How to know the recommended version elastic search of the logstash - elasticsearch

I am an newbie to logstash, when I studied
logstash sample. I noticed that it said
Each release of Logstash has a recommended version of Elasticsearch you
should use.
But I failed to find it. I didn't see the release notes of logstash. For example, the logstash I used is 1.5.0, how to know which version elastic search I should use. In the sample above, it said I could use 1.5.1 version.

All Logstash version including and after 1.4.2 can use any ElasticSearch version above 1.x
It is suggested to use ElasticSearch above 1.1.1 as there was a small vulnerability which has since been patched in later versions.
Using 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 will be perfectly fine.

You cand find some notes regarding the recommended ElasticSearch version in Logstash web documentation > Output plugins > ElasticSearch. Here is the link for the current logstash version:
For instance, if you want to know about the recommended Elasticsearch version for Logstash 1.4.2, you can visit the old documentation, here:
Try changing the version from the URL to get specific details for this version. For instance, for Logstash 1.3.2 you can use:
In each of these documentation references you'll find a section "VERSION NOTE" regarding the recommended ElasticSearch version.


Types cannot be provided in put mapping requests, unless the include_type_name parameter is set to true [JAVA]

We have a java application (spring boot + hibernate search + elastic search).
Application is working fine on elastic search version 6.8
Recently, we have created a new cluster in aws with version 7.10.2 and updated elastic search endpoint in my java application.
After updating the elastic search endpoint I am getting error Can't update put mapping Types cannot be provided in put mapping requests, unless the include_type_name parameter is set to true and due to this unable to start the server.
I am not sure where to set include_type_name=true because all the indexes gets created automatically with #Indexed.
Can someone please let us know how can we fix this issue ?
Thanks #yrodiere for your response.
I tried to upgrade below dependencies version but unfortunately not able to fix it.
Previous Version:
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.9.3.Final'
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-elasticsearch:5.9.3.Final'
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-elasticsearch-aws:5.9.3.Final'
Updated version :
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.9.3.Final
compile ''
compile ''
Note: If I downgrade this org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.9.3.Final then getting CE
am i missing something?
You're probably using Hibernate Search 5.x. In Hibernate Search 5.x, the Elasticsearch integration was experimental and only compatible with Elasticsearch up to version 5.6.
The fact that your application was working fine with Elasticsearch 6.8 was pure luck: Hibernate Search 5.x was never intended to work with Elasticsearch 6+.
To upgrade to a more recent version of Elasticsearch, you must upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0 (or later). The API is different, but there is a very detailed migration guide, and at least you will get production-ready (non-experimental) Elasticsearch integration (plus tons of improvements).
Note that Hibernate Search 6.x also requires upgrading to Hibernate ORM 5.4; see this compatibility matrix.

Elastic data migration issue migrating from 2.3.4 to 5.5.2

In our application, we are using the elastic search of 2.3.4 and kibana 4.5.3 version. It has already indexed data. Recently, we decided to upgrade elastic search to 5.5.2 version and kibana to 5.5.2 version.
Some time back, we had upgraded elastic search from 1.x to 2.3.4. At that time, we had re-indexed the data as part of migration.
From the elastic search and kibana upgrade document, we are not clear on re-indexing the current data in upgrading ES from 2.x to 5.x.
Do we need to perform re-index elastic search data as part of migration ?
Thanks in advance
Data written with Elasticsearch 2.x (Lucene 5) can be read by Elasticsearch 5.x (Lucene 6) without a reindex. Generally, Lucene can always write in its current version format and read the previous one; but it cannot read the one before. So if you had data written with Elasticsearch 1.x you would need to reindex, going from 2.x to 5.x won't need it.
And if you are not already doing it, use the migration plugin to see what needs to be changed before the upgrade.

Which version of Kibana will be applicable for ElasticSearch 2.4.5?

As i can't find kibana 2.4.5 in
My problem can be better described in attachment below-
localhost:5601 kibana2.4.5 not available
Kibana and ES did not have the same versioning before 5.x. So for ES 2.x you need a Kibana from the 4.x series. Unless you have a good reason not to pick the most recent of both with that major version. So Kibana 4.6.4 should be the right version for you. The 4.6 documentation lists elasticsearch 2.4 or later as the minimum version for this; so that matches what you have.

Couchbase plugin for ElasticSearch deprecated?

I was reading which stats that ES rivers (plugin) are getting deprecated. i.e. any plugin directly integrated with ElasticSearch server will no longer work beyond ES 3.x onwards.
Couchbase plugin is one of those kind.
I searched all the documents of couchbase plugin at but could not find if they are using deprecated way or not?
Does anyone know? Should we keep using couchbase plugin or should start planning to write data directly to ES using our application.
We have couchbase data getting replicated to ES using couchbase plugin and XDCR.
I'm the maintainer of the Couchbase ES transport plugin. As Roi mention in his answer, the plugin doesn't use rivers, so it won't be deprecated. It currently supports any version of ES from 1.3 to 2.x, and I'm working on adding support for 5.x. It's taking a bit longer, because ES 5.x broke some configuration sharing features in unexpected ways.
I'd suggest always looking at our github repo for the latest plugin releases:
The Couchbase plugin is not using Rivers, there is another River plugin which is not longer valid.
take a look here:

Rhadoop with Elasticsearch-hadoop

I am using hadoop with a database from ElasticSearch (no hdfs).
Do you know if elasticsearch-hadoop can work together?
Else do you know how using analytics for my project?
Yes, there is a connector for Elasticsearch and Hadoop that is built and released by Elasticsearch:
They just released the GA version 2.0 - here's the blog post about it:
