what is the meaning of intensity order in image processing? - feature-extraction

I'm reading this article. This article explains a new feature descriptor such as Sift and Surf and it's name is MROGH.
In a part of this article, there is this sentence:
In our work, sample points are segmented based on their intensity orders
and their gradients are then pooled for each segment.
My question is:
what is the meaning of intensity order and local intensity of a point in image?
#Yves Daoust linked me here and that is my answer.

The explanation seems to rest in that quote from the paper: "Specifically,
we first sort sample points in the support region according
to their intensities. Then we divide them into 𝑘 segments
equally according to their orders. Finally, gradient information
of the sample points in each segment are pooled,
and the gradient orientation histograms in these 𝑘 segments
are concatenated to form the representation of this support


Finding correspondence of edges for image matching

I have a challenging problem to solve. The Figure shows green lines, that are derived from an image and the red lines are the edges derived from another image. Both the images are taken from the same camera, so the intrinsic parameters are same. Only, the exterior parameters are different, i.e. there is a slight rotation and translation while taking the 2nd image. As it can be seen in the figure, the two sets of lines are pretty close. My task is to find correspondence between the edges derived from the 1st image and the edges derived from the second image.
I have gone through a few sources, that mention taking corresponding the nearest line segment, by calculating Euclidean distances between the endpoints of an edge of image 1 to the edges of image 2. However, this method is not acceptable for my case, as there are edges in image 1, near to other edges in image 2 that are not corresponding, and this will lead to a huge number of mismatches.
After a bit of more research, few more sources referred to Hausdorff distance. I believe that this could really be a solution to my problem and the paper
"Rucklidge, William J. "Efficiently locating objects using the
Hausdorff distance." International Journal of Computer Vision 24.3
(1997): 251-270."
seemed to be really interesting.
If, I got it correct the paper formulated a function for calculating translation of model edges to image edges. However, while implementation in MATLAB, I'm completely lost, where to begin. I will be much obliged if I can be directed to a pseudocode of the same algorithm or MATLAB implementation of the same.
Additionally, I am aware of
"Apply Hausdorff distance to tile image classification" link
"Hausdorff regression"
However, still, I'm unsure how to minimise Hausdorff distance.
Note1: Computational cost is not of concern now, but faster algorithm is preferred
Note2: I am open to other algorithms and methods to solve this as long as there is a pseudocode available or an open implementation.
Have you considered MATLAB's image registration tools?
With imregister(https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imregister.html), you can just insert both images, 1 as reference, one as "moving" and it will register them together using an affine transform. The function call is just
[optimizer, metric] = imregconfig('monomodal');
output_registered = imregister(moving,fixed,'affine',optimizer,metric);
For better visualization, use the RegistrationEstimator command to open up a gui in which you can import the 2 images and play around with it to register your images. From there you can export code for future images.
Furthermore if you wish to account for non-rigid transforms there is imregdemons(https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imregdemons.html) which works much the same way.
You can compute the Hausdorff distance using Matlab's bwdist function. You would compute the distance transform of one image, evaluate it at the edge points of the other, and take the maximum value. (You can also take the sum instead, in which case it is called the chamfer distance.) For this problem you'll probably want the symmetric Hausdorff distance, so you would do the computation in both directions.
Both Hausdorff and chamfer distance measure the match quality of a particular alignment. To find the best registration you'll need to try multiple alignment transformations and evaluate them all looking for the best one. As suggested in another answer, you may find it easier to use registration existing tools than to write your own.

Algorithm to Calculate Symmetry of Points

Given a set of 2D points, I want to calculate a measure of how horizontally symmetrical and vertically symmetrical those points are.
Alternatively, for each set of points I will also have a rasterised image of the lines between those points, so is there any way to calculate a measure of symmetry for images?
BTW, this is for use in a feature vector that will be presented to a neural network.
The image on the left is 'horizontally' symmetrical. If we imagine a vertical line running down the middle of it, the left and right parts are symmetrical. Likewise, the image on the right is 'vertically' symmetrical, if you imagine a horizontal line running across its center.
What I want is a measure of just how horizontally symmetrical they are, and another of just how vertically symmetrical they are.
This is just a guideline / idea, you'll need to work out the details:
To detect symmetry with respect to horizontal reflection:
reflect the image horizontally
pad the original (unreflected) image horizontally on both sides
compute the correlation of the padded and the reflected images
The position of the maximum in the result of the correlation will give you the location of the axis of symmetry. The value of the maximum will give you a measure of the symmetry, provided you do a suitable normalization first.
This will only work if your images are "symmetric enough", and it works for images only, not sets of points. But you can create an image from a set of points too.
Leonidas J. Guibas from Stanford University talked about it in ETVC'08.
Detection of Symmetries and Repeated Patterns in 3D Point Cloud Data.

