How to write in either HQL or JPQL? - hql

Hi I am new JPA and Hibernate concept. Can anyone help me writing the HQL or JPQL of my requested query.
For example:
select count(*) from (select count( from USER u where'123' group by having count( > 1);


How to convert sql query mysql using criteriaquery

How to convert sql query mysql using criteriaquery this code:
SELECT a.customer as customer, a.cbgroup, a.cbdept, a.buc, a.customer_group, a.product, a.valuta, a.a_amount, a.cbgroup, b.b_amount, (b.b_amount-a.a_amount) as percentage
SELECT a.customer,, a.cbgroup, a.cbdept, a.buc, a.customer_group, a.product, a.valuta, SUM(a.amount) as a_amount FROM summaryfee as a WHERE = '2019-06-30' AND a.cbgroup = 'CORPORATE BANKING 1' GROUP BY a.customer
SELECT b.customer, SUM(b.amount) as b_amount FROM summaryfee as b WHERE = '2020-06-30' AND b.cbgroup = 'CORPORATE BANKING 1' GROUP BY b.customer
) AS b
ON a.customer=b.customer AND (b.b_amount-a.a_amount) < 0 ORDER BY CASE WHEN a.customer NOT LIKE '%Transaksi Nasabah%' THEN 0
END, percentage asc LIMIT 5
You can rewrite a JPQL query as a criteria query, but not any native SQL query.
The problem at a glance with your query above is that uses subqueries in FROM clause.
JPQL query language and criteria query at least up to 2.1 JPA spec, support subqueries only in WHERE and HAVING clauses.

Hibernate + Oracle Group By Results in ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression error

I have the following Hibernate HQL query:
select t from Term t join ApprovedCourse ap on = group by t order by t desc
It's failing with the
ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
error because Oracle insists that all select values be in the group by. Hibernate, of course, is hiding the various fields of the Term object from us, letting us deal with it as a Term and not (This query works on Postgres, by the way. Postgres is more liberal about its group by requirements.)
Hibernate is producing the following SQL:
select as id1_12_, term0_.semester_id as semester_id2_12_, term0_.year_id as year_id3_12_
from term term0_
inner join approved_course approvedco1_
on (
group by
order by desc
I've tried just removing the select t from the start of the query, but then Hibernate assumes that I'm selecting both the Term and ApprovedCourse objects, and that makes things worse.
So how do I make this work in a Hibernate way?
I found that I could get what I want by replacing the group by clause with a distinct in the select clause. Here's the resulting query:
select distinct(t) from Term t join ApprovedCourse ap on = order by t desc

how to write this oracle query in jpa?

select *
from easquestionsinfo
where questionname in(select questionname
from easresponseinfo
where isconflict = 'yes')
This query works fine and returns me the records from table 'easquestioninfo' when questionname is equal to the one returned by the inner query which returns set of questionname where isconflict='yes'.
JPA supports JPQL, SQL, and Criteria.
You can execute this SQL directly using createNativeQuery().
For JPQL, it depends on your object model, perhaps something like,
Select q fom QuestionInfo q where in (Select from ResponseInfo q2 where r.isConflict = 'yes')

Convert oracle query to HQL by using subquery

I'm really confusing about sub Query of hibernate.
I've standard oracle query but unable to convert it into HQL.
select distinct b.nameId
select nameId from seg_user where id=1
)a, seg_user b
can somebody convert it to HQL by using SubQuery or Crieteria
select distinct b.nameId
from seg_user b
where = some (
select a.nameId from seg_user a where
You can see how to use subqueries here:

HQL query to join 2 tables with the same key

Iam trying to this in HQL:
select A.a A.a1, B.b,B.b1 from A,B
where A.x=B.x;
It is simple to realize the join with sql but when returninig in HQL I find a problem.
would you please give me the HQL syntax for the join
Thanks for help.
Maybe something like this would work:
select ai.a, ai.a1, bi.b, bi.b1
from A ai, B bi where ai.x = bi.x
