Password Validation / Requirements with Parse on the Cloud - validation

The typical process of creating a a new Parse user does not allow for server-side validation or any sort of input requirements. These can be implemented on the client-side but can be easily circumvented by anyone willing to try.
So how would someone provide a Sign Up where the fields are checked against different requirements (defined by regex) in cloud code?
Two possibilities I see immediately:
An extra method that takes in all inputs as parameters, checks against regex, on success continues to Parse.User.signup() then returns session key and assigns it to the device that just signed up.
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(...) before the user is saved you check the fields, and reject if it doesn't pass a test.
Problems I see with each:
EVERYONE with my AppID and a client ID can call this method. Since the checks are being done server side there's need for additional filtering client-side which can be overwritten; an adversary could flood my Parse app with requests or bloated inputs. Also you are then sending the user's password over the network.
The password is encrypted upon user creation(setting password), according to documentation I've read. Everything but the password can be checked against a regex.


Avoid REST service to be consumed twice

I have a question about Spring MVC controllers scope and REST services. I have a couple of REST services, wich returns a token in the response so I can later recreate the state of the application, but I don't want the users use the same token twice, so I've decided to save an unique identifier inside the token and also in HttpServletRequest, so I can check it when I get the requests (a new identifier is generated in every request).
So, my questions are: 1) is there any other way to be sure that some user will not use the same token more than once (also considered to save that identifier in DB, but I would have lot of queries to insert, delete, verify, etc).2) is it ok for the controller that receives the requests to be a singleton, or should it be prototype? (considering that the identifier is taken from session and I don't want to mix it between different sessions).
A few words on tokens that are valid only once
It's not possible to achieve it
without keeping the track of the tokens somewhere. This security schema require some trade-offs, deal with it.
Give the user a token and keep the track of it on server side, just like a white list:
When a token is issued, add it to the white list.
When a request comes to the server with a token, check the white list and:
If the token is valid, accept the request and remove the token from the white list.
If the token is invalid, refuse the request by returning a proper status code such as 403.
Also, consider assigning an expiration date to the token and refuse any request that comes to the server with an expired token.
Regarding your performance concerns: Bear in mind that premature optimization is the root of all evil. You shouldn't optimize until you have a performance problem and you have proven that the performance problem comes from the way you store your tokens. You could start storing the tokens in the database and then consider a cache in memory, for example. But always be careful when fixing a problem that you currently don't have.
Working with JWT
If you go for JWT, there are a few Java libraries to issue and validate JWT tokens such as:
The jti claim should be used to store the token identifier on the token. When validating the token, ensure that it's valid by checking the value of the jti claim against the token identifiers you have on server side.
For the token identifier you could use UUID. In Java, it's as simple as:
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Since HttpSession#getId() is unique, you can use it to create an unique token:
// pseudo code
String token = httpSession.getId() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
You can also create your own counter.
Here my two techniques to prevent it
Disable submit button:
We can disable submit button right before our function call HTTP request and enable it again after finish gets HTTP response. This technique is effective for the process that takes a long time to finish (more than 5 sec.). The user can not click n’ click again because of impatience to get the result. Additionally, we may show a loading box for a good experience.
Issue request token/id:
This technique actually more complicated and difficult to implement, but thanks to a good framework (such as Spring Boot) to make this easier. Before we are going to the code implementation, let’s talk about the mechanism first;
When form page is loaded, issue a new requestId
put issued requestId to HTTP header before calling the backend service
backend service identify a requestId is already registered or not
if requestId is already registered then we can mark as a violation request

Reason to discourage use of back or refresh button on net banking sites

I just want to know why refresh/back button is not recommended while using netbanking sites?
Is it because of session object that might get invalidated?
Your average banking site contains forms. To protect the user from accidentially performing some action by eg. clicking a link (or, more general, by some sort of request forgery), the forms can have an additional hidden field containing some random value.
That random value is also stored on the server side and used to check whether the form can contain parameters for a valid action (ie. the form token must match the server token).
The disadvantage is that, if you use the browser controls, you get back to the previous page, but probably without the server noticing. Thus, you use an old form token, the result being that the server will refuse to perform the specified action, because the form token does not match the server-side information.
As a side effect, this incident may lead to the currently active session to be terminated for security reasons.

