I set up a site using IIS Manager but cannot get it to serve a static web page from my local file system (get the above error) the only way I can serve it is to copy the page assets into the directory for the default site (C:\inetpub\wwwroot). I can't find any documentation that I can understand for IIS. How can I set the root of localhost for IIS to my project folder?
The short, easy answer is "you can't". The better way is to move your project to the wwwroot folder.
You can, however, link additional folders in IIS Manager. If you link your project folder under wwwroot, you could access it at localhost\MyProjectFolder
After successfully running npm run build I copied the contents of the /dist folder in my local wwwroot folder. Everything renders correctly and I an see my page.
The problem comes when I copy the same contents of the /dist folder to a sub-directory on a Shared Hosting site (Domain.com or GoDaddy.com): https://www.mywebsite.com/sub-directory
All I see is a blank page. Upon checking the Network tab in developer tools, I see all requests status come back with 200 Status Code.
At this point I have thrown the towel and would appreciate any help I can get.
I went around my problem and solved it in another fashion. Instead of making a subfolder in /public_html folder, I created a subdomain using the configuration menu. Therefore my site looked like: https://mysubdomain.myoriginalsite.com
While creating a subdomain, the shared-hosting site's configuration asks me what should be the folder for this newly requested subdomain.
So I created a folder in the root (same level as /public_html) called /mysubdomain and copied all my files from /dist folder over there.
It worked like a charm.
Please NOTE: In vue.config.js file I updated my publicPath variable to be '' instead of '/'
I want to rename website present inside Default Web Site. On right clicking the app it does not have any rename option. Kindly suggest how to rename it.
You can rename the website by changing the "path" in applicationHost.config.
The applicationHost.config file in this path: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config.
<application path="/rename" applicationPool="test1"></application>
I have followed Drupal's tutorial on how to successfully run a Windows server using xampp. I think I've done everything right, but when I go to my website, it goes to mywebsite/xampp.
Does anyone know what I need to do to solve this?
Which folder did you put your website files? What address did you type in the address bar? If using localhost or any other domain which redirects there, be sure you rename any index.php or index.html in the server root folder (htdocs). This is because most servers look for any file named this way when visiting any server folder and will automatically display that page when it finds it.
In this case since you freshly installed xampp, their homepage is probably set to show by default
For example look at the picture. This is the index.php file in the htdocs folder. At the top you can see I've added a header to redirect to somewhere else. Below I commented out the code that was defaulted by the xampp installation, which pretty much said to relocate to the xampp/ directory (which then loads the index file there). If it failed to go there, you should see the message at the bottom
Something is wrong with your xampp installation :-(
If you're being redirected to the xampp/ directory you simply need to rename or edit the index.php file in the htdocs folder.
Ideally you should make a separate folder for your website in the htdocs folder, something like htdocs/myWebsite.
You can name your homepage either index.html or index.php (depending on which language you use) and then go to localhost/myWebsite and it will automatically load your homepage.
I have just started working for a new company and they have their website created using Kentico. There are images stored at the following location:
App_Themes/companyname/v3/content/call.gif" alt="call us">
How can I access the app themes folder from within Kentico CMS desk so that I can upload new images and replace them with a path similar to what is already there? I can not seem to locate the images already uploaded via the CMS desk
This was locked down to FTP only as I was using version 5.5.
The ~/App_Themes/ is an application folder which is located on the file server. In order to upload images to this folder you need to have access to the server where Kentico is running and manually put the files inside this folder. In Kentico 6 and higher you can manage the files in this folder in the UI in Site manager -> CSS stylesheets -> your stylesheet -> Theme, but this option is not available for version 5.5
I am playing around with Umbraco which I install though the Web Platform Installer. 3 different sites are now showing up in WebMatrix, and they are just Umbraco CMS1, Umbraco CMS2 and Umbraco CMS3. Is there a way to change that name? It's pretty confusing at the moment.
Find the applicationhost.config file (My Documents > IISExpress > config) and change the site name there.
You can actually rename sites by opening the site in WebMatrix, going to the Site workspace, right-clicking the site folder item in the left pane tree, and choosing Rename.
Note that this does not change the folder name, only the entry in applicationhost.config file.