Linux Shell scripting sed command - bash

sed -r -i -e "s/AppId/$a/" -e "s/AccessToken/$b/" FacebookApi > /script/newapp
By giving this command why the program is not getting executed can you solve this please ?

sed is an editor, not a shell interpretor. It execute SED instruction like subistitute for s/// but not batch or binary of other form (than sed instruction). Execution stay at calling shell level and management (like variable substition between double quote in a sed instruction string that is treated before sed receive the full instruction)

The command is executed. As you specified -i it is modifying the specified file in place (and not generating any output).
From the sed man page:
-i extension
Edit files in-place, saving backups with the specified extension. If a zero-length extension is given, no backup will be saved. It is not recommended to give a zero-length
extension when in-place editing files, as you risk corruption or partial content in situations where disk space is exhausted, etc.
As sed is directly modifying FacebookApi standard output will be empty (as the file /script/newapp)


How can I redirect output of a `sed` and `tr` pipe and overwrite the input file? [duplicate]

I would like to run a find and replace on an HTML file through the command line.
My command looks something like this:
sed -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html > index.html
When I run this and look at the file afterward, it is empty. It deleted the contents of my file.
When I run this after restoring the file again:
The stdout is the contents of the file, and the find and replace has been executed.
Why is this happening?
When the shell sees > index.html in the command line it opens the file index.html for writing, wiping off all its previous contents.
To fix this you need to pass the -i option to sed to make the changes inline and create a backup of the original file before it does the changes in-place:
sed -i.bak s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html
Without the .bak the command will fail on some platforms, such as Mac OSX.
An alternative, useful, pattern is:
sed -e 'script script' index.html > index.html.tmp && mv index.html.tmp index.html
That has much the same effect, without using the -i option, and additionally means that, if the sed script fails for some reason, the input file isn't clobbered. Further, if the edit is successful, there's no backup file left lying around. This sort of idiom can be useful in Makefiles.
Quite a lot of seds have the -i option, but not all of them; the posix sed is one which doesn't. If you're aiming for portability, therefore, it's best avoided.
This does a global in-place substitution on the file index.html. Quoting the string prevents problems with whitespace in the query and replacement.
use sed's -i option, e.g.
sed -i bak -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/REPLACE_WITH/g index.html
To change multiple files (and saving a backup of each as *.bak):
perl -p -i -e "s/\|/x/g" *
will take all files in directory and replace | with x
this is called a “Perl pie” (easy as a pie)
You should try using the option -i for in-place editing.
Warning: this is a dangerous method! It abuses the i/o buffers in linux and with specific options of buffering it manages to work on small files. It is an interesting curiosity. But don't use it for a real situation!
Besides the -i option of sed
you can use the tee utility.
From man:
tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
So, the solution would be:
sed s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html | tee | tee index.html
-- here the tee is repeated to make sure that the pipeline is buffered. Then all commands in the pipeline are blocked until they get some input to work on. Each command in the pipeline starts when the upstream commands have written 1 buffer of bytes (the size is defined somewhere) to the input of the command. So the last command tee index.html, which opens the file for writing and therefore empties it, runs after the upstream pipeline has finished and the output is in the buffer within the pipeline.
Most likely the following won't work:
sed s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html | tee index.html
-- it will run both commands of the pipeline at the same time without any blocking. (Without blocking the pipeline should pass the bytes line by line instead of buffer by buffer. Same as when you run cat | sed s/bar/GGG/. Without blocking it's more interactive and usually pipelines of just 2 commands run without buffering and blocking. Longer pipelines are buffered.) The tee index.html will open the file for writing and it will be emptied. However, if you turn the buffering always on, the second version will work too.
sed -i.bak "s#https.*\.com#$pub_url#g" MyHTMLFile.html
If you have a link to be added, try this. Search for the URL as above (starting with https and ending here) and replace it with a URL string. I have used a variable $pub_url here. s here means search and g means global replacement.
It works !
The problem with the command
sed 'code' file > file
is that file is truncated by the shell before sed actually gets to process it. As a result, you get an empty file.
The sed way to do this is to use -i to edit in place, as other answers suggested. However, this is not always what you want. -i will create a temporary file that will then be used to replace the original file. This is problematic if your original file was a link (the link will be replaced by a regular file). If you need to preserve links, you can use a temporary variable to store the output of sed before writing it back to the file, like this:
tmp=$(sed 'code' file); echo -n "$tmp" > file
Better yet, use printf instead of echo since echo is likely to process \\ as \ in some shells (e.g. dash):
tmp=$(sed 'code' file); printf "%s" "$tmp" > file
And the ed answer:
printf "%s\n" '1,$s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g' w q | ed index.html
To reiterate what codaddict answered, the shell handles the redirection first, wiping out the "input.html" file, and then the shell invokes the "sed" command passing it a now empty file.
I was searching for the option where I can define the line range and found the answer. For example I want to change host1 to host2 from line 36-57.
sed '36,57 s/host1/host2/g' myfile.txt > myfile1.txt
You can use gi option as well to ignore the character case.
sed '30,40 s/version/story/gi' myfile.txt > myfile1.txt
With all due respect to the above correct answers, it's always a good idea to "dry run" scripts like that, so that you don't corrupt your file and have to start again from scratch.
Just get your script to spill the output to the command line instead of writing it to the file, for example, like that:
less index.html | sed -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g
This way you can see and check the output of the command without getting your file truncated.

