how to deselect cells when all cells are select in `dhtmlxgrid`? - dhtmlx

When you select all cells in a Dhtmlxgrid. There is no place to click on grid to deselect cells. Please look at this example.

I think by 'select cell' here you are meant 'In Store' checkbox column. You will need to attach #master_checkbox in header in order to have a header level checkbox to select/unselect all checkboxes for that column. Something like below:


Kendo Hierarchy Grid clear selection

I am playing with this example by Kendo:
I have modified it so that the rows are selectable (selectable:true).
I have added a button on the top which calls the grid.clearSelection() function.
This is supposed to clear all selection but it does not clear the selection of rows that are selected in the dropdown table. (Recreate: click on the first row "Nancy", expand it and click on "10258 - Austria", then click the "Clear Selection" button and only "Nancy" will clear)
Is the function not working properly or am I misusing it?
In any case - how can I achieve a total clearing of all selected rows?
This is because they are two separate grids. Check this:

Changing RadGrid row selection behavior

I have a RadGrid with AllowMultiRowSelection="true", EnablePostBackOnRowClick="false", and UseClientSelectColumnOnly="false". The documented behavior is:
When multi-row selection is enabled, clicking on a row still de-selects any other selected rows. Users can select multiple rows by holding the Ctrl key down while clicking on a row.
However, the behavior for the "Client Select Column" (i.e. a checkbox column) is to toggle the row when the checkbox is clicked.
I want to apply the checkbox behavior (toggling) to any click on the row. I know this isn't the intended behavior of the grid, but it ought to be possible through some client-side scripting (i.e. click the row and it toggles the appropriate checkbox). Can anyone help me figure out such a script?
To avoid deselection of any other selected rows by click on the specific row you can just set UseClientSelectColumnOnly="True". As result you can toggle checkbox only by click on the checkbox.
It doesn't help you with click on the row, but it helps to avoid unexpected deselection.

jqGrid - How to programmatically select a cell in cell edit mode?

In jqGrid, how do you select a specific cell if the grid is in cell edit mode (cellEdit: true)? I only see a setSelection method to select a row, but not a selectCell method to select an individual cell. Thanks.
You need just use editCell method. The old answer provides you the corresponding demo. The last parameter of editCell allows you to edit the cell or just select it without editing.

Double Column CSS Dropdown Menu

I am looking for Two column css drop down menu. Can you tell me the website where I can get the source code for this???
Example: If mouse over on the horizontal drop down menu, it should show two columns.
Here is a detailed look on how to create your own dropdown menu in 2 columns. :-)

Unselect the selected rows in DataGrid

I am maintaining a legacy VB window application. I have datagrid (not datagridview), I select a row by right click, but when i right click on some other rows, that row also shows selected, I just need only one row to be selected, not both. I use DataGrid1.Select(currentSelectedRow), which will select the row. there is second method unselect, but that required row number. When I move the mouse, row number changes. Is there any reset or any other way to reset the datagrid row selection. Thanks in advance
Loop through all rows in your datagrid and deselect everything accept the newly selected row.
