Trouble receiving Pythagoras OTA - google-project-tango

A few system updates ago I had trouble receiving the OTA for the Tango. It appears that a similar problem has occurred again.
My Tango core has successfully updated to the Pythagoras revision, but my kernel version still reads build KOT49H.150505. I have tried the obvious things such as clicking on "check for updates" in the "About tablet" settings menu, but I still get that my system is up to date.
On the developer release notes it says that the kernel build should be KOT49H.150609.
A couple of questions, has anyone successfully downloaded the latest OTA? How can I get my tablet to download this new kernel version?
I am worried about this mismatch between tango core and OTA since last time it rendered the tango basically unusable. This time around things seem to be relatively stable, but I am worried that perhaps there might be performance degradation.


Xcode Organizer Metrics aren't showing three most recent releases

I'm trying to find the Metrics Launch Time of my app by using Xcode Organizer but it does not show the result of the 3 most recent versions. Only for older versions.
I'm using Xcode 12.2 (12B45b), and even after upgrade to 12.3 (12C33), still doesn't work!
Does anyone run into the same problem and know how to fix it?
TLDR: Versions with limited usage will not appear in the Xcode Organizer Metrics.
We were curious why this is happening to our app aswell. We had 52 releases in 2021 and the Battery Usage section from Xcode Organiser Metrics menu shows us only 5 of them, while Scrolling section shows only 4 at the moment of writing this answer.
After doing some research and watching this WWDC20 session on Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer I have learned that apple is using some usage threshold for each version of the app to determine wether it should show up in the metrics or not. According to the linked session, in Xcode 12 they have lowered the required usage threshold by a factor of five.
Another thing is that now you will see a limited usage icon attached to versions which have passed the new threshold but their usage is still low enough so you will need to be aware of the margin or error while analysing those metrics.
So even though the threshold have been lowered, it's still not really helpful If you update the app often like we do. Which is sad since we are not really able to provide improvements to these metrics since we do not really know with what we are dealing with. Let's hope future versions of Xcode will at more information about how much usage is enough, because apparently tens of thousands of users on a version are literally not enough for it to be included on a list.
Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer

Xcode started to not work with downloaded docsets when offline

I had a lot of problems trying to download these docsets since updating to the latest Xcode. Various popups appearing saying it didn't know how to install it. Eventually after reading on here I just persisted and their servers started to work so i downloaded a few sets, iOS, WatchOS, and XCode so far. They're downloaded and show as having a tick box next to them.
However even though the docs are downloaded, when I go to use the documentation browser it requires an internet connection to show anything. Sometimes you see it rendering the webpage on apple's site to get the details and then it redraws in the usual documentation form.
I've a few docsets yet to download, but I'm not that bothered about them at this time.
Has anyone else encountered this and got any suggestions?

New Tango device OTA not upgrading

New device unboxed a couple of days ago. Cannot use OTA to upgrade, says current software is up to date even though it is not. Without a current kernel I cannot download tango core, etc. So the device is basically non-functional (other than a plain tablet :-)) out of the box.
Same problem as this question:
Cannot update Tango Core - "Package file was not signed correctly"
Factory resets did not fix the problem. Unlike the previous question, waiting 48 hours provided no resolution. Several users on the Google+ developer group are having similar issues with this batch of devices, so this seems to be a common problem
We had an error in our OTA server configuration that we fixed this morning. This might take some time to propagate, but you should start seeing updates soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Firefox 35 - Flash no longer a default plugin?

I just installed Firefox on a new computer running Windows 8.1.
I usually use Chrome but recently I've been redesigning my website and today I tried loading it on multiple browsers to see if there were any problems.
It's a Flash games site with lots of flash ads. So when I went to my site in the new Firefox browser, I was surprised to see a lot of "plugin needed" boxes.
I tried loads of sites, and it became apparent that flash was not installed in the firefox browser at all. No Flash was loading.
Bizarrely, the grey box telling me I needed a plugin didn't give me any hint as to what plugin I needed, provided no link, and even blocked the fail-safe link to adobe that is displayed if flashplayer is not installed when using swfobject.js.
I tried searching for the flash player update in the firefox add-ons - nothing.
I tried searching on google and downloaded the general flash player update ( - installed it and nothing changed.
Eventually after 20 minutes of searching, I found this obscure page on Adobe:
I downloaded and ran the exe for 'Plugin-based browsers' and this worked.
It appears the latest version of Firefox has deliberately not included Flash Player, which is utterly mad if that's really true.
However, I can't find any discussion or documentation that this is the case. But then why wasn't it included in my version?
Does anybody know anything about this?
Firefox has never included Flash, you always need to go to and download the Flash Plugin on your first install of Firefox. Make sure that you turn on autoupdate for Flash by using the Flash cpanel app in your Windows Control Panel. Then check regularly to make sure Flash is still autoupdating. It can have a bad habit of failing.
It's only recently that Microsoft includes Flash and only on IE on Windows 8+ as a copy of Google's attempt to increase Flash security by including it in Chrome some time back. IE gets its Flash updates through Windows Update when Microsoft gets the patches applied.
Google is the 800lb gorilla that gets what it wants and twisted Adobe's arm to force them to supply Flash code so they can do their own updates via their Pepper Flash module which updates when Chrome autoupdates.
While Mozilla will warn you that Flash is out of date, they do not have the monetary clout like huge corporations (Microsoft, Google) to force Adobe to give them source code so they can fix Adobe's security sieve as it happens.
Mozilla has chosen to promote HTML5 and open DRM to hurry the eventual demise of a piece of Macromedia Legacy web extensions that has been plaguing us with serious zero day exploits (Jan-Feb 2015 most recent) that often appear back-to-back and often get 2 try patch releases in the hope that it gets fixed.
And in that same timeframe, often Chrome and Windows 8 versions of IE have a similar lag to bug fix, though a lot quicker than Adobe.
Get in the habit manually checking Chrome's version, Chrome can suffer update failure despite its automatic update feature.

Is there a better update system coming for Xcode?

Xcode 4.0.1 was released a few days ago, which means that I am once again downloading the 4.5 GB beast to update. Does anyone know if Apple plans to introduce a better update system?
I wait for a torrent these days. Not quite as frustrating as getting it 80% of the way downloaded and losing connection.
If you are registered apple user then u can download directly from apple site,otherwise you need to get it from torrent. like etc
Since 4.3 the whole Xcode toolchain is bundled into a single Mac App Store application. The Mac App Store supports delta updates and the update to 4.3.1 that I’m downloading right now is ~900M, compared to ~1.5G for the whole app. So it looks like the update sizes are finally coming down, if slowly.