Validate/Change Password via REST API

I want to change a user password via a REST API. This is not a forgotten or reset password function, but a logged in user wanting to change their password.
The form requires the current password, the new password, and a confirmation for the new password. However, I want to validate each form field as the user fills it out. This is trivial for newPassword and confirmNewPassword (client side), but not for currentPassword. Currently performing update to the User object via PUT /users/:id. If a password parameter is passed, I check for the currentPassword parameter and ensure it is correct prior to saving. However, for validation, I'm unsure of the best approach.
I also have a POST /users/validate - not sure if this is best either. This validates a User object for both create and update, but only validates fields that belong to the User object (email, username, password). currentPassword isn't one of these. Wondering how to handle this. Some things I've considered:
POST /users/check_password,
POST /users/validate (adding in validation for currentPassword if that parameter is passed, and check that currentPassword matches the users existing password) and
POST /users/:id/validate (separate validation for existing user, requiring currentPassword).
Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. My first application that only exposes functionality via REST API.
I'll start by pointing out that authentication is often handled outside of a REST model. When a user provides their credentials, they are not providing a REpresentation of their account object's STate (REST); nor is the response they receive such a representation. Because the user account resource state does not include both 'current' and 'new' passwords, the provision of both a 'current' and a 'new' password in a request can never truly fit under the REST model, but professionals often describe a 'continuum' of RESTfulness, with some APIs being completely RESTful and others falling between RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and REST.
It's not uncommon to have a RESTful component of an API that handles the serving of data models, and a more RPC component of an API that handles user accounts. You get to decide between the two. If your project includes super users that manage multiple user accounts, I would suggest trying to shoe-horn that into a REST API. If each user manages only their own account, I would suggest RPC.
If you've decided to use REST for account management, then you must choose an appropriate HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE, HEADERS, etc). Clearly you require a method that will effect a change on the server (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc). In contrast to user orbfish's conclusion above, I'm going to say that PUT would be an appropriate method, under certain restrictions.
From RFC 2616, which formally defines our HTTP methods:
"Methods can also have the property of 'idempotence' in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request. The methods GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE share this property. Also, the methods OPTIONS and TRACE SHOULD NOT have side effects, and so are inherently idempotent. "
Idempotency here means that if we make the same request n times in a row, the state of the server under the effects of the nth request will be the same as the state of the server under the effects of the first request. User orbfish correctly notes that if we make the request:
PUT /users/:id/account {current-password: 'a', new-password: 'b'}
and repeat it:
PUT /users/:id/account {current-password: 'a', new-password: 'b'}
that our first request should receive a response indicating success and our second request should receive a response indicating failure. However, the idempotency of PUT only requires that the state of the server is the same following both requests. And it is: after the first request the user's password is 'b' and after the second request the user's password is 'b'.
I mentioned restrictions above. You might want to lock a user out after m attempts to change a password unsuccessfully; this would provide security against brute-force password attacks. However, this would break the idempotency of the request: send a valid password request one time and you change your password, send it m more times and the server locks you out.
By specifying the PUT method, you are telling all clients that it's safe to send a request as many times as needed. If I as a client send a PUT request and our connection is interrupted such that I don't receive your response, I know that it is safe to send my PUT through again because it is idempotent: idempotency means that if you receive both requests it will be the same to your server as just receiving one. But if you're going to lock me out for an unsuccessful request, then it isn't safe to send a second request until I know whether you have received the first.
For this reason, you might consider PATCH or POST. I would suggest using PATCH. Whereas POST is described as either appending a new resource to a list or appending data to an existing resource, PATCH is described as a 'partial update' on a resource at a known URI. And unlike PUT, PATCH need not be idempotent.
I don't like /check_password or /validate because they're verbs; your first "update user" is better REST.
You can add the currentPassword to your User object as an unpersisted field, or as part of the Authentication header (username:password).
I would definitely change this from a PUT to a POST, though, because the same call with the same currentPassword cannot succeed twice (PUT is idempotent).
You are changing a property of the user resource (i.e., the password). If you use HTTP Basic for your authorization, you are already providing the current password, so there is no need to repeat it. I would simply PUT the entire user resource with the new password. Example:
PUT /users/fiddlerpianist HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic ZmlkZGxlcnBpYW5pc3Q6bXlub3Rzb2F3ZXNvbWVvbGRwYXNzd29yZA==
"password": "My awesome new password that no one will ever be able to guess!"
The other advantage of doing it this way is that you don't necessarily need to provide the old password, as long as you are a credentialed user that has access rights to modify the user resource. Maybe you're a customer support specialist who is never supposed to ask for the customer's old password but they are requesting a password change over the phone (after they've proven to you their identity and you've proven your identity to the system).
You want to avoid using a non-idempotent request in this case (such as PUT or PATCH), as that can lead to responses whose outcomes are uncertain (suppose the server returns a 500 for a non-idempotent request... you as the client have no idea what state the server left your resource in).
EDITED TO ADD: Note that, in a RESTful app, there is no concept of being "logged in." The communication from the client to the server is entirely stateless (it's the payload and method that communicates the state). Also, there really doesn't need to be a concept of validation the way you describe it, as a request to change the state of a resource can either be met with a 200 OK (if valid) or a 400 Bad Request (if invalid).
Another option is to create surrogate resources on user. If you're using HATEOAS you could link down to user/x/pwdchange from the user resource. And I want to clarify pwdchange is conceived as a noun/resource, not as a verb:
GET /user/jsmith/pwdchange List of password change requests (history)
POST /user/jsmith/pwdchange Create password change request, return id=1
GET /user/jsmith/pwdchange/1 Get password change resource, which would
include the outcome (success, failure, etc)
So, in short, I'm creating a resource named 'pwdchange' that is fully compliant with a REST view of the problem domain.
You might think about why you need to validate the current password as soon as it's entered. I've not seen a site do that. Second, it's perfectly fine to have a service that just validates something. Its called being practical verse beating yourself up trying to be RESTFul

