two seperate objects, a materialized view and a table? Could someone please explain what is going on here behind the scenes when creating a materialized view? Is Toad wrong or am I misunderstanding something?
Toad version:
Oracle: 10g
Yes, behind the scenes, Oracle creates two objects, a table where the results are actually materialized and a materialized view that has all the metadata (the query, the attributes, etc.). It's very similar to what happens when you create a unique constraint-- Oracle creates a unique index with the same name as the constraint to actually enforce the constraint and then it creates a constraint itself. If you create a materialized view on a pre-built table, you can end up with different names for the table and for the materialized view just as you could create a constraint that uses an existing index that has a different name.
SQL> select object_name, object_type
2 from user_objects
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 select object_name, object_type
2 from user_objects
3* where object_name = 'MV_EMP'
4 /
no rows selected
SQL> create materialized view mv_emp
2 as
3 select *
4 from emp;
Materialized view created.
SQL> column object_name format a30;
SQL> select object_name, object_type
2 from user_objects
3 where object_name = 'MV_EMP';
------------------------------ -------------------
