Open Partial View on click of Edit button of Kendo Grid - model-view-controller

My grid has a FileUpload control in it. After successful upload of the file, I am displaying imported records.
On Edit button click I need to display a PartialView. There will be so many add edit functionality on that partial grid. On close of PartialView, main grid should refresh.
Please let me know how do we call PartialView from Kindo grid on click of edit button.

Take a look at this example blog post from Kendo. This will let you use custom popup editor for your grid. You can override the events for what to happen when this custom pop up is closed.
Also look at this excellent article by Brad Wilson about custom templates in mvc.
If it still do not meet your needs please elaborate your question and add some code.


Buttons in a view in Dynamics 365

I am new with Dynamics 365 and are not sure of how I can achieve this.
I am looking into having some buttons in a view.
Maybe a view isn't the best way of doing it, but what I want to do is to have a list of records connected to the logged in user (similar to a view)
But on each row/record I want to have multiple buttons. These buttons can be like 'Complete' (Changes status on task and updates the view) , 'Send email'(Starts a workflow) and so on.
What are some of the ways of doing this? Either with Javascript/C#/plugin or something else.
You cannot add buttons in views/subgrids directly.
That’s when we add ribbon/command bar buttons using Ribbon workbench usually.
Create a Workflow Short Cut Ribbon Button (No Code Solution!)
There is a PowerApps Components Framework (PCF - preview) coming out soon, then we can build custom grid control with the layout/buttons we want.
This can be achieved with RibbonWorkbench. My answer does not differ much with #arun vinoth answer but just added few explanation lines.
If you look at view below where I have selected number of contact and then I have a Button at top "Nominieren" which is shown and clicking on it will perform whatever action is needed.
There will be java-script on click of button, from Java script you could call Action or workflow or perform operation in Java script itself.
Link for Adding new Button :
Now when you look at image below I have no contact selected and it does not show button on Ribbon.
It might be possible. I haven't tried this but you can write JavaScript for a view column now (since CRM 2016).
If you go to a view you can double click on a view column to view its properties. There are two properties you might be interested in:
Web Resource
Here's a link to an MS page that explains how to use these options to add an icon. It might be possible to create a clickable button which uses CRM's WebApi to perform some actions: Docs # Microsoft

How to bind the event Kendo grid PopUp mode?

My requirement i want to do the calculation in Kendo Grid While Clicking the Add New Record or Edit in Popup mode. Currently i am not able to catch the Kendo Grid Popup event.
But i can able to catch the event outside using html on chaning event. It's working but i need to add the this functionality in inside grid like how we are binding event/methode to save, remove ,cancel.
I tried using change event but it is working inline of the grid but it's not working in popup mode. Please look at my Dojo link.
Acutally i am generating grid on the fly(dynamically). So i have to bind the event before Creating/rendering.
Anyone help me to achieve.
DataGrid edit event is fired when user opens row edit on popup editor and also when creating new row.

Kendo Button single click

Is there a Single Click button feature in Kendo Button widget like shown below in the example link (I know its WebControl for webforms app). I am looking for similar kind of functionality in Kendo MVC Wrapper/Core. Can someone please share the configuration settings either in Kendo MVC Wrapper or Kendo Core.
Example of Single Click in Telerik RadButton
You can easily achieve that functionality using jQuery, like this:
$("#myButton").one("click", function() {
'Code to run when the button is clicked.
You can read more about it here.

Need to disable the button present in the bottom of jqGrid dynamically

Currently, I am working on mvc2 project which has a view containing three dropdown controls. I am also using jqGrid for displaying the data in the application. The jQGrid is displayed with buttons called Add,Edit,Search in the footer section. I need to disable and enable the Search button dynamically. If the user selects any item from dropdown1 and dropdown2 then I need to disable the Search button and in case the user selects any item from dropdown3 then I need to enable the Search button.
I am new to jQGrid implementation. Can anyone help me with some sample code to handle the above functionality.
Thanks & Regards,
Santosh Kumar Patro
I would recommend you to read the answer and another one. The answers shows how one can hide/show or enable/disable buttons from the navigator bar. You can use onSelectRow or beforeSelectRow callback to disable/enable/hide/show the navigator buttons dynamically.

N2CMS: how to add popup conent

I have a news-type website that I am looking to create using N2CMS, but besides the regular operations (being able to see a calendar, viewing lists of news, viewing news details etc.), part of the content in the website is displayed in "modal" popups (similar to the ModalPopupExtender from the AjaxToolkit) inside the page (for example if you click Login, a popup panel appears with the login controls).
My question is: is there a way of adding a handler for a link, and displaying a "modal" popup when the link is clicked? If so, can this be done from the template GUI editor (and how)?
Thank you
N2CMS doesn't have any built-in handlers to create modal pop-ups for links. However, N2CMS does ship with the Jquery JavaScript library. My suggestion would be to use JavaScript in your site template to select and format the desired links with modal dialogs -- but that can't be done from the GUI editor, you'd need to do it in the template code directly.