PHP Hackers and the POST array

I was told that it was easy but people to view the contents inside the $_POST[] array, is it really that easy? How do hackers do this and how do I prevent it? Should I start storing more items in the SESSION[] array instead?
POST[]ing Extra Values
The POST array is populated entirely by data transmitted from the client and everything inside it should be suspect. So don't take a number out of a postback request and set someone's account balance to it.
Also, "POST" is just a type of HTTP request, which means it's sent in plain text. Don't ask clients to send you login passwords over POST unless you wrap the HTTP stream with SSL (use https:// and configure your webserver properly) because you don't control the network between the client and your server. Major websites often don't do this (for performance reasons) but all online banks have done this for at least 10 years.
Think that POST data are sended from the browser with the HTTP request in plain text.
People that can snif your network or execute a Man in the Midle hack, can view this.
With a firefox extension like Tamper Data, the user can change the POST data before sending it to the server.
Never thrust POST data, always validate it in the server side.
From my comment on your earlier question:
A hacker can see the fields and values that are submitted through your form using easily available software tools, and then re POST them as he/she wishes.
Regarding MD5:
md5 isn't an encryption algorithm, it's a hashing algorithm. It'll turn any string into a 16-byte hash. In theory:
If you have two objects, a and b, and md5(a) == md5(b), then a == b
If you have md5(a) you can't figure out a.
These are the implicit assumptions when working with hashes, although they're never actually true - number one is clearly not true because if you hash 2^16 + 1 different strings then by the Pigeonhole Principle there must be two different strings with the same hash. The second one is also obviously not true because an attacker can search the range of md5 values for the hash, although for modern cryptographic-secure hashes (not md5) this is infeasible.
Getting to your question, you could just ask the client for the md5 hash of the user's password (you'd need client side javascript to calculate this) but that's a terrible idea. If all you expect from the user is the md5 of her password, then that's all an attacker needs to know, and you're sending it in plain text. What you could do is send the client a nonce. This is like a challenge. For the client to prove she knows her password, she can send you a hash of the nonce and her password concatenated. The idea is that any attacker can't answer the challenge becuase he only knows the nonce, and after the nonce-password hash is transmitted it's too late for him because you've already received it and aren't expecting an answer to that nonce again. Property 2 ensures that he can't extract the password from the hash.
This is vulnerable to the attacker stealing the challenge response and getting it to you before the client does. You can have a lot of fun making up a whole cryptosystem with multi-round communication (counter-intuitively it's actually possible to send hashes back and forth and securely authenticate) but soon you're just implementing HTTPS which someone else has already done for you :)

Validating Individual Fields with AJAX - Where to put the logic?

I have a form that, when you enter text into a field and tab off, a jQuery event is triggered to validate that field by calling the relevant controller action. For example, I have an AccountController and a ValidateField action. When the user tabs off of the Username field, it will send a request to /Account/ValidateField. I will then return a JSON result back based on the validation.
Ok, so let's say I want to validate a Username field. I want to check that enough characters were used, that the username isn't already in use, and that the characters used are allowed. Two of these are easy. However, I need access to the database to check if the username already exists.
Where would I put this logic? In the Service layer?
In a world where absolutely no business logic replication takes place:
The minimum length of a name and checking validity of charaters sounds like domain logic, so that should be in the domain. Your ajax call would call the service layer which would in turn call the domain and validate.
Checking the username isn't already in use accesess the persistance layer, so I think this would be more likely to live in the service layer. The service layer could just query the repository for Users with the specified name, and if any are returned, it is invalid.
In a world where we actually care about performance:
The checking of username uniqueness probably does require a trip to the service layer to access the database. But as for the other two, this could be done in the UI to save a trip to the service layer, but would then need to be replicated in the domain. This is advocated by Udi Dahan:
Command Query Responsibility Segregation
He suggests UI validation, and then replicate it in the domain, but don't bother giving a helpful message from the domain because theoretically the only people who are likey to get that far will be hackers.