writing a similarity function for images for clustering data

I know how to write a similarity function for data points in euclidean space (by taking the negative min sqaured error.) Now if I want to check my clustering algorithms on images how can I write a similarity function for data points in images? Do I base it on their RGB values or what? and how?
I think we need to clarify better some points:
Are you clustering only on color? So, take RGB values for pixels and apply your metric function (minimize sum of sq. error, or just calculate SAD - Sum of Absolute Differences).
Are you clustering on space basis (in an image)? In this case, you should take care of position, as you specified for euclidean space, just considering the image as your samples' domain. It's a 2D space anyway... 3D if you consider color information too (see next).
Are you looking for 3D information from image? (2D position + 1D color) It's the most probable case. Consider segmentation techniques if your image shows regular or well defined shapes, as first approach. If it fails, or you wanted a less hand tuned algorithm, consider reducing the 3D space of information to 2D or even 1D by doing PCA on data. By analyzing Principal Components you could drop off unuseful information from your collection and/or exploiting intrinsic data structure in some way.
The argument would need much more than a post to be solved, but I hope this could help a bit.

3x3 Sobel operator and gradient features

Reading a paper, I'm having difficulty understanding the algorithm described:
Given a black and white digital image of a handwriting sample, cut out a single character to analyze. Since this can be any size, the algorithm needs to take this into account (if it will be easier, we can assume the size is 2^n x 2^m).
Now, the description states given this image we will convert it to a 512-bit feature (a 512-bit hash) as follows:
(192 bits) computes the gradient of the image by convolving it with a 3x3 Sobel operator. The direction of the gradient at every edge is quantized to 12 directions.
(192 bits) The structural feature generator takes the gradient map and looks in a neighborhood for certain combinations of gradient values. (used to compute 8 distinct features that represent lines and corners in the image)
(128 bits) Concavity generator uses an 8-point star operator to find coarse concavities in 4 directions, holes, and lagrge-scale strokes.
The image feature maps are normalized with a 4x4 grid.
I'm for now struggling with how to take an arbitrary image, split into 16 sections, and using a 3x3 Sobel operator to come up with 12 bits for each section. (But if you have some insight into the other parts, feel free to comment :)
I'm struggling with the same paper by Srihari et al. (2002) for my Ph.D. thesis. I would say this text is not very specific, but the authors refer to a technical report (CEDAR-TR-01-1) for more details. This report seems not to be accessible on internet, so my suggestion is to contact the authors by e-mail and ask for this report. If something is not clear, you could ask for clarification as well.
I see the question is very old but maybe it can help someone - you apply sobel operators for horizontal and vertical edge detection on an image. From the result you can calculate image direction vectors for every point of an image. In your case you need to map these vectors to 12 directions. Then, in your case, you divide the image into 4x4 subimages (16 sections) and calculate intensity of each direction in each section. This gives you 12*16=192 features. I can give more detailed explanation if needed.

computer vision: extracting info about a shape given a contour (e.g. pointy, round...)

Given the 2D contour of a shape in the form of lines and vertices, how can I Extract Information from that?
like: Pointy, round, straight line.
Shape similarities with a given shape.
Code is not necessary, I am more interested in
concepts and the names of techniques involved to
guide my search....
Thanks in advance.
Image moments
One approach is to calculate the first and second order central moments of the shape described by the 2D contour. Using these values the elongation of the object can be calculated.
The central image moments can be combined to the seven moments of Hu, which are invariant to change in scale, rotation and translation (ie. they are very good for basic shape recognition). (More on image moments here).
Unitless ratio of perimeter and area
An other approach is to calculate the length of the perimeter (p) and the size of the inscribed area (a). Using these two values, the following ratio can be computed:
ratio = p^2 / (4 * pi * a)
The closer this ratio is to one, the more circle like is the described shape.
Other methods
Fourier descriptors
Ratio of shape area and the area of the convex hull of the shape
Another method of contour shape classification is topological aproach based on the "size function" That could be useful for global shape recognition, but not for extracting "local" features like pointy/round/straight.
Basically slicing contour by parametrized line and counting number of connected components depending on parameter.
What I think you might be looking for is often called Blob or Connectivity Analysis, which I believe was first developed at SRI (Stanford Research Institute). Image moments are one component of this area.