Remove first two characters from a column in a text file excluding the headers

I want to remove the first two characters of a column in a text file.
I am using the below but this is also truncating the headers.
sed -i 's/^..//' file1.txt
Below is my file:
I want the ./ to be removed from each line in the file name.
Transferring comments to an answer, as requested.
Modify your script to:
sed -e '2,$s/^..//' file1.txt
The 2,$ prefix limits the change to lines 2 to the end of the file, leaving line 1 unchanged.
An alternative is to remove . and / as the first two characters on a line:
sed -e 's%^[.]/%%' file1.txt
I tend to use -e to specify that the script option follows; it isn't necessary unless you split the script over several arguments (so it isn't necessary here where there's just one argument for the script). You could use \. instead of [.]; I'm allergic to backslashes (as you would be if you ever spent time working out whether you needed 8 or 16 consecutive backslashes to get the right result in a troff document).
Advice: Don't use the -i option until you've got your script working correctly. It overwrites your file with the incorrect output just as happily as it will with the correct output. Consequently, if you're asking about how to write a sed script on SO, it isn't safe to be using the -i option. Also note that the -i option is non-standard and behaves differently with different versions of sed (when it is supported at all). Specifically, on macOS, the BSD sed requires a suffix specified; if you don't want a backup, you have to use two arguments: -i ''.
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -pe 's{^[.]/}{}' file1.txt > output.txt
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-p : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default. Add print $_ after each loop iteration.
s{^[.]/}{} : Replace a literal dot ([.]) followed by a slash ('/'), found at the beginning of the line (^), with nothing (delete them). This does not modify the header since it does not match the regex.
If you prefer to modify the file in-place, you can use this:
perl -i.bak -pe 's{^[.]/}{}' file1.txt
This creates the backup file file1.txt.bak.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlrequick: Perl regular expressions quick start

Increment a variable in a .txt file with bash

I'm trying to change a variable in a .txt file but I can't figure how. I've looked on internet and tried what was written but it doesn't work. I get the following error message :
sed: 1: "abc.txt": command a expects \ followed by text
Here was what I originally tried to run:
sed -i 's/Hi/Good Morning/' abc.txt
Check your man page for sed. -i probably requires a suffix argument.
-i extension
Edit files in-place, saving backups with the specified extension. If a zero-length extension is given,
no backup will be saved. It is not recommended to give a zero-length extension when in-place editing
files, as you risk corruption or partial content in situations where disk space is exhausted, etc.
What's happening is that sed is taking 's/Hi/Good Morning/' to be the argument to -i, and then considering abc.txt to be the sed command itself.
By adding a proper backup extension to the command, it will work like so:
$ cat abc.txt
Hi, How are you
$ sed -i .bak 's/Hi/Good Morning/' abc.txt
$ cat abc.txt
Good Morning, How are you
$ cat abc.txt.bak
Hi, How are you

Unix script to delete the first line of a file on a Mac

On my Mac, when I try to run:
sed -i 2d file.csv
from the answer to Unix script to remove the first line of a CSV file, I get the following error:
sed: 1: "file.csv": invalid command code f
What can I do if I would like to delete the first two lines of file.csv?
On a Mac, the BSD sed requires the suffix for the backup (but the suffix can be an empty string, '') — it is not optional as it is with GNU sed. Hence, your command is being interpreted as "backup the file with the suffix 2d and … oops, the script you gave is file.csv, but f isn't a sed command".
sed -i .bak -e 2d file.csv
This deletes the first line of data from the CSV file (leaving the heading line in place).
If you want to write the code so it works with both BSD and GNU sed, then you have to attach the suffix to the -i option (GNU sed requires the suffix attached to the -i option; that's how it identifies whether there's an optional suffix or not):
sed -i.bak -e 2d file.csv
Note that you can't use an empty suffix and have the command work with both BSD sed and GNU sed.
The -e isn't necessary in either command line, but I quite often use it. I also often quote the command in single quotes, though it isn't necessary here.
If you want to delete the first two data lines, use 2,3d as the command. If you want to delete the first two lines, use 1,2d.
If you don't want the backup, then you can either remove it after the sed command completes (easiest) or use the two stage or three stage dance:
sed 2d file.csv > file.csv.bak &&
mv file.csv.bak file.csv # Oops; there went the links
sed 2d file.csv > file.csv.bak &&
cp file.csv.bak file.csv
rm -f file.csv.bak
With these, you might need to add trap commands to clean up the intermediate .bak file if an interrupt or other signal terminates the script.
To quote from the Apple documentation for sed — which was originally quoted by Diego in an answer which he chose to delete, the -i option takes an argument which indicates the extension to use for backup copies.
-i extension
Edit files in-place, saving backups with the specified extension. If a zero-length extension is given, no backup will be saved. It is not recommended to give a zero-length extension when in-place editing files, as you risk corruption or partial content in situations where disk space is exhausted, etc.
sed -i.bak '2,3d' filename.csv will delete lines 1 and 2 (assuming you have headers)
What this command does is edits the file being referenced while simultaneously creating a backup of the original file (hence the usage of .bak). The line deletion '2,3d' will delete the 2nd and 3rd line of the original file.

