How can i write jmeter test result in csv file via cmd? - jmeter

I can get the result of jmeter in a csv file using GUI mode but to save test result in a csv file using cmd? That is, what is the command and its parameter?

I got the answer for this This is the command for csv file output via cmd


JMeter - CLI/Command Line - How do I generate the exact same output files that are produced in GUI mode?

In GUI mode I have output files that are generated, these files are configured in the "Write Results to File" field. But when running in CLI it's not generating these.
Why is this?
How do I make CLI mode produce the exact same output files?
I expected the output files to be there but they weren't.
I'm afraid we need more details, like:
What exact Listener you're using
How it's configured
What do you expect to see in the results file
What does jmeter.log say
For example when I add a Simple Data Writer and tell it to store the results into a file named JMeter properly generates the output file in non-GUI mode:

How to save a molmap/density map on Chimera in mrc format using python script or Command line?

I know how to save molmap manually, but failed to do it using script; When I used command save or export, the file is saved as .py or .x3d, not in mrc. What should I do to correctly save the file using script or command line? Thanks a lot.
Using the Chimera usage syntax:
volume selection save filename.mrc
volume #0 save data.mrc

How to execute .bat file with batch parameters

I am trying to execute a .bat file with Ruby using:
However, I would like to pass parameters to this file. Is this possible?
Just pass them as you would do it normally.
`path\to\.bat -some=flag another-way`

Jmeter command line to "save table data" in a aggregate report

I would like to save table data generated by an aggregate report using command line, so that I can automate the process. However, I read from an older post around 2004 using 2.2/2.3 jmeter that this cannot be done. But since it is 2014 now and we are using jmeter 2.11, I was wondering if we could save the table data.
The button boxed in red is what I am trying to do but with command line rather than with the GUI.
In order to achieve this you will have to write a batch script (windows) and shell script (Linux).
Please follow the below mentioned steps:
Run Jmeter via command line and specify path for output *.jtl file
Call CMDRunner.jar in your Jmeter \lib\ext directory to convert *.jtl file to Aggregate report and save as CSV file.
jmeter -n -t "C:\Test.jmx" -l "C:\output.jtl" ^&^& exit
java -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv "C:\Aggregate_Report.csv" --input-jtl "C:\output.jtl" --plugin-type AggregateReport
Run your *.bat or *.sh file
Hope this will help.

Can you run a Shell script or a windows batch file from jmeter?

I have a windows batch file and a shell script . Does jmeter have the functionality to run a shell script or a bat file . maybe a plugin or so ? .
Any help is appreciated
Since jmeter 2.7 there is a new sampler that allows this:
I believe you can use the javascript or jexl function to do this:
Failing that, add a beanshell step and use code to call your script/batch file.