remove absolute path using sed command

I have file which contain following context like
include /home/user/file.txt'
some text
I need to remove include and also complete path after include.
I have used following command which remove include but did not remove path.
sed -i -r 's#include##g' 'filename'
I am also trying to understand above command but did not understand following thing ( copy paste from somewhere)
i - modify file change
r - read file
s- Need input
g - Need input
Try this,
$ sed '/^include /s/.*//g' file.txt
some text
It remove all the texts in a line which starts with include. s means substitute. so s/.*//g means replace all the texts with null.g means global. The substitution will be applied globally.
$ sed '/^include /d' file.txt
some text
d means delete.
It deletes the line which starts with include. To save the changes made(inline edit), your commands should be
sed -i '/^include /s/.*//g' file.txt
sed -i '/^include /d' file.txt
I your case if you just want to delete the second line, you can use:
sed -i '2d' file
If you want to explore something about linux commands then man pages are there for you.
Just go to terminal and type:
man sed
as per your question, The above command without -i will show the file content on terminal by deleting the second line from the input file. However, the input file remains unchanged. To update the original file or to make the changes permanently in the source file, use the -i option.
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX] :
edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
-r or --regexp-extended :
option is to use extended regular expressions in the script.
s/regexp/replacement/ :
Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space. If success‐
ful, replace that portion matched with replacement. The
replacement may contain the special character & to refer to that
portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special
escapes \1 through \9 to refer to the corresponding matching
sub-expressions in the regexp.
g G : Copy/append hold space to pattern space.
grep -v
This is not about learning sed, but as an alternative (and short) solution, there is:
grep -v '^include' filename_in
Or with output redirection:
grep -v '^include' filename_in > filename_out
-v option for grep inverts matching (hence printing non-matching lines).
For simple deletion that's what I'd use; if you have to modify your path after the include, stick with sed instead.
You can use awk to just delete the line:
awk '/^include/ {next}1' file
sed -i -r 's#include##g' 'filename'
-i: you directly modify the treated file, by default, sed read a file, modify the content via stdout (the original file stay the same).
-r: use of extended regular expression (and not reduce to POSIX limited one).This is not necessary in this case due to simple POSIX compliant action in action list (the s### string).
s#pattern#NewValue#: substitute in current line the pattern (Regular Expression) with "Newvalue" (that also use internal buffer or specific value). The traditionnal form is s/// but in this case, using / in path (pattern or new value) an alternate form is used to avoid to escape all / in pattern or new value
g: is an option of s### that specify change EVERY occurence and not the first (by default)
so here it replace ANY occurence of include by nothing (remove) directly into your file
As per the Avinash Raj solution you got what you want but you want some explaination about some parameter used in sed command
First one is
command: s for substitution
With the sed command the substitute command s changes all occurrences of the regular expression into a new value. A simple example is changing "my" in the "file1" to "yours" in the "file2" file:
sed s/my/yours/ file1 >file2
The character after the s is the delimiter. It is conventionally a slash, because this is what ed, more, and vi use. It can be anything you want, however. If you want to change a pathname that contains a slash - say /usr/local/bin to /common/bin - you could use the backslash to quote the slash:
sed 's/\/usr\/local\/bin/\/common\/bin/' <old >new
/g - Global replacement
Replace all matches, not just the first match.
If you tell it to change a word, it will only change the first occurrence of the word on a line. You may want to make the change on every word on the line instead of the first then add a g after the last delimiter and use the work-around:
Delete with d
Delete the pattern space; immediately start next cycle.
You can delete line by specifying the line number. like
sed '$d' filename.txt
It will remove last line of file
sed '2 d' file.txt
It will delete second line of file.
-i option
This option specifies that files are to be edited in-place. GNU sed does this by creating a temporary file and sending output to this file rather than to the standard output.
To modify file actully you can use -i option without it sed command repressent changes on stdout not actual file. You can take backup of original file before modification by using -i.bak option.
-r option
Use extended regular expressions rather than basic regular expressions. Extended regexps are those that egrep accepts; they can be clearer because they usually have less backslashes, but are a GNU extension and hence scripts that use them are not portable.
